Increase size of Facebook Like Button - css

I am developing a feature where I want to increase the size(width and height) of Facebook Like button which is getting rendere on my page.
I have tried overidding the css but it is not working as my css is loading very late.
Help required.

Are you sure you're using the correct overrides in your CSS? If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter when the CSS is loaded, just that it is loaded.
Be sure to check your CSS includes in the header file to make sure you're using the latest version. Also double check the classes or ids you need to override.
Perhaps you could post the code containing the like button you're trying to manipulate. If you're loading it in via Javascript you can use Firebug or other Web Inspectors to find out the actual HTML that gets inserted.

First of all, the css MUST be interpreted by the browser before the html element it refers to is loaded...
Second, the reason you can't select the button through CSS directly, is because it is rendered inside an iFrame that is controlled by the Facebook framework (you can check this out with firebug or any other inspector).
I'm not sure if it's feasible, but you have two possible ways to do it:
use javascript and the DOM to access inside that iFrame, select the button and style it.
create a button yourself, and give it the same href as the one generated originally, thus losing the fan-counter capabilities and whatever else is part of their framework


CSS will not apply to new page although file paths are no different

I am using the same style sheet for 2 pages (index.html & contact.html). All styling has been applied to index.html. Now I have copied and pasted the same code into contact.html, but have found that the new CSS styling I have tried to use will not apply to this page. The pathfile to the style.css sheet has not been changed. What I don't understand is why some of the styling is being applied from the other page but when trying to add new styling it does not?
Have you tried clearing your browser cache or going incognito/private browsing
Are you applying new styles using classes or ids? Id is unique, while classes are reusable. Also if you have inline styling it will override the stylesheet. Can you post your code as an example?
Well there can be a couple of reasons for this:
Make sure that your stylesheet is properly loading. I don't know if you are using in page styling or an external stylesheet but make sure that it actually exists there.
How can you do that? When you open the contact.html page in the browser, hit Ctrl + U if you are using windows or Command + U if you are using Mac. If it is an internal styling, you will be able to see the actual code there. If you are using an external stylesheet make sure that the <link> tag exists in the page. If it exists the right click on it and select Open file in a new tab. If you see can see the code in the next tab. It means that your styles are properly loading.
Make sure that your elements in the html page and stylesheet file have the same appropriate names. For example # of id's and . for classes.
If everything is okay then it can be a cache issue. Since browsers cache the static assets, you should consider refreshing the cache by Hard Reloading the page. How can you do that? It's simple, just hit Ctrl + Shift + R if you are using windows or Command + Shift + R if you are using Mac. If these keys don't work, just click and hold the reload button on the browser until it shows a dropdown. Then simply select Hard Reload.
In case it doesn't work, then send us a link to your webpage. I'm here to help you. Just let me now :-)

CSS stylesheet not loading on linked page

I have a site that has multiple pages. The first page is just a listview with icons and links to the other pages. CSS stylesheets work fine on the first page, but when I go to one of the linked pages, my custom css stylesheet (and js for that matter), related to that page, is being ignored. If I look in the FF inspector I see that it has dropped the associated lines that tell it about my stylesheet. If I directly go to the desired page or if I hit refresh, the styles look fine, but whenever I come from a link off the first page, the styles are gone. I see no errors when loading the page. Is this a know issue? How can I force it to not ignore my stylesheets.
I am using jquery mobile 1.4.5 in addition to my own.
Looking further. It looks like hitting the link is appending the body of the 2nd page at the end of the first and not simply loading the 2nd page.
It turns out that by default links behave a little different than normal when using jQuery Mobile. The don't do a full page load, but instead only inject the part contained in a div marked with data-role="page". I did not know this.

Hide or Change CSS and Script files address from source code?

I have a website and I want hide the CSS and script files address from source, when user clicked right and press "view source", CSS and script files address were changed. (as well as in firebug).
Like google! please go to and press right click, then "Inspect Element With Firebug", see Style in right box. You will see " #2 (line 9)" for example! and you won't see any address for CSS files!
How is this possible?
If you meant viewing the page source and not seeing any style links there, that's because Google uses some JavaScript framework, perhaps GWT: . You can see a lot of JavaScript gibberish on the page, right? That JavaScript creates all the style elements etc. in the DOM. And you indeed can see the resulting style definitions when inspecting the elements, be it Firefox or Chrome.
You can do the same. But that design is quite different from classic HTML + JavaScript.
But others are right, you can't hide anything that way, and you shouldnt. It's security by obscurity at best.
As far as I know, you cant prevent users from seeing these files. They can see these files as well as can also download them if they want.
All you can do is to minify these files using some kind of minifier like JS Minifier for JavaScript code.
You can place your css in inline tags. Simply copy/paste the contents into your .html document in a ... block. Then you won't have an external .css file.
The advantage is that you save an http hit. The disadvantage is that you have to download the full css every time because you can't cache it.
You can also minify your css which will obfuscate it to a certain extent. But you can never really hide css from someone who downloads it.

jwebunit to check css style

I'm trying to assert the current styling of a div. For example, is it set to visible or not. I wasn't able to find a way in jwebunit to get at this information though. Ideas? Alternate approaches?
Constraint: I cannot change the page I am trying to test.
There are two TestEngines which you can use with JWebUnit, HTMLUnit and Selenium. why not System.out.println("========="+ getPageSource()); and see if the page source return from both TestEngines gives css within the output. If they do that means you can verify css, if the output does not give css then i guess you will not be able to verify. One thing i know for sure is that it will show you the css file the page uses for style but as to the styling being applied I will say not, but try it

Ajax Request and CSS-Change to Links

I use an AJAX-Request to load a part of a Webpage, the request is handled by a framework, which delivers the content. After that, I use jquery to insert the delivered content into the DOM-Tree. So far, so good.
But I use background-images for links in the delivered content, which are generated while processing the AJAX-Request. Normally I would place the path to the background-image into a style-attribute in the link-tags, what works perfectly, until I want to use pseudo-classes for i.e. :hover (you know, to display an alternative image while the mouse hovers)
The solution would be to create a custom CSS-file, which will be inserted into the HTML-Head, but until it is an AJAX-Request, the HTML-Head is already sent.
Do you have any idea, how to attach CSS-properties to links, which will be generated on AJAX-Call-Time?
not possible with inline style.
as s jones says, you can have the style in your existing CSS and it should pick it up.
the other option is to do it using jquery..
$('div.ajax a').hover(function(){$(this).css('color','red')});
