Obtaining date a set distance away from a given date - r

How can I obtain the date that is a set number of periods later/earlier than a given date? Eg if x <- as.Date("2001-01-01"), how do I get a date which is 6 months later (2001-07-01) or earlier (2000-07-01) than x? Complicating factors include the day of month of the initial date, or the number of days per month.

ymd("2001-01-01") + months(6)
ymd("2001-01-01") - months(6)

seq( as.Date("2001/01/01"), by = "6 months", length = 2)[2]
# [1] "2001-07-01"


Get number of days, months and weeks since Epoch in R

What is the best way to get the number of days, months and weeks since Epoch time in R ?
( A solution exists for Java : Get the number of days, weeks, and months, since Epoch in Java )
I know to get seconds from epoch, but how to get number of weeks ?
as.integer( Sys.time()) #.... gives number of seconds since epoch time
One option is to use lubridate::interval as:
span <- interval(ymd_hms("1970-01-01 00:00:00"), Sys.time())
as.period(span, unit = "days")
#[1] "17622d 19H 57M 10.5912010669708S"
as.period(span, unit = "months")
#[1] "579m 0d 19H 57M 10.5912010669708S"
as.period(span, unit = "years")
#[1] "48y 3m 0d 19H 57M 10.5912010669708S"
The internal representation of "Date" class is the number of days since the Epoch. (If you have a POSIXct variable then convert it to Date class using as.Date first however watch out for time zone conversion problems.)
now <- Sys.Date() # Date
d <- as.numeric(now) # days since Epoch
Now use the facts that there are an average of 365.25 days per year and 365.25 / 12 days per month to get the years and months since the Epoch.
m <- d / (365.25 / 12) # months since Epoch
y <- d / 365.25 # years since Epoch
If we did not want years, months and days separately but rather want the number of whole years and months (0-11) and days (0-30) then use POSIXlt:
lt <- as.POSIXlt(format(Sys.Date()))
with(lt, data.frame(years = year - 70, months = mon - 0, days = mday - 1))
This also works if lt is a vector, e.g. lt <- c(lt, lt) .

Sequence of dates by each next 15th or last day of month [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Getting previous month start date and end date from current date in R
(7 answers)
Create end of the month date from a date variable
(9 answers)
Change day of the month in a Date to first day (01)
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have start and end dates as e.g. 03-05-2014 and 01-07-2014. I would like to create a code so that it would output sequences such as next 15th of each month or next end day of the month, in this case 15-05-2014 & 15-06-2014, or 31-05-2014 and 31-06-2014.
I know this would be possible by creating sequence of days and then identifying the particular day (at least for the 1st case) as in seq(1st date, 2nd date, by = "day"), but let's just say that for computational limitations this is not possible - I have to create it for many years and millions of records which need to be grouped as well.
Is there any workaround there?
start <- as.Date("2014-05-03")
end <- as.Date("2014-07-01")
floor_date(seq(start, end, by = 'month'), unit = "month") + 14
ceiling_date(seq(start, end, by = 'month'), unit = "month")-1
Sequence by the month and use floor_date from the lubridate package to start at the beginning of the month.
d1 = as.Date("03-05-2014", "%d-%m-%Y")
d2 = as.Date("01-07-2014", "%d-%m-%Y")
d1_p = round_date(d1, unit = "month")
d2_p = round_date(d2, unit = "month")
mydates = seq.Date(d1_p, d2_p, "months")
mydates = mydates[mydates < d2_p]
lapply(mydates, function(x) x + 14:15)
#[1] "2014-05-15" "2014-05-16"
#[1] "2014-06-15" "2014-06-16"
ceiling_date(mydates, unit = "month") - 1
#[1] "2014-05-31" "2014-06-30"

