removing text added to a plot with mtext - r

Having added text to an R plot with mtext
mtext("my added text",side=1)
How can I remove it?

Make another plot. (They are dirt cheap after all). mtext like most base graphic functions operates via a one-way side-effect model of plotting. There is no underlying storage facility that can be modified after the fact. ( I in the past have tried writing over with identical col="white" letters but it looks terrible.) Failing that, if one is on an OS that has a default "Save as.." that creates a pdf file, then one can use a pdf-editing program.


Julia Plots-GR, export to PDF, retain text editability

I am trying to save some figures I made in Julia (Plots package, GR backend) to PDFs and I love the aesthetics + being able to save as vector graphics. However, I may need to invariably tweak things in Illustrator. When in Matlab, the plots exported as PDF are by default editable, e.g. it is an easy few clicks to replace all fonts. Something similar can also be done for matplotlib.
So my question: how can I export to PDF with editable text (this means something like Illustrator will treat text as text instead of paths) using the default backend?
Googling around, it seems the same matplotlib hack above might work in Julia via Plots.pyrcparams, but I am afraid to change backends and then have to fix a dozen plots because things broke.

rectangles on Grace plots

I have been using Grace (xmgrace) plotting for many years. I recently had an important idea for my work, and it involves rectangles on my plots. Grace supports rectangles (called "boxes"), but when I use a filled "box" it blocks my data curves. I want the curves to show over the filled rectangles. This is driving me nuts. Does anyone know how to put the filled rectangles in the background so they don't block data curves? Thanks.
Unfortunately there is no option in the xmgrace graphical interface that allows you to modify the z order of drawing objects such as boxes:
I also saved the graph as an .agr file and viewed it in a text editor. There doesn't seem to be any flag within the file format to modify z position, either.
Same story if you save a parameter file and check it in a text editor.
So it looks like it is really not possible in xmgrace.
One workaround would be to print to a postscript, EPS or SVG file and open it inside a vector graphics program such as Inkscape (results vary, you might need to experiment with filetypes to see which works best). Then you can easily alter the z order of objects.

How to disable transparency in knitr plots?

I have a LaTeX/knitr document that I need to convert to PDF/A, but I'm getting errors about transparency being used (which is not allowed in PDF/A). I traced it back to the background fills of the boxplots that I'm generating in R via knitr. Regardless of whether I use "pdf", "cairo_pdf" or "tikzDevice" as the output device, the same error results.
The Tikz output includes the following:
\path[use as bounding box,fill=fillColor,fill opacity=0.00] (0,0) rectangle (505.89,325.21);
Manually removing the fill opacity=0.00 part and rerunning only pdflatex gets rid of the message for a particular graph, so I'm pretty sure that's the cause. However, I'd prefer to make the change in the source file (R code), so I don't have to manually make this fix every time the source changes and the intermediate files are regenerated.
Does anyone know the magic option to feed bxp or par in R that would translate into an opacity of 1.0, or, better still, specify no fill at all? (The fill is completely unnecessary, given that it's a white background being placed on an empty part of a page.)
(BTW, I tried bg=NA in the bxp call, and par(bg=NA) before, and neither had any effect. For that matter, using "red" also had no effect, so that doesn't seem to be the right option.)
Apparently, the bg in the graphics parameters (par=) only applies to objects within the plot (like the boxes in a boxplot). The background for the whole plot is set in knitr's dev.args chunk option, e.g., globally:
opts_chunk$set(dev='tikz', dev.args=list(bg="white"))
or at the start of a particular chunk. It appears there's no way to drop the fill option entirely (there's a "TODO" item in the tikzDevice source code), but changing it to "white" has eliminated the PDF/A validation errors, with no visible effect on the document. Once my thesis is in, maybe I can submit a patch for this. :-)

Editing multiple plots in Rstudio

One interesting feature of RStudio is it allows to save multiple plots generated from a script. This however opens up the problem of how to edit multiple plots. My issue at the moment is adding lines to histograms using the abline() function. This function was designed however to work with the last plot generated by the environment. One way of course would be ad the lines as soon as the plot is generated, however I have to calculate the coordinates at the end of the algorithm, by then I have transformed the data and generated multiple plots from it. So I was wondering if there isn't a way to tell R to search for a given plot and add the line to it. I read abline() documentation but found nothing regarding it. One can always save the data necessary to generate the plot and generate it at the end of the script, but I was wondering if there isn't a less consuming memory method.
One way to get around this issue is:
1.Save your graphics as variables, for ex: hist_1=hist(x, plot=FALSE)
2.Write any code u like, for ex: very complicated code give y as a number for output
4.abline(hist_1, v=y)
gives a general idea of how to edit multiple plots without having to save multiple copies of datasets and without overloading Rstudio interface. Works well with the R ubuntu terminal too.

Repeat plot command with minor changes in R

I made a plot in R and I want to repeat all the commands (like plot(), legend() or line()) that were carried out for this plot, with some minor changes. For example I want to set the axes to logarithmic scale and change the title of the plot.
In gnuplot I would use the replot command.
plot ...
set title "The same plot with logarithmic axes"
set logscale
Is something like this possible in R. The only thing that comes to my mind of doing this (besides changing the values manually and re-run the lines of codes) would be setting up a function, that asks for all parameters that might be changed by the user.
Thanks for your help,
R uses a pen and paper graphics model - once the plot has been drawn on the device that is it. If you want to change some aspect of the plot, you need to replay the graphics function calls that produce the plot with the changes made to the code.
Depending on what you are really doing there are two options:
If this is just for you, write code in a text editor / IDE that knows R and can send chunks of code at a time to R. That way the code to produce the figure is recorded in a separate script which you can paste into/send to R making the changes you need each time to the script.
If you are going to be doing this often, then write yourself a wrapper plotting function that encapsulates the plot code you want but allows you to pass in arguments to alter the aspects you want.
Lattice and ggplot2 are a little different as they are based on grid graphics and create objects that when printed produce a plot on the device. One can manipulate that object to alter what is drawn, and with grid one can push and pop things on to / off a viewport.
