copy a Collection element by value in C# -

In the code below, a reference type is being added. How can i do this value type?
imgList.Items[imgIndex].Data = input; <== **This updates the 0th and the newly added element which is the issues**
Please advise

In order to avoid this issue, you need to clone imgList.Items[0] before adding it to imgList.Items. This basically involves creating a new object of the same type and populating it with data from the original.
The complexity of doing so depends on what the object is, but look at the answers to this question for some tips on cloning objects.
Edit: I forgot that .MemberwiseClone was protected.
You don't say in your code what the type of object is that you're adding to the list. If it's a class of yours, you can add a method to return a copy:
public MyType ShallowCopy()
return (MyType)this.MemberwiseClone();
and use
Or you can add a copy constructor:
public MyType(MyType original)
// Copy each of the properties from original
this.Data = original.Data;
and use
imgList.Items.Add(new MyType(imgList.Items[0]));


Create a copy of an object in flex whose constructor has required parameters

When using ObjectUtil.copy() on my object, I get the following error
Argument count mismatch on Expected 1, got 0.
MyObject's constructor takes in one parameter. Is there a way for me to clone, or copy it?
Use the ObjectUtil.clone method. That should do deep copies.
However, I'm not sure if that will solve the issue.
In Flex 4.5 Neither copy, nor clone, create a new version of the object using the new keyword; therefore the constructor is never called. Both do byte array copies. I'd be interested to see your code.
I use:
public static function clone(source:Object):* {
var myBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
myBA.position = 0;
Never let me down.

Dynamics AX 2009: Add a field to InventJournalTrans, propagate to InventTrans

I need to add an additional field to InventJournalTrans, that after posting will show up in the InventTrans table. The field is a reference column to a record in another table. What method(s) do I need to modify to make this behavior happen?
Currently, I have already added the fields to both tables and modified the Form to allow the user to enter and save the new field. I just can't seem to find the bottom of the rabbit hole on where the actual posting to InventTrans is occurring.
Ideally, it should just be a:
inventTrans.ReasonRefRecId = inventJournalTrans.ReasonRefRecId;
assignment statement before the
call. Anybody have a clue on where this is at?
The link above does contain the solution -- I have included the code from that page in case that page disappears or no longer becomes available. Thanks to gl00mie for answering on that site and providing this answer.
You should create a new InventMovement method like this:
public MyNewFieldType myNewField()
return MyNewFieldType::DefaultValue; // suppose your new field is an enum
Then modify \Classes\InventMovement\initInventTransFromBuffer
void initInventTransFromBuffer(InventTrans _inventTrans, InventMovement _movement_orig)
// ... append this line to the end of whatever else is already in this method
_inventTrans.MyNewField = this.myNewField();
And finally overload the new method in the InventMov_Journal class:
public MyNewFieldType myNewField()
return inventJournalTrans.MyNewField;

groovy swingbuilder bindable list and tables

Is there a way to bind data to a list and/or a table using the groovy swing builder bind syntax? I could only find simple examples that bind simple properties like strings and numbers to a text field, label, or button text.
Had a look round, and the best I could see was using GlazedLists rather than standard Swing lists
There is a GlazedList plugin. And this article is very helpful. The Griffon guys swear by GlazedLists.
I just did something like this--it's really not that hard to do manually. It's still a work in progress, but if it helps anyone I can give what I have. So far it binds the data in both directions (Updating the data updates the component, editing the table updates the data and sends a notification to any propertyChangeListeners of the "Row")
I used a class to define one row of a table. You create this class to define the nature of your table. It looks something like this:
class Row
// allows the table to listen for changes and user code to see when the table is edited
// The name at the top of the column
#PropName("Col 1")
String c1
// In the annotation I set the default editable to "false", here I'll make c2 editable.
// This annotation can (and should) be expanded to define more column properties.
#PropName(value="Col 2", editable=true)
String c2
Note that once the rest of the code is packaged up in a class, this "Row" class is the ONLY thing that needs to be created to create a new table. You create instances of this class for each row, add them to the table and you are completely done--no other gui work aside from getting the table into a frame.
This class could include quite a bit more code--I intend to have it contain a thread that polls a database and updates the bound properties, then the table should pick up the changes instantly.
In order to provide custom column properties I defined an annotation that looks like this (I plan to add more):
public #interface PropName {
String value();
boolean editable() default false
The rest is a class that builds the table. I keep it in a separate class so it can be reused (by instantiating it with a different "Row" class)
NOTE: I butchered this as I pasted it in so it may not run without a little work (braces probably). It used to include a frame which I removed to just include the table. You need to wrap the table returned from getTable() in a frame..
public class AutoTable<T>
SwingBuilder builder // This way external code can access the table
def values=[] // holds the "Row" objects
PropertyChangeListener listener={repaint()} as PropertyChangeListener
def AutoTable(Class<T> clazz)
builder = new SwingBuilder(){
table(id:'table') {
tableModel(id:'tableModel') {
it.declaredAnnotations*.annotationType().contains(PropName.class)}.each {
def annotation=it.declaredAnnotations.find{it.annotationType()==PropName.class
String n=annotation.value()
propertyColumn(header:n,, editable:annotation.editable())
// Use this to get the table so it can be inserted into a container
def getTable() {
return builder.table
def add(T o) {
def remove(T o) {
def repaint() {
There is probably a way to do this without the add/remove by exposing a bindable list but it seemed like more work without a lot of benifit.
At some point I'll probably put the finished class up somewhere--if you have read this far and are still interested, reply in a comment and I'll be sure to do it sooner rather than later.

