running solution containing multiple projects in iis -

I have an solution containing more than 1 projects which are inter-related and each project have different configurations in web.config file. The whole solution is kept in a folder, lets say 'X'. I want to run the solution in iis. For that, I have created a virtual path in iis of 'X', converted the folder 'X' to an application, and created a web.config file in the root folder that is 'X'.
When I am viewing one of the project' default page in browser, it shows an error of
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'app1.SiteMaster'
I have already compiled the solution.
Please help... Am i missing some settings...

It sounds like the application can't find the master page. Assuming that your projects share the same master page, you probably need to update the path to the master page to the relative path from the root.


PDF is not accessible through URL in IIS .NET Framework 4.8 app

I have a PDF file in a folder on a server within a IIS website app that I need to be able to open through a link/url, like below:
The PDF file is hosted in a folder of my IIS application. When I try to access it through the link, I've got a 500 server error.
I tried several things within IIS settings (URL Rules, web.config, mime-types), but nothing worked so far.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
Is the folder included in the project? You can't just add a folder outside of Visual Studio, but have to use VS to add that folder.
You can right click on that existing folder (which of course is a sub folder of your project) and check this setting:
So, in my case, I right click on UpLoadFiles.
If the folder ALREADY is included in the project, then you get a option to EXCLUDE the folder like this:
However, if the folder is not included, then you see this:
so, is that folder included in your project? You want to check above.

web.config file not there in the root(/) directory

I was trying to run a .cshtml file but it gave an error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
This type of page is not served.
Description: The type of page you have requested is not served because it has been explicitly forbidden. The extension '.cshtml' may be incorrect. Please review the URL below and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /index.cshtml
So I searched for the solution and found that I had to edit the web.config file which is in the root directory(here it is My Site), but there is no file like that there there is only an index.cshtml which I had created.
I searched even the IIS and the IIS Express folders in Programs Files\ but there was no file like that?
If you are using WebMatrix, maybe your mistake was the starting point choice.
If you want to create a new Web Pages site you must start from a template in the Template Gallery of WebMatrix. Pay attention that the Empty Site template differs from the Empty Site option outside the Template Gallery because the first holds the files (binaries, packages and the web.config too) that are needed.
As the server error suggests, .cshtml files are not served, the reason for this is because they are server-side files that make up your application, they are just one piece of a much bigger picture.
If you launched your web application in debug mode and the URL in the browser was something like http://localhost:2932/Views/Home/Index.cshtml, just drop the /Views/Home/Index.cshtml part of the URL.

Compile web site and certain references are not being copied to Temporary ASP.NET Files Folder

Scenerio: I have an website that I am compiling successfully but keep getting an error in the browser saying that it can not find a referenced dll in the solution. I checked the directory in the Temporary ASP.NET File location and all of my referenced dll's are there except for the one it is failing to retrieve. I manually added the location it was looking for and the site worked.
The dll is referenced in code so it should have been moved to the temp folder. Does anyone have any idea why this would happen? I checked the properties on the referenced dll and copy local is set to true so it should be moved to the output directory.
Right click on the DLLs in your References/Bin directory in your project and look at the Copy Local property. Make sure they are set to True.
After hours of searching google and finding nothing, I decided to take a look at the actual properties of the dll file. To my surprise the issue ended up being permissions. For some reason the one dll that was beating me up all day needed correct permissions to be moved to the output folder. ughhh.
When you say "referenced in code" do you mean it's listed in the project file's Reference section? Or do you mean you are manually referring/naming it in your source code?
Have you tried this in your web.config (or higher up the config chain?)
<hostingEnvironment shadowCopyBinAssemblies="false" />
Where exactly are you expecting it to be copied? What is the path the error message is reporting?

Web Service fails when referencing it in another site in IIS

I've got a C# 3.5 web service that works fine when its accessed at http://domain/foo/bar/WS.asmx
The /foo/bar part could change in the future so I want to give people a more stable URL that I could update without requiring any changes from them. I created a site in IIS and set it's Home Directory to where WS.asmx is. Now when I try to access it from http://domain2/WS.asmx, I get:
Description: An error occurred during
the parsing of a resource required to
service this request. Please review
the following specific parse error
details and modify your source file
Parser Error Message: Could not create
type 'Namespace.WS'.
Source Error: Line 1: <%# WebService
Language="C#" CodeBehind="WS.asmx.cs"
Class="Namespace.WS" %>
The assemblies in both cases are at http://domain/bin but when I come from domain2 it doesn't seem to know where to find the \bin that is 3 folders up in the file system.
The namespace/classes are more descriptive than that, I just made them basic for the purposes of this question.
Sorry, AFAIK you can't pull DLLs from explicit file paths outside the root of your website. You generally have two choices:
1) use the /bin directory of the current app (make a copy of the other app's /bin)
2) put the DLL into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
BTW, this has been asked in a few other spots on SO, like here.
One thing you could do, if your /bin DLLs are only used inside /foo/bar/, is to convert into an IIS application, and then move the DLLs into a new /foo/bar/bin directory. Then you'd only have one copy of the DLL's to manage.

How to tell what page a dll refers to in precompiled ASP.NET site

I'm using a pre-compiled ASP.NET 2.0 site (i.e., copied to the server using the "Build->Publish Web Site" feature in Visual Studio 2005). I catch and log all errors which are usually quite detailed, but lately I've been getting the following error with no other information:
Could not load the assembly
'App-Web-rp2eml-j'. Make sure that it
is compiled before accessing the page.
Now, that 'App-Web-rp2eml-j' file should be a dll in my bin folder which was created for the pre-compiled site. My main question is, how do I tell what aspx page is looking for that dll? I've tried re-publishing the site, and even completely wiping out the site and re-publishing, but the problem does not go away.
When Googling the problem, most answers about this error message center around making sure IIS is set up to use ASP.NET 2.0 instead of 1.1. This is not my problem.
NOTE 1: The site all seems to work, but obviously there is (at least) one page that is broken which I cannot find.
NOTE 2: The file name above should have underscores instead of dashes, but SO's markup is changing the text between the underscores to italics.
Does the mentioned dll exist in your bin directory? You italicized that portion so I suspect that it doesn't. That could mean that the error is referring to a dll in the Temporary files folder.
This problem can occur if one or more of the dlls in the ASP.NET Temporary files folder are corrupted. Sometimes ASP.NET does not refresh files here if there are no changes in the dll residing in the virtual directory. It happens every once in a while on my server.
My solution is as follows:
Stop IIS services on the server for a minute or so.
Navigate to the ASP.NET Temporary files folder (usually located at "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\\Temporary ASP.NET Files\MyApplicationName") and clear all files within the folder.
Publish and upload my site to the configured virtual directory.
Restart IIS and other services.
This simple 4-step process has worked very well for me in the past and may be worth a try for you.
To answer your basic question, however, there are two ways to "reverse engineer" a dll:
Load it up in ILDASM and check the contained classes.
Use Reflector to save all the class files contained within the dll to a folder.
However, I doubt if this will solve your problem because each dll could contain many class files and you would not have a clue as to "which ASPX page is looking for that dll".
Maybe you can catch more detailed information on the error with the Global.asax event Application_OnError, so you can watch the stack Trace.
