Plotting Probability Density / Mass Function of Dataset in R - r

I have a dataset and I want to analyse these data with a probability density function or a probability mass function in R. I used a density function but it didn't gave me the probability.
My data are like this:
1, 22469 , 392.96E-03
2, 22547 , 394.82E-03
3, 22828,400.72E-03
4, 21765, 383.51E-03
5, 21516, 379.85E-03
6, 21453, 379.89E-03
7, 22156, 387.47E-03
8, 21844, 384.09E-03
9 , 21250, 376.14E-03
10, 21703, 380.83E-03
I want to the get PDF/PMF for the energy vector ; the data we take into account are discrete in nature so I don't have any special type for the distribution of the data.

Your data looks far from discrete to me. Expecting a probability when working with continuous data is plain wrong. density() gives you an empirical density function, which approximates the true density function. To prove it is a correct density, we calculate the area under the curve :
energy <- rnorm(100)
dens <- density(energy)
[1] 1.000952
Given some rounding error. the area under the curve sums up to one, and hence the outcome of density() fulfills the requirements of a PDF.
Use the probability=TRUE option of hist or the function density() (or both)
eg :
If you really need a probability for a discrete variable, you use:
x <- sample(letters[1:4],1000,replace=TRUE)
a b c d
0.244 0.262 0.275 0.219
Edit : illustration why the naive count(x)/sum(count(x)) is not a solution. Indeed, it's not because the values of the bins sum to one, that the area under the curve does. For that, you have to multiply with the width of the 'bins'. Take the normal distribution, for which we can calculate the PDF using dnorm(). Following code constructs a normal distribution, calculates the density, and compares with the naive solution :
x <- sort(rnorm(100,0,0.5))
h <- hist(x,plot=FALSE)
dens1 <- h$counts/sum(h$counts)
dens2 <- dnorm(x,0,0.5)
Gives :
The cumulative distribution function
In case #Iterator was right, it's rather easy to construct the cumulative distribution function from the density. The CDF is the integral of the PDF. In the case of the discrete values, that simply the sum of the probabilities. For the continuous values, we can use the fact that the intervals for the estimation of the empirical density are equal, and calculate :
cdf <- cumsum(dens$y * diff(dens$x[1:2]))
cdf <- cdf / max(cdf) # to correct for the rounding errors
Gives :


Using R Program binomial distribution probabilty mass function

How to plot full probability mass function barplot for binomial distribution in R program?? My question below.
Suppose you are rolling a die with success defined as getting a 4. If you roll the die independently eight times
Plot the corresponding full probability mass function for X for this die-rolling example(Hint: because of the discrete nature of X, it is easy to use the barplot function for this).
Number of trials being 8
d <- 0:8
pd <- dbinom(d, 8, 1/6)
barplot(pd ~ d, type="h",col='blue', xlab="x", ylab="p(x)",
main="PMF for Binomial (n=8, p=1/6)")

