Why Application_Start called two times from different threads? - asp.net

I can't understand why Application_Start event is called two or three times when my ASP.NET app start? Application_End is not called between Application_Start calls. Also I have only one IIS pool instance.

Check out:
Multiple Application_Start events firing
Does this apply to you?
Also ensure you aren't writing any log entries to the bin folder as that will cause it as well.

Please check the Worker Process Instances. You can find it in the Properties of your Application Pool. This happens if you have more then one instance of worker processes running under the same application pool.


Application_Start Vs Session_Start

Actually I am new to ASP.NET and I came through these concepts.
What is the difference between Application_Start Vs Session_Start?
And also how to know how many users are currently active in our application? Is by using Application_Start or by using Session_Start?
Application_Start executes just once when the application/worker process starts or IIS restarts. You can instantiate application variables, for example.
Session_start executes each time a Session is created, such as to instantiate and manage visitor data.
Application_Start Method is Fired on When the Application Started
Application_Start runs once before Files are Processed
Session_Start Method is Fired at the beginning of each session.
Session_Start runs at the starts of each unique user session.

Calling Thread.Run in an ASP.Net application running on IIS

Consider the following code which runs in an ASP.Net web application on IIS...
_thread = new Thread(Method1)
As there is a thread pool within the ASP.Net process what is the effect of this code? Specifically...
Will it take another thread from the ASP.Net thread pool? Or from a different threadpool? Or does this code bypass the thread pool and just get a new thread?
Is this the same thread pool that is used to serve page requests? Therefore, this code which was put in to improve performance could actually reduce it by taking another thread that could be used to serve another resource to another user?
Is the thread pool only used for serving non-static resources? Does IIS have it's own thread pool for serving resources that do not run through the managed pipeline?
What would happen if the App. Pool was recycled after calling _thread.Start()? Would IIS allow this thread to complete before closing down the application pool?
It seems to be that this code forces the creation of a new thread. Would there be a benefit to swapping this code to use Async/Wait? The code that runs in Method1() is IO bound.
When you call new Thread explicitly, that thread is not part of the thread pool. You are fully on your own.
The so called ASP.NET thread pool is purely used to process request messages (to host HttpApplication derived objects).
Static files are served by IIS natively, so the ASP.NET thread pool is for ASP.NET contents only. But here you should notice all happens inside the worker process (w3wp.exe). Just some are processed by native components, while others are by managed components. The pipeline is unified if you are using the integrated pipeline mode.
Application pool recycle only waits for requests to be processed. Your own threads will be killed when all requests are done.
Async/await does not create threads automatically. But by switching to async/await, you do avoid create a thread, and that should help improve performance.
ASP.NET 4.5+ (the one where you can use async-await) uses the same thread pool to handle requests and to schedule task execution through Task.Run.
When you use Task.Run when handling an ASP.NET request, you'll be changing context to a new thread pool thread and returning the current thread pool thread back to the thread pool. When the task completes, you'll be switching back another thread pool thread.
Using Task.Run when handling an ASP.NET request requires, at least, one more thread pool thread and incurs in, at least two context switches.
The bottom line is that it requires more resources and takes more time to handle the request.

How many instances of a web application are running in one worker process?

