I have the following list of numbers:
3.16, 4.72, 6.44, 8.25, 3.76, 4.87, 5.76, 6.5, 7.32
I have to rescale the numbers between (0, 1) such that:
1)The smallest number gets a value closest to 0 but not 0.
2) The largest number gets a value closest to 1 but not 1.
0 in my study denotes perfectly suitable and 1 denotes perfectly unsuitable, that's why I want to exclude them from the end result.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Would this transform help?
V' = 1/(1 + e^(-V)) -------- Logistic function
Domain - Real numbers so V can take any real values
Range - (0,1) so that, 0<V'<1, V'<>0 and V'<>1
A quick example in Python, using an affine transformation:
list = [3.16, 4.72, 6.44, 8.25, 3.76, 4.87, 5.76, 6.5, 7.32]
# find the minimum value and range, and add 1% padding
range_value = max(list) - min(list)
range_value = range_value + range_value/50
min_value = min(list) - range_value/100
# subtract the minimum value and divide by the range
for index, item in enumerate(list):
list[index] = (item - min_value) / range_value
print list
Gives the result:
[0.010000000000000026, 0.310473824107246, 0.64176547632805592, 0.99039215686274518, 0.1255668554258639, 0.33936553796371205, 0.51078970684541003, 0.65332216187064218, 0.81126353095265591]
You can, of course, change the amount of padding to be as small as you'd like - for the range, you'll want to add twice what you do for the minimum value, because you need to add padding to each end of the range.
I'm not sure I understand your question, but finding the maximum number in the set, and dividing each number in the set by that maximum number will give you a suitable range.
You probably want an affine mapping (i.e. of the form y = mx + c), such that:
not_quite_0 = m*min_val + c
not_quite_1 = m*max_val + c
Solving these equations, you get:
m = (not_quite_1 - not_quite_0) / (max_val - min_val)
c = (max_val*not_quite_0 - min_val*not_quite_1) / (max_val - min_val)
You can probably define not_quite_0 = 0 + eps and not_quite_1 = 1 - eps, where eps is some very very small value.
I don't even know if something like this is possible, but:
Let us say we have three numbers:
A = 6
B = 7.5
C = 24
I would like to find a few evenly spaced common multiples of these numbers between 0 and 2.
So the requirement is: one_of_these_numbers / common_multiple = an_integer (or almost an integer with a particular tolerance)
For example, a good result would be [0.1 , 0.5 , 1 , 1.5]
I have no idea if this is possible, because one can not iterate through a range of floats, but is there a smart way to do it?
I am using python, but a solution could be represented in any language of your preference.
Thank you for your help!
While I was writing my question, I actually came up with an idea for the solution.
To find common divisors using code, we have to work with integers.
My solution is to multiply all numbers by a factor = 1, 10, 100, ...
so that we can act as if they are integers, find their integer common divisors, and then redivide them by the factor to get a result.
Better explained in code:
a = 6
b = 7.5
c = 24
# Find a few possible divisors between 0 and 2 so that all numbers are divisible
by div.
# We define a function that finds all divisors in a range of numbers, supposing
all numbers are integers.
def find_common_divisors(numbers, range_start, range_end):
results = []
for i in range(range_start + 1, range_end + 1):
if all([e % i == 0 for e in numbers]):
return results
def main():
nums = [a, b, c]
range_start = 0
range_end = 2
factor = 1
results = [1]
while factor < 11:
nums_i = [e * factor for e in nums]
range_end_i = range_end * factor
results += [e / factor for e in find_common_divisors(nums_i, range_start, range_end_i)]
factor *= 10
if __name__ == '__main__':
For these particular numbers, I get the output:
[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.5]
If we need more results, we can adjust while factor < 11: to a higher number than 11 like 101.
I am curious to see if I made any mistake in my code.
Happy to hear some feedback.
Thank you!
