Drag and Drop - How to get the DragSource on the DragStart event - apache-flex

When I start a drag operation I would like to be able to highlight the possible valid Drop objects. For this I need to know when the drag operation starts and which items are being dragged. I am trying to do this using the dragStart, but the event.dragSource is null on this event.
I have this list:
itemRenderer="views.productListed" />
And I have the listener as:
public function dragStartHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
var itemsVector:Vector.<Object> = event.dragSource.dataForFormat('itemsByIndex') as Vector.<Object>;
//Verify Items
//Highlight appropriated dropZones
Anyone have a good sugestion how to overcome this?

The problem here is that your dragStartHandler is taking higher precedence than the List components internal dragStartHandler - which is where the drag operation is started and the dragSource property created.
Suggestion, manually add your dragStartHandler with a lower precedence than the List components dragStartHandler method - looking at the code this needs to be less than -50.
MXML Code:
<s:List width="100%" height="100%"
AS Code:
protected function productsListing_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
// Needs to be handled AFTER the List component has handled the event and attached the dragSource data, hence priority is -51
this.productsListing.addEventListener(DragEvent.DRAG_START, productsListing_dragStartHandler, false, -51, true);
protected function productsListing_dragStartHandler(event:DragEvent):void
// Your code here...
I hope you find that useful.

This is the in built solution for drag drop in flex
we can implement the Object Handles for all component
it is easy to drag, drop and resize.
refer this http://code.google.com/p/flex-object-handles/


Using a ComboBox as ItemEditor in Flex 4

I have a simple DataGrid with data. Of one of the columns, I want to use a ComboBox to edit the field, instead of the standard edit box.
How do I do that? I have tried all kind of things I found on the internet, but they all fail in simply updating the value. I'd say it shouldn't be too hard to do this.
I'm actually in the process of doing this myself, and with the spark:DataGrid it actually gets a bit easier than halo - but both follow the same setup / architecture.
Start with:
Depending on the nature of your data setup and/or how prolific this kind of editing will be for your application, you can write it inline as most documentation will suggest within a <fx:component>, or simply subclass this (although behind the scenes these are the same thing - the later being much easier to reuse). The data for the combo in my scenario is a sub selection of a bigger parent object, so I chose to make it easier on myself and add an additional property dataField to mimic other renderer / editors - in what actually shows in just the cell itself (when not in editing mode).
A basic setup looks something more or less like this (at least mine does):
public class AccountComboEditor extends ComboBoxGridItemEditor
private _dataField:String;
public function AccountComboEditor()
//note - typically you wouldn't do "logic" in the view but it's simplified as an example
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
public function get dataField():String { return _dataField; }
public function set dataField(value:String):void
if (_dataField !=value) //dosomeadditionalvalidation();
_dataField = value;
override public function prepare():void
if (data && dataField && comboBox) comboBox.labelField = data[dataField];
protected function onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent):void
//now setup the dataProvider to your combo box -
//as a simple example mine comse out of a model
dataProvider = model.getCollection();
//this isn't done yet though - now you need a listener on the combo to know
//what item was selected, and then get that data_item (label) back onto this
//editor so it has something to show when the combo itself isn't in
//editor mode
So the real take away is to setup the labelField of the combobox, either internally in the subclass or externally if you need to expose it as an additional property.
The next part is to use this as part of the mx.core.ClassFactory for the actual data grid. A simple view would look like something similar:
private function getMyEditor(dataField:String):ClassFactory
var cf:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(AccountComboEditor);
cf.properties = {dataField : dataField };
return cf;
<s:GridColumn itemEditor="{getMyEditor('some_data_property')}" />
This Creating item renderers... doc will give you more info.
I figured it out. I just wanted a simple drop down box, instead of a text-editing field.
The following code does want I want:
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="type" headerText="Type" editorDataField="value">

How to show hand cursor when mouse is over List component?

