Format XML data to display on a gridview -

I am trying to format XML data to display on a grid.
Page1.aspx. This inserts XML data stored a xmldatatype:
WorkHistory workhis = js.Deserialize<WorkHistory>(json);
XmlDocument work = (XmlDocument)JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(json, "root");
objBLL.insert_XMLWork(work, Convert.ToInt64(;
Page2.aspx retrieves it and display on a grid:
DataTable FBWorkDt = objBLL.get_FacebookWork(FacebookUserId);
GrdWork.DataSource = FBWorkDt;
get_FacebookWork(select workinfo from Fprofiles where Userid = FacebookUserId)
returns a DataTable
It displays in this format exactly.
<root><work><employer><id>208571635850052</id><name>Netizen Apps</name></employer></work><id>1076483621</id></root>
How do I make a normal display instead of XML format?

It depends a good deal on the shape of the DataTable you're returning, but assuming you want the display to be something like this:
`ID Name
-------------------- ---------------------
208571635850052 Netizen Apps`
You could use LINQ:
DataTable FBWorkDt = objBLL.get_FacebookWork(FacebookUserId);
var query = from x in FBWorkDt.AsEnumerable()
select new {
id = x.ID,
name = x.Name
GrdWork.DataSource = query.ToList();
I haven't tried the code out, so there may be minor syntatic changes, but essentially what it's doing is:
Use LINQ to get a collection of a new anonymous type that has one entry per row with the id and name from the table. You have to use AsEnumerable() [contained in System.Data.DataSetExtensions].
Convert the LINQ result set to a List via .ToList() and bind it to the GridView.
If you can post a little more information - what exactly you mean by display, and the expected shape of the returned DataTable (i.e., what the columns in each row are) we can give you a better answer.
If you're storing the XML document above in your datastore and that is being returned in the table, try this code:
DataTable FBWorkDt = objBLL.get_FacebookWork(FacebookUserId);
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(FBWorkDt.Rows[0][0].ToString());
var query = from x in xDoc.Descendants("employer")
select new
id = (string)x.Element("id"),
name = (string)x.Element("name")
GrdWork.DataSource = query.ToList();
Same basic principal as above, except this time your querying over an XDocument instead of a DataTable.


How to retrieve DATE value from SQL Server to TEXTBOX for data UPDATE

i am using this code for retrieving value from sql column to textbox. and i am using textmode="date" at input time to save DATE in database.And using a gridview link i want to redirect the row data to another page for edit and update.But the DATE value is not coming to TEXTBOX.
Date_of_st.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString();
Also tried these snippets:
1 Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["Employee_DOB"]).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
2 ((DateTime)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Coat_CUSTM_Date"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
3 suDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(conv, "MM-dd-yyyy", null);
Suppose the row and col are correct, try this:
var date = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString();
var dateRif = new DateTime();
if (DateTime.TryParse(date, out dateRif))
//Do what you want

where clause in linq list

H, I have a list of orders and I'm trying to filter this list. So far I have:
Dim orders = _orderController.LoadAll().ToList()
which does indeed give me a list of orders which I can display on a gridview.
How could I filter this list to say: where order.referencenumber = "abc123"
and only give me one order in the list to display in the gridview
Try this:
Dim orders = _orderController.LoadAll().Where(Function(c) c.referencenumber = "abc").ToList();
var orders = _orderController.All().Where(o => o.referencenumber = "abc123").ToList();
You should apply the Where clause before your call to ToList
Dim orders = _orderController.LoadAll().Where(Function(c) c.referencenumber = "abc").ToList()
you should check you the examples found in the documentaion

