I have an ORU R01 version 2.4 message that I'm trying to get through, but for some reason, it keeps giving me a data type error on the receive side. Below is the message:
PV1|1|E|ED^OFF UNIT^OFFUNIT^02|1|||070706^TestDoc^Edward^S^""^""||||||||||||9999999995||||||||||||||||||||DMC|||||20110526231400|20110701014900||||||||
OBR|1|339999-333333333-1-77777|339999-333333333-1-77777|ED HP|||20110527003054|||||||||||||77777^MedVa Chart|77777-RES333333333-339999-1-9999999995|
OBX|1|FT|ED HP||~Depaul Medical Center - Norfolk, VA 23505~~Patient: MALEPAT5 L MEDVATEST DOB: 5/15/1990~~MR #: 333333333 Age/Gender: 21y M~~DOS: 5/26/2011 23:14 Acct #: 9999999995~~Private Phys: Patient denies having a primary ED Phys: Edward S. TestDoc, NP-C~ care physician.~~CHIEF COMPLAINT: Enc. Type: ACUITY:~~Sore throat Initial 4_Level 4~~HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS ~Note~~Medical screening exam initiated: May 26, 2011 00:36~~HPI text: 21 year old male to the emergency room with a c/o sore throat pain~for the past week. Pt denies cough, N\T\V, diarrhea, and fever.~~Approximate time of injury/onset of symptoms 1 week(s) ago~~Medical and surgical history obtained.~~PAST HISTORY ~Past Medical/Surgical History~~ The history is provided by the patient~~ The patient's pertinent past medical history is as follows: Obesity~~ The patient's pertinent past surgical history is as follows: None~~ Patient allergies: No known allergies.~~ Home medications: Ibuprofen PO~~ The medication history was obtained from: verbally from the patient~~At the time of this signature, I have reviewed and agree with documented Past~History, Home Medications, Allergies, Social History and Family History.~~Past Social History~~Patient does not use tobacco.~~Patient does not use alcohol.~~Patient does not use drugs.~~EXAM ~CONSTITUTIONAL: Alert, in no apparent distress; well-developed;~well-nourished.~HEAD: Normocephalic, atraumatic~EYES: PERRL; EOM's intact.~ENTM: Nose: no rhinorrhea; Throat: no erythema or exudate, mucous membranes~moist. The bilateral tonsils are edematous and the uvula is mildly enlarged.~No exudates are noted. the tonsils do not touch.~Neck: No JVD, supple without lymphadenopathy~RESP: Chest clear, equal breath sounds.~CV: S1 and S2 WNL; No murmurs, gallops or rubs.~GI: Normal bowel sounds, abdomen soft and non-tender. No masses or~organomegaly.~GU: No costo-vertebral angle tenderness.~BACK: Non-tender~UPPER EXT: Normal inspection~LOWER EXT: No edema, no calf tenderness. Distal pulses intact.~NEURO: CN intact, reflexes 2/4 and sym, strength 5/5 and sym, sensation~intact.~SKIN: No rashes; Normal for age and stage.~PSYCH: Alert and oriented, normal affect.~~Printed By User N. Interface on 5/27/2011 12:30 AM~~Discharge Summary~~||||||S|
And here are the error messages I'm getting:
Error happened in body during parsing
Error # 1
Segment Id: PV1_PatientVisit
Sequence Number: 1
Field Number: 52
Error Number: 102
Error Description: Data type error
Encoding System: HL7nnnn 
Error # 2
Segment Id: OBR_ObservationRequest
Sequence Number: 1
Field Number: 20
Error Number: 102
Error Description: Data type error
Encoding System: HL7nnnn
I have ensured that my party is set up properly and that Validate Body Segments is unchecked and Allow Trailing delimiters is checked.
This has been resolved. I ended up having to customize the segment and data type schemas in order to resolve the two errors above. The segment schema needed to be altered to add another field at the end of the PV1 segment in order to accept the last field. The OBR20 needed to reference a custom data type that took in two strings in order to process properly
I've found bits and pieces of documentation for traffic flow data, but I haven't stumbled on a comprehensive document that includes all of the elements and attributes. Does such a document exist? If not can you help clarify the definition of some of the attributes and elements below?
<RW LI="114+01594" DE="12th Ave" PBT="2019-06-13T16:35:58Z" mid="61fc647b-9e52-41d0-9e18-435ec64b2f8f">
<FI><TMC PC="11761" DE="SE Milwaukie Ave/SE Gideon St" QD="-" LE="0.02134"/><CF CN="0.83" FF="13.67" JF="2.00696" SP="8.51" SU="8.51" TY="TR"/></FI>
<FI><TMC PC="11762" DE="SE Morrison St" QD="-" LE="0.98349"/>
<CF CN="0.83" FF="21.62" JF="3.41486" SP="10.9" SU="10.9" TY="TR">
<SSS><SS FF="22.56" JF="2.28167" LE="0.68918" SP="16.38" SU="16.38"/><SS FF="19.68" JF="6.46892" LE="0.2943" SP="8.41" SU="8.41"/></SSS>
<FI><TMC PC="15730" DE="SE Sandy Blvd" QD="-" LE="0.38267"/><CF CN="0.72" FF="21.81" JF="3.64183" SP="10.41" SU="10.41" TY="TR"/></FI>
<FI><TMC PC="11763" DE="I-84/US-30/Irving St/NE Lloyd Blvd" QD="-" LE="0.4496"/>
<CF CN="0.79" FF="23.8" JF="3.21584" SP="12.75" SU="12.75" TY="TR">
<SSS><SS FF="24.38" JF="3.14159" LE="0.16714" SP="12.11" SU="12.11"/><SS FF="23.44" JF="2.41069" LE="0.28245" SP="16.66" SU="16.66"/></SSS>
RW - Roadway
RW#LI - ?
