ASP Code Highlighting in Aptana -

I've been using Aptana 3 for awhile, mostly for HTML, CSS and PHP editing. I just started working a lot with ASP, and right now Aptana isn't syntax highlighting asp files. How do I set it up to do that? Do I have to install a plugin? Add an ASP editor? Flip a switch? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Josiah, since Aptana is built upon the Eclipse IDE, I've read that you should be able to use the Eclipse Colorer Plugin to achieve syntax highlighting for ASP files - I've never done this myself though. If you started working with ASP, at least in case of ASP.NET I'd highly recommend using Visual Studio (for example the free Visual Web Developer 2010 Express) for debugging support and many other features...


Which version of Visual studio supports old classic ASP Project

Which version of Visual Studio can be used to open a project which is built as ASP Web project
I have Community edition 2019 Does this support ASP projects?
I know these days no one is using ASP for building web apps The purpose is to maintain an existing ASP solution for a couple of more months 9If any bug fix requests from the client comes ) and start to build a new project using the latest version of Microsoft technologies
Visual Studio
Most versions of Visual Studio support editing Classic ASP code, couple of things to keep in mind though.
Frontpage Server Extensions is no longer supported, the best approach is to use a mapped drive or better yet store the code in source control (Git, SVN etc.) and work with the code locally (can bind to a local instance of IIS).
The IDE can be quite cumbersome for working with Classic ASP as it's designed for more modern technologies.
It also has sophisticated debugging through the IDE via the "Attach to process" which will work with Classic ASP running in IIS as long as the web application has been configured correctly for debugging. See How do you debug classic ASP?.
Visual Studio Code
Another option is Visual Studio Code which is a free IDE built on the principle of open source projects for cross-platform. It's becoming a popular free IDE for many developers rivalling the likes of Atom, Sublime etc.
It's lightweight and extensible through extensions, there are already some useful extensions for Classic ASP including this one;
Name: Classic ASP Syntaxes and Snippets
Description: Classic ASP Language Support and Snippets from tmBundle
Publisher: Jintae Joo
It also has built-in support for popular source control solutions like Git and more powerful available through the extension marketplace that is built into the IDE. If you do use Git would recommend installing the GitLens extension.
Every version of visual studio since I started with 2010 (was there something before it?) handles Classic ASP just fine. I'm on VS2019 right now.
I even have a project which is a combo Classic ASP, Webform, and MVC all in one project, with some session sharing, and I routinely code and debug in all. The only limitation is that when you debug, you have to choose whether you're debugging Managed code or "script".
With each I "attach to process" and choose which code I want to debug. Classic ASP debugging is fantastic, and I can't believe more people don't do it. I see basic questions on here which would easily be fixed with standard debugging techniques (settings breakpoints, evaluating variables).
The ONLY thing which isn't supported is code formatting inside <% %> blocks. If I ever get some time maybe I'll make an addon for it.

F12 Go To Definition not working for CSS in CSHTML files - VS2017

I am working on my first Core 2.0 Mvc web site.
Normally I use web forms, but I'm trying something new.
In my .cshtml files I cannot F12 or right click and "go to definition" on CSS classes. I thought something may be wrong with my install but I was able to open up a web forms application and it works just fine from an ASPX page.
I have seen topics from 2013 about this issue, but no solutions.
I have installed web essentials, but that didn't work either.
This is something I use regularly and it is hard to do it manually especially when you are looking at a minified CSS file.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Pro.
The ReSharper extension for Visual Studio adds this feature.

Can't find ASP.NET Design View for MonoDevelop

I installed MonoDevelop and want to use its design view editor. After a bit of browsing I came accross ASP.NET Visual Designer which is supposed to be a part of the IDE. I used the Ubuntu Software Center to install the MonoDevelop application, so I guess it should have downloaded the latest version.
Here is the extract from the mono develop website.
AspNetEdit does not aim to be a complete IDE. After being developed as
a proof-of-concept standalone editor, it now has been integrated into
How can I switch to the designer view?
After opening the IDE I am unable to find the designer view anywhere. Do I need to install some kind of a add-in for this?
Monodevelop lacks a lot on this area. A lot of developers, like me, don't use visual designer a lot but I consider important for some people. MD don't have it and also html/css editor is very limited right now but improvements are planned (a lot of cool stuff).
MD as been evolving fast these days but more focused on MonoTouch.
For now you could use and external html/css editor for now. I still use Visual Studio 2010 for this.
AspNetEdit can install by Add-ins from

Is there a plugin for Visual Studio to clean up CSS?

I'm looking for a plugin for Visual Studio 2010 to help me clean up my CSS in a ASP.NET MVC project.
We are a lot of people working on the same website and before I publish it, I wanna clean up the CSS to make sure there are no unused selectors.
I know that there are plugin for Firefox, but they won't catch any dynamically loaded CSS and usually they just check one page.
I found this plugin for Visual Studio
CSSCop from Mads Kristensen
Its not perfect, but its a great start and its free
From 2015 onward you need to use

IronPython IntelliSense

I'm trying IronPython for, I got a simple CRUD screen to work. I've read IntelliSense doesnt work for IronPython, but is there any way to get rid of Visual Studio underlining all the lines' starting tokens with blue and a message of "expected declaration"?
I don't know how to fix Visual Studio's warnings (in fact, I get quite a few strange ones with ASP.NET and C#).
A non-solution (sorry about that), but what I do a lot, is edit aspx files outside Visual Studio - for me that's VIM.
I had to uninstall IronPython and install ASP.NET future releases to solve it
