LightSwitch and IIS 7 Windows Authentication - iis-7

I ask this under the pretense of LightSwitch as that is what I am trying to deploy even though I have a sneaky suspicion that it has nothing to do with it.
If I have Authentication Enabled in any form on any App Type for LS I get the
"Load operation failed for query 'GetAuthenticationInfo'. The remote server returned an error: NotFound."
I have the LS Pre-reqs installed on a clean ms08 Server. I used Web Platform to install almost everything. I have installed Fiddler2 and I am guessing I am not using it right as all it says is that GET /EpistemeAdmin/Web/Microsoft-LightSwitch-Security-ServerGenerated-Implementation-AuthenticationService.svc/binary/GetAuthenticationInfo HTTP/1.1
Is moved, renamed, or in-accessible.
I deployed the site through Web Deploy and it has it's own App Pool. Only Windows Authentication is enabled.
I understand this seems more like an IIS issue so maybe this should go to ServerFault but I thought I'd try LightSwitch angle first in case others had encountered the same thing.

Had the same issue on Windows 2012.
Had to enable http activation under WCF under the .NET 4.5 feature.

I found the answer on another thread -->
I simply repaired the .NET 4 Client (on the IIS Server), restarted and BAM!

In case somebody having the same problem:
The first line in my web.config was
<add key="UserCodeAssemblies" value="Application.Common.dll;Application.Server.dll;Application.ServerGenerated.dll"/>
after switching to:
<add key="UserCodeAssemblies" value="Application.Common.dll;Application.Server.dll;"/>
the problem went away.
Way to debug this:
publish your lightswitch to a folder. Unzip and open the web site using visual studio.File->open->website


"The resource cannot be found" when opening a page in IIS hosted web application

I'm hosting a web application (.Net 4.5) to a remote server using IIS 8.5. The application runs well locally and on the remote IIS, however there is a single page "/Reports/ReportsMain.aspx" that causes the error "The resource cannot be found." I made sure that the page exists.
I also made sure that the .Net version for the application pool is set to 4.0.However I noticed the following:
1- When I accessed this page remotely for the first time I got a browser "Login" popping up, although there should be no authentication here at all
2- The error page shows at the bottom "Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 2.0, ASP.NET Version: 2.0 " although I've set the application pool to 4.0
What could be the problem ?
A couple things to try
Make sure there is not a duplicate site in IIS that is capturing the request
Restarting IIS is never a bad option
Make the web.config itself is set to target framework 4.0 and not 2.0
Usually when this happens where it works fine locally but not when deployed it always turns out to be the third item, a web.config configuration mis-match. Hope this helps!
I had this problem.
another solution can be changing the Application Pool settings:
go to the application pool related to your application. Click advanced settings. Change the "Enable 32-Bit Application"
I just ran into this response, and turns out it was caused by a StackOverflowException inside the action that supposedly could not be found. I was able to see this by attaching to IIS using the visual studio debugger. Go figure. I was doing a POST though.
As Seany84 explained in their comment above, if you have migrated from to 2.0 to 4.0, most probably your webconfig contains some tags that are incompatible with new version. In my case there was an 'applicationSettings' section that caused the problem. After removing this tag from webconfig my webservis started to run properly.
When you get
The resource cannot be found.
error on the server but it works fine locally - it could be caused by your server running out of disk space. Navigate to the server and check directory structure to see if the file exists. Also check your log messages for more details.
Folder Permissions on wwwroot.
Add IUSR with (Read & execute , Read)
Add (machine name)\ IIS_IUSRS (Read & execute , Read)
If IIS doesn't have permissions to access the file, you will be blocked
I had this problem and i fix it following way,
Make sure you don't have any errors in web config,
For finding error goto
IIS > your application >Manage Application > browse
A page will open in internet explorer,
You will find error here, fix it and restart application it will work
I was able to resolve my issue by leaving the IIS Site Bindings 'Host Name' blank.
I have tried all the answers all of them are useful. But in my case after changing these settings Restarting my machine (not just the IIS). worked for me