I'm having trouble to find the root of a parameterized quintic polynome. Background is: I want to find the parameter s_f such that for any given parameter d_f, the curvature of the polynomial is smaller than a threshold (yeah .. sounds complex, but the math is rather straight);
# define quintic polynomial (jerk-minimized trajectory)
# see http://courses.shadmehrlab.org/Shortcourse/minimumjerk.pdf
s = symbols('s', real=True, positive=True)
s_f = symbols('s_f', real=True, positive=True, nonzero=True)
d_0 = 0
d_f = symbols('d_f', real=True, positive=True, nonzero=True)
d_of_s = d_0 + (d_f - d_0) * ( 10*(s/s_f)**3 - 15*(s/s_f)**4 + 6*(s/s_f)**5 )
# define curvature of d_of_s
# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curvature#In_terms_of_a_general_parametrization
y = d_of_s
dy = diff(d_of_s, s)
ddy = diff(dy, s)
x = s
dx = diff(x, s) # evaluates to 1
ddx = diff(dx, s) # evaluates to 0
k = (dx*ddy - dy*ddx) / ((dx*dx + dy*dy)**Rational(3,2))
# the goal is to find s_f for any given d_f, such that k(s) < some_threshold
# strategy: find the roots of the derivative of k in the range of s∈[0, s_f]
dk = diff(k, s)
dk = simplify(dk)
# now solve
res = solveset(dk, s, Interval(0, s_f).intersection(S.Reals))
The function dk(s, d_f, s_f) has two root in the interval s∈[0, s_f], however solveset returns this:
ConditionSet(s, Eq(5400*d_f**2*s**4*(-s**2 + 2*s*s_f - s_f**2)*(2*s**2 - 3*s*s_f + s_f**2)**2 + (900*d_f**2*s**4*(s**2 - 2*s*s_f + s_f**2)**2 + s_f**10)*(6*s**2 - 6*s*s_f + s_f**2), 0), Interval(0, s_f))
.. which is afaik equivalent to: I can't solve this, we got infinite number of results. Well, this is true for the function in general. limit(dk, s, -oo) and limit(dk, s, +oo) is zero. But since I stated the domain interval, why am I not getting the two roots I'm expecting? I'd also expect to get a more granular result:
set containing the roots for s < 0;
set containing the roots for s > s_f
the two roots when s∈[0, s_f]
I started with solve() and a lot of different assumptions on my symbols. I get different results for different assumptions, but no combination seems to yield what I need. When I state no assumptions, I get back a set with a huge condition and 8 roots, that don't seem real or correct. In general, the constraints are:
- all symbols are real
- s_f > 0
- d_f > 0
- s ∈ [0, s_f] (domain range .. the polynomial is only evaluated in this interval)
I guess the problem is that I'm not setting up my solveset correctly:
how to specify that s_f and d_f are real? afaik the symbol
assumptions are ignored when using solveset?
how to specify intervals
and assumptions on other multivariate functions, i.e. other symbols
than the domain one?
This is what d_of_s look like for s_f = 1, d_f = 1
And this is what dk(s) looks like (I plotted outside the domain range to visualize the problem).
Substitute in the known values of d_f and s_f and use real_roots to find the real roots of the numerator of dk. Keep the ones that have a value in the range of interest:
>>> s_fi = 3
>>> [i for i in real_roots(dk.subs(d_f,2).subs(s_f, s_fi).as_numer_denom()[0])
... if 0 <= i.n(2) <= s_fi]
[CRootOf(800*s**10 - 12000*s**9 + 74000*s**8 - 240000*s**7 + 432000*s**6 - 410400*s**5
+ 162000*s**4 - 4374*s**2 + 13122*s - 6561, 1), CRootOf(800*s**10 - 12000*s**9 +
74000*s**8 - 240000*s**7 + 432000*s**6 - 410400*s**5 + 162000*s**4 - 4374*s**2 +
13122*s - 6561, 2)]
I kept the CRootOf instances because they can be computed to arbitrary precision, e.g. to 3 digits:
>>> [i.n(3) for i in _]
[0.433, 2.57]
Given a pyramid like:
1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8 9
and given the index of the pyramid i where i represents the ith number of the pyramid, is there a way to find the index of the row to which the ith element belongs? (e.g. if i = 6,7,8,9, it is in the 3rd row, starting from row 0)
There's a connection between the row numbers and the triangular numbers. The nth triangular number, denoted Tn, is given by Tn = n(n-1)/2. The first couple triangular numbers are 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, etc., and if you'll notice, the starts of each row are given by the nth triangular number (the fact that they come from this triangle is where this name comes from.)
So really, the goal here is to determine the largest n such that Tn ≤ i. Without doing any clever math, you could solve this in time O(√n) by just computing T0, T1, T2, etc. until you find something bigger than i. Even better, you could binary search for it in time O(log n) by computing T1, T2, T4, T8, etc. until you overshoot, then binary searching on the range you found.
Alternatively, we could try to solve for this directly. Suppose we want to find the choice of n such that
n(n + 1) / 2 = i
Expanding, we get
n2 / 2 + n / 2 = i.
n2 / 2 + n / 2 - i = 0,
or, more easily:
n2 + n - 2i = 0.
Now we use the quadratic formula:
n = (-1 ± √(1 + 8i)) / 2
The negative root we can ignore, so the value of n we want is
n = (-1 + √(1 + 8i)) / 2.
This number won't necessarily be an integer, so to find the row you want, we just round down:
row = ⌊(-1 + √(1 + 8i)) / 2⌋.
In code:
int row = int((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * i)) / 2);
Let's confirm that this works by testing it out a bit. Where does 9 go? Well, we have
(-1 + √(1 + 72)) / 2 = (-1 + √73) / 2 = 3.77
Rounding down, we see it goes in row 3 - which is correct!
