Converting a Joomla site to Wordpress - wordpress

I have a potential client who wants to take an existing Joomla site and translate it into Wordpress. Is any sort of automagical conversion possible, or will I have to reconstruct the site in word press?

The Wordpress Codex gives some plugins that could help you importing from Joomla to Wordpress:
Best practive however, depends on what you want to import: Users, articles, whole design, etc...


Embedding WordPress blog to an existing website

I have an existing website and I want to know how to embed a WordPress blog to the website, can someone help me out, please?
Depending on the way the other website was built, there's an array of possibilities. However, the path of least resistance (read: zero extra effort) is to install Wordpress on a subdomain (i.e.
If I misunderstood, and you mean literally displaying one blog post on the other website, you can use the WordPress API or the RSS feed.

Run wordpress plugin on Joomla based website

I have a question related to the WordPress<>Joomla compatibility. Recently I purchased a sophisticated plugin which runs on WordPress only. But my website with all the content and the design is based on Joomla. So I'm trying to figure out the means how I could use that WordPress plugin on the Joomla website. As I said before it's kind of advanced plugin with many options, so I guess it would be difficult to adapt the code to fit Joomla requirements. So I'm thinking about two possible solutions:
I could create a WordPress website with the same design that Joomla website has. However this solution requires to change all the Joomla template files, or to build the WordPress theme from scratch. Does anybody know any tutorial which explains how to migrate the template from Joomla to WordPress? I basically don't need to move the content, only the design. All the menu links and other stuff would redirect to the parent Joomla site.
The second solution I think would be to install the WordPress with that plugin on the server and then to create a copy of the Joomla site on the sub-domain. Then maybe I can use something like iframe on the Joomla site to show the WordPress plugin running. Is that kind of scenario possible? What kind of solution would you suggest? As I said before, I will keep my Joomla site anyway, because its already running with tons of data. I just need the functionality of one additional plugin, which sadly runs only on WordPress.
Thanks for the help.
Both scenarios are not practical - with the second being not feasible. What I recommend is that you adapt the WordPress plugin to Joomla or maybe search for a similar plugin that already exists on Joomla.

what is the best way to integrate wordpress subdirectory with joomla website?

Sorry for the trouble. I just want to ask is there a way to integrate wordpress subdirectory into joomla website? What i am trying to do is develop a blog site with wordpress subdirectory in joomla's corporate site and everytime that i post an article in wordpress it will display in root joomla website's template. Is there a way to do this?
Simply installing WordPress in a subdirectory of a Joomla site will not automatically display WordPress posts in the Joomla template.
You could develop a WordPress template that matches the Joomla one, or consider a Joomla integrated solution like
For what it's worth, it is fairly easy to blog within Joomla. You might consider looking at your specific needs and they to accomplish everything from within Jomla.
In the terms of usability & user friendliness having just one platform is the best solution.
There are plenty of joomla! Blog extensions available in JED directory and, I am sure you will find the most appropriate.
By the way, here is a FREE tool called WordPress to JoomBlog converter, that allows migration, saving all the users, categories and blog comments. Just to let you know

Pull data from WordPress

What's the best way to pull data from Wordpress database? I think creating a plugin would be nice. Is there a tutorial out there that do the job? Or a plugin that does it? Pull content of the page via JSON/XML.
Here's the link to the plugin:
A generic easy way to export data from a mySQL database in XML format could be
If you are looking to integrate HTML from Wordpress in a PHP-driven site, the easiest and fastest way is to include the WordPress main include, and use the native WP functions to get hold of the data.
Wordpress Codex: Integrating Wordpress with your website
Wordpress Codex: The Loop
Just one caveat from experience: Wordpress is fat. Including the wordpress header file will eat up 8-12 MB of your allocated per-script memory (usually somewhere between 16-64 MB) from the start. You may be able to steer around that, however, by loading the Wordpress data in a different script, or caching the requests (probably a good idea anyway).
WordPress also has basic built-in RSS export functionality.

Integrate wordpress blog with joomla website

I have a website which I developed in joomla and a blog in wordpress. I would like to integrate that blog with my Joomla website without using wrappers or CorePHP component.
Is there any way to do this?
I think the best thing you can hope for in this situation is going to be to have one be a subdomain of the other, and when you want one system to reference the other you'll need to link to it. Also, if you could move one of the systems to be a subfolder of the other system, you'll probably get away with having relative links.
The only other option would be to literally migrate all of your content from one system to the other manually.
What about using a feed reader in your Joomla website to show your Wordpress posts?