The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.IIS 7.5

I know there are related posts here on this forum and another resources but I got stuck with this and couldnt proceed.Problem is i've done a website with vs2010 when i publish it to ftp server and navigate to url adress I got this error. Here the things that i've done
-I've enabled IIS services and static content
-I've revert to parent the staticFile under handler mappings
-I've registered the again in command prompt(the regiis.exe thing)
-In IIS manager i've added my website adress under sites, stopped default web site and started mine.
-I've added my site to classic.NET AppPool(integrated,and v4.0)
-I've enabled the default browsing..
-I've done all the advices that generally covered..
Here is my web.config
<directoryBrowse enabled="true" showFlags="Date, Time, Size, Extension" />
<add value="AnaSayfa.aspx" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
where am I doing mistake? I've spent 2 days and couldnt proceed an inch.I will burst into tears if this problem solved.Any help will be greatly,greatly,greatly! appreciated,will be my hero,master (: thanks
Go to Command Prompt and install / repair ASP.NET
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -i
Go to IIS => Select the Server Name (System Name)
Go to ISAPI and CGI restrictions
Allow the Not Allowed restrictions.
I got this working when i change the app pool's .Net framework version to my application's .net framework version.
My application's framework version was 4.0 but app pool's setting was defaulted to 2.0. I had to change it to 4.0, then it worked fine.
+1 with #Dablue, IIS 8.5 does not support the aspnet_regiis command anymore. For me, the issue is resolved by installing the "Asp.Net 3.5" or "Asp.Net 4.5" under
Web Server > Application Development.
#regeme - I was experiencing a similar problem when trying to run my own site and after a lot of digging I finally resolved it. In my case it was related to a *.json file trying to be loaded and no rules being initialized for it. If you look closer at your error it should give you an idea of what it is IIS is not loading.
After looking at the web inspector's network tab I was able to see which items were returning 404's they were all *.json.
I'm assuming since your error is returning a "content appears to be script and will not be served by the..." it is the same case.
My resolution:
A) It is possible you have already done this as it would throw another error, I'm just covering our bases.
Go to IIS HTTP Response Headers
create a mime-type ".json" "application/json"
Go to Handler Mappings.
Set Request Path: to "*.json"
Executable: to "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\asp.dll"
C) You may want to restart your service at this point again just to be safe this can be done in the IIS panel or cmd prompt.
Windows key + r
type: cmd and hit ctrl+shift+enter
type: iisreset and hit enter
*NOTE: This may save you a lot of headache, in my case I installed the 64 bit dll of asp.dll instead of the 32 bit version the folder for the 64-bit version is in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\asp.dll
IMPORTANT these file locations are in windows 8 and to my understanding are the same in windows 7 but this may not be the case for your OS double check.
Lastly if you are missing the asp.dll this is simply because you are missing windows features. Simply go to add/remove programs (Programs and Features)
Turn Windows features on or off
drop down Internet Information Services
drop down World Wide Web Services
check Application Development Features make sure it's not just a partial check and that all sub-items are being installed
On Windows 2012 and IIS 8.5 aspnet_regiis is no longer valid.
Instead, add the aspnet-4.5 rolefrom within server manager
Open server manager
in the left column select IIS
Scroll the right window until you see "Roles and Features"
Tasks select Add roles
Under "server roles" open "Web Server (iis)
open "Web Server"
open "application development"
Select "ASP.NET 4.5" (the " 4.5 extensibility" will not do it)
We got the same issue when hosting our MVC application on the web server. All the applications were working fine except the WCF service.
It was resolved, when we added a server role for .NET Framework 4.5 WCF service in Windows Server Manager.
For me the issue was fixed by right click on Virtual directory-->convert to application
Check out this, in my case this solved the problem
This might help you
In this case, a 404.17 error is returned if the *.aspx resource being requested from the site is handled in an Application pool that is not running in Classic Mode, is not 32 bit, or is not running the 2.0 version of the .NET Framework. In order for the resource to be served correctly in this example, all 3 pre-conditions must be met. Specifically, the application pool hosting this resource would have to be configured for Classic Mode, it would need to be configured to use the 2.0 version of the .NET Framework, and it would need to be set for 32 bit applications.
I had to create a new Web Site. There was some invalid configuration in my Website level that referenced my application's virtual directory directly.
For example, https://server/app gives me the 404.17 error but https://server/app-test works successfully. Swapping the two application names (using appcmd) caused the working app-test (now renamed to app) to begin failing. After creating a new Web Site named MyApp Web Site I was able to again create a new app, this time named app that worked successfully.
After extensive review of Default Web Site we cannot identify what configuration is causing 404.17 for apps named app and not alternatively named apps like app-test.
I believe the ultimate cause of this, is I did not have .NET Extensibility Services and ASP.NET 4.5 added through the server roles and features—During installation. Thus, the installer of my app failed to successfully configure Default Web Site correctly. For example, the created app pool incorrectly installed with v2.0 Integrated and not v4.0 Integrated. After installing the required roles and features I verified ISAPI (64 bit v4) was configured correctly, and the App Pool was appropriately configured for v4 Integrated. Unfortunately, I cannot identify any additional settings that would cause this issue—especially explicitly targeting the app virtual path.
This solved the issue for me. +1 to all who spoke a reasonable solution without having to pass through a 3 ring circus.
Turn on IIS Windows Features like these