Trying another one, where does 55 go? Well,
(-1 + √(1 + 440)) / 2 = (√441 - 1) / 2 = 10
So it should go in row 10. The tenth triangular number is T10 = 55, so in fact, 55 starts off that row. Looks like it works!
I get row = math.floor (√(2i + 0.25) - 0.5) where i is your number
Essentially the same as the guy above but I reduced n2 + n to (n + 0.5)2 - 0.25
I think ith element belongs nth row where n is number of n(n+1)/2 <= i < (n+1)(n+2)/2
For example, if i = 6, then n = 3 because n(n+1)/2 <= 6
and if i = 8, then n = 3 because n(n+1)/2 <= 8
Suppose there is number s=12 , now i want to make sequence with the element a1+a2+.....+an=12.
The criteria is as follows-
n must be minimum.
a1 and an must be 1;
ai can differs a(i-1) by only 1,0 and -1.
for s=12 the result is 6.
So how to find the minimum value of n.
Algorithm for finding n from given s:
1.Find q = FLOOR( SQRT(s-1) )
2.Find r = q^2 + q
3.If s <= r then n = 2q, else n = 2q + 1
Example: s = 12
q = FLOOR( SQRT(12-1) ) = FLOOR(SQRT(11) = 3
r = 3^2 + 3 = 12
12 <= 12, therefore n = 2*3 = 6
Example: s = 160
q = FLOOR( SQRT(160-1) ) = FLOOR(SQRT(159) = 12
r = 12^2 + 12 = 156
159 > 156, therefore n = 2*12 + 1 = 25
and the 25-numbers sequence for
159: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,9,10,10,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Here's a way to visualize the solution.
First, draw the smallest triangle (rows containing successful odd numbers of stars) that has a greater or equal number of stars to n. In this case, we draw a 16-star triangle.
Then we have to remove 16 - 12 = 4 more stars. We do this diagonally starting from the top.
The result is:
Finally, add up the column heights to get the final answer:
1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1.
There are two cases: s odd and s even. When s is odd, you have the sequence:
1, 2, 3, ..., (s-1)/2, (s-1)/2, (s-1)/2-1, (s-1)/2-2, ..., 1
when n is even you have:
1, 2, 3, ..., s/2, s/2-1, s/2-2, ..., 1
The maximum possible for any given series of length n is:
n is even => (n^2+2n)/4
n is odd => (n+1)^2/4
These two results are arrived at easily enough by looking at the simple arithmetic sum of series where in the case of n even it is twice the sum of the series 1...n/2. In the case of n odd it is twice the sum of the series 1...(n-1)/2 and add on n+1/2 (the middle element).
Clearly you can generate any positive number that is less than this max as long as n>3.
So the problem then becomes finding the smallest n with a max greater than your target.
Algorithmically I'd go for:
Find (sqrt(4*s)-1) and round up to the next odd number. Call this M. This is an easy to work out value and will represent the lowest odd n that will work.
Check M-1 to see if its max sum is greater than s. If so then that your n is M-1. Otherwise your n is M.
Thank all you answer me. I derived a simpler solution. The algorithm looks like-
First find what is the maximum sum that can be made using n element-
if n=1 -> 1 sum=1;
if n=2 -> 1,1 sum=2;
if n=3 -> 1,2,1 sum=4;
if n=4 -> 1,2,2,1 sum=6;
if n=5 -> 1,2,3,2,1 sum=9;
if n=6 -> 1,2,3,3,2,1 sum=12;
So from observation it is clear that form any number,n 9<n<=12 can be
made using 6 element, similarly number
6<n<=9 can be made at using 5 element.
So it require only a binary search to find the number of
element that make a particular number.
For example, given a matrix:
And knowing that the matrix is 5x3, is there a way that if given the value '7', that we can know it is in row 2? The case is that the matrix is always ordered from 1 to n, starting from 0.
Lastly, the matrix is stored linearly in a zero based array.
if it is 0-based:
row: n / width
col: n % width
In your example, you say it is zero-based, but it is actually starting at 1, and you count the top-left element as (row,col)=(1,1), so you'd need to adjust the math:
row: (n-1) / width + 1
col: (n-1) % width + 1
In your case, n=7, width= 5:
row = (7-1)/5 + 1 = 1+1 = 2
col = (7-1)%5 + 1 = 1+1 = 2
Note: I'm using standard programmer's integer math, where "a/b" really means "floor(a/b)".
row = ceiling(7 / 5) or ceiling(position / width)
Let X be your index
column = X % width
row = ceiling(X / width)
Edit: Seems to work now that I made some changes.
If the matrix is stored in a row-major order, then the row indices map to the element index as follows:
rowIndex = (elementIndex - 1) / numcolumns
columnIndex = (elementIndex % numcolumns) - 1
This is always integer division -- so no remainders. You will get the row and column indices as starting from 0.
It is left as an exercise to figure out what happens in column-major layout.