flex 3 and using name/value pairs

Does anyone have any recommendations for working with name/value pairs in Flex?
I want to create a Flex UI for updating a database table. I want the UI to contain the field name(read only) and current field value (which will be editable). Im using the WebService component to retrieve the field value and then asssigning it to an object with the field name hardcoded e.g.
private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):Object
var resultsObj:Object;
resultsObj = { as String,
This approach however is adding the dependency that the table structure/field names will never change. Using the object type also requries that i write my own algorithm to sort the output.
I'm not sure I understand the issue.
If you want to avoid dependency of the properties returned from the event at this point, simply use the event.result object, which is already an associative array.
As for sorting, we would need more context on what you are attempting to sort.
That's pretty simple. Don't use for each in loop. Use For-In Loop
Demo is shown below.
var dicEntry:Object = new Object();
dicEntry["Name"] = "Raj";
dicEntry["sal"] = 10000;
dicEntry["age"] = 33;
for(var key:Object in dicEntry)
trace("Object Key: "+key+" Object Value: +dicEntry[key]);
That's it.

How to clone an object in Flex?

I want to clone a Canvas object, which contains a Degrafa Surface with several Geometry shapes.
I tried the naive approach:
return ObjectUtil.copy(graph_area) as Canvas;
which resulted in errors:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object#63b1b51 to com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object#63b1039 to com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at mx.core::Container/addChild()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\] ...
What you want is called a deep copy, generate a new instance with the same information of the original.
The only way I know how to do it is using ByteArray as follows:
private function clone(source:Object):*
var buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
buffer.position = 0;
return buffer.readObject();
AS3 is really lacking Object.clone()...
The static method ObjectUtil.copy() is AS3's "Object.clone()":
public static function copy(value:Object):Object
Copies the specified Object and
returns a reference to the copy. The
copy is made using a native
serialization technique. This means
that custom serialization will be
respected during the copy.
This method is designed for copying
data objects, such as elements of a
collection. It is not intended for
copying a UIComponent object, such as
a TextInput control. If you want to
create copies of specific UIComponent
objects, you can create a subclass of
the component and implement a clone()
method, or other method to perform the
I found myself trying something more like this alas it still doesn't seem to copy a TextArea (aka UI Object)...
public function duplicateObject(sourceObject:*, targetObject:*):void {
var buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
buffer.position = 0;
targetObject = buffer.readObject();
i got the same problem (for a NamedEntity interface i created), looked for the answer here, but only got it working making a call to the registerClassAlias method (which i took from Just like that:
public static function clone(namedEntity:NamedEntity):NamedEntity {
var returnObject:NamedEntity = ObjectUtil.copy(namedEntity) as NamedEntity;
I don't think ObjectUtil.copy will work for cloning a canvas.
According to the flex doc :
This method is designed for copying data objects, such as elements of a collection. It is not intended for copying a UIComponent object, such as a TextInput control. If you want to create copies of specific UIComponent objects, you can create a subclass of the component and implement a clone() method, or other method to perform the copy.