chi-square distribution R

Trying to fit a chi_square distribution using fitdistr() in R. Documentation on this is here (and not very useful to me):
Question 1: chi_df below has the following output: 3.85546875 (0.07695236). What is the second number? The Variance or standard deviation?
Question 2: fitdistr generates 'k' defined by the Chi-SQ distribution. How do I fit the data so I get the scaling constant 'A'? I am dumbly using lines 14-17 below. Obviously not good.
Question 3: Is the Chi-SQ distribution only defined for a certain x-range? (Variance is defined as 2K, while mean = k. This must require some constrained x-range... Stats question not programming...)
nnn = 1000;
## Generating a chi-sq distribution
chii <- rchisq(nnn,4, ncp = 0);
## Plotting Histogram
chi_hist <- hist(chii);
## Fitting. Gives probability density which must be scaled.
chi_df <- fitdistr(chii,"chi-squared",start=list(df=3));
chi_k <- chi_df[[1]][1];
## Plotting a fitted line:
## Spanning x-length of chi-sq data
x_chi_fit <- 1:nnn*((max(chi_hist[[1]][])-min(chi_hist[[1]][]))/nnn);
## Y data using eqn for probability function
y_chi_fit <- (1/(2^(chi_k/2)*gamma(chi_k/2)) * x_chi_fit^(chi_k/2-1) * exp(-x_chi_fit/2));
## Normalizing to the peak of the histogram
y_chi_fit <- y_chi_fit*(max(chi_hist[[2]][]/max(y_chi_fit)));
## Plotting the line
Thanks for your help!
As commented above, ?fitdistr says
An object of class ‘"fitdistr"’, a list with four components,
sd: the estimated standard errors,
... so that parenthesized number is the standard error of the parameter.
The scale parameter doesn't need to be estimated; you need either to scale by the width of your histogram bins or just use freq=FALSE when drawing your histogram. See code below.
The chi-squared distribution is defined on the non-negative reals, which makes sense since it's the distribution of a squared standard Normal (this is a statistical, not a programming question).
Set up data:
nnn <- 1000
## ensure reproducibility; not a big deal in this case,
## but good practice
## Generating a chi-sq distribution
chii <- rchisq(nnn,4, ncp = 0)
## use method="Brent" based on warning
chi_df <- fitdistr(chii,"chi-squared",start=list(df=3),
chi_k <- chi_df[[1]][1]
(For what it's worth, it looks like there might be a bug in the print method for fitdistr when method="Brent" is used. You could also use method="BFGS" and wouldn't need to specify bounds ...)
chi_hist <- hist(chii,breaks=50,col="gray")
## scale by N and width of histogram bins
## or plot histogram already scaled to a density
chi_hist <- hist(chii,breaks=50,col="gray",freq=FALSE)

Testing ratio of density distributions for normality

I have a normal distribution and a uniform distribution. I want to calculate a ratio: the density of the normal distribution, over the density of the uniform. Then I want to test this ratio for normality.
ht <- runif(3000, 1, 18585056) # Uniform distribution
hm <- rnorm(35, 10000000, 5000000) # Normal distribution
hmd <- density(hm, from=0, to=18585056) # Kernel density of distributions over range
htd <- density(ht, from=0, to=18585056)
ratio <- hmd$y/htd$y # Ratio of kernel density values
The distributions hm and ht above are examples of what my experimental data shows; the vectors I will actually be using are not randomly generated in R.
I know that I can get a good idea of normality from the correlation coefficient of a Q-Q plot:
qqp <- qqnorm(hm)
For hm, which is normally distributed, this gives a value close to 1.
Is there a way of determining the normality of the density vectors? e.g. hmd and ratio.
(Additional information: hm and ht are modelling homozygous and heterozygous SNPs across a genome of length 18585056)
First, this is really a statistics question; you should consider posting it on - you are likely to get a better answer.
Second, the short answer to your question is that "testing the ratio of two density functions for normality" is not a meaningful idea. As mentioned in the comment, the ratio of two density functions is not a density function. Among other things, a density function must integrate to 1 over (-Inf,+Inf), which this ratio will not (generally).
It is meaningful, however, to test if the distribution of the ratio of two random variables is normal. If you know that the numerator is normally distributed and the denominator is uniformly distributed, then the ratio will definitely not be normally distributed, as demonstrated below in the discussion of the slash distribution.
If you do not know the distributions of the numerator and denominator, but just have random samples, you should calculate the ratio of the random variates and test that for normality. In your case (with minor edits):
ht <- runif(3000, 1, 18585056)
hm <- rnorm(3500, 10000000, 5000000)
Z <- sample(hm,1000)/sample(ht,1000) # numer. and denom. must be same length
# histogram of Z
hist(Z,xlim=c(-5,5), breaks=c(-Inf,seq(-5,5,0.2),Inf),freq=F, ylim=c(0,.4))
# normal Q-Q plot
Clearly, the ratio distribution is not normal.
Slash Distribution
In the special case
X ~ N[0,1] = φ(x) (-Inf ≤ x ≤ Inf), and
Y ~ U[0,1] = 1 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1); 0 elsewhere
Z = X/Y ~ [ φ(0) - φ(x) ]/x2
That is, a random variable formed as the ratio of two other (independent) random variables, the numerator distributed as N(0,1) and the denominator distributed as U(0,1), has the slash distribution, defined above. We can show this in R code as follows
X <- rnorm(10000)
Y <- runif(10000)
Z <- X/Y
dslash <- function(x) (dnorm(0)-dnorm(x))/x^2
x <- seq(-5,5,0.02)
hist(Z,xlim=c(-5,5), breaks=c(-Inf,seq(-5,5,0.2),Inf),freq=F, ylim=c(0,.4))
The bars represent the histogram of Z = X/Y, the red curve is the slash distribution, and the blue curve is the pdf of N[0,1] for reference. Because the red curve is "bell shaped" there is a temptation to think that Z is normally distributed, just with a larger variance. The Q-Q plot shows clearly that this is not the case. The tails of the slash distribution are much larger than would be expected from a normal distribution.