Script not served by static file handler on IIS7.5

I've just tried to deploy my first web application to IIS on my Windows 7 Home Premium notebook. After creating the application, I had to change to the Classic App Pool, then set that pool for framework 4.0. Now I get the following error:
HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content appears to be
script and will not be served by the static file handler.
The requested URL is http://localhost:80/pvmms/default.aspx
I'm afraid extensive Googling has yielded nothing clear or definite enough for me to work with and as usual I've turned to the experts.
I suspect this is because there are no framework 4.0 handler mappings for .aspx files. However, aspnet_regiis even gives my admin user the finger and says I need admin rights to run it.
EDIT #2:
I registered all the frameworks (2 & 4, 32 and 64) and all now works. I found this by manually adding a script map for .aspx to aspnet_isapi and voila. I don't understand why the installation of the framework doesn't do this, unless my memory fails me and I only enabled IIS after installing VS.
Maybe too late now, but more often than not you need to run
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
after installing Maybe I would do it anyway now.
In addition to above, if you need WCF support, you might need to run this:
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe -i
Replace v3.0 to whatever your current framework version is.
I encountered this error from IIS 8.5 when trying to access a WCF service I had written. Turns out the server didn't have the WCF HTTP Activation features turned on. Checked the boxes and clicked through the wizard, iisreset, started working.
If you are using iis 7.5.
Just go to IIS Manager, open your website properties.
You will see 'Handler Mappings' section there, just go to that section and Search for 'staticFile'.
Most probably its a last file in the list.
Then Right Click on it and Select 'Revert To Parent'.
I have wasted so many hours while i have faced this first time, anyways this will solve your problem.
I had this issue with Windows Server 2012 with ASP .NET 4.5 you can't use aspnet_regiis.exe, and just have to install ASP .NET 4.5 via the Add Roles and Features Wizard:
You can find the menu item "Add Roles and Features" in the menu "Manage", in the right corner of Server Manager
should check out this option i suppose
I solved this problem by enabling WCF Services
Programs and Features > NET Framework 4.5 Services > WCF Services> HTTP Activation node
But you have to admit it guys this ENTIRE IIS setup configure/guess/trial and see/try this/try that spends 4 or 5 of our days trying to find a solution around approach IS A COMPLETE AND UTTER JOKE.
I know this is an old question, but I've just had this with a 3.5 application on my rebuilt Windows 8 machine and I was still getting this after aspnet_regiis -iru and it turned out the be ASP.NET 3.5 wasn't ticked within Application Development Features (not enough reputation to post an image).
There is a chance that application pool created for you application by default is version 2. So although you see a handler for .svc extension in the list it does not work and treat it as static file. All you need is to open application pool properties and switch it to version 4.
Register again....will solve the issue.
Go to Visual Studio Command Prompt, And register as windows\\Framework[.Net version num]\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
