What improvements can be done in Custom Business Object Class of dotnetnuke? - reflection

I worked on DotNetNuke in some projects and I find very much interesting Custom Business Object Class which is named as CBO.vb in the DotNetNuke project.
So I want to use this helper class in my other project also which is not in DotNetNuke but in core asp.net projects.
So I read about some important methods of this class which are majority used by me are:
Now I am searching what are issues in this class that can be improved by me before I am going to use this class.
So I search this and found an interesting topic on code project which point out several issues like:
business object and the fields in the database had to have the same name
FillCollection method returned an ArrayList
So my question is there any other thing which can be solved before use like
use reflection to create objects which are slower for that they give idea how to implement this by using The IHydratable Interface
You can find class here

CBO is a useful class. However if I were looking for a similar solution today, I would look to one of the new "Micro-ORMs" such as:
When applying such a light wrapper around the database, I am not sure that supporting different names in the DB and business objects is really a good idea. It is a likely source of confusion.
Also there are already generic overloads for the FillCollection method which return List<T>. The ArrayList versions are only there for backward compatibility, no one should write any new code with them.


Share getter/setter classes across asp.net applications

Maybe there's something obvious that I'm missing or maybe not. Suppose I have a class that is just a representation with getters/setters and no logic. I'm going to use these structures for serialization/deserialization mostly. Suppose I use that object in many, many applications. Suppose I have dozens of these objects. What's my best approach to sharing these objects?
I understand that I can compile an object into a DLL and reference that DLL. But if I have dozens of these objects, do I compile them all separately so I can use just what I need or do I make and maintain a monster DLL with all of these objects in it. Both of those approaches seem bad. I don't want to create a class library for every single class (that's stupid) and throwing them into a giant package just seems like a bad idea.
Am I missing something simple? Doesn't java have a convention where one can create jar files of one to many classes? Does .Net do something like that?
You need a happy middle ground.
You should be grouping related objects into individual namespaces.
You can then compile each namespace into a seperate DLL. That way, whoever is using the libraries only needs to reference a single DLL per group of functionality.
You can have a master assembly containing all objects. Then also create separate assemblies for the different applications where you only add the ones you use as links.
You would then use Project->Add Existing Item, and then on the Add-button click the down-arrow and select "Add As Link" when you add the classes you want.

Helper class for sql server database

When is it appropriate to create a helper class for a sql server database using the asp.net framework? Basically I'm trying to create a minature wiki (with multiple pages) and storing all of the data/strings for a specific page into a table on it's own.
Always and Never.
Always, because you want good separation of your data tier from your business logic and presentation tiers (or model and view, or whatever framework you use). Make sure you're thinking of it in these terms, too.
Never, because this is already done for you, on several levels. There are numerous ORMs out there, including Linq-to-sql, NHibernate, Entity Framework, and more. More than that, what is ADO.Net but a set of classes to encapsulate your server?
Well it could be appropriate to return a single instance of a DbConnection object - that way you only specify how to connect to the DB in one spot.
You may find it useful to have a base class for your ADO layer which provides these generic methods to deal with the ADO (part of the .NET framework for connecting to SQL server).
You could have a helper method to populate an object from a DataReader using reflection too.
Also for putting parameters together to send to a SQL command or Stored procedure.
Hope you find this helpful. :)
It's heavily dependant on your project.
For code clarity, and your own sanity, you might find it easier to make a wrapper class for all of your Database manipulation. This way you can have the rest of your code work with native objects, rather than the contents of a DataReader.
Just my advice, but hopefully helpful.

WCF Services - splitting code into multiple classes

I'm currently looking at developing a WCF Service for the first time, but am a bit confused.
Say I've got a windows application that is going to call into this web service, that service is then going to call our data methods to retrieve and save the data.
Now, say for example we have 2 classes in our solution, Customer and Product. Do all methods within the service have to go into the same class file (e.g. MyService.svc), or can they be split into several classes replicating the main data layer, i.e. Customer.cs and Product.cs. If they can be split, how do these get called from within the windows forms application? Would each class be a different end point?
At the moment I can access the methods within the main class (e.g. MyService.svc), but I can't see any of the methods in the other classes, even though I have attributed them with "ServiceContract" and "OperationContract".
I have a feeling I'm missing something simple somewhere, just not sure what.
I would be grateful if some nice person could point me in the direction of a tutorial on doing this, as every tutorial I've found only includes the single class :)
Thanks in advance.
What you need to define is Data Contracts for your service
Theoretically, these data contracts could be your business entities (since 3.5 SP1 and its WCF poco support)
It's better though to create separate entities for your service and then to create conversion classes that can convert your business entities into service entities and the other way around
Actually, after loads of searching, I finally seemed to find what I was looking for just after posting my question (typical).
I've found the following page - http://www.scribd.com/doc/13136057/ChapterImplementing-a-WCF-Service-in-the-Real-World
Although I've not gone through it yet, it does look like it will cover what I'm after.
Apologies for wasting anyones time :) Hopefully this will be useful to someone else looking for the same thing.
It sounds like you only need one service. However, if you need to create multiple services. Consider this as an example.
[ServiceContract(Name = "Utility", Namespace = Constants.COMMON_SERVICE_NAMESPACE)]
public interface IService
[ServiceContract(Name="Documents", Namespace = Constants.DOCUMENTS_SERVICE_NAMESPACE)]
public interface IDocumentService
[ServiceContract(Name = "Lists", Namespace = Constants.LISTS_SERVICE_NAMESPACE)]
public interface IListService
Remember that you can create multiple data contracts inside a single service, and it is the best solution for a method that will require a reference to Customer(s) and Product(s).
It might help to take a look at MSDN's data contract example here.