RW#DE - Looks like the roadway name, but not sure what "DE" translates too.
RW#PBT - The timestamp the resource was requested/computed?
RW#mid - A unique id for the roadway?
FIS - Flow items
FI - Flow item
TMC - Some sort of region?
TMC#PC - ?
TMC#DE - Same as RW#DE, but for a segment of the RW?
TMC#QD - Queue direction +/-
TMC#LE - ?
CF - Current flow
CF#CN - Confidence attribute per this doc
CF#FF - ?
CF#JF - Jam factor
CF#SP - Documented here
CF#SU - Documented here
CF#TY - ?
SSS - Street segments?
SS - Street segment?
SS#FF - ?
SS#JF - Jam factor
SS#LE - ?
SS#SP - Same as Documented here
SS#SU - Same as Documented here
please see meta resources document page.
you can request the definition of acronyms based on traffic or incidents api version.
Fro example below request will return a flow xsd.
Happy coding!
I have every node configured as follow in slurm.conf
NodeName=node1 NodeAddr=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx State=UNKNOWN Procs=32 Boards=1 SocketsPerBoard=2 CoresPerSocket=8 ThreadsPerCore=2 RealMemory=128000 TmpDisk=65536
when I run the following command
srun -n 2 sleep 60
I found that all the core in a node would be allocated by this job. If another job want to run on this node, it would be bolcked until the previous job finishes.
scontrol show the job information as following
JobId=51 JobName=sleep
UserId=hadoop(1002) GroupId=hadoop(1002) MCS_label=N/A
Priority=4294901703 Nice=0 Account=hadoop QOS=normal
JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=0 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
RunTime=00:00:12 TimeLimit=UNLIMITED TimeMin=N/A
SubmitTime=2018-07-16T21:46:56 EligibleTime=2018-07-16T21:46:56
StartTime=2018-07-16T21:46:56 EndTime=Unknown Deadline=N/A
PreemptTime=None SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
Partition=TOTAL AllocNode:Sid=node1:25124
ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=32 NumTasks=2 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=0:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
MinCPUsNode=1 MinMemoryNode=125G MinTmpDiskNode=0
Features=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
Gres=(null) Reservation=(null)
OverSubscribe=NO Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)
Use sacct to get the history jobs , I get the following output
JobID JobName Partition Account AllocCPUS State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
51 sleep TOTAL hadoop 32 COMPLETED 0:0
51.0 sleep hadoop 2 COMPLETED 0:0
show the partition information:
AllowGroups=ALL AllowAccounts=ALL AllowQos=ALL
AllocNodes=ALL Default=YES QoS=N/A
DefaultTime=NONE DisableRootJobs=NO ExclusiveUser=NO GraceTime=0
PriorityJobFactor=1 PriorityTier=1 RootOnly=NO ReqResv=NO OverSubscribe=NO
OverTimeLimit=NONE PreemptMode=OFF
State=UP TotalCPUs=96 TotalNodes=3 SelectTypeParameters=NONE
It seems something wrong.
It's the problem casued by SelectType. I let it as the default value which I think is select/linear. As mentioned in Select Plugin Design Guide, select/linear is node-centric .
The select/linear and select/cons_res plugins have similar modes of operation. The obvious difference is that data structures in select/linear are node-centric, while those in select/cons_res contain information at a finer resolution (sockets, cores, threads, or CPUs depending upon the SelectTypeParameters configuration parameter).
I change SelectType to select/cons_res and restart the whole cluster, the problem is solved.
When i am trying to add sample credit card number on my Sandbox Account on Vault getting below error.
here is request JSON
"number": "4769424246660779",
"type": "visa",
"expire_month": 11,
"expire_year": 2018,
"cvv2": "0123"
Response code: 400 Error response: {"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","debug_id":"c7f1d5bd16eef","message":"Invalid request - see details","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/#VALIDATION_ERROR","details":[{"field":"number","issue":"Value is invalid"}]}
{"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","debug_id":"c7f1d5bd16eef","message":"Invalid request - see details","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/#VALIDATION_ERROR","details":[{"field":"number","issue":"Value is invalid"}]}
Credit card numbers have an algorithm called Luhn Algorithm and your sample card number does not match with this calculation.
