Drupal 6: Heartbeat module is "missing" some content - drupal

I’m using the heartbeat module on my site to make an activity-stream and recently I discovered that it doesn’t display all the new comments.
I’ve displayed group messaging ‘cause I only want to display #username commented on #node_title and nothing more. But for some reason, when there is several comments submitted within a short range of time it either only displays one of the comments or nothing or it makes an entry in the activity-stream which is just blank.
Before I was using the built-in comment-template in Heartbeat but now I’ve tried to create my own instead. It works when I post a comment but when testing it and makes two comments within e.g. 30 seconds it still makes the error.
Are there any known problems with this issue or am I missing something?? I haven’t detected the problem with adding new nodes, which also can occur within a short period of time on my time.
- Mestika

If you are having display failures in Views, there is a patch someone worked out in February 2012 for Views 6.x-3.x - you might want to try that. It fixes the display for a bunch of fields. See http://drupal.org/node/1295570


Linking to product page gives "Not Available for bots to index" error on screen instead of the old style App Details

Linking to my app product page gives "Not Available for bots to index"
What is the proper syntax to place a href link to the product so that users online can view it as html?
I don't have a final solution, just a workaround.
We've been seeing the same issue with our own app for the past few days and we've started seeing reports of people encountering this with all kinds of apps, including even Microsoft's own AppInstaller. It seems to be a server-side rate-limiting/caching issue at Microsoft as changing anything in the URL fixes the problem temporarily -- only to get back to the same issue a few hours later. We also found that VPN-ing to some locations (mostly to the US) helped as well, and this throttling seems to be specific to an app & an availability region (when it got blocked, it blocked across all Europe, but not in US for example). It seems to come & go as we have not seen a big drop in new install counts.
As a temporary solution we ended up adding a random string to the end of the URL. We used GCLID as we found it to be the least offensive way -- it could just as well be a legitimate tracking ID we pass over. So now the URL we link to looks like this:
Where the "f-xxxx" value is generated using the md5() of the timestamp -- but it could be any ever-changing value, even a random number.
We've reached out to our MS contact about this but we haven't heard back yet.
I encountered the same issue half an hour ago, but it seems recovered now.
If you own an app, you can confirm Product identity in Partner Center:
You can share the direct link and Store ID to help customers find your app in the Store:
URL: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/*12CharsAppId*
Store ID: 12CharsAppId
Store protocol link: ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=12CharsAppId
The above address would be recommended but the apps.microsoft.com URL should also work.
I work on apps.microsoft.com. I can confirm that there was an issue on our end that appeared on August 23. This issue has been resolved.
And the proper link, of course, is this:
https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/[your product id here]

How to search through all WooCommerce products/categories...?

I'm developing an ASP.NET Core web application using WooCommerce REST APIs (I'm also using the WooCommerceNET library), and I need to implement a search text input field with a simple Search button.
No problems with that, the issue is that WooCommerce returns 100 items max per page, so the following does not work (this code runs after the property Products has been populated, of course):
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString))
Products = Products.Where(p => p.name.Contains(searchString)).ToList();
Since my WooCommerce website contains 23k+ of products, I can't just do multiple (230+) requests, it would take forever.
I thought about having a parallel local database or something similar which gets populated when it's needed, but then I realized that maybe, if I'm lucky, it exists some sort of parameter that I can pass to the request in order to filter the research directly in the http request, so it would already return 100 results of my research.
I didn't find anything about that googling around, so I'm asking here if this is a thing and if it's not, then how to solve my problem in a different way.
It was pretty easier to find than I thought, indeed there is a parameter which can be used in the link, here's an example that works for me:

Cacti - Poller stopped after data source template changed - Old but gold

I'm new here and this is my first post :)
I will try to explain, sorry ahead about my grammar
We moved to GPDR few months ago, and my job is to fix all the graph which Stopped working, we notice it was due to a change in data-source, in this case it was the volume of the disks
Ex: xvdg - xvdf (AWS)
What I've done:
Duplicated each old data source template. to a new one with a new name and volume
Then i changed the old graph with the new data source template
The weird thing that happened, this worked on only 1 graph, and all the other graphs I've change, stopped, didn't show data,
Checking the Cacti logs
I notice these graph pollers are gone...
5 pollers are not showing anymore in the logs
I've tried:
Deleting the rrd, so it will recreate itself - it did but no poller
Re cached the poller index - didnt do any change
Messing with RDDTOOL
Then i notice that if i create a new graph with the new data sources it will work
But i got 6x20 of these to do, i need a creative better way to do this
Please help

SCORM to xAPI sessions and re-answering Activity + changing Score

I'm coming from a SCORM end and trying to figure out two related issues with how to do update and find the most recent data (ie, looking for best practices).
In SCORM I'd have a set of activities that would all store their answers and scores (easily understandable from the docs etc). The "how" I'm after is specifically related to resuming the set of activities multiple times, and hitting "reset" and submitting a different answer to a single activity after a statement has been sent in.
From what I read with xAPI it states that statements are immutable - so how would I go about this.
My first thought was that I'd make the statement id generated from the activity id and void the old answer when it changes - but that sounds wrong (not least because it reads like you can't re-use the id even with voiding).
So it looks like the Statement id needs to be unique, which would mean that multiple identical Objects would be found - so would I have to look through every attempt and check for the latest one?
I'm currently looking at using xAPIWrapper in the middle.
Moving from SCORM to xAPI requires a change of mindset. SCORM deals with statuses which get updated; xAPI logs events like a journal.
You can think of it like Facebook. You post a photo of your new cat; a month later you post a photo of your cat 1 month older. There's no need to go back and delete the old post. If you want the latest photo of your cat you just go and get the most recent photo tagged "Ryochet's cat". You can also look at older photos to see how your cat developed. xAPI is like that activity stream on Facebook.
So, if somebody scores 10 points on their first attempt, then 20 points on their second attempt, you'd simply send a second set of statements about the 2nd attempt. There's no need to get rid of the statements about the old attempt, that happened and is useful data to see how the learner developed.

Drupal vote_up_down module reporting incorrect points

I am working on a project using Drupal 6 (6.11 at the moment, haven't yet upgraded to 6.12) and part of the core functionality is the ability to vote on nodes. I'm having some rather weird behaviour that has taken me an age to track down and now I have, I still can't fix it.
This is what I've managed to figure out so far:
The template file sites/default/modules/vote_up_down/theme/vote_up_down_points.tpl.php automatically calls the function template_preprocess_vote_up_down_points() from vote_up_down.module.
vote_up_down.module then queries the database using the values stored in the $variables array that is passed to it
On only one of the 3 occasions this is called on a typical node (in this case forum posts) $variables doesn't have a value for $variables['cid'].
That one occasion is when it reads the score so as to display it below the post itself. And, instead of locating the current post's score, it locates the first-ever-voted-on post's score. (This is because instead of returning the score of one post, it returns the score of all posts and then uses the first one from the list).
I am assuming that $variables is a system-wide constant (looking at the content of it using print_r seems to confirm that) and so perhaps this is a core bug as it should always be the same. I checked the contents of $variables and the only 4 parts of around 50 that are different in the one that doesn't work are: cid - blank, tag - blank (although this is discovered by the function and correctly substituted as 'vote'), zebra - even & id - 2. I imagine the last 2 are not really important for this, so the key must be in why $variables['cid'] is not being passed through.
So, my questions are:
Has anyone had this problem before and how did you fix it?
If not, do you have any tips as to how I can figure out why this is not working correctly?
I can't tell you the answer, but you'll probably have better luck posting this in the module's issue queue, since then the maintainer and others using it will see it.
I can't believe I didn't try this before, but I just upgraded to the latest development snapshot of vote_up_down and the problem went away. A 2 minute fix in the end vs about 6 hours of trying to tie the problem down.
Lesson learnt!