R - convert POSIXct to fraction of julian day

How can a date/time object in R be transformed on the fraction of a julian day?
For example, how can I turn this date:
date <- as.POSIXct('2006-12-12 12:00:00',tz='GMT')
into a number like this
> fjday
[1] 365.5
where julian day is elapsed day counted from the january 1st. The fraction 0.5 means that it's 12pm, and therefore half of the day.
This is just an example, but my real data covers all the 365 days of year 2006.
Since all your dates are from the same year (2006) this should be pretty easy:
julian(date, origin = as.POSIXct('2006-01-01', tz = 'GMT'))
If you or another reader happen to expand your dataset to other years, then you can set the origin for the beginning of each year as follows:
sapply(date, function(x) julian(x, origin = as.POSIXct(paste0(format(x, "%Y"),'-01-01'), tz = 'GMT')))
Have a look at the difftime function:
> unclass(difftime('2006-12-12 12:00:00', '2006-01-01 00:00:00', tz="GMT", units = "days"))
[1] 345.5
[1] "days"
A function to convert POSIX to julian day, an extension of the answer above, source it before using.
julian_conv <- function(x) {
if (is.na(x)) { # Because julian() cannot accept NA values
else {
j <-julian(x, origin = as.POSIXlt(paste0(format(x, "%Y"),'-01-01')))
temp <- unclass(j) # To unclass the object julian day to extract julian day
return(temp[1] + 1) # Because Julian day 1 is 1 e.g., 2016-01-01
date <- as.POSIXct('2006-12-12 12:00:00')
#[1] 345.5

Format date strings comprising weeks and quarters as Date objects

I have dates in an R dataframe column formatted as character strings as WK01Q32014.
I want to turn each date into a Date() object.
So I altered the format to make it look like 01-3-2014. I want to try to do something like as.Date("01-3-2014","%W-%Q-%Y") for example, but there is no format code for quarters that I know of.
Is there any way to do this using the lubridate, zoo, or any other libraries?
I dont know of any specific function, but here's a basic one:
convert_WQ_to_Date <- function(D) {
weeks <- as.integer(substr(D, 3, 4))
quarter <- as.integer(substr(D, 6, 6))
year <- substr(D, 7, 10)
days <- 7 * ((quarter - 1) * 13 + (weeks-1))
as.Date(sprintf("%s-01-01", year)) + days
D <- c("WK01Q32014", "WK01Q12014", "WK05Q42014", "WK01Q22014", "WK02Q32014")
[1] "2014-07-02" "2014-01-01" "2014-10-29" "2014-04-02" "2014-07-09"
The week, quarter and year does not uniquely define a date so we will have to add some assumption. Here we add the assumption that the first week is the first day of the quarter, the second week is 7 days later and so on,
Below, we extract the qtr-year part and use as.yearqtr in the zoo package to convert that to a yearqtr object and then use as.Date to convert that to a date which is the first of the quarter. We then extract the week, subtract 1 and multiply by 7 to get the days offset. Adding the first of the quarter to the offset gives the result:
xx <- "01-3-2014" # week-quarter-year
qtr.start <- as.Date(as.yearqtr(sub("...", "", xx), "%q-%Y"))
days <- 7 * (as.numeric(sub("-.*", "", xx)) - 1)
qtr.start + days
## [1] "2014-07-01"
Assuming the traditional notion of each quarter starting respectively at the 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st September (in line with the quarters function), just start at these dates and add 7 days for each week:
x <- c("01-3-2014","01-1-2014","05-4-2014","01-2-2014","02-3-2014")
y <- as.numeric(substr(x,6,9))
m <- as.numeric(substr(x,4,4))
d <- as.numeric(substr(x,1,2))
as.Date(paste(y,(m-1)*3+1,"01",sep="-")) + (7*(d-1))
#[1] "2014-07-01" "2014-01-01" "2014-10-29" "2014-04-01" "2014-07-08"

Get date difference in years (floating point)

