Embeding a PDF and having it searchable in wordpress - wordpress

I have a 32 page 6 megabyte pdf that i would like to embed for viewing on my wordpress site. However I need the text in it to be searchable by the wordpress search bar (i am willing to edit the search functions to do this) I tried converting the pdf to html but had no success. Any scripts, hacks, or plugins would help. Im open to any and all sugestions.

Google can index the content of PDF files, though I'm not sure if Bing can. What I suggest that you do, considering that you don't want to convert your PDF files to HTML then post it on your site, is to change from the built in Wordpress Search, and instead use the Google Search Plugin.
You can use the Google Custom Search widget, or use the API.
Maybe Ligit might help, provided that they use Google to search your site.


Wordpress import video's

Little bit of background, i am recreating a current wordpress.com website in wordpress.org so the owner can make any changes they want. I completed most of the design and was starting to import data from the old site. A lot of blog posts had the following shortcode in it
This doesn't work in wordpress.org though. So my question is, is their a way to make this shortcode actually work and doesnt require to rewrite every blogpost with a video?
I would check out this wordpress.com page about youtube embedding.
Seems like you only have to change a little formatting, wordpress.com uses a similar shortcode.
Just open your .sql file in an editor and perform a search and replace.

Adding a download button to entire couse as a pdf in learndash plugin in wordpress

I'm developing an on-line course using the Learndash Plugin in wordpress. I've add a plugin post2pdf for downloading a single lesson as a pdf, but I also want the entire course to be downloadable as a pdf.
Can anyone please suggest how to achieve this, either using the same plugin, or with any other plugin?

Wordpress blog snippet on HTML web page

Trying to figure out if there is a way to take a snippet of a wordpress blog, same site, same hosting, and plug that into a pure HTML page.
Example... I want to show the title of the blog, and first 150 characters. With a link to ..."read more" which would take the visitor to the actual blog.
Widget? or custom type of coding?
One way that WordPress exposes blog output to other applications is through the RSS feed.
It is often available by URL at
"http:// your-Wordpress-Root-URL.com/ feed".
You can use that URL in a 3rd-party widget that you use via HTML/JS on any HTML page.
They'll give you the code snippet to drop in your page.
And they'll have different options to customize things like the number of blog entries to show, and the length to preview - as you mentioned.
I'll paste a couple links to start with, and you can easily search for more online with something like "RSS feed widget" in google.

Embedding links in WordPress 3.6

I am developing a theme for WordPress 3.6 and as far as I know embedded links, like if just place a link into the post for YouTube it should auto embed its self. that's not the case here - would any one know what would cause links from services like YouTube to not embed?
[embed][/embed] doesn't work either...
Make sure the YouTube link is not hyperlinked. If the URL is shown in
your theme’s link color (as the second line in the screenshot below),
then it is hyperlinked. Simply select the whole URL and click the
“Unlink” icon on your Visual Editor toolbar.
Once the URL is unlinked, you will see the link text in black. Make
sure to place the YouTube URL or shortcode on its own line. This
means there should be no character or whitespace before or after the
However, beyond those issues you might want to look into. the API that WP uses to embed links from YouTube, Twitter, Flicker...
oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly.
Unlink the link if it's linked and use the shortcode :
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/XXXX] and that will work.

RSS Failed to Fetch Wordpress Embed Videos

Before I go on I'd like to clarify that I use google reader to test my site's RSS feed.
Ok, if my title doesn't explain it well enough, my wordpress is using a custom made theme that I bought from some site, they actually provide support but I haven't gotten any actual answer so far, so I hope I can get some answer here.
Basically my site's RSS feed is not fetching my videos which is embed directly to post. I have troubleshoot it by using wordpress default theme, and the embed videos get fetched just right in my google reader. So I think the problem lies in the custom theme I'm using.
But I don't know how to troubleshoot and move on from this point. Anybody has got a clue what might just be the problem?
first of all, the authors of a bought Theme should offer solutions for that.
Try the source view of your RSS feed and check if the videos are included. If so, maybe there is some reason why Google Reader does not fetch these.
Add the videos to your RSS feed. Find out, how your Theme stores the videos. Write a custom function to manipulate your RSS-feed and put it into your functions.php (be carefully with updates, afterwards).
See this discussion: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-fields-on-rss-feed-how-to
Plugin for additional RSS fields:
Manipulation RSS feeds:
