stop interaction with top element - css

I have a div which I have set to absolute position and z-index above all the other divs on the page. The issue I'm having is where the absolute position div sits is above some divs that are interactive with the users mouse. Is there a way to turn off the interactive state of the absolute positioned div so the divs below are active.

Absolutely positioned elements use the z-index for stacking - which explains why content below is inaccessible. It is, unfortunately, not a case of interactive states, but simply of obstruction.
Any absolutely positioned block elements will obscure elements set below them as far as the dimensions of the uppermost element stretch (set a border on the div to see exactly how far the obstruction is occurring).
Your best bet (within the bounds of css) is to either position the obscuring div below where you need interactivity, or to add the properties of the obscuring div directly to the div being
EDIT: i.e. there is no property in CSS to turn an interactive state on or off.
UPDATE 2011/11/11: see for a solution to the question. pointer-events: none; is a valid solution to the question.


In css, how do I make things stay positioned in a way that nothing will push it on the page

So, I tried doing position:absolute, but whenever I place something new, (eg a div) the other div gets pushed down.
Eg. without other div
With other div
other div
Thanks :D
Are you sure the CSS rule is not ovewritten? (Check this with a browser code inspector, such as Firefox's Firebug or Opera's Dragonfly)
Additionally, If you want the div to be put on a place despite srolling,
position: fixed
instead. This will keep your object on a fixed place in the page.
You can usually use position:fixed or position:absolute.
If you want the element to be stuck on the screen no matter how to scroll, you can use position:fixed. Make sure that your top & left or bottom & right are set appropriately. Also make sure that the z-index is set appropriately, so no other element is covering it.
position:absolute; DOES depend on the parents of that element. If a parent of that element is positioned, then the absolute positioning will position the element within that element.
do you have examples of your code?

Element Being Positioned Outside an Element

I am trying to make an HTML DOM slideshow creator, that inserts text, images, etc. into slides for presentations. The main browsers in mind are the Nintendo DSi and 3DS browsers, but I would like functionality with computers as well, meaning that I AM using CSS percentages.
But here's the catch: An HTML span element has a relative positioning of top 100% and left:90%.
The left position is fine--the top position is not...I don't understand why, but the span is being displayed COMPLETELY outside the element from the top positioning.
Check this out for yourself here.
"Slide 1" is supposed to be ABOVE the bottom border for the light gray div I have. Why is this outside when the positioning should be relative to that div?
I've always been so confused with CSS positioning...Could someone please figure this out for me? This is getting frustrating. By the way, what your looking for is "Slide 1" outside the HTML div.
It is "being displayed COMPLETELY outside the element" precisely because of the top: 100%. That is telling it to move the span 100% the height of the container, which of course since it started at the top of the container, it puts it just past the bottom of the container. Note that relative positioning is not done "relative to that div" as you stated, it is actually relative to that span (you may want to do some reading on that). However, when using percentage offsets, it does calculate its offsets in relation to the size of the container.
Since your div.slide container is itself position:relative, then I believe what you want is to set your span to position:absolute and instead of doing a top positioning, do a bottom: 0 which will place it directly on the bottom of the div you are trying to place it on the bottom of. You can keep your left: 90%.

z-index isn't applied

First off, please let me say I'm pretty new to CSS. Still lots to learn! I'm working on a site at
Everything is working great, EXCEPT that the main content box is being placed under the fixed-position logo instead of over it, even though the z-index on the logo is lower than the z-index on the content box. What can you geniuses tell me?
There's actually two reasons:
Its parent is set to show up behind the logo. Any z-index applied to elements within that parent element will only apply to other elements within that parent. All the elements within the parent will be stacked accordingly, then that entire element will be put behind the logo as specified by its stack order.
A z-index only applies to elements with position of absolute, fixed, or relative. It does not apply to elements with static position.
It is constrained by the parent container's z-index. You cannot set a child to a higher z-index than the parent; it caps at the parent's value.
You could make the stripes a background of the body tag and then set the container to have no background. Once that is done set container to a higher z-index.`

CSS: Absolute position text inside relative position div

Maybe easier to the the site in progress -
I want to position the yellow text at the bottom of the page over the blue bar (which is an img).
I have a div that has position:relative;, within that is another div that has position:absolute;. I thought by doing that when you assign a top position to the absolute div it will take the top of the relative div as it's starting point? Mine takes the top of the screen as it's starting point, hence the massive top position.
Obviously I want the yellow text to move with the the blue bar depending how tall/wide the page is.
As far as I can see using position absolute is the only way to solve this?
Maybe I'm not understanding the whole notion of putting a absolute positioned div inside a relative one!
Your #footer div is absolutely positioned but it is not within any relatively positioned element. The only relative element I see is #actual-content, which is a sibling of #footer. If you place an absolutely positioned element WITHIN a relative element then it acts as you described.
The absolutely positioned div must be inside the relatively positioned div. That doesn't seem to be the case on the site you've linked.

CSS: Top vs Margin-top

I'm not sure if I fully understand the difference between these two.
Can someone explain why I would use one over the other and how they differ?
You'd use margin, if you wanted to move a (block) element away from other elements in the document flow. That means it'd push the following elements away / further down. Be aware that vertical margins of adjacent block elements collapse.
If you wanted the element to have no effect on the surrounding elements, you'd use positioning (abs., rel.) and the top, bottom, left and right settings.
With relative positioning, the element will still occupy its original space as when positioned statically. That's why nothing happens, if you just switch from static to relative position. From there, you may then shove it across the surrounding elements.
With absolute positioning, you completely remove the element from the (static) document flow, so it will free up the space it occupied. You may then position it freely - but relative to the next best non-statically positioned element wrapped around it. If there is none, it'll be anchored to the whole page.
top is for tweak an element with use of position property.
margin-top is for measuring the external distance to the element, in relation to the previous one.
Also, top behavior can differ depending on the type of position, absolute, relative or fixed.
Margin applies and extends / contracts the element's normal boundary but when you call top you are ignoring the element's regular position and floating it to a specific position.
<div id="some_element">content</div>
#some_element {margin-top: 50%}
Means the element will begin displaying html at the 50% height of its container (i.e. the div displaying the word "content" would be displayed at 50% height of its containing div or html node directly before div#some_element) but if you open your browser's inspector (f12 on Windows or cmd+alt+i on mac) and mouse over the element you will see it's boundaries highlighted and notice the element has been pushed down rather than re-positioned.
Top on the other hand:
#some_element {top: 50%}
Will actually reposition the element meaning it will still display at 50% of its container but it will reposition the element so its edge starts at 50% of its containing element. In other words, there will be a gap between the edges of the element and its container.
The top property is a position property. It is used with the position property, such as absolute or relative. margin-top is an element's own property.
from bytes:
"Margin is that space between the edge of an element's box and the edge of the complete box, such as the margin of a letter. 'top' displaces the element's margin edge from the containing blocks box, such as that same piece of paper inside a cardboard box, but it is not up against the edge of the container."
My understanding is that margin-top creates a margin on the element, and top sets the top edge of the element below the top edge of the containing element at the offset.
you can try it here:
just replace top with margin-top to see the difference.
This is my understanding...
TOP: it defines the position of the element wrt its own elements or other element i.e in case of relative top refers to compare with its own element whereas in fixed top refers to compare with viewport.
Margin_Top: it always refer to its own elements that adds an offset(outside) to its border