Can you create an ASP.NET editing system for a class just by defining it?

I was watching a tutorial on Rails and was very impressed that you could so easily create an editing system for a class just by defining it.
Can this be done in ASP.NET?
I know there are ORMs out there, but do they come with an editing system?
To explain what I mean by an editing system, consider a class for defining people
class Person
string First_Name;
string Last_Name
And then perhaps with one bold stroke something like this:
You would get the functionality below in a browser:
And this functionality would extend to all the UML definitions – inheritance, association, aggregation etc. In addition, there would be a simple way of adding customisable validation and so forth.
I currently use DataGrids and a lot of manual coding to achieve these results.
You can do it with reflection. Using reflection, you can enumerate over the members of a class, and therefore create a form to edit the members.
Creating the code for rendering the web form based on the members of the class is a bit more code then I'm willing to type out here, but if you look into reflection you should be able to come up with your own solution in a couple hours.
Sure. This is off the top of my head, but I believe you could connect your class to an ObjectDataSource component which would in turn connect to a DetailsView control. So it's a hair more work, but it would be pretty trivial to have a method that created the needed items on the fly and bound them together.
This is called "Scaffolding".
It really depends on what you are using for your data layer or ORM. Entityspaces, for example, comes with a scaffolding generator.
Absolutely! Scaffolding in Ruby is known as Dynamic Data in ASP.NET. Scott Hanselman speaks to Dynamic Data here.
There's a screen cast from Scott Hunter that shows it off here. It's of note that it's pretty new (still in beta).
You can for simple sites/purposes but it quickly breaks down when you want to do something more complex. Like what happens if you don't want certain fields to be visible, what happens if you have a relationship to a subset of a certain class etc.
Having been down this path before I'm guessing you came at the issue by realizing that:
You spend alot of time creating similar forms/lists etc for similar entities.
You want to minimize this time and are considering if your forms can be automatically generated.
Basically, if you want it to be done automatically then you'll end up creating an overcomplicated system that does half of what you want and actually takes longer to implement.
If however, you want to drastically cut the amount of time doing and maintaining writing repetitive gui code then then I suggest using a declarative style form builder and table builder (like the form builder in ROR).
This lets you quickly create forms/tables without repeating yourself any more than necessary and also gives you the flexibility that you need for complex scenarios.

What is Reflection?

I am VERY new to ASP.NET. I come from a VB6 / ASP (classic) / SQL Server 2000 background. I am reading a lot about Visual Studio 2008 (have installed it and am poking around). I have read about "reflection" and would like someone to explain, as best as you can to an older developer of the technologies I've written above, what exactly Reflection is and why I would use it... I am having trouble getting my head around that. Thanks!
Reflection is how you can explore the internals of different Types, without normally having access (ie. private, protected, etc members).
It's also used to dynamically load DLL's and get access to types and methods defined in them without statically compiling them into your project.
In a nutshell: Reflection is your toolkit for peeking under the hood of a piece of code.
As to why you would use it, it's generally only used in complex situations, or code analysis. The other common use is for loading precompiled plugins into your project.
Reflection lets you programmatically load an assembly, get a list of all the types in an assembly, get a list of all the properties and methods in these types, etc.
As an example:
myobject.GetType().GetProperty("MyProperty").SetValue(myobject, "wicked!", null)
It allows the internals of an object to be reflected to the outside world (code that is using said objects).
A practical use in statically typed languages like C# (and Java) is to allow invocation of methods/members at runtime via a string (eg the name of the method - perhaps you don't know the name of the method you will use at compile time).
In the context of dynamic languages I haven't heard the term as much (as generally you don't worry about the above), other then perhaps to iterate through a list of methods/members etc...
Reflection is .Net's means to manipulate or extract information of an assembly, class or method at run time. For example, you can create a class at runtime, including it's methods. As stated by monoxide, reflection is used to dynamically load assembly as plugins, or in advance cases, it is used to create .Net compiler targeting .Net, like IronPython.
Updated: You may refer to the topic on metaprogramming and its related topics for more details.
When you build any assembly in .NET (ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Command line, class library etc), a number of meta-data "definition tables" are also created within the assembly storing information about methods, fields and types corresponding to the types, fields and methods you wrote in your code.
The classes in System.Reflection namespace in .NET allow you to enumerate and interate over these tables, providing an "object model" for you to query and access items in these tables.
One common use of Reflection is providing extensibility (plug-ins) to your application. For example, Reflection allows you to load an assembly dynamically from a file path, query its types for a specific useful type (such as an Interface your application can call) and then actually invoke a method on this external assembly.
Custom Attributes also go hand in hand with reflection. For example the NUnit unit testing framework allows you to indicate a testing class and test methods by adding [Test] {TestFixture] attributes to your own code.
However then the NUnit test runner must use Reflection to load your assembly, search for all occurrences of methods that have the test attribute and then actually call your test.
This is simplifying it a lot, however it gives you a good practical example of where Reflection is essential.
Reflection certainly is powerful, however be ware that it allows you to completely disregard the fundamental concept of access modifiers (encapsulation) in object oriented programming.
For example you can easily use it to retrieve a list of Private methods in a class and actually call them. For this reason you need to think carefully about how and where you use it to avoid bypassing encapsulation and very tightly coupling (bad) code.
Reflection is the process of inspecting the metadata of an application. In other words,When reading attributes, you’ve already looked at some of the functionality that reflection
offers. Reflection enables an application to collect information about itself and act on this in-
formation. Reflection is slower than normally executing static code. It can, however, give you
a flexibility that static code can’t provide
