IIS 7 Wont Open My Aspx Files - asp.net

I am new to IIS and it is annoying the hell out of me!
I have an asp.NET website that runs beautifully on visual studio 2010, so what i do, is publish the website, put the published website folder in the inetpub/wwwroot folder, connect all the dots, then in my browser i type in http://localhost:8080/A3Media/ and it brings up my index.html page. So the IIS is working correctly because it happily displays .html files. but when i try and access a .aspx file in my website. I get i weird 404 error saying the document doesnt exist. When it obviously does exist because... I checked... multiple times!
So i deducted that my IIS doesnt like .aspx files or anything to do with asp.NET.
So i make sure that i have all the asp.net modules installed by following the usual "windows features" and making sure the asp.net folder is ticked and installed, along with all the depending asp.net folders.
and my website still doesnt work.
have i missed something?
i have no idea:(

One of two options spring to mind.
Have you registered ASP.NET? aspnet_regiis.exe -i Link
cmd -> cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319> aspnet_regiis.exe -i
In IIS manager - Request Filtering - Is .aspx denied?

Make sure you convert your "A3Media" directory into ASP.NET Application via IIS Manager, please see Deploying ASP.NET Websites on IIS 7.0 for more details.


Start an ASP.net website from a specific folder using IIS Express via command line

I've written and ASP.net MVC web application that needs to be installed as a "normal" application (or as close to it as possible). By which I mean, I need to have a "double click on exe file and the webappp opens in default browser" behavior, or as close to that as possible.
Being used to Java, I stupidly thought that I could use and embedded webserver to run it, but after a bit of research (correct me if I'm wrong here) it seems this cannot be done (only ASP.net Core can do that, but I'm using the traditional .NET Framework) and the web app needs to be run in either IIS or IIS Express.
So, after more research, this page:
seems to suggest that launching a site from a specific folder via IIS Express is possible, by using a command like:
iisexpress.exe /path:"C:\Program Files\MyWebsite\bin"
where the path above contains my compiled ASP.net MVC website.
This, however, doesn't seem to work. When I issue that command I get the following output:
c:\Program Files\IIS Express>iisexpress.exe /path:"C:\Program Files\MyWebsite\bin"
Copied template config file 'c:\Program Files\IIS Express\AppServer\applicationhost.config' to 'C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\Temp\iisexpress\applicationhost20179188941639.config'
Updated configuration file 'C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\Temp\iisexpress\applicationhost20179188941639.config' with given cmd line info.
Starting IIS Express ...
Successfully registered URL "http://localhost:8080/" for site "Development Web Site" application "/"
Registration completed
IIS Express is running.
Enter 'Q' to stop IIS Express
So basically IIS Express starts, but it's not running my website from the folder I specified, it runs some (presumebly) default empty website, called "Development Web Site". I checked some urls, and I can confirm that is not my website, but just an empty shell with no pages or anything else.
What am I missing here? How do you start a website in IIS Express via command line? Do I have to "register" the website first somehow?
After a bit more research, I found out I can register a website explicitly by doing:
appcmd.exe add site /name:MySite /physicalPath:"C:\Program Files\MyWebsite\bin" /bindings:http://localhost:8081
and then start it with:
iisexpress.exe /site:MySite
This however doesn't solve the problem: when I browse to the website via browser all I get are 404 errors, there's no content at all.
One thing I also must point out: since an ASP.net website is compiled into a DLL file, I don't understand how simpy registering/starting it using a path to a FOLDER would work... how would IIS Express understand which DLL to load the site from? Seems like there are some crucial pieces missing here...
After further tinkering, I figured it out. I was pointing to the /bin directory of the website. Instead, you have to point to the parent directory, the one that contains the Web.config file.
So, in my case, I changed:
iisexpress.exe /path:"C:\Program Files\MyWebsite\bin"
iisexpress.exe /path:"C:\Program Files\MyWebsite"
and now it works correctly

aspx pages downloads after hosting in IIS?

We hosted the website in IIS. When we test the home page of our site IIS suddenly offering to download the aspx page instead of rendering .
We hosted the website in IIS 7.0. Website developed with DotnetFramework 4.0.
Please help me in identify the bottom of the problem.
You'll need to drop into the command prompt and navigate to the folder;
and type the command aspnet_regiis -i
this will configure the IIS server to correctly process the aspx files - not sure why it would work previously and then suddenly stop working, have you used this explicit version of .NET on this server before?
You have to configure it once again. Before that, follow some steps mentioned below:
You have to build the web application within your Visual Studio.
After successful build,you have to publish the application and save that published copy to specific folder say 'MyPublieshedApp'.
Start IIS and add new website. You have to point the folder which contains the published content of your application. In this case the folder should be 'MyPublishedApp'.
Set the application pool and set the framework version to ASP.NET 4.0.
5.Then browse one of the page after configuring it into the IIS.
May be this will help you.

