Can I style a scroller through CSS? - apache-flex

I need to externalize the styling of a scroller. Is is possible to set the color of the track without assigning a specific .png in a skin? Thanks in advance.

I was able to accomplish this by creating a skin for the scroller and add styles with skins if needed to each component, as I was specifically trying to change the color of the scroll track.


Flex: Skinning menuBar - is it possible?

I wish to skin MenuBar, and change it's itemSkin to something else, like different background color for each menu item.
Is it possible ?
I found the solution
the main idea is to create a class overriding MenuBarItem.
Then - about the background - i have create one Image to store the color, and i switched it's position with the label of the menu item.
So far it is sufficiently good solution. :)

How to customize accordion and panel look

I want to increase the (height) size and change the color of a spark accordion header, similarly I want to change the color of a spark panel header. Can I do this through mxml properties and css or will I need to use a custom skin?
I recommend creating a custom skin. That was the way Spark was designed to be customized. Specific styles and the sort are almost an afterthought.

Change BorderContainer background color with AS - Flex 4

I'm trying to change the background color and or text color of a BorderContainer in flex 4 using Action Script, but have not idea how to.
The Border Container component doesn't seem to have any properties like:
idname.color = "#333333";
idname.backgroundcolor = "#333333";
How might I go about doing this?
You can set styles (which are different from properties) in ActionScript like so:
idname.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xff0000);
Not sure if this is the only way to do it, but by creating a css style your able to change the background, text color, and other style attributes and call the style's name in Action Script.
idname.styleName = "css-stylename";

Is there a css attribute to specify a background color for a LinkButton's up state?

There are styles for over and clicked but no up state.
Is it possible?
You can use the upSkin style or the skin style to define the background of a button
So, instead of referencing the downSkin, or overSkin, or disabledSkin, you would just reference 'skin' or upSkin.
I believe you'll need an actual skin, and not an image to accomplish this, though.

Remove gridheader rollover in flex

Is there a way to remove the grid header rollover in flex while still maintaining a sortable header?
To remove the rollover color one trick would be to set the rolloever color to be the same as the grid header color in your style sheet or inline in your MXML:
DataGrid {
headerColors: #0079FF, #0079FF;
Is this what you are trying to achieve?
The short answer is yes. I don't have a good example for you, but you are going to need to extend some classes in order to override the rollover color, best bet is to find out how the header rollover color is assigned and give it an alpha of 0.