I have a single ASP.NET MVC 4 web application (MvcApplication which extends System.Web.HttpApplication) hosted on IIS 8. My application is running on a separate application pool in integrated pipeline mode. Maximum worker process count for this application pool is set to 1.
I understand, that application instances might get pooled and there might be multiple parallel threads, which will call Begin_Request/End_Request for the same instance of my application (AppDomain). Also I understand that if I set "Maximum worker process count" to more than 1 then there will definitely more than one instance of the application (AppDomain).
What I don't understand is how many calls to Application_Start will be issued and how many instances of my static variables (stored in MvcApplication and also there are some singletons, like NHibernate session factory etc.) will exist at a given moment.
Currently I have some problems with cleaning up .NET MemoryCache. Some users of my website are receiving old values from the cache, thus leading me to think that there might exist more than one instance of my global MemoryCache, even when I set "Maximum worker process count" to 1.
What is the maximal number of instances of my application static variables and singletons which will be run in parallel in a single worker process?
Is there any utility or script which would help me to enumerate all AppDomains on IIS?
I'm not sure if this applies to you, but HttpModule Initialize methods are called more than once because even though there is only one Application instance. One HttpApplication can spawn multiple HttpModule instances, so make sure those initializations are thread safe.
Application_Start and _End will fire only once per site start and stop with your current settings, so that will not be the issue. If you are using the HttpContext.Cache object, you might have the issue mentioned in this answer:
HashTable in HttpContext.Current.Cache
If you want, you can try using WinDbg and get a dump of what is going on in your process but that is a really heavy-handed tactic that probably won't shed as much light as just looking through the code. Not until you look at it a little harder, and are still stumped IMO.

In IIS7, what happens between Application_BeginRequest and Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute?

I've got some tracing statements with timestamps on an ASP.Net IIS application that gets a lot of traffic. I've got trace statements at the end of Application_BeginRequest and the beginning of Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute in my Global.asax. Occasionally there is a big delay between the end of BeginRequest and the start of PreRequestHandlerExecute, i.e. more than 5 seconds.
What is going on in the lifecycle of an HttpRequest between these two method calls that could be taking so long? This is IIS7 on Windows Server 2008.
If BeginRequest has already happend and the delay is before PreRequestHandlerExecute, you might want to log the thread id. If it is different, you suffer from ASP.NET thread agility.
A reason for this to happen can be the use of sessions. ASP.NET uses a reader-writer lock on the HttpContext.Current.Session. If you write to this variable, all the other request with the same session cannot run concurrently and are parked in a queue. .NET uses a polling mechanism to check whether the session lock is released.
I would also recommend checken that you've build on Release and that system.web/compilation/#debug = 'false'

Prevent IIS from reusing worker processes for separate ASP.Net AppDomains

When IIS restarts an ASP.Net (2.0) web application, it can either:
Recycle the AppDomain: Unload the AppDomain and load a new AppDomain on the same process (e.g. when HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() is called, when web.config is changed).
Recycle the process: unload the AppDomain and load a new one on a new process (e.g. when invoking Recycle command on an AppPool via inetmgr, or when memory limit is reached).
Due to some internal reasons (trouble with legacy native code we depend upon), we cannot allow the first option. We just can't load the application twice on the same process.
Can IIS be somehow told to never allow worker process reuse?
I've tried preventing it myself by tracking whether an application has already started on a process once using a Mutex, and if so - throwing an exception during Application_Start()); I've also tried terminating the process by calling Environment.Exit() during Application_End(). The problem with both methods is that it causes any requests that arrive during Application_End or Application_Start to fail (unlike a manual process recycle, which fails absolutely no requests because they are redirected to the new process right away).
I believe that "Recycle the AppDomain" comes under preview of ASP.NET runtime and IIS is not really involved anywhere (I am not 100% sure about this in case of integrated pipeline of IIS7). So I don't think that what you want is feasible. But there are couple of workaround that you may consider for your problem:
Ensure that you run start-up code (manipulating legacy code) to run only once - this should be possible via named system semaphores. Once system semaphore is created by app start-up in worker process, it will exists till process is recycled so you can have per process initialization.
If #1 is not possible then consider hosting code manipulating legacy code in a separate process all together - this process can expose relevant functionality via WCF services over named pipes. ASP.NET will consume them to use legacy code.
Couldn't find a way to tell IIS that worker processes are not to be reused. Can't afford fixing the underlying problem that forbids process reuse. Therefore, ended up calling Environment.Exit(0) in Application_End, although it may cause a small number of requests to fail with a connection reset.