I am aware that the follow will show a hand cursor:
component.mouseChildren = true;
component.useHandCursor = true;
component.buttonMode = true;
When I do the above on a List component, the hand button is shown and the whole component loses it's interactivity (Hand cursor is shown even on scrollbars).
So how can I show the hand cursor only when rolling over the list items?
Missread your full test, below is just how to show hand cursor on any Flex control.
I would suggest that you make an custom itemRenderer and for each renderer you use these controls, that will make it show only when you are over the itemRenderer and it will not be applicable for the whole List control...
Check out this blog post I wrote about showing hand cursors on any Flex control.
Showing hand cursor on any Flex Control
Sometimes useHandCursor=true buttonMode=true is enough, but for some controls you have to use mouseChildren=false
<mx:Button label="Button" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" />
<mx:Label text="Label" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" mouseChildren="false"/>
I had the same issue with getting a hand cursor over a datagrid. I assume the solution will be the same for lists.
The way I found to get a hand cursor while also having interactivity with items in my datagrid was to use the itemRollOver and itemRollOut events of DataGrid (List has them too):
private var handCursor:Class;
protected function grid_itemRollOver():void {
protected function grid_itemRollOut():void {
function meOver(evt:Event):void{
evt.target.useHandCursor = true;
myList.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, meOver);

Flex: image switching place in tilelist

I'm running into an odd issue with itemRenderers inside a TileList.
Here is a working example without an itemRenderer: 152.org/flex/
Here is the broken version with an itemRenderer: 152.org/brokenExample/
(I don't have the rep to make both of these a link)
Both examples have "View Source" enabled.
To see the problem use the broken example, select an album and scroll down one row. Scroll back up and the images will be switched. If you try this on the working example it's fine.
This seems to be a widely known bug, but I can't find a solution for it.
I started playing with this example again and found out something else. Turns out you don't have to override the data setter. You can create a new method in the itemRenderer that is set whenever the tile wants to refresh. So the trick is to not rely on the initialize or creationComplete methods.
This is what I have for the itemRenderer in the Application.
<itemRenderers:ImageTile img="{data}"/>
This is the code I have in the itemRenderer.
public function set img(value:String) : void {
trace("setting source: " + value);
this.source = value;
this.name = value.toString().split("/").pop().split(".").shift();
I updated my example to reflex this change.
I don't have your app handy, so I can't test end-to-end, but I've looked at your source. You probably need to override the data setter in your itemRenderer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Image xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" initialize="init()">
override public function set data(value:Object):void
super.data = value;
this.source = data;
this.name = data.toString().split("/").pop().split(".").shift();
private function init() : void {
// Removed from your source and transplanted above
Flex will attempt to re-use item renderers in lists (which means the lifecycle events you might be expecting -- initialize, creationComplete, etc. -- won't always fire), so if you want to be sure your renderer gets updated when the data item changes (as it will when scroll events happen), the best practice is to override the renderer's data property. That'll most likely fix the problem.
Maybe try to invalidate on creationComplete?
From what I recall with DataGrids (which work somewhat similarly to a tilelist), when an item comes into focus its recreated.
<mx:Image id="myImage" creationComplete="myImage.invalidate()" />
Haven't tried this code but I think this is where you want to start looking. I took a look at your itemRenderer component. Try creationComplete instead of initialize to call your function

detect change in Flex Form elements (textinput, textarea, combobox, checkbox..)

I have various (read lots of..) flex forms in my app, and I now want to create a system by which the user is notified that he hasn't saved if he modifies anything in the form...
now.. I don't want to rewrite every form I have.. is there some nice way to implement this?
Extending the TextInput (and others..) classes somehow?
This is not really thought through but should work.
You could create a custom component, let's call it FormWatcher which you would than put next to your Form. What the form watcher would do is wait for the CreationComplete event from the form.
So now, as we have the Form ready you can use the getChildren() method of the form to get all the FormItems in it. Than look inside each of them, and you will get TextInputs, Comboboxes, etc. to which you can add event listeners (as individual components), eg.
protected function changeHandler(event:Event):void
trace ("something is dirty");
protected function startWatching(passTheFormHere:Form):void
for each (var O:Object in passTheFormHere.getChildren())
if (O is FormItem)
// Let's assume you only have a single child in one FormItem
// and always one child for simplicity
addChangeHandlerFor((O as FormItem).getChildAt(0));
protected function addChangeHandlerFor(someComponent:Object):void
// Most regular flex components send a Event.CHANGE event
// when their value is changing
// keep in mind you should check stuff, this is a simple example
Just paste this code next to some form, and call the startWatching(nameOfYourForm), you should see the changeHandler is being called.
A few more notes:
1) You should clean up the event listeners once you're done.
2) I would create a component out of it so that you would use it like this:
<mx:Form id="form1" >
<FormWatcher form="{form1}" />
Where FormWatcher would have a Boolean var called "clean" or something.
3) The example is very simple, so it will only work for forms similiar to this one:
<mx:Form id="myForm" >
<mx:TextInput id="someComponent1" />
<mx:CheckBox id="someComponent2" />
<mx:TextArea id="someComponent3" />
You could go into the TextInput class (and others) and add that event listener and function, but then you would be changing the SDK itself, which is kind of a bad idea. I would create custom classes extending the ones your using and do a find/replace to make it faster.