Probability transformation using R

I want to turn a continuous random variable X with cdf F(x) into a continuous random variable Y with cdf F(y) and am wondering how to implement it in R.
For example, perform a probability transformation on data following normal distribution (X) to make it conform to a desirable Weibull distribution (Y).
(x=0 has CDF F(x=0)=0.5, CDF F(y)=0.5 corresponds to y=5, then x=0 corresponds to y=5 etc.)
There are many built in distribution functions, those starting with a 'p' will transform to a uniform and those starting with a 'q' will transform from a uniform. So the transform in your example can be done by:
y <- qweibull( pnorm( x ), 2, 6.0056 )
Then just change the functions and/or parameters for other cases.
The distr package may also be of interest for additional capabilities.
In general, you can transform an observation x on X to an observation y on Y by
getting the probability of X≤x, i.e. FX(x).
then determining what observation y has the same probability,
I.e. you want the probability Y≤y = FY(y) to be the same as FX(x).
This gives FY(y) = FX(x).
Therefore y = FY-1(FX(x))
where FY-1 is better known as the quantile function, QY. The overall transformation from X to Y is summarized as: Y = QY(FX(X)).
In your particular example, from the R help, the distribution functions for the normal distribution is pnorm and the quantile function for the Weibull distribution is qweibull, so you want to first of all call pnorm, then qweibull on the result.

Derivative of Kernel Density

I am using density {stats} to construct a kernel "gaussian' density of a vector of variables. If I use the following example dataset:
x <- rlogis(1475, location=0, scale=1) # x is a vector of values - taken from a rlogis just for the purpose of explanation
d<- density(x=x, kernel="gaussian")
Is there some way to get the first derivative of this density d at each of the n=1475 points
Edit #2:
Following up on Greg Snow's excellent suggestion to use the analytical expression for the derivative of a Gaussian, and our conversation following his post, this will get you the exact slope at each of those points:
s <- d$bw;
slope2 <- sapply(x, function(X) {mean(dnorm(x - X, mean = 0, sd = s) * (x - X))})
## And then, to compare to the method below, plot the results against one another
plot(slope2 ~ slope)
OK, I just reread your question, and see that you wanted slopes at each of the points in the input vector x. Here's one way you might approximate that:
slope <- (diff(d$y)/diff(d$x))[findInterval(x, d$x)]
A possible further refinement would be to find the location of the point within its interval, and then calculate its slope as the weighted average of the slope of the present interval and the interval to its right or left.
I'd approach this by averaging the slopes of the segments just to the right and left of each point. (A bit of special care needs to be taken for the first and last points, which have no segment to their left and right, respectively.)
dy <- diff(d$y)
dx <- diff(d$x)[1] ## Works b/c density() returns points at equal x-intervals
((c(dy, tail(dy, 1)) + c(head(dy, 1), dy))/2)/dx
The curve of a density estimator is just the sum of all the kernels, in your case a gaussian (divided by the number of points). The derivative of a sum is the sum of the derivatives and the derivative of a constant times a function is that constant times the derivative. So the derivative of the density estimate at a given point will just be the average of the slopes for the 1475 different gaussian curves at that given point. Each gaussian curve will have a mean corresponding to each of the data points and a standard deviation based on the bandwidth. So if you can calculate the slope for a gaussian, then finding the slope for the density estimate is just a mean of the 1475 slopes.
