What is the difference between :before and ::before? - css

I just saw a CSS code that included ::before tag. I looked at MDN to see what the ::before is but I really didn't understand it.
Can someone explain how it works?
Does it make a DOM element before what we select by CSS?

According to those docs, they are equivalent:
element:before { style properties } /* CSS2 syntax */
element::before { style properties } /* CSS3 syntax */
The only difference is that the double colon is used in CSS3, whereas the single colon is the legacy version.
The ::before notation was introduced in CSS 3 in order to establish a
discrimination between pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. Browsers
also accept the notation :before introduced in CSS 2.

This distinguishes pseudo elements from pseudo classes.
The difference between pseudo classes and pseudo elements is described at http://www.d.umn.edu/~lcarlson/csswork/selectors/pseudo_dif.html

They essentially mean the same thing. The :: was introduced in CSS3 to help descriminate between pseudo elements (like :before and :after) and pseudo classes (like :link and :hover).

I checked out MDN and w3.org, and the best I could come up with is that :: is used for structural changes, and : is used for styling.
They are currently interchangeable for compatibility reasons.
It appears to separate :link (for instance), which styles a <a>, from :before (which is a structural change).
: is for styling, :: is for structure.

One is the CSS2 (:before) way and the other is CSS3 (::before). Currently they are interchangeable in browsers that support CSS2 & CSS3.
Here's a good explanation: http://www.impressivewebs.com/before-after-css3/


How do I set the style of the "text" rendered from :after{content:"text"}?

I have a <a> tag and with a a:after{content:"(1)"} I can add a text (1) after it. But what if I want to set the color, font of the (1)? Is it possible?
You can use the color property to do so:
a:after{content:"(1)"; color:red;}
Working example:http://jsfiddle.net/f2z8ztvc/
Styling a pseudo-element in CSS is often no different than styling a regular element. The main difference is in the selector, and where the styles will be applied.
The spec describes which CSS properties apply to which pseudo-elements, but for the purposes of this question the :before and :after pseudo-elements behave exactly like their regular counterparts (interestingly, CSS2.1 mentions this explicitly, but Selectors 3 doesn't). So if you want to change the font of your :after pseudo-element, there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

Css pseudo-element ::before(2); :before and ::before

I'm working with css and I have tried to add an element 'before' to my div like an arrow. Is there any way to achieve it? I tried pseudo :before but there are three of them (::before(2), :before and ::before). They make me so confuse, what are differences in between?
The CSS spec on content describes all three syntaxes.
:before -- outdated syntax for pseudo elements. Use if older browser support is needed such as IE8. IE9 supports the new syntax. It also seems like iOS Safari does not support the new syntax
::before -- new pseudo element syntax. This is equivalent to ::before(1)
::before(n) -- used to create multiple before elements that can be before other ::befores. Details are in the same spec.
As far as I can tell, no browser supports this.

What's difference between this two selectors?

I see two different style of define pseudo element like this:
#div::after { content: ''; display: block; }
#div:after { content: ''; display: block; }
What's the difference between them and what way should I used?
This distinguishes pseudo elements from pseudo classes. but actually they're the same except that the single colon : is used for CSS2 syntax when the double colon :: is introduced in CSS3. So if your concern is about browser compatibility, you should stick with :after
::after is the CSS 3 notation. This is recommended for use according to the Selectors Level 3 Module. The only issue with using the newer syntax is that you will run into IE7/8 compatibility problems
The point is also to distinguish pseudo-elements from pseudo-classes (which only use a single colon)
From Selectors Level 3:
"This :: notation is introduced by the current document in order to establish a discrimination between pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. For compatibility with existing style sheets, user agents must also accept the previous one-colon notation for pseudo-elements introduced in CSS levels 1 and 2 (namely, :first-line, :first-letter, :before and :after). This compatibility is not allowed for the new pseudo-elements introduced in this specification."
They both do the same thing.
::after is more logical, but it isn't supported by older IEs
In general, :whatever is a pseudo-class – it filters the selector it's appended to to only match sometimes (eg, when hovered, or when invalid).
::whatever is a pseudo-element – it refers to a new virtual element related to the selector it's appended to; an element that does not actually exist in source (eg, a scrollbar).
before and after are logically pseudo-elements, but they were introduced before the :: syntax existed.
The :: designates that the psuedo used is targeting an additional dynamically created element is and not a restyling of an existing element. But because of backwards compatibility both the single and double colon are supported by browser vendors meaning in real terms they achieve the same results in modern browsers.

CSS :after doesn't work with images?

I think I tried everything and :after simply doesn't want to work with images. Is there any CSS limitation that I'm not aware of? Or did I do something wrong?
Here's the example:
Most browsers don't support :after and :before for img tags: http://lildude.co.uk/after-css-property-for-img-tag
The effect of :after on img is vaguely defined. The spec puts it this way: “Note: Note. This specification does not fully define the interaction of :before and :after with replaced elements (such as IMG in HTML). This will be defined in more detail in a future specification.” In practice, it’s unspecified, and there does not seem to be any progress in this are in CSS3 drafts.

:after vs. ::after

Is there any functional difference between the CSS 2.1 :after and the CSS 3 ::after pseudo-selectors (other than ::after not being supported in older browsers)? Is there any practical reason to use the newer specification?
It's pseudo-class vs pseudo-element distinction.
Except for ::first-line, ::first-letter, ::before and ::after (which have been around a little while and can be used with single colons if you require IE8 support), pseudo-elements require double colons.
Pseudo-classes select actual elements themselves, you can use :first-child or :nth-of-type(n) for selecting the first or specific <p>'s in a div, for example.
(And also states of actual elements like :hover and :focus.)
Pseudo-elements target a sub-part of an element like ::first-line or ::first-letter, things that aren't elements in their own right.
Actually, better description here: http://bricss.net/post/10768584657/know-your-lingo-pseudo-class-vs-pseudo-element
Also here: http://www.evotech.net/blog/2007/05/after-v-after-what-is-double-colon-notation/
CSS Selectors like ::after are some virtual elements not available as a explicit element in DOM tree. They are called "Pseudo-Elements" and are used to insert some content before/after an element (eg: ::before, ::after) or, select some part of an element (eg: ::first-letter). Currently there is only 5 standard pseudo elements: after, before, first-letter, first-line, selection.
On the other hand, there are other types of selectors called "Pseudo-Classes" which are used to define a special state of an element (like as :hover, :focus, :nth-child(n)). These will select whole of an existing element in DOM. Pseudo classes are a long list with more than 30 items.
Initially (in CSS2 and CSS1), The single-colon syntax was used for both pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. But, in CSS3 the :: syntax replaced the : notation for pseudo-elements to better distinguish of them.
For backward compatibility, the old single-colon syntax is acceptable for pseudo-elements like as :after (browsers still all support the old syntax with one semicolon). Only IE-8 doesn’t support the new syntax (use single-colon if you want to support IE8).
