Fullcalendar, Events filer sometimes is not working - fullcalendar

On page I have fullcalendar, variable which determines how to display now (all events or events with filter), button for changing variable value and function which applies filter.
Variable (true - show all events, false - with filter):
var isShownWithCancelEvents = true;
Button and it's click function:
$('.fc-header-left').append('<span class="fc-button fc-button-show-with-canceled-events fc-state-default"><span class="fc-button-inner"><span id="show_without_canceled_events" class="fc-button-content">Show with filter</span><span class="fc-button-effect"><span></span></span></span>');
$(".fc-button-show-with-canceled-events").click(function() {
isShownWithCancelEvents = !isShownWithCancelEvents;
Function prepareEvents():
function prepareEvents(){
if (isShownWithCancelEvents) {
$(".fc-button-show-with-canceled-events .fc-button-content ").text("Show with filter");
else {
$('#calendar').fullCalendar ( 'removeEvents', filter );
$(".fc-button-show-with-canceled-events .fc-button-content ").text("Show all events");
Filter function:
function filter(event) {
return (event.ec_e_id !== null);
Also in fullcalendar I use option:
viewDisplay: function(view) {
Button is working, problem is with fullcalendar option.
Default view on page is agendaWeek. I open page and click button, variable's value changes to false, filter applies. It's OK. Then I click button "Month" and view changes to month. And I see all events. Then I click button "Week" and view changes to agendaWeek - events are filtered. I click button "Month" again - on this view events are filtered too. So, the problem is when first time changing view to another.
I open page and click button, variable's value changes to false, filter applies. It's OK. Then I navigate left or right (next or previous week), and I see all events. Then I return back, where events were filtered and see all events there.
If I add alert into fullcalendar option
viewDisplay: function(view) {
everything is OK, and filter works every time.


Adding button to lightningchart

I am adding UIelement by using following code
legendBox = chart[unique].addUIElement(UILayoutBuilders.Column.setBackground( UIBackgrounds.Rectangle ))
.setPosition({ x: 0, y: 100 })
Right now I am able to add series to it by following code
entry = legendBox.addElement(UIElementBuilders.CheckBox);
Instead , can I add the button with some value ? On clicking of that button I need call an function with that value.
For example if I add button with value
<button val="22">Click<button>
Now when i click that button , I need a callback function returning 22.Is it possible ?
In your case, the entry variable is of type UICheckBox.
To apply a custom action when clicking it, the onSwitch method should do it.
series.attach(entry); is only required if you want the button to hide/restore the series, you can remove this code if you want that only your custom action is triggered.
entry = legendBox.addElement(UIElementBuilders.CheckBox)
entry.onSwitch((_, checked) => {
console.log('clicked', checked)
See also UIElementBuilders.ButtonBox if you want to add automatic bounce-back.
entry = legendBox.addElement(UIElementBuilders.ButtonBox)
entry.onSwitch((_, checked) => {
if (checked) {
console.log('button pressed')

Detect background events

I am using FullCalendar in my project. I used background events, rendering="background". How can I detect if user click on the background events? I try this but it doesnot work since all dates cannot be clicked.
dayClick: function (start, end, allDay, jsEvent, view,color,calEvent) {
if (calevent.rendering==="background") {
alert('Click Background Event Area');
if (start.isBefore(moment())) {
return false;
Since fullCalendar doesn't expose an "click" type event on background events, the only way I can think of to do this is essentially a DIY approach. The basic idea:
Handle the "select" event
Fetch all the events currently in fullCalenar's memory, using the "clientEvents" method.
Loop through them all and check whether any of them are background events, and if so, whether they overlap with the selected time period. If they do, then that's the event that was clicked on.
I haven't tested this, but it's based on some old code I found, so hopefully you get the idea:
select: function(start, end, jsEvent, view) {
var cal = $("#calendar"); //put the ID of your calendar element here
var evts = cal.fullCalendar('clientEvents'); //get all in-memory events
var selectedEvent = null;
for (i in evts) {
if (evts[i].rendering == "background" && start.isBefore(evts[i].end) && end.isAfter(evts[i].start)) {
selectedEvent = evts[i];
The only flaw in this is that "select" allows selection of a time period, not just a single click, so it could be that the selection is overlapping the background event, and not wholly contained within it. You might be able to adjust the logic a little bit if that doesn't suit you - e.g. to require that both start and end are within the event's boundaries.