I had this same issue on a windows 8 machine I am setting up. I had installed vs2012 before vs2010, which installs .NET framework 4.5. I have my app pools running in 4.0. I made sure I had aspnet registered for 4.0 using aspnet_regiis -i. That still didn't do the trick. Then I opened up the Windows Features and noticed that 4.5 added a set called ".NET Framework 4.5 Advanced Services". I enabled the WCF Service node and its children and then my svc endpoint operated correctly. Hope this helps folks who are making the move to Windows 8.
I stumbled upon this question when I ran into the same issue. The root cause of my issue was an incorrectly-configured app pool. It was set for 2.0 inadvertently, when it needed to be set to 4.0. The answer at the following link helped me uncover this issue:
For Windows 10/Framework 4.7, I had to turn on HTTP Activation through the following method:
Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off
Under .NET Framework 4.7 Advanced Services, expand WCF Services, select to check the HTTP Activation and whatever else you need when working with WCF
Click OK and let the install do its thing, then open an administrative command prompt and issue the IISRESET command
cmd -> right click -> Run as administrator
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
For other people reading this:
This can happen is if the .Net version that you have registered isn't the one selected under the 'Basic Settings' of the application pool attached to your website. For instance, your sites application pool has .Net v2.0 selected but you registered v4.0
Just another possible solution I found having the same error message.
When trying to setup a .NET 4.0 web application to a new applicition pool I was receiving this strange error telling me it was trying to process my aspx file with the static file handler, which didn't make sense.
For some reason the ISAPI for .NET 4.0 was set to disabled in the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions area of the server level in the IIS manager. Setting it to enabled was all that was required, however the IIS 7.5 manager is so convoluted and hard to follow it took me a long time to figure this out.
I'm guessing that since it was a 4.0 Application that could not be processed by the 4.0 Engine the static file handler was being used by default.
I had the same problem. When I added Static content feaute for IIS, It works fine.
it could be multiple reason, in my case under Application pool->advance setting->Enable 32 bit application (should be true).It was set to false before.
Using IIS manager, I found that .aspx files were mapped (under "Handler Mappings") to ISAPI 2.0 - even though ASP.NET 4.5 had been previously installed. Editing them to point (also) to an executable for ISAPI 4.0 64bit fixed the issue.
The executable was found in
i received this message for an application on iis 7.5 with a classic app pool assigned to .net 2.0. i needed to go to Handler Mappings and add two script maps, both were the same with except for the name. one name was svc-ISAPI-2.0-64, the other was svc-ISAPI-2.0. The request path was .svc. And the Executable was %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll. i restarted iis and all was happy
One of the worst case scenario I just solved is - having conflicting entry in Web.config.
On my local machine I didn't had .woff extension registered in IIS, so I added it using Web.config. But on production server .woff had mime type registered. This caused application level conflict.
Funny part is there are no error logged for this. Just a guess work (first time of course).
So for me solution was just to remove and/or elements from web.config.
I had the same issue, I just changed the target framework version on the website to the version it is developed in,Same in IIS. This solved my problem. Hope this helps...
Thank You

