Can you use mvc controllers in an app? -

My project is a web application project in 4.0. I've taken the steps to be able to add razor '.cshtml' pages. Can I also add mvc controllers for those files or for '.aspx' pages somehow?

Yes, you should be able to do that. Refer to following article (

Yes MVC and WebForms can co-exist.
A good overview is here, though not written for MVC 3 the concepts should be the same.


Design a CMS site using ASP.NET MVC 5

I'm building a site which mainly has articles and I'm using ASP.NET MVC 5 framework. I want to have an admin page where I can add, edit these article content.
I'm having a problem with designing the structure of this project.
I'm thinking of having a controller class called 'adminController', where I handle all the requests related to content management.
Is that approach conceptually correct in ASP.NET MVC? Because If this was an ASP web forms project, I would simply have two different projects called Public and Admin in a single solution.
I'm quite new to ASP.NET MVC framework and I'd appreciate any help.
You can do 2 separate projects and can do one.
Since ASP.NET MVC 4 whe have Areas and i suggest you to use it if you want structure your project and separate admin logic from public.
Here is a tutorial that you can check that explain whar areas is and how you can work with them.

Merge MVC development in existing Application

I want to one help
I have 1 Webform application which is in the Asp.Net and it is working fine and now I want to develop new functionality in Asp.Net MVC and merge in existing application.
So please provide any tutorial or any link which provide information for merging MVC functionality in existing Asp.Net application.
Basically I need to develop application which working with both webform functionality and also MVC functionality.
Combining web forms with MVC is entirely possible. See this blog post by Scott Hanselman for an introduction.
Sharing master pages: see this StackOverflow question
routing: In ASP.Net 4.0, routing has been enabled for web forms page routes (scottgu's blog)

How to mix WebForms and MVC in ASP.NET

I have an existing ASP.NET WebForms 3.0 application that works just fine. I upgraded it to ASP.NET 4 and it still works great, but now I want to add some ASP.NET MVC pages to it. I don't want to rewrite the application.
Any suggestions? Can I mix them? How to work it? Any tutorials for me?
Take a look at Scott Hanselman's blog article on this very topic:
Integrating ASP.NET MVC 3 into existing upgraded ASP.NET 4 Web Forms applications
You have to mention this line of code in the Global.asax file in the MVC application.
This disables the MVC routing for the files of extension .aspx

Migrating from ASP.NET WebForms to ASP.NET MVC

I'm developing a web application for a company which I work for. My team started working on the app few months ago and the decision was to build it with ASP.NET WebForms. Now we've quite a lot of the code developed and we're wondering if ASP.NET WebForms was a good choice. Maybe we should migrate. Ok, but what's the first step? We don't want to rewrite everything from scratch. We'd like to add a new stuff in MVC and rewrite the old part in the future (gradually). Is it possible to add somehow ASP.NET MVC application to current WebForms one? Can they live together? webforms and MVC can live happily together. You will add some includes and directores and add a route which will cause your webforms pages to be ignored. All explained here:
Mixing MVC with webforms is not that all hard. Basically, you want to ignore any exisiting .aspx routes in your global.asax, and then add routes for new pages that you want to build using MVC.
See this article for more details.


As far as I know, ASP.NET MVC leverages a lot of the features of ASP.NET Web Forms, one of these services is how to get the Html response from the template .aspx file (the view). Can mvc leverages any other platform to generate html over template files (something like PHP for example)?
EDIT: There is NO use case for this, just curiosity!
Yes, it can! The aspx model is just one of the view template mechanisms. There are others - you can even write your own. The key here is IViewEngine, with WebFormViewEngine being the aspx/ascx provider. ASP.NET MVC In Action covers some of this in chapter 6 "Customizing & Extending the ASP.NET MVC Framework".
you can use other ViewEngines
