css and images not loading - asp.net

i have uploaded my asp.net 4 web forms site to my testing server. all the database connectivity issue is resolved and its working perfctly but i am having problem the css and the images are not showing neither localy on the server nor if i try to access it from the external link.
i am using master pages. (if this help in anyway )
i have tryed to hard code the styles into a page. they have appeared i think there is something with the path on server i have to create
i have double checked the css path and the images path they are correct but still they are not showing. any idea?
Thank you 4 the help

I had the same problem two minutes ago. Here's the solution.
All you have to do is run ‘optionalfeature’ command and make sure ‘Static Content’ option is checked.


When I try to use grunt serve to view a locally stored web app, the CSS doesn't work. What are the common causes for this?

I think I have installed everything needed and installed it correctly, but I am obviously missing something; or had a misstep somwhere along the line. I am on a Linux and I know for a fact the site works when viewed elsewhere. Here is a screenshot of what I see when I view the site locally: http://imgur.com/yPWcanu What are the common causes for this?
There might be some problems with paths. Open the Chrome development toolbar and check if there's a problem with loading the css files.
You should see them under the "Network" tab after reloading the page.

Codekit fails to refresh the browser after second edit?

I'm currently viewing Codekit's preview link of my page in the browser. After saving changes to my CSS, Codekit will auto-refresh the browser and render the changes as expected - the first time only.
After saving another change to the CSS, Codekit fails to refresh the browser the second time. I suspect this has to do with the structure of my files in conjunction with my external server (MAMP).
Currently I've specified my the following as External Server Address http://localhost/
And have set the following as my Preview Subpath: /sw/?v=/car/create
Could it be, that only files in the document root auto-refresh every time changes are made but not those in the Preview Subpath?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I have weird CodeKit2 behavior too: any project autorefreshes fine when I put it to the ~/Desktop/myproject but fails to reload when I put it to the ~/Dropbox/oluckyman-air/Projects/Work/myproject folder.
Seems that length of the project path is affects the autoreload feature.
I had workaround this problem by moving my project to the ~/Projects/myproject folder.
As Bryan Jones says it’s actually a bug in OS X. See here for a list of ways to work around it: http://feedback.livereload.com/knowledgebase/articles/86239-os-x-fsevents-bug-may-prevent-monitoring-of-certai

Page in aps.net is not loading at all

I have a website project developed using Telerik's rad controls and Twitter's bootstrap in VS2010 (framework 4). I must say it is a large project and this problem was not there a couple of days ago. Problem is that I have few asp.net web pages under a particular folder which when requested to open on localhost, browser is in the loading state forever but page is not getting loaded. Earlier these pages were getting loaded without any problem whatsoever. And when I publish them on the IIS server, they work without any issue means there is no problem with the code.
I tried to debug on the Page_Load of code behind but I realized that server is never reaching there and I wonder what is causing this issue. I would also say that I had not changed any settings on OS or VS. I tried to copy the same page to an another folder to see if it works there but no luck. So folder does not seems to be any issue.
Any idea would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me crazy.
Nailed it down, finally:) Infinite loop was messing up, Exit While did the trick.

An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator

When I tried to modify Microsoft forefront Unified access login.asp page and pages that comes with it ,
I prepared my custom files for css; inc files ; InstallAndDetect ..etc
but When i inserted those files under CustomUpdate folders i got this error :
" An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator. "
I tried files i prepared before by putting them in the place of the default files propvided by the system.
Ofc the naming is respecting when using customupdate files!!
Do you have any idea how can I solve this issue??
I'm afraid I don't have a proper picture of what exactly might have caused the problem in your case.
But I just went through resolving the same error message on my system (2012 R2, IIS 8) (while searching for the solution I came across your post)
And it turned out that what was causing my problems was the use of classic ASP parent paths (with "../" in them)
Switching to absolute and virtual paths solved the issue for me.
See here: http://www.iis.net/learn/application-frameworks/running-classic-asp-applications-on-iis-7-and-iis-8/classic-asp-parent-paths-are-disabled-by-default
Thank you for your answer.
Actually there was a bug with the product itself.
It didn't recognize the path to the CustomUpdate folder for any of custom folders in InternalSite folder.
I had to ask for a hot fix from Microsoft support to be able to use customized files (CSS , asp, images ).
Once the fix was installed, everything was working fine and I was able to see the customization I have done to the login page.

not getting images displayed after uploading asp.net application

i am getting the images in my localhost.But when i am uploading my project the images are not displayed.
I am saving my images in "~/App_Themes/darkOrange/images/button_line.jpg".
Is their is another method for giving image path in ASP.Net.
please help.
thank you.
Yes - check what is actually getting rendered out in the "src" attribute for the images. See if you can physically get to that file, if you cant, means the webpage cant. Have you confirmed the images have been deployed to the web server (not local - the server you uploaded to).
If not, make sure the "Build Action" for the images are set to "Content" in the properties window in Solution Explorer.
I faced a similar problem once. But, that was just a static website. Where the images were displayed in localhost but when I ftp files to the server, the images wouldn't show.
Later, I found out that it was becasue of the different case. For e.g - The image file name was "Image.JPG" and I had used "Image.jpg" in my code
Just check if this helps.