LINQ - listview - 2 levels of data in one table

I have been trying to solve this problem and I can't seem to figure it out. I'm not sure if it's because of my db design and LINQ, but I'm hoping for some direction here.
My db table:
Id         Name         ParentId
1          Data1        null
2          Data2        null
3          Data3        null
4          Data4        1
5          Data5        1
6          Data6        2
7          Data7        2
Basically Data1 and Data2 are the top levels that I want to use for headings and their children will be related based on their ParentID.
I am trying to use a listview to present the data like the following:
I am trying to use a combination of LINQ and listview to accomplish this.
The following is the code for the linq query:
var query = from data in mydb.datatable
where data.ParentId == null
select data;
But this only gives the heading level... and unfortunately listview only takes in 1 datasource.
While it's possible with some databases (like SQL Server post 2005) to write recursive queries, I don't believe those get generated by LINQ. On the other hand, if the number of records is sufficiently small, you could materialize the data (to a list) and write a LINQ query that uses a recursive function to generate your list.
This is from memory, but it would look something like this:
Func<int?,IEnumerable<data>> f = null;
f = parentId => {
IEnumerable<data> result = from data in mydb.datatable
where data.ParentId = parentId
select data;
return result.ToList().SelectMany(d=>f(d.Id));
That should get you the hierarchy.
If your hierarchy has only two levels you can use a group join and anonymous objects:
var query = from data in mydb.datatable.Where(x => x.ParentId == null)
join child in mydb.datatable.Where(x => x.ParentId != null)
on data.Id equals child.ParentId into children
select new { data, children };
Edit: You will have to convert the data to a collection that can be bound to a ListView. One hack would be to have a list that is only one level deep with spacing in front of the subitems:
var listViewItems = (from item in query.AsEnumerable()
let dataName =
let childNames = item.children.Select(c => " " + c.Name)
from name in dataName.Concat(childNames)
select new ListViewItem(name)).ToArray();
You could also try to find a control that fits better, like a TreeView. You might want to ask a separate question about this issue.
I just wrote up a blog post describing a solution to build a graph from a self-referencing table with a single LINQ query to the database which might be of use. See

How to insert a constant value into a column using ASP.Net SqlBulkCopy

In the below code, I am trying insert the records from excel to Database table, but an additional column is not passed through the excel, which has to be populated with a constant value(foreach loop with a different value) assigned from the requested page.
string CONSTANTVALUE="Test";
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "TABLE NAME";
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TABLECOLUMN1", "EXCELCOLUMN1");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TABLECOLUMN2", "EXCELCOLUMN2");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TABLECOLUMN3", CONSTANTVALUE);
But the code doesn't work. Any ideas?
You can do it, by changing your command text. As below
string CONSTANTVALUE="Test";
OleDbCommand command=new OleDbCommand("select *,"+CONSTANTVALUE+" as [ConstantCol] from [sheet$]",ObleDbCon);
using (DbDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader())
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "TABLE NAME";
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TABLECOLUMN1", "EXCELCOLUMN1");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TABLECOLUMN2", "EXCELCOLUMN2");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TABLECOLUMN3", "ConstantCol");
I assume your dr is a reader of some kind. How is it populated? It may be possible to select a default value into a column and map that. Something like this (sql syntax)
'ConstantValueFromPage' as EXCELCUSTOM
Then have:
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TABLECOLUMN3", "EXCELCUSTOM");
Did you try setting a default value for you column in database? I think it's the most easiest way, as after inserting any record, the default value would also get inserted into the specified column (it acts like triggers).

perform "not in" query using linq from 2 datatables

i have a datatable which contains "InvalidCodes".
Before uploading the data to database(data is still in datatable), i want to perform linq on the datatable to remove Invalid entries and move them in another datatable
datatable allEntries ( entries yet to be uploaded in database)
datatable InvalidCodes(single column datatable - retrieved from database)
datatable invalidEntries
right now "allEnties" contains valid entries and invalid entries. the linq query on "allEntries" should move the nonexistend code entries to invalidEntries datatable.
plz help me perform this.
below is the query i formed but its not valid
string query = "select [CityCode] from [StateCity] ";
DataTable citylist = getDataTableFromSelect(query);
var result = from myrow in inputDt.AsEnumerable()
where !myrow.Field<string>("CityCode").Contains(from myrow2 in citylist.AsEnumerable() select myrow2.Field<string>("CityCode") )
select myrow;
I'd make a HashSet for the invalid city codes - this will allow the code to quickly/efficiently identify which of the codes are in the invalid set.
e.g. something like:
var invalidCityCodes = from myrow2 in citylist.AsEnumerable()
select myrow2.Field<string>("CityCode");
var invalidCityCodeHashSet = new HashSet<string>(invalideCityCodes);
var result = from myrow in inputDt.AsEnumerable()
where !invalidCityCodeHashSet.Contains(myrow.Field<string>("CityCode"))
select myrow;
You can also take both the results in 2 Different Lists and then you can
List1 = List1.RemoveAll(Item=>List2.Contains(Item))
This works fine with me and will work for you also.
