Div needs to stretch to contain the inner divs - css

I've been digging around in here and none of what I've tried yet has worked. I have a page where the containing div will not stretch to the bottom of the page when the content gets too long. I am almost sure the problem has to do with the div soup that was handed to me.
Can anyone help me, please?

The style for #box_inside has a height set, which keeps it from expanding. If you remove that, it will expand to contain its children, and the outer divs will also expand.
Now your problem is that the background image is made to fit that exact size...


Blocks overlapping floats but content wraps

I have a layering issue with a site that I can't seem to figure out how to get around.
Essentially, I have a float:right div that contains some linked images and a bunch of block divs on the same page (in the same wrapper). The text (content) all wraps as expected, but the block elements overlap the floated elements making the image links non-clickable. It becomes quite obvious when viewed using chrome/firebug/whatever that the blocks are getting in the way of the floats but nothing I have tried as yet has floated them to the top.
example from: http://wanganuilibrary.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/280
What I need is a way of allowing the links on the images in the float to be clickable. The float can have a set width but not height, and the rest of the content needs to be free flowing and wrap under the float if/when required, so no forced padding or margins, e.g.: http://wanganuilibrary.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/1519
Any ideas on how this could be achieved would be appreciated.
Usually columns like this are built using floats.
The left content column would be float: left with a set width.
The right content would be float: right with a smaller width.
Otherwise you can set the z-index of the anchors around the images to higher than the other content,

DIV wrapping on browser resize

So basically the website I'm designing has 3 divs inside a container div. One floating to the left. Two to the right one above and one below. They work fine when the browser is maximized. Problem is, when the browser is resized, the right divs wrap below the left div even though I've set min-widths. I want the divs to remain where they are and a scroll bar to appear instead. I did try overflow, no luck. Any solutions?
PS- Initially I had added min-width for the inner divs too. They didn't seem to solve the problem, so I removed them.
A solution or a nudge in the right direction would be really appreciated.
Here's a link to the jsFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/R62w4/3/
Thank you, Matthew. Although that fixed the wrapping issue, my site now has a thin line of pixels on the right hand side. Any idea how I remove it? It continues from the header till the footer. It isn't affected by any changes to the CSS elements pertaining to the header or navigation bar or footer.
Okay, I found the reason to the extra space on the right side. If I increase my margins for the outer div, the space increases. Is there a way to increase the margins without getting a space?
You might be able to wrap them in this:
<div style="white-space:nowrap;">
... to prevent that from happening.
It's hard to know exactly where the problem is, could you post some code or make a JSFiddle?
I believe the problem is that you are using % based widths and px for margins - it's easy to lose track of how much available space you have and subsequently your layout falls apart. Consider that two left floated DIVs of 50% width with 1px of margin each will break on to two lines every time because that's more than 100%.
I changed your fiddle a bit: http://jsfiddle.net/R62w4/5/
... just by moving the left margin from your first DIV and right margin from your other two to the parent container seems to give enough room for everything.
P.S. You can use % based margins and just make sure everything you want to be on one line stays <= 100%.
the simpl css framework shows you how to do percentage based columns with pixel based margins which is what you want.

Div Floats and Overflow in relation to size of the browser

I have a website built with divs floated to various parts of the pages to create the look I want. My problem is, when I make my browser smaller the floats all cram to the left side instead of holding their positions and simply giving a scroll bar.
All I want is for my pages to hold their form when the browser is not maximized.
I suggest you put a min-width on the div wrapping all your floating divs.
Than all your div will be floating as normally, but when the browser will be smaller you will have a scroll bar.
Yeah the code would really help, but a solution (I think) would be to wrap all your floated divs in a div that has a defined width.

Need help with stacking my website design

I'm having one of those pull-my-hair-out moments that has become an all consuming obsession at work and I can't figure it out for the life of me.
I'm working on a site where I have a repeating background image (gradient of blue) and I need to put another image on top of that which goes beneath my "container" div. The large image that I'm having to put the "container" on top of has designs that appear to pop out of the sides.
The trouble that I'm having is this: when the user shrinks the window size, my buttons (that are within the container div) get all jumbled up and go one on top of another when I do this in IE and Firefox. I would like it to stay in the same spot on top of the large image in its spot despite the size of the window.
I think it has to do with absolute position, something that I'm not too familiar with, but I'm wondering if this is possible. I have also never used tables and have just used div tags to create sites. Fairly new at this - just have been designing websites for about a year now.
I am answering this without seeing an example, so bear with me.
It sounds as though the container div does not have a width assigned to it.
Since the container div doesn't have a width, it is shrinking and expanding causing the buttons to jumble up. Also, make sure that your buttons and such are positioned absolutely inside of your container div. Your container div must have position:relative; set in its style in order to absolutely position items inside of it. However, it sounds as though you have your positioning already set accordingly, it is just worth re-mentioning.

Absolutely positioned div with width 100% is only as wide as the original window size

I have an absolutely positioned div that has a width of 100% with a background image tiling horizontally. When the browser is shrunk to the point that the width of the browser is less than the page, the remaining right portion of the div's background color is truncated.
Is there a better approach or a hack to resolve this?
Here's the example: link with the div in question being the menu.
Edit: to clarify, reduce the size of your browser so that the full width of the page (960px) requires a scroll-bar. At this point, 100% of the "page", or the viewable area, is actually less than 100% of the content. When this occurs, the menu's background doesn't span the remaining content that would require scrolling to the right to see.
This issue is present in ie7, ie8, and firefox 3.5. I haven't tested the other browsers but I can only assume that this happens there as well.
min-width: 960px;
to the menu div selector. Fixes it for me.
With regards to the actual code structure, and as someone pointed out (but promptly deleted their post), perhaps structure your elements in a more logical layout. There's no reason to have the menu as the bottom child element (as far as I could tell anyway)
It's a more linear, free flowing code structure, rather then a spaghetti mess of containers in random orders, that it can turn into.