You may also check it online. http://www.freeformatter.com/credit-card-number-generator-validator.html
Here are some sample credit card numbers can be used for testing:
Visa: 4111111111111111
Visa: 4012888888881881
Visa: 4222222222222
JCB: 3530111333300000
JCB: 3566002020360505
JCB: 3088000000000009
MasterCard: 5555555555554444
MasterCard: 5105105105105100
MasterCard: 5500000000000004
American Express: 378282246310005
American Express: 371449635398431
American Express: 340000000000009
American Express Corporate: 378734493671000
Australian BankCard: 5610591081018250
Diners Club: 30569309025904
Diners Club: 38520000023237
Diners Club: 30000000000004
Discover: 6011111111111117
Discover: 6011000990139424
Discover: 6011000000000004
Carte Blanche: 30000000000004
Some attributes in my model have presence validation and I wanted to add tests in my spec to check if an error is generated when the attribute is blank.
I'm using this code:
it 'should have a name' do
expect(#patient.errors[:name].size).to eq(1)
But here is the result of the rspec command:
1) Patient should have a name
Failure/Error: expect(#patient.errors[:name].size).to eq(1)
expected: 1
got: 0
(compared using ==)
# ./spec/models/patient_spec.rb:11:in `block (2 levels) in '
Finished in 0.03002 seconds (files took 40.54 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/models/patient_spec.rb:10 # Patient should have a name
With shoulda you can do this in one simple line:
Describe Patient do
# original 'should' validation
it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }
# alternative 'expected' validation
it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:name) }
I found my mistake. I need to call #patient.valid? before checking for errors.
it 'has a name' do
expect(#patient.errors[:name].size).to eq(1)
I'm trying to update Status information on assignments via Statusing Web Service (PSI). Problem is, that the results are not as expected. I'll try to explain what I'm doing in detail:
Two cases:
1) An assignment for the resource exists on specified tasks. I want to report work actuals (update status).
2) There is no assignment for the resource on specified tasks. I want to create the assignment and report work actuals.
I have one task in my project (Auto scheduled, Fixed work). Resource availability of all resources is set to 100%. They all have the same calendar.
Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 12,5 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Tue 02.04.13
Resource Names: Resource 1
Work: 100 hrs
First I execute an UpdateStatus with the following ChangeXML
<Changes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Proj ID="a8a601ce-f3ab-4c01-97ce-fecdad2359d9">
<Assn ID="d7273a28-c038-486b-b997-cdb2450ceef5" ResID="8a164257-7960-4b76-9506-ccd0efabdb72">
<Change PID="251658250">900000</Change>
Then I call a SubmitStatusForResource
client.SubmitStatusForResource(new Guid("8a164257-7960-4b76-9506-ccd0efabdb72"), null, "auto submit PSIStatusingGateway");
The following entry pops up in approval center (which is as I expected it):
Status Update; Task 31; Task update; Resource 1; 3/20/2012; 15h; 15%;
Update in Project (still looks fine):
Task Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 12,5 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Tue 02.04.13
Resource Names: Resource 1
Work: 100 hrs
Actual Work: 15 hrs
Remaining Work: 85 hrs
Then second case is executed: First I create a new assignment...
sName: Task 31 - Fixed Work,
projGuid: "a8a601ce-f3ab-4c01-97ce-fecdad2359d9",
taskGuid: "024d7b61-858b-40bb-ade3-009d7d821b3f",
assnGuid: "e3451938-36a5-4df3-87b1-0eb4b25a1dab",
sumTaskGuid: Guid.Empty,
dtStart: 14.03.2013 08:00:00,
dtFinish: 02.04.2013 15:36:00,
actWork: 900000,
fMilestone: false,
fAddToTimesheet: false,
fSubmit: false,
sComment: "auto commit...");
Then I call the UpdateStatus again:
<Changes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Proj ID="a8a601ce-f3ab-4c01-97ce-fecdad2359d9">
<Assn ID="e3451938-36a5-4df3-87b1-0eb4b25a1dab" ResID="c59ad8e2-7533-47bd-baa5-f5b03c3c43d6">
<Change PID="251658250">900000</Change>
And finally the SubmitStatusForResource again
client.SubmitStatusForResource(new Guid("c59ad8e2-7533-47bd-baa5-f5b03c3c43d6"), null, "auto submit PSIStatusingGateway");
This creates the following entry in approval center:
Status Update; Task 31 - Fixed Work; New reassignment request;
Resource 2; 3/20/2012; 15h; 100%; 0h
I accept it and update my project:
Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 6,76 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Mon 25.03.13
Resource Names: Resource 1;Resource 2
Work: 69,05 hrs
Actual Work: 30 hrs
Remaining Work: 39,05 hrs
And I really don't get, why the new work would be 69,05 hours. The results I expected would have been:
Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 6,76 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Mon 25.03.13
Resource Names: Resource 1;Resource 2
Work: 65 hrs
Actual Work: 30 hrs
Remaining Work: 35 hrs
I've spend quite a bunch of time, trying to find out, how to update the values to get the results that I want. I really would appreciate some help. This makes me want to rip my hair out!
Thanks in advance
PS: Forgot to say that I'm working with MS Project Server 2010 and MS Project Professional 2010