VS2010 error: Unable to start debugging on the web server

I get error message "Unable to start debugging on the web server" in Visual Studio 2010. I clicked the Help button and followed the related suggestions without success.
This happens with a newly created local ASP.Net project when modified to use IIS instead of Cassini (which works for debugging). It prompts to set debug="true" in the web.config and then immediately pops up the error. Nothing shows up in the Event Viewer.
I am able to attach to w3wp to debug. It works but is not as convenient as F5.
I also have a similar problem with VS2008 on the same PC. Debugging used to work for both.
I have re-registered Framework 4 (aspnet_regiis -i). I ran the VS2010 repair (this is the RTM version). I am running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 box.
I do have Resharper V5 installed.
There must be some configuration setting or registry value that survives the repair causing the problem.
I'd appreciate any ideas.
Disable the loopback check
(original microsoft page here)
To set the DisableLoopbackCheck registry key, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:
Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press ENTER.
Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer.
I got a new PC with Windows 7. I installed VS2010 and my development environment and hoped my F5 debug problem would be gone, but it still failed to start the debugger.
This was a good clue since it ruled out the install of software.
I finally traced it down to my HOSTS file. I had an entry for some of my local websites which I can access like "http://testsite.lcl" but the IP I had assigned was my machine's IP instead of using so it looked like a remote server to VS2010. Changing back to resolved the issue.
Thanks for everyone's help on this.
I had the same problem. How did I fixed it.
Go to IIS (in my case IIS 7 / Windows 7).
Select your web site from the list, click on .NET Compilation in ASP.NET section. Select Open Feature. Check if your Debug is set to True. In my case it was False. Once I changed it to True - I have my debug back :)
These steps my differ depending on your version of Windows. I am using 7 with iis 7.
Open IIS Manager, click on Application Pools and find the 2 ASP.NET v4.0 pools (One is called "ASP.NET v4.0" the other "ASP.NET v4.0 Classic". Chances are that first one is stopped. Do not start it yet, we need to investigate a bit more.
For the "ASP.NET v4.0" pool, check the name in the Identity Field. Is it ApplicationPoolIdentity? Remember the name.
Open Computer Management (right click on My Computer and select Manage). Expand Event Viewer, then Windows Logs. Click on Application and wait for the data to load. There should be an error with a source of User Profile Service with a message that starts with "Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly."
If you do find that, then you have the same problem as I did.
The Solution: Go back to IIS Manager and right click on "ASP.NET v4.0" and select Advanced Settings. Under Process Model, the first field is Identity. Change this from ApplicationPoolIdentity to NetworkService. Click OK.
Now start the pool if it did not restart automalically. Go back to your application and press F5 (start debug) and your application should work.
Please note that I have not figured out why this works, and this may be a security risk, but at least you will be able to do some work while you think about this.
I had this problem in Visual Studio 2012 when running a website I had created in Visual Studio 2010. I tried each of the following, which did not solve the problem, but still may have been required:
Checked that the App Pool was targeted to the same framework as what was specified in the web.config
<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
Started the 64bit Remote Debugger: \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe
Set the DisableLoopbackCheck registry key and restarted Windows. MS Instructions here
Browsed the site locally (it came up just fine).
Finally I found the IIS setting that fixed the issue.
Go to IIS (7.5 in my case) and click on the relevant site in the Sites node.
Double click .NET Compilation in the ASP.NET section
Under Behavior, set Debug to True.
Click Apply and run the site in Visual Studio.
You can firstly deploy your web application/site with your iis, then open your visual studio 2010. Then click "File"->open->website->Local IIS Site, then select your website/application. Then you will find that the debug may works. This method works for my case.
I had the same issue on Win7 and VS2010 (without ReSharper) and found that Skype listened on port 80. IIS listens to port 80 by default. This can occur when you set VS to debug an existing web application running in IIS instead of the built in ASP.NET debug web server.
I solved the issue by unchecking "Use ports 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections." in Skype under Tools -> Options -> Connection, followed by a restart of Skype.
What worked for me was to go into IIS at the server level, click on ISAPI and CGI restrictions, I found that aspnet_isapi.dll for 4.0 was set to Not Allowed. I set it to allowed and debugging worked. The steps are:
Open IIS.
Click on the top level
Select ISAPI and CGI Restrictions under IIS in the Features view
Examine the Descriptions and if ASP.NET v4[current version] has the Not Allowed Restriction, click on the "Allow" link in the Actions section of the dialog.
This change should take care of the problem. Note that I came up with this solution when I tried to run the web app withoug debugging and I came up with the following error:
HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web server.
Another thing to try (this is what worked for me):
In IIS, click Application Pools > (Your Site) > Advanced Settings, and change "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to True.
I don't have a definite answer though these articles may have some helpful info:
Using Windbg to start with w3wp.exe This mentions windbg/cdb debuggers specifically, but this advice should work with Visual Studio talking to cdb (which is attached to w3wp).
