NSTableView alternating row colors on Lion - nstableview

I have an ordinary NSTableView created in a xib. The highlight is set to "regular" with "alternating rows" checked. When I compile my app in Xcode 4.1, the rows do not alternate, and the table is solid white. The same table appeared properly in Xcode 4.0 on Snow Leopard. Unfortunately I don't have a 4.0/Snow Leopard-compiled binary to check on Lion.

I had a couple such tables in my xib and I played around with checking and unchecking the "alternating rows" checkbox. After a few saves, the rows once again alternate.


Why does my Qt5 app (and qt-creator) fail to display certain exotic unicode characters

I am developing a Qt5 based app that needs to display exotic unicode characters in a QTreeView. However, I am suffering inconsistent behaviour that I just cannot understand.
displays OK.
does not display correctly, it appears as a vertical white rectangle.
The treeview's data is supplied by a class derived from QAbstractItemModel. If I save this data to a text file (via QTextStream) and then view this file via the terminal then the cheese wedge appears correctly. I can thus be certain that internally (in the model) it is stored correctly; the problem is that it is not displayed in the treeview.
I notice that in Qt-Creator editor I have the same problem. U+1F55B (clock face) displays correctly, U+1F9C0 (cheese wedge) appears as a vertical white rectangle.
This does not seem to be font related. In my text editor (Geany), the selected font "DejaVu Sans Condensed" 9 point shows the cheese wedge correctly. The same font in both my app and Qt-creator does not show the cheese wedge. I have tried multiple fonts that do support the cheese wedge but my Qt app (nor Qt-creator) ever show the cheese.
I tried another Qt5 editor, "FeatherPad", and found that this also does not display the cheese wedge correctly. I am wondering if this is a Qt5 issue? If this is a Qt5 issue, then just knowing a way of detecting which characters cannot be displayed would be extremely useful; I can then replace them with the replacement character.
I am running XFCE on XUbuntu 20.04.

Storyboard view controllers are black

I have installed a new Xcode version 11.1 in my mac and open my existing project, while iā€™m trying to open my storyboard its completely shown black UI.
had the same issue, all i did is
clear constraint, for my case the source was from UITableView, and make sure constraints are attached to safeare not superview.
from toolbar on the top go to Editor > Canvas > Layout Rectangle Very important you have to repeat this step 3 times
Quit XCode and reopen it again , all should be fixed
I've noticed this happen when i switch view for different devices 8, 11, 4s
Good luck

Controlling cell width in RStudio Environment tab data viewer

I am using the latest version of RStudio on Mac (1.2.1070). When viewing a data frame in the Environment tab, the cell widths are very wide, seemingly as wide as the data contained. This makes it hard to use with large text blocks. Is there a way to control the default width of cells or to set a max default width, other than by manually dragging using the mouse?
I think this behaviour is recent, and only in the latest release of RStudio.
In RStudio\resources\grid folder, locate dtstyles.css file, look for .textCell there should be several. Find the one contains max-width: 300px; and change the number. See if it works.

How to align 2 QPushButtons inside a QLineEdit generically

I have a custom widget which has a QLineEdit & 2 QPushButtons inside it.
I want to align them generically so that they look the same on all platforms(WIN, LINUX & osX).
I tried to align them using offsets by manually checking different offsets. It worked fine for windows&linux but on mac, the buttons are hidden by the QLineEdit.
I am wondering if there's a generic way in which i can have these buttons inside QLineEdit which works for all platforms & scaling values.
search field
As the image shows, i want to have two buttons just like the one in visual studio. I tried QComboBox but it din't solve the purpose as it's label is not editable.
I solved this on windows by moving the two buttons by their sizes,
adjFirstBtnWidth = lineEditWidth - firstButtonWidth - secondButtonWidth
adjSecondBtnWidth = lineEditWidth - secondButtonWidth
Now, I moved the first button by adjFirstBtnWidth & second button by adjSecondBtnWidth on x axis.
It seems to work on windows & Linux but I've to wait to see if it's working on OSX or not.
Hope this is helpful to someone.

NSTableView not alternating colors

I am using Xcode 4.5.1 on 10.7 and am just getting started.
I wanted to have alternating colored rows in my table view, and was pleased to see the checkbox that would seem to turn this feature on.
I notice that while the table view is selected, the graphics show as alternating, but as soon as the table is unselected, it reverts to white. I have tried to "play around" with checking and saving to no avail. Is there a way to programmatically force occupied (or all) rows to alternate at run time rather than rely on the buggy check box? Is this a known bug? I have also noticed that if a shadow is cast on the table (from another window over it) then the alternating rows are noticeable...is this a clue? I can see this effect in the variable pane in Xcode as well, so it appears in Xcode itself, not just the created app.
yeah, that was my clue... the highlight checkbox comes into play when the table is in shadow. The many "alternating row" questions here address what I was hoping to do originally.
