Does IE9 not allow margins of 0px around checkbox (radio) inputs? - css

I updated some of my CSS styles to use normalize.css recently but discovered an apparent inconsistency - it seems that in IE9 it won't let me set margins 0 around a checkbox element. But I couldn't find any specific mention of the problem. Here's an example of my test. And here's a screenshot of what it looks like in Firefox, Chrome and IE9
The reset styles are copy pasted from latest version of html5 boilerplate, which itself uses normalize.css by Nicolas Gallagher.
As I understood normalize.css, the idea is to keep some browser defaults but create a consistent layout for the components. However, from my quick testing, it looks like in fact there should not be a margin:0 around (checkbox/radio) inputs in order to create consistent layout, like so.
Having said that, smarter people than me worked on both normalize.css and html5 boilerplate, so either I'm missing something, or misunderstanding something.

IE9 adds padding. I guess that reset script doesn't take that into account. Add padding: 0 and you'll be set.

for my project I once rendered IE9 as IE8 by rendering it with meta tag of html
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8"/>
so the same css worked for both


How can I get a IE8-compliant css theme for JSTree?

I have researched a lot regarding why my JSTree is renderering really badly in IE8, while working perfectly in Chrome. At least one of the problems is IE8's lack of support for the css-property background-size. I am using custom icons to represent folders and files. Each line in the tree structure has a height of 24px in IE8 , when it is 40 in chrome. The latter browser calculates the line height, by automatically wrapping around the icon size, using background-size: auto;. IE8 does not.
I've tried to implement lots of different solutions to make up for IE8's lacking functionality, like:
How do I make background-size work in IE?
IE 8: background-size fix
and the linked-to
However, due to the complexity of the jstree, and it's default css-files, I am having a really hard time implementing any of these solutions into the existing code, as I am lacking the experience to fully understand the structure of the default.css.
What would be the correct course of action to make this work? I've also searched for compatible .css files for IE8, but found nothing.
An answer which confirms my fears of having to create my own .css from scratch, and understanding it completely, would also be very welcome. However, I would love a second opinion, before I invest the time to do that.
These are screenshots from my current situation:
Chrome has nice spacing, and visible chevron/arrows/expanding icons. Also, the font works.
IE8 has no auto-size, which makes the height 24px instead of 40px. Ive tried manually setting them to 40, but no luck. The lack of visual finesse does not bother me too much, but the lack of the arrow expanding icons are vital to my application's usability.
Working edits of the current theme, will be accepted as an answer. So will link to alternative themes that are compliant with IE8. Or anything that helps me understand how to fix the problem myself.
The best way is create a separate style sheet for IE8
<!--[if IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie8.css">
there are many other things like in page like you need to add meta tag
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
and one more thing please post some of your code in a fiddle so that we can better trace the actual cause of problem.
also check after adding this fix..
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<script src=""></script>
I hope this will add something positive.
After checking jsTree Demo I can conclude one more problem the jQuery Version.
If you are using jQuery v1.10.1 or later. that jQuery does not have support from older browsers like IE8 for that one must use v.1.9.1 which is the last version which supports IE8.
Try respond.js which made your ie8 browser to compatible for css3 pseudo elements and other stuff.

Bootstrap 3 and problems with IE8 (acting like mobile) - respond included

I'm trying to finish this site Almost all looks good in all normal browsers. But IE8 looks like in mobile mode - all containers are 100% width.
Respond.js and html5shiv.js are included. Meta is in head section. I don't know what else should I do ? For sure IE ignores media queries - but I didn't figure out why.
shot in the dark, because i don't have ie7/8 installed at the moment, but here goes:
offhand, it looks like you are targeting less than ie9, so here ie7/8, with ie7.css.
i never use bootstrap, but i'm assuming you are using the regular repo, and not one you've tweaked on your own.
if thats the case, i'm positive that style sheet is only for ie7, and that is why ie8 is all busted up.
you have two options here:
1) get rid of existing conditional comments. create a style sheet for ie8 and place it inside its own conditional comments targeting ie8 and only ie8/
keep the existing ie7.css style sheet and wrap it up in its own set of conditional comments targeting itself.
&#60;!--[if lt IE 9]&#62;
&#60;script type='text/javascript' src=""&#62;&#60;/script&#62;
&#60;script type='text/javascript' src="js/respond.js"&#62;&#60;/script&#62;
&#60;!--[if IE 8]&#62;
&#60;link href="/css/bootstrap-ie8.css" rel="stylesheet"&#62;
&#60;!--[if IE 7]&#62;
&#60;link href="/css/bootstrap-ie7.css" rel="stylesheet"&#62;
2). keep ie7.css, create new styles for ie8 within ie7.css file, but you have to target one of the ie versions with a hack, specific to that version. you can read all about it, and view examples here:
Solved. The problem was that bootstrap css was before custom styles. I swapped them and everything works like charm

what to do with css top value differences in chrome and firefox?

The css top or margin-top values in chrome is so different with firefox and opera,what should I do?
For example in chrome when I put (top:0px;) my menu is in its right place,but in firefox I have to put (top:-80px;).
What should I do?please help;Thanks in advance.
and also firebug doesn't have any errors.
Sorry I couldn't post a jsfiddle link because the site contains lots of pictures and I reaaly wanted to post pictures so that you can understand what I mean better,I tried but I needed 10 reputation but I have only 8.
You need to reset all the styling that a browser applies, then it will only apply your styling, instead of adding it's own aswell. To do this include a redet style sheet such as Normalize.css
Normalize.css makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It precisely targets only the styles that need normalizing.

How to display CSS3 columns on IE?

IE doesn't support CSS3 columns — no big deal, right? Even though, I'm trying to find any modernizr-like library to do the trick. I don't really want to code different CSS for IE, as that would be giving way too much care and attention to something we all despise. Any suggestions?
As of IE10, there is now native (and un-prefixed) support for CSS3 columns.
Pragmatic Programmer's HTML5 and CSS3 book has some great advice on stuff like this. For columns, it recommends using the Columnizer Plugin for jQuery for IE.
Without seeing your code, I would suggest putting each column in a div. Then redefine the body tag after you load the stylesheet for IE only, and add the styles for the divs.
For IE only:
<!--[if IE]>
**** your styles ****
You could even take it a step further and move the body style into it's own style sheet and load the style sheet you need depending on the browser. It'll depend on how far you want to take it.
Try setting display: inline-table; on the items you want laid out as a table

Which browsers support page break manipulation using CSS and the page-break-inside element?

I'm trying to use the page-break-inside CSS directive, the class of which is to be attached to a div tag or a table tag (I think this may only work on block elements, in which case it would have to be the table).
I've tried all the tutorials that supposedly describe exactly how to do this, but nothing works. Is this an issue of browser support or has anyone actually gotten this working, the exact bit of CSS looks like this:
#media print {
.noPageBreak {
page-break-inside : avoid;
Safari 1.3 and later (don't know about 4) do not support page-break-inside (try it, or see here: Neither do Firefox 3 or IE7 (don't know about 8).
In a practical sense, support for this attribute is SO spotty, it doesn't make sense to use it at all at this point. You'd be lucky if even 10% of your visitors have browsers that can support this.
The solution I used was to add
to certain divs, or add a "page-breaker" div in where you want breaks. This is quite ham-handed, I know, because it doesn't do quite what you want, and causes content to not reach the bottom of the printed page, but unfortunately there isn't a better solution (prove me wrong!).
Another approach is to create a stylesheet that removes all extraneous elements (display:none) and causes the main content to flow in one main column. Basically, turn it into a single column, text-only document.
Finally, avoid floats and columns when styling for printers, it can make IE (and FF) act wacky.
Safari 1.3+, Opera 9.2+, Konquerer, and IE8 all support it, at least to some degree.
Firefox apparently still does not.
Firefox does not support this as of 2010-11-30, and thus won't in Firefox 4.
IE8 does support page-break-inside: avoid - but when I tried this on IE9, it's not very successful at avoiding page-breaks (this may be a regression, or perhaps IE8 is also only capable of avoiding page breaks in very simple cases).
AFAIK it doesn't work in any webkit browser; certainly not in chrome.
It actually works in Opera, even on real sites.
Safari 1.3 and later support page-break-inside.
So does Konqueror.
I'm trying to use the page-break-inside CSS directive, the class of which is to be attached to a div tag or a table tag (I think this may only work on block elements, in which case it would have to be the table).
Firstly, there's no need to guess. Just look at the specification, and you'll see that it does indeed only apply to block-level elements.
Secondly, <div> elements are usually block-level elements, so there's no problem applying page-break-inside to a <div> element.
Finally, you don't need to wrap it in #media. You only need #media if you want to apply media-independent rules to only one medium, for instance, if you want to use display: block only for one medium. In this case, you don't need to hide those rules from other media, because they'll only apply to paged media anyway.
From preliminary searches, it's hard to find up-to-date statistics on browser support for this, but it seems that Firefox 4beta6 supports it and Chrome 7 does not. Chrome also breaks pages halfway through a line of text, so that part of the text appears on one page and part appears on the next. Uncharacteristic lack of attention to detail, but I guess neither Google nor Apple care about printing things.
Firefox 4 also adds some nice headers and footers to your prints with url, page title, site title, number of pages, and time. Nice.
As a bit more information further to Eamon Nerbonne's answer on the IE rendering (IE8+), you need to make sure the browser is in standards mode. This article on MSDN shows what is necessary - including a meta tag in your html to force the issue:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
Feels kludgy, but there you have it... seems to work more consistently.