Dragging event reverts before confirm

I have a calendar with drag functionality where a user can drag events to quickly update them.
After Dragging an event I ask the user if he wants to save it and then call a UpdatEvent function.
However, before the user confirms, (just as the dialog appears) the event automatically reverts back and only return to the updated position if I confirm in the dialog.
Is there a way for the event to stay in the dragged position and then either revert back or stay in the actual one?
My eventDrop looks like this:
eventDrop: function (event, delta, revertFunc) {
if (confirm("Do you wish to save the event?")) {
UpdateEvent(event.id, event.start);
else {
At the beginning of the Eventdrop and/or Eventresize place the following:
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('updateEvent', event);

hide/show a part of events in fullcalendar

I'm building a calendar-based web app with fullcalendar, which is for college students to use. There are some categories I've defined. e.g, sport, art, mind, etc... every event in the fullcalendar would be assigned to a category.
What i want to do is: there're some checkboxes corresponding categories on the top of the calendar, and the user can check or uncheck some checkboxed to hide/show the related events
how would I achieve this?
One way is to put appropriate classes on each event by setting the 'className' property on the event objects you're sending to the calendar and use jquery to hide those events (e.g. $(.myClassName).hide()) when they check the checkboxes. The trouble is the events would vanish leaving a gap where they were which might not be what you want.
A better way would be to add a filter function to the events option when you first call fullCalendar like this:
events: {
url: ....,
success: function(events) {
$.map(events, function (e) {
if (userHasFilteredOut(e))
return null;
return e;
This will filter out the events before they are displayed. The function userHasFilteredOut returns true if the event object passed in is of a class the user's checkbox values indicate is filtered out. When the user checks or unchecks a checkbox, you will need to refetch all the events from the server. You need to do this:

Is it possible to force a menu popout to trigger on click instead of mouseover?

I use a ASP.NET Menu control with Orientation=Horizontal. It is kind of irritating that the popout menus appear on mouseover, which causes it to show by accident if you move the mouse over the menu when you want to click on something right below the menu. Then the menu popout hides the element you actually wanted to click on!
Is it possible to change the functionality so that the popout requires a mouse click instead of mouseover?
Well, I found a solution myself (kind of a hack...).
This solution requires use of AJAX to capture the menu item onclick postback event, so it can be picked up client side in javascript before doing the actual postback when you click the menu item.
First, I override these functions that is defined by the Menu control
to ignore the menu popout in the mouseover event:
var activeMenuItem = null;
function Menu_HoverStatic(item) {
// Register the active item to be able to access it from AJAX
// initialize postback event
activeMenuItem = item
// Apply the style formatting on mouseover (colors etc).
// This was also called in the original Menu_HoverStatic function.
function Menu_Unhover(item) {
activeMenuItem = null; // This is the only difference to the original
var node = (item.tagName.toLowerCase() == "td") ?
var nodeTable = WebForm_GetElementByTagName(node, "table");
if (nodeTable.hoverClass) {
WebForm_RemoveClassName(nodeTable, nodeTable.hoverClass);
node = nodeTable.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0];
if (node.hoverHyperLinkClass) {
WebForm_RemoveClassName(node, node.hoverHyperLinkClass);
// Then I added a renamed copy of the original `Menu_HoverStatic` function:
function Menu_ClickStatic() {
// Pick up the active menu item that is set in the
// overridden Menu_HoverStatic function.
// In the original, the item was input parameter.
var item = activeMenuItem;
// The rest is identical to the original Menu_HoverStatic.
var node = Menu_HoverRoot(item);
var data = Menu_GetData(item);
if (!data) return;
__disappearAfter = data.disappearAfter;
Menu_Expand(node, data.horizontalOffset, data.verticalOffset);
Then I snap up the onclick postback event in AJAX that is triggered by the menu. This must be done to cancel the onclick postback and display the menu popout instead.
// Get the Page Request Manager that provides all the .NET
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
// Register postback event for asyncronous AJAX postbacks
if (prm) prm.add_initializeRequest(InitializePostback);
function InitializePostback(sender, args) {
var element = args.get_postBackElement();
//Check if the postback element is the menu
if (element.id == 'myMenu') {
// Name of the menu element that triggered is the postback argument
var postbackArguments = document.getElementById('__EVENTARGUMENT');
if (postbackArguments)
// Check on the menu item name to pick up only the menu items that shall
// trigger the popout (not the items that does an actual command).
if (postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem1'
|| postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem2'
|| postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem3') {
// Abort and cancel the postback
Menu_ClickStatic(); // Call my own copy of the original function
I found out the details about these functions by using the script viewer in Firebug.
The soluton provided above doesn't work in everone's case. One can also try this out, it worked in my solution-
var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
jq(document).ready(function () {
jq(document).on('click', '#ctl_id_Here', function () {
jq(document).on('click', '#ctl_id_Here', function () {
3 Steps:
Stop the current hovering effects:
On page load (or on ready), write following line: $('#Menu1').find('ul .level2').css('display','none');
Once you do that, it'll stop the hovering effect of that menu. But once you do that, then you would only be able to open the submenu by making it display block, so for that I wrote following lines, onclick of an image inside the menu: $('#Menu1').find('ul .level2').css('display','block');
Open the menu on click of an element: I don't think need to explain it. Just make menu display block on click of the identified element.
Close the opened menu: 2 ways to do it: First; Use property Disapperafter as below:
Second: Write below code to close it onclick of anywhere else on the screen:
$('body').click(function(evnt) {
if($(evnt.target).parents('table#menu').length == 0)
$('#MenuInvitePatient').find('ul .level2').css('display','none');