asp .net 4.0 app on IIS7 Error 404.17

I am having a problem setting up a website under IIS 7. I have created an application and the application pool for the application. Application pool is using .Net Framework 4.0 as my .net app is written in .Net Framework 4.0. Application pool is set to use classic Pipeline Mode. MIME Types have been automatically added to .asp & .aspx.
When I run the website windows explorer is showing me "View Downloads" and trying to download "application name localhost" when it downloads the file I notice that its the html of my default.aspx. I have checked Default Document and it contains Default.aspx.
If I remove .asp & .aspx MIME Types then I get an error: HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.
I have seen this problem many times. IIS is not serving aspx pages and most likely is not running for the entire server or that site.
For the entire server: Check to see if iis world wide web service is running.
For the site alone: Hit run inside IIS.
You can easily know if IIS is running properly by going to IIS and hit the browse option from inside a web site.
With the data you have put these are the things I would try in order if I were you:
Check in Server Manager/ Features if ASP.NET is installed (ServerManager/Roles/Web Server(IIS) look for ASP.NET
Check IIS Manager if everything is ok by:
Try to browse a test.html file to see if you are able to browse normal
Check Basic settings by clicking Test Settings
Check Handler Mappings to see if aspx is there.
Try to browse a sample test.aspx page with test data.
Check Application pool settings.
Reinstall Framework 4.0
Reboot machine ( a classical)
If you gave us more info and/or the ouput of my proposed tests maybe can help more. Good Luck :)
I had the 404.17 error happening on a server today. As you and cad mentioned, I checked the framework of the Application Pool that my site was using to make sure it was set to ASP.Net 4.0, and it was. What happened in my case is that my site was not using the application pool that I thought it was. My site was nested under another site, meaning my site pointed to a subfolder but another site was pointing to the root folder. Even though I had my site set to use the ASP.Net 4.0 Application Pool, the root site used a different Pool that had ASP.Net turned off, it was set to "No managed code". When I set the framework to 4.0 for the Pool the parent site was using, then my site started working.
In my case the solution was fixing the Handler mappings as explained here: http://forums.iis.net/post/1943489.aspx
IIS Manager->high-light you web site->click Handler Mappings icon on
the home pane->click Revert to Parent...
on the right Actions pane

Serving ASP.NET in Windows 7 IIS 7

I have worked with IIS 5.1 (XP) and 6 (Server 2003) but I am a little lost on IIS 7 (Windows 7).
I install IIS from windows component, created a new website testweb, added virtual directory, pointed it to where to serve pages from. Converted that to application. Now when I visis the site, it does go to the location and it lists all the files (I have enabled directory listing) but when I when I go to the test.htm file (I added) in the folder, I get this
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been
removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
The file is obviously there as it was listed in the directory. If I click on .aspx file I get this
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error Handler "ASPX handler" has a
bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list
One problem that I had was I could not save test.htm file directly in the directory (c:\program files\product\web) from Visual Studio, I had to save the file in documents folder and then copy it over as administrator.
My questions are:
Do I need to specify default handlers in II7 for ASPX pages? I heard they are not there by default. This would be in Hanlders section. I have already added one by the way.
Do I have to add MIME type for ASPX pages as well. They are not there be default. If I had one, I run into different errors.
Can anyone clarify on the two questions. Thanks
For #1, did you install the static file portion of IIS?
For #2, try re-registering ASP.Net 4.0 by running something like:
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.21006\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
(Depending your CPU you might want to use Framework64)
Also check that your app pool is targeting the 4.0 Framework and not the 2.0 Framework.

IIS 6.0 web application - Does the entire "website" need to be an "application"?

I had a website hosted in IIS. One small section of it needed asp.net. So I just right-clicked that section/directory and made it an application and a virtual directory.
Is that alright? Or does the entire "website" need to be made into an application and virtual directory?
The reason I ask is that when I try to browse to the aspx page in this "application", I am getting a parser error message "Could not load type...MyCodeBehindType" in the page directive, which seems to me to indicate that it is not finding the dll's, or even the code behind class files (which are clearly in the same directory).
If I do it this way, with only a subfolder of my website actually being a web application, where do I put the dlls? In a bin folder of the website the web application is within? Or in a bin folder of the web application?
Making just a folder within a website, an application, should be fine. I usually have to remember to change the version of ASP.NET from 1.1 to 2.x, that may be what's causing the error.
In order to test the configuration, start with a blank test page (blank.aspx) with just HTML. If the HTML shows up, you know IIS is serving .NET pages.
If there is a problem with ASP.NET not being correctly registered for IIS, you could try re-registering it. Open the following folder:
and run:
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
