Application Crash problem on second time click on Menu Arrow of QToolButton - qt

In my APPlication I have to show filter option (as filter option in xls)in Qtable widget for this
I have used tool Button( with property "QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup") to display Menu List and
Upon First Click upon Menu arrow it should show Menu list and selection of any of the Menu it should show only row having the text.
This functionality works fine.
But if Nothing is selected from Menu list and user has clicked Menu arrow second time then list should be hidden but in my case
application crashes giving error:
ASSERT failure in QList::operator[]: "index out of range", file ........\Qt\2010.04\qt\include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, line 447
I have written below code:
QToolButton *lToolButton = new QToolButton();
QMenu *lMenu = new QMenu();
QAction *lAction = new QAction("All",this);
Please let me know what is wrong in my coding.

Can you run your app in the debugger and find at what line in your code (not in Qt's code) the error is happening? The problem should then because more obvious.


How do I rearrange menu bar options in Qt Designer 5?

I have been unable to figure out how to easily rearrange the menu bar selections that I have created in Qt Designer. Older documentation indicates that I can press the left click mouse button on a selection and then drag and drop it into a new location but this feature does not seem to work in this version.
I am trying to move "Load Database" above the "Exit" option. I would imagine I could just delete the "Exit" menu selection and add it again but I was hoping there would be an easier option in case this happens again.
To do so you need to go in the ui editor.
Then click on File. Press and hold on the item you want to move. Move it.
Below you can see the exact same thing done in QT 4.12.3 and Window 10.
Press file
Press and hold on the desired item
Drag the selected item where you want
Now the 'Save as' is above 'Save'
Select your action in Designer
Press Ctrl + Up/Down
Ctrl + Up/Down is working for me (Qt desinger 5.15.0)

Drop dialog on a list page not disappearing automatically

When I add a drop-dialog to a list page, the drop dialog drops down when I click on it, but does not disappear when I click somewhere else.
I am trying to add my own drop-dialog, but I can reproduce this issue with standard Dynamics AX objects. I guess I am just missing some property on an object, but I just cannot figure out which one.
If you want to reproduce my problem in order to solve it, do the following:
Create a new Form. (Form 1)
Change the FormTemplate property to ListPage (Click on Yes)
Add the query MainAccountListPage to the DataSources
Create an ActionPanTab.
Add a Drop-dialog button with the menu item MainAccountListPageBalanceParameters.
Save and open the new List page by right clicking and choosing open. (or open the menu item)
In my case, when I click on Parameters, the drop dialog drops down. When I then click outside the drop-dialog, it disappears as it should.
Create a new display menu item. Set the object to the new list page (Form 1)
Drag the Menu item to any menu. I added mine to General ledger (Common)
Restore, open new workspace. Click on the new menu item in the general ledger menu.
Click on “parameters” and click outside the drop dialog.
When I do this the drop dialog does not disappear again. You can see this same drop dialog working fine on the Main Accounts list page. I have tried changing properties on both menu items, on the menu, on the form etc. I have tried different drop dialogs and different list pages. It always works on the details page and when opened from the AOT.
Am I missing a property? Is the entire way I am adding the drop dialog wrong?
The answer to the above example is.. add the MainAccountDetailPart Form part to the list page's (Form1) Parts.
With my other example, EcoResProductPerCompanyListPage, I had to add the EcoResProductVariantsPerCompanyFactBox to Parts.
I have no idea why this is, but adding a part to a list page fixes the drop dialogs. For example, adding MainAccountDetailPart Form part to a new list page not only fixes the MainAccountListPageBalanceParameters in my example, but it also fixes any other drop dialog that previously did not want to close. Removing the part the breaks all the drop dialogs in the list page again.
Thanks, FH-Inway, for the suggestion, I would have never have found the answer without your method. The solution really surprised me!

Control a hidden menu behind a button with pywinauto

I'm very new to pywinauto ans I love it already. But I have a problem:
I want to automate an old software program with pywinauto and can control most of the buttons. But there is a certain button when clicked, there appaers a menu with icons (not the windows style of menu but a custom menu). The button's name is "Toolbar2" so I guess it's not a normal button.
With this code I can click the button I want to. When I use "ctrl.Click(), the button doesn't get clicked, I need to use ClickInput(). With the normal buttons I do can use Click().
w_handle = pywinauto.findwindows.find_windows(title=u'P2-NLTlog013', class_name='TfrmDisplayFilteredData')[0]
window = pwa_app.window_(handle=w_handle)
ctrl = window['ToolBar2']
My question now is: How can I get the names of the items of the hidden menu And click them. I already used this code, but then he gives a 'MatchError'.
window = pwa_app.Window_(best_match='ToolBar2', top_level_only=True).ChildWindow(best_match='PopupMenu').Click()
I don't know what language the software was written in...
Thanks in advance,
You may get the menu object by window.Menu() and then try to access subitem by menu.Items()
Useful methods: menu_item.Index(), menu_item.SubMenu()

How to addSubWindow to a QMdiArea (set to TAB mode) without taking the focus from the currently active Tab?

I have a function that runs in the background and adds tabs in a QMdiArea. However, when a new tab is added it steals the focus from the currently active tab. Is there a way I can add a new inactive tab (sub window), so I keep the focus to the currently used tab?
I have searched the web but was not able to find anything related to this issue.
I have tried the following:
MyWidget *widget=new MyWidget();
QMdiSubWindow *sub=ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(widget,Qt::SubWindow);
but it does not have the desired effect.
I got help in another forum and found the solution to that problem:
QMdiSubWindow *previous = ui->mdiArea->activeSubWindow();
QTextEdit *edit=new QTextEdit;
QMdiSubWindow *sub=ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(edit,Qt::Window)
if (previous==0)
else if (previous->isWidgetType()) //I check if previous is widget, because if you close the previous tab, when the new one is opened the program crashes on the next line because previous no longer exists.

Storyboard UINavigation Controller Back Button Text

In XCode 4.5.1 creating a storyboard app with a Navigation controller, I am having a hard time trying to set the BACK button for any view controllers that are pushed. I'm using segue's and the view controller shows as expected. However I want to change the name of the navigation bar and back button dynamically and placed this in my ViewWillAppear:
self.title = #"Select Songs";
[self.backButton setTitle:#"Add"];
changes the title of the navigation bar but the back button still displays the NAME of the pushed window rather than the text "Add".
The Simulated Metrics are all Inferred. I also added a BarButtonItem to the black tray below the view in Xcode and wired up the backButton of the viewcontroller to the backButton, yet the text still does not appear.
Adding the following log messages also yield something interesting: (and yet the titlebar is updating correctly)
-(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
NSLog(#"%s %#", __FUNCTION__, self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem);
NSLog(#"%s %#", __FUNCTION__, self.navigationController.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem);
2012-10-14 15:18:41.835 xxxx[2690:907] -[ViewController viewDidAppear:] (null)
2012-10-14 15:18:41.838 xxxx[2690:907] -[ViewController viewDidAppear:] (null)
The accepted answer is a hack, this is the way to do it...
Open StoryBoard
In Document Outline window find ViewController to which you want to
return to
Click on Navigation Item of that ViewController
In Attributes explorer change Back Button value to your custom tile
That is it, enjoy...
The back button will show the title of the previous view and if no title is set it'll show 'Back'.
So in your prepareForSegue method, you can change the title of the current view before the next view is pushed. The back button will then show whatever you set the title to.