Remote debugging with Visual Studio The reason I mention remote debugging at all is that I had to use that a few times in the past to get Visual Studio to attach to w3wp.exe. W3wp.exe runs in a different session, so you can't directly attach a debugger to that.
You have not mentioned what operating system you are using. But this might not be related to operating system. I am taking a guess here. If you are running on Windows 7, try running visual studio under Administrator previlages.
You can also try adding your user ID to the VS debugger users group. You can access user groups by reight clicking on computer name or my computer and selecting Manage. Under that you can find Users & Groups.
In IIS in the Directory Security TAB, if using SSL check "Ignore client certificate" if you are running it in your local PC.
I was getting this after a new install of Windows 7 that did not include IIS by default. After installing IIS, the default app pool was created to run under .NET 2.0. Though I was able to set the default App Pool to .net 4 from .net 2, I still got this error. I had to reinstall .net 4 in IIS to get it to work properly. That is, run C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET{FrameworkFolder}\v{FrameworkNumber}\aspnet_regiis -i
What worked for me was to edit the HOSTS file in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder and set the loopback for the website name I'd setup.
For example:
I've had the same issue and in my case it happened because the AppPool identity was set to impersonate an AD user which had its password changed. Therefore the process could not start and the AppPool always stopped when trying to debug from VS.
After updating the password in the AppPool/Advanced Settings/Identity everything started running smoothly.
Check whether the msvsmon.exe (Visual studio Remote Debugging Monitor) file is existing in the below path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64
If the file does not persist on the above mentioned path,then you need to get it from any other machine which is having the same version of Visualstudio.
Having tried all of the solutions above, I was still having this issue. Other projects were debugging without issue, so I knew it had to be something to do with this particular application's configuration.
Mine is an MVC app running under IIS 8. The issue was with URL Rewriting.
I had a rule to enforce trailing slashes. All I had to do was disable it (which can be done in IIS directly, or via the web.config below - just set enabled="false")
<rule name="AddTrailingSlashRule1" enabled="false" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*[^/])$" />
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" />
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" />
<action type="Redirect" url="{R:1}/" />
Unload project, right click "edit abc.csproj" You will see the configuration.
If your project is mapped to use IIS Web Express url.
verify If you have started the web site in IIS in this case
It may also be because of some special or illegal format in your config file i will suggest you to check for that first .
In my case i was getting an error because of that when i tried to browse my service from IIS it showed me the real error .
I tried every single solution put online to resolve this issue and nothing seems to work consistently.
I eventually solved it in both 2010 and 2012 by tracking it down to the following missing file in the Debug Source Files setting
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\
Solution > Properties > Debug Source Files >
Check to ensure all the files are there then remove this entry and everything worked again.
Did you change your bindings on your IIS website? If so, you need to go to your project properties, select the Web tab, and change the Project Url to match your binding. so where it says http:///yourwebsite change it to http:///yourwebsite
This worked for me.
In my case it was the system.webServer > httpErrors > errorMode in the web.config that caused the problem.
If you have errorMode="Custom" try this:
<httpErrors errorMode="DetailedLocalOnly">
See this answer: for variations and other ideas concerning URL rewriting
I had same issue with Visual Studio 2013. In my case I had removed the "Default Web Site" from IIS. To resolve the issue I created the default website again, set physical path to C:\inetpub\wwwroot and port to 80 (default port). After restarting the Visual Studio it worked perfectly. Hope it helps someone.
Unable to start debugging on web server. the web server not configured correctly.
How to resolve this problem?
open Command Prompt (Run as administrator)
C:\Windows>cd Microsoft.NET
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET>cd Framework
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework>cd v4.0.30319
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Your solution file in visual studio is broken. It's a known issue when converting from a file-system website to an IIS website, and it has been carried over from 2008 to 2010. Not sure of the location for the bug report on ms's kb site, though.
Remove the website from the solution file (right click the project name, click "remove"). Then right click the solution name, click "add existing web site". When the dialog to add a web site comes up, choose "from IIS" in the left-hand pane. Navigate to your application in IIS, select "use secure sockets layer" if necessary, and click "finish" (or whatever that button is labeled).
this will permanently fix the issue.
Unable to start debugging on web server. the web server not configured correctly.
How To Resolve This Problem?
open Command Prompt(Run as administrator)
C:\Windows>cd Microsoft.NET
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET>cd Framework
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework>cd v4.0.30319
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Microsoft (R) ASP.NET RegIIS version 4.0.30319.0 Administration
utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET on the local machine.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Start
installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.0). .................. Finished
installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319.0).
One of the things to check is to make sure if IIS is up and running. Something as simple as that would resolve this issue sometimes.