Flex - Problem with auto resizing datagrid

I'm trying to create a datagrid which will resize vertically to ensure all the renderers are displayed in full. Additionally,
Renderers are of variable height
Renderers can resize themselves
Generally speaking, the flow of events is as follows :
One of the item renderers resizes itself (normally in response to a user click etc)
It dispatches a bubbling event which the parent datagrid picks up
The DataGrid attempts to resize to ensure that all renderers remain visible in full.
I'm currently using this code within the datagrid to calculate the height:
height = measureHeightOfItems(0, dataProvider.length ) + headerHeight;
This appears to get an incorrect height. I've tried a number of variations including callLater ( to ensure the resize has completed so measure can work correctly), and overriding meausre() and calling invalidateSize() / validateSize(), but neither works.
Below are 3 classes which will illustrate the problem. Clicking the button in the item renderers resizes the renderer. The grid should also expand so that all of the 3 renderers are shown in their entirety.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
DataGridProblem.mxml (Application file)
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical"
<mx:ArrayCollection id="dataProvider">
<mx:String>Item A</mx:String>
<mx:String>Item B</mx:String>
<mx:String>Item C</mx:String>
dataProvider="{ dataProvider }"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="text" />
<mx:DataGridColumn itemRenderer="view.RendererButton" />
package view
import flash.events.Event;
import mx.controls.DataGrid;
import mx.core.ScrollPolicy;
public class TestDataGrid extends DataGrid
public function TestDataGrid()
this.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
this.variableRowHeight = true;
this.addEventListener( RendererButton.RENDERER_RESIZE , onRendererResize );
private function onRendererResize( event : Event ) : void
private function resizeDatagrid():void
height = measureHeightOfItems(0, dataProvider.length ) + headerHeight;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
<mx:Button width="50" height="50"
click="onClick()" />
public static const RENDERER_RESIZE : String = "resizeRenderer";
private function onClick() : void
this.height += 20;
dispatchEvent( new Event( RENDERER_RESIZE , true ) );
You can achieve this goal with the AdvancedDataGrid using the following code. If you remove the this.headerHeight, it works for List as well, which makes me believe it should work for the regular old DataGrid.
override protected function measure():void
if ( this.dataProvider )
var newHeight : int = measureHeightOfItems( 0, this.dataProvider.length ) + this.headerHeight;
this.minHeight = newHeight;
this.height = newHeight;
To re size the Data-grid at runtime....use rowcount property and bind it with the dataprovider length. As the dataprovider is updated so will be the rowcount.
You can see the example how to use rowcount in flex here
To do things such as variable width and height cells/rows/column, as well as other "advanced" features - try extending the AdvancedDataGrid rather than the older, more boring DataGrid
For what it's worth, I never managed to resolve this issue. Code quickly became obsessed with dealing with edge cases.
I ended up throwing out the dataGrid approach, and wrote a solution using VBox & HBox to facilitate resizing.
for what its worth; you were supposed to use the variableRowHeight="true" property of the datagrid / advanced datagrid.
if it makes you feel better i created the custom VBox,HBox solution then after that discovered that its already done!! (snap!!)
good luck!
There's an underlying problem to your approach. ItemRenderers are intended to render the data item in a consistent manner, and if you throw out the current renderer and create a new one and set the data property of the new renderer, it should look identical to the previous one. You're not supposed to make transient changes to the renderer outside of the data member, and the renderer is going to behave in odd ways when you do that.
I suspect that if you changed your data model objects to contain a count property and data bound your renderer's height to the expression "{50 + data.count * 20}", and then made the button's click handler increment data.count by 1, that this would work properly. (My experience is that the DataGrid will redraw itself with the proper size for each row as long as the changes get done as a result of the data property, before it calls makeRowsAndColumns(). ) I haven't tried that approach for your example, so I can't say for sure that it actually works, but certainly that's the proper mindset for working with item renderers.
I have a little bit Dirty solution for such problem Try this one
private function ResizeGrid():void{
if ( this.dg.maxVerticalScrollPosition > 0 ){
this.dg.height +=5;
And Call your function with some delay like follows
This is dirty approach but it works for me :)
The following code in gridItemRenderer helped me:
protected function resize():void
I have a solution for this problem, renderer changes need to sync with your dataprovider.
Then only measureHeightOfItems method will give accurate results.
