CSS3 Circle with text wrap - css

Is it possible to draw a circle using -webkit-border-radius in CSS3 whilst constraining the width and height to specific variables (such as height:100px and width:100px) so when text is added inside the circle the text wraps instead of forcing the size of the circle to change?

If you want to handle this with only CSS and make it responsive, it's not possible in the way you would like.
However, it can be done with some rather tedious JavaScript.
I provide three alternatives.
1. CSS only, imperfect solution.
- # # -
| # # |
- # # -
Which mathematically, is 14.65% of the radius on each side (which is the same as the width or height), assuming a perfect circle.
Don't forget that padding inside an element is relative to it's container's width, so padding: 14.65% won't work unless the circle is inside an element with the same width.
2. JavaScript.
Font characters have different sizes. To do this, you will need either:
a monospace (or close) font.
to come up with a script to calculate the width on the fly.
The script could do this by having an inline-block element with the CSS display: pre; to calculate the width of all the breakpoints (i.e. words). On browser resize, you would use these widths to calculate how many you could fit on each line.
However, each line would have a different length inside a circle, so you'd have to work out from the line-height, the circle height and the number of lines how wide the containing line would be.
This isn't a slow process but doing so onresize would be problematic, so I'd advise either using fixed ratio sizing of the font-size and the circle-size, so you wouldn't have to redo it all.
Alternatively, another way to resize the circle after it had been generated on load would be to use a CSS3 Transform with a scale factor.
3. HTML Canvas + JS
You could use a canvas instead, as per the solution below? It would be far easier. Even then, the width of the text is calculated but is likely much faster than loading each word into an inline-block in the DOM.
Wrap text to a circle shape in svg or canvas

There is no way to make the element actually be circular, but you can definitely make the circle be of set size and make the text fit into the largest square that would fit inside the circle using padding:
(Example only works in WebKit browsers)
Although you do have to make sure there isn't too much text inside the circle to fit.

It is possible to wrap text inside a circle created using css3 border radius.
you just have to add the padding amount to the border radius
border-radius is the width/ height divided by 2. The element must be
a perfect square to get a perfect circle. then add the padding amt to
the border radius
padding: 50px;
<div class="testCircle">
Text inside a circle
This will cause the text to wrap inside the circle. Tested in FF.
To know more about creating circles using css3
css circle with text wrapped inside.
P.S You have to be careful about the corners, though its looks circular the element is actually box shaped so have a comfortable padding so as to avoid the text being placed in the corners.


How to have an element with multiple backgrounds without solid color messing with transparent pngs?

I have a fluid element (variable width according to resolution) containing text with a green background. On each side of this element I have a PNG image with a complicated shape using the same green.
I want the text to slightly overlap on both PNG on each side. Is it possible to do this using only multiple backgrounds, or do I have to have 3 elements and use absolute positioning (complicated)?
You can use background-position css property or you can as stated have absolute positioning with negative margin.
However, without looking at how you have coded it may depend on whether its a background-image or a image block.

CSS rule like inline-block to match exactly the space the text takes

If I do
<div style="display: inline-block;">Some text</div>
The div dimension fits closely the rectangle the text fits in, but not exactly:
More precisely, it fits perfectly horizontally, but not vertically. And the height will be the same wether the text is "A", "..." or "ppp", while the space used by the text changes. Is there a css property that would behave like inline block, but treat the text as a more floating element and have the smallest height that can contain the current text? Like (photoshoped):
No, there isn't.
To make that happen, and since every font has its own inner white space and renders different on different browsers, you need to measure a particular font's size and "cut" of the rest.
One way could be cloning the element and draw it on a canvas and the count colored pixels from top/bottom to get its exact height.
Further reading about fonts: http://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/glyphs/

filling part of an image in CSS

I'd like to create a scale with stars\flowers\whatever that will enable me to graphically present a fraction, in case of average grade (say 4.35). Is there a way to partially fill an empty non-rectangular image using CSS?
TIA, Matanya
If you are okay with using a div instead of an img for the image, you could set the image as a background in the div element, and calculate the width of the div, depending on how much of the image you want to show.
The calculation would have to be done through JavaScript, or server-side and then added inline on the div element, though.

Can I get these curved corners with CSS?

I need to create this layout and I'd like to do as much of it as possible with CSS, rather than using images and whatever.
As such, how can I do this in CSS? (if at all?)
As you can see, there is the image behind, with the button overlaid with padding. The bit that I'm struggling with is creating the curves on the IMAGE above and to the left of the button and bottom to the right of the button (I've pointed them out on the pic below).
Any help would be great.
I know just enough CSS to be dangerous so I can't detail every step, but I think you can approach it like this:
Split the background image into two separate images both at a z-index of 0 at the height of the top of the grey box. I think you can use two div's that reference the same original image with different offsets (similar to CSS Sprites) but I don't know the details of how to do that. The left edge of the lower div would start where the grey box ends. Round the lower-left corner of each "image" div.
Add the grey box at a z-index of 1 with appropriate rounding, and then the blue box at a z-index of 2, again with appropriate rounding.
The background of the block element containing all of this would also have to be grey to match the grey border and properly fill in grey where your right-most arrow is pointing.
You don't have to split your image at all, only the container divs.
Let me detail a bit:
You can have your image set as a background image instead of putting it in a src attribute of an img tag. This technique is most commonly used when working with CSS sprites.
So, if you have you uppermost div at a constant width and height, if you try to apply the background image in it, you'll see it fits very nice.
On the bottom, you have two divs or whatever block element you'll like, just be sure to put fixed width and height, so the background will be applied and you will be able to actually see it.
Then all you have to do is fiddle with css background-position to adjust the SE chunk of image.
I'll be putting a small demo together to better illustrate the idea.
After you have a big div at the top, and two smaller at the bottom, where two of them share the same background-image, but with different background-position, you can safely add some css3 border-radius to fit your roundness needs. You can also use some tool like http://css3generator.com/ to add a compatibility layer on all browsers with ease.
That is very easy to realize with pure css. The page you have shown is divided into 3 divs without any margin. You only need to set the right border radius for each div.
This is a function of the background image, which is a css element if that's what you mean, but it is not a seperate attribute for a selector, at least not in standard CSS. Wait until CSS3 becomes more prevelant, then it's corner-radius or some such thing.
Well it's 3 probably 3 seperate divs, a hole "burned" into the background image, or a div being overlayed for the button.
The best way to figure out how it's done is to read the source of the page you found it on.
For convenience:
If you have a webkit based browser like chrome or safari then enable developper mode mouse over the button "right click" and choose inspect element. Otherwise you can pour over the page source until you find what you want.

CSS3 transition affects parent div

I'm trying to find out why this CSS3 transition affects the parent div:
I'm trying to move an object up inside a div without changing the height of its parent div.
But what happens is that the height of the box shrinks by 1px each time the transition begins/ends (with or without border)
While I want to use three of these in a row my content beyond begins to jump up too if the user hovers over these items very quickly.
Setting an fixed height is not an option since I'm working on an responsive layout.
Instead of animating margin (which means the box height needs to be recalculated, so rounding errors on partial pixels causes movement), use transforms.
Also, remember that IE10 has transitions, so use the ms prefix as well.
Have a look at http://jsfiddle.net/BpUqt/10/
Ok, here's a simple work-around. Simply add a negative margin and it works:
Here's how it actually looks like (minimal version):