I want to correct source activity based on the difference between reference and measurement date and source half life (measured in years). Say I have
ref_date <- as.Date('06/01/08',format='%d/%m/%y')
and a column in my data.frame with the same date format, e.g.,
today <- as.Date(Sys.Date(), format='%d/%m/%y')
I can find the number of years between these dates using the lubridate package
[1] 5
Is there a function I can use to get a floating point answer today - ref_date = 5.2y, for example?
Yes, of course, use difftime() with an as numeric:
R> as.numeric(difftime(as.Date("2003-04-05"), as.Date("2001-01-01"),
+ unit="weeks"))/52.25
[1] 2.2529
Note that we do have to switch to weeks scaled by 52.25 as there is a bit of ambiguity
there in terms of counting years---a February 29 comes around every 4 years but not every 100th etc.
So you have to define that. difftime() handles all time units up to weeks. Months cannot be done for the same reason of the non-constant 'numerator'.
The lubridate package contains a built-in function, time_length, which can help perform this task.
time_length(difftime(as.Date("2003-04-05"), as.Date("2001-01-01")), "years")
[1] 2.257534
time_length(difftime(as.Date("2017-03-01"), as.Date("2012-03-01")),"years")
[1] 5.00274
Documentation for the lubridate package can be found here.
Inspired by Bryan F, time_length() would work better if using interval object
time_length(interval(as.Date("2003-04-05"), as.Date("2001-01-01")), "years")
[1] -2.257534
time_length(difftime(as.Date("2017-03-01"), as.Date("2012-03-01")),"years")
[1] 5.00274
time_length(interval(as.Date("2017-03-01"), as.Date("2012-03-01")),"years")
[1] -5
You can see if you use interval() to get the time difference and then pass it to time_length(), time_length() would take into account the fact that not all months and years have the same number of days, e.g., the leap year.
Not an exact answer to your question, but the answer from Dirk Eddelbuettel in some situations can produce small errors.
Please, consider the following example:
as.numeric(difftime(as.Date("2012-03-01"), as.Date("2017-03-01"), unit="weeks"))/52.25
[1] -4.992481
The correct answer here should be at least 5 years.
The following function (using lubridate package) will calculate a number of full years between two dates:
# Function to calculate an exact full number of years between two dates
year.diff <- function(firstDate, secondDate) {
yearsdiff <- year(secondDate) - year(firstDate)
monthsdiff <- month(secondDate) - month(firstDate)
daysdiff <- day(secondDate) - day(firstDate)
if ((monthsdiff < 0) | (monthsdiff == 0 & daysdiff < 0)) {
yearsdiff <- yearsdiff - 1
You can modify it to calculate a fractional part depending on how you define the number of days in the last (not finished) year.
You can use the function AnnivDates() of the package BondValuation:
R> library('BondValuation')
R> DateIndexes <- unlist(
+ suppressWarnings(
+ AnnivDates("2001-01-01", "2003-04-05", CpY=1)$DateVectors[2]
+ )
+ )
R> names(DateIndexes) <- NULL
R> DateIndexes[length(DateIndexes)] - DateIndexes[1]
[1] 2.257534
Click here for documentation of the package BondValuation.
To get the date difference in years (floating point) you can convert the dates to decimal numbers of Year and calculate then their difference.
#Example Dates
x <- as.Date(c("2001-01-01", "2003-04-05"))
#Convert Date to decimal year:
date2DYear <- function(x) {
as.numeric(format(x,"%Y")) + #Get Year an add
(as.numeric(format(x,"%j")) - 0.5) / #Day of the year divided by
as.numeric(format(as.Date(paste0(format(x,"%Y"), "-12-31")),"%j")) #days of the year
diff(date2DYear(x)) #Get the difference in years
#[1] 2.257534
I subtract 0.5 from the day of the year as it is not known if you are at the beginning or the end of the day and %j starts with 1.
I think the difference between 2012-03-01 and 2017-03-01 need not to be 5 Years, as 2012 has 366 days and 2017 365 and 2012-03-01 is on the 61 day of the year and 2017-03-01 on the 60.
x <- as.Date(c("2012-03-01", "2017-03-01"))
#[1] 4.997713
Note that using time_length and interval from lubridate need not come to the same result when you make a cumulative time difference.
x <- as.Date(c("2012-01-01", "2012-03-01", "2012-12-31"))
time_length(interval(x[1], x[3]), "years")
#[1] 0.9972678
time_length(interval(x[1], x[2]), "years") +
time_length(interval(x[2], x[3]), "years")
#[1] 0.9995509 #!
#[1] 0.9972678
diff(date2DYear(x[c(1,2)])) + diff(date2DYear(x[c(2,3)]))
#[1] 0.9972678
x <- as.Date(c("2013-01-01", "2013-03-01", "2013-12-31"))
time_length(interval(x[1], x[3]), "years")
#[1] 0.9972603
time_length(interval(x[1], x[2]), "years") +
time_length(interval(x[2], x[3]), "years")
#[1] 0.9972603
#[1] 0.9972603
diff(date2DYear(x[c(1,2)])) + diff(date2DYear(x[c(2,3)]))
#[1] 0.9972603
Since you are already using lubridate package, you can obtain number of years in floating point using a simple trick:
find number of seconds in one year:
seconds_in_a_year <- as.integer((seconds(ymd("2010-01-01")) - seconds(ymd("2009-01-01"))))
now obtain number of seconds between the 2 dates you desire
seconds_between_dates <- as.integer(seconds(date1) - seconds(date2))
your final answer for number of years in floating points will be
years_between_dates <- seconds_between_dates / seconds_in_a_year