Error : "Unable to start debugging on the web server..." ASP.NET 4.0

I am getting an error when I want to create a web site on IIS server. I am using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010.
Do I have to register or configure 4.0 for the IIS ?
There aren't many details here, but I was getting that same error while trying to Start Debugging on a web application project in Visual Studio 2010 that I'd just changed from 3.5 to 4.0.
This solved the problem for me from the command line:
cd %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Just make sure to go into IIS Manager afterwards and double-check your application pools and such, since it's likely that this will reset some of your configuration.
This did the trick for me:
In IIS > under .NET compilation
Note: Default Website is selected only for screenshot purposes.
Changing the Debug option to True
This error can appear if the password for the account used by the application pool changes. If you start getting this error after changing your network password you may need to update it for the application pool used by your local web sites as well.
In Visual Studio 2010 this usually means there is a problem with Web.Config file that cannot be displayed in Debug mode. So, simply start the app using Ctrl F5 to run in normal mode will tell you which line in Web.Config is faulty.
Check that the path of your site in IIS points to the path of your web project in VS.
I ran across this before and it was an issue of mismatched paths. If you've configured Visual Studio to use IIS and later on changed paths, IIS isn't updated automatically. You need to manually go into IIS and update the path.
Make sure your site is setup to debug (debug="true") under web.config file
<compilation targetFramework="4.0" debug="true">
For me this was related to this solution:
cd %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
aspnet_regiis -i
aspnet_regiis -ga "IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool"
Note this didnt work after I did it on Framework folder and then worked after I did it on Framework64 folder. I guess do both to be sure.
Tried running vs2010 as administrator?
Also try
1. Open IIS. Click “Default Web Sites”.
Check if “Anonymous Authentication” is enabled.
Enable “Windows Authentication” as well.
I've had this several times - in my case it's always that I've not updated my hosts file so VS is trying to locate an external DNS instead of my local one.
I spent a few hours fighting with this issue. In the end it seems to be that some changes made outside VisualStudio had confused it. I don't know what the issue actually was but things started to work again when I opened a different version from the same solution so that VisualStudio (or IIS) did some magic on the IIS configuration. Then I changed back to the original solution, the configuration was again modified - and now debugging works again.
Another reason would be if you have SSL Certificate installed on IIS. You will have to disable the SSL from IIS manager for the application that you are debugging. Because Visual Studio tries to launch it as http instead of https.
In my case, I was receiving a 0x80004005 error message box in VS2019.
That was caused by HSTS being enabled in the "Advanced properties" on the website.
Screenshot of advance site settings in IIS
Found this post which seems useful if someone wants to do debugging with HSTS being enabled:
I get this same error every time I set my project file as a share.
I resolved it by going into the security tab of the file and re-adding "IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool"
In my case, i have to change the certificates bindings in IIS>Default Web Site > Binding.
IIS Binding
If you are using Visual Studio, you need to check what server you are trying to run your application on.
Right click on the project
-> Web
-> Servers
-> In the first dropdown choose "IIS Express" (To debug with VS).
