Crystal reports - logon failed -

I see the topic isn't new, but I searched many sites, found many clues, but nothing worked for me:(
I am using Crystal Reports Viewer control in my ASP.NET application. Report is quite simple, there are two parameters which I have to pass. I have two CrystalReportsSource and one CrystalReportsViewer controls on my site. When the page loads I run this snippet:
CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetParameterValue("name", Session["name"].ToString());
CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetParameterValue("code", Session["code"].ToString());
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = CrystalReportSource1;
Setting source is needed, because I have two kinds of report and depending on some other session parameter I change which report should I print on screen (and which report source should I bind).
Unfortunately, this code doesn't work for me. CRViewer shows me little prompt/box saying that ~"Logging into database failed" (its only my translation, cause this is in my locale). I have no idea how to make it works. Nor my DB (Access), nor reports need credential to login (other words - I don't have to put them in any place).
Any help would be appreciated.

Since you are dynamically changing the report source, you will need to dynamically specify the logon as well.
It would be easier if your server and database are thesame. I have not tried this myself but you may give it a try.
Private Sub aMethod(ByVal name as String, ByVal sessionName as String)Handles Me.Load
Dim cryRpt As New ReportDocument
Dim crtableLogoninfos As New TableLogOnInfos
Dim crtableLogoninfo As New TableLogOnInfo
Dim crConnectionInfo As New ConnectionInfo
Dim CrTables As Tables
Dim CrTable As Table
Select Case sessionName
Case OneSessionName 'specify a session name here'
Dim rptDoc = OneSessionName
Case AnotherSessionName 'specify other session name here'
Dim rptDoc = AnotherSessionName
End Select
Dim rptDoc = CType(rptDoc, String)
Select Case sessionName
Case OneSessionName
With crConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "yourServer1Name"
.DatabaseName = "YourDB1Name"
.UserID = "yourUser1Id"
.Password = "yourPassword1"
End With
Case AnotherSessionName
With crConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "yourServer2Name"
.DatabaseName = "YourDB2Name"
.UserID = "yourUser2Id"
.Password = "yourPassword2"
End With
End Select
CrTables = cryRpt.Database.Tables
For Each CrTable In CrTables
crtableLogoninfo = CrTable.LogOnInfo
crtableLogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
crsAllReports.PrintMode = PaperOrientation.Landscape
crsAllReports.ReportSource = cryRpt
Catch ex As Exception
lblError.Text = "No report"
lblError.Visible = True
End Try
End Sub
Note 'If your server and dbnames are thesame you may, you may not need the second switch statement. Instead just use:
With crConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "yourServerName"
.DatabaseName = "YourDBName"
.UserID = "yourUserId"
.Password = "yourPassword"
End With


How to find the value of a dropdownlist using FindControl?

I am working on a website with VB.NET and ASP.NET. I currently have recurring DropDownLists for the user to provide input.
The design is recurring. These DropDownLists get their values from a database table, Everything with the Web interface is working except for writing these recurring values to the database - that is just to give you some background.
I have set the ID's of each DropDownList like so:
FrequencyList.ID = String.Concat("FreqList", DBReader(0))
That is in a loop while reading the DatabaseReader.
This is what I'm having issues with (please note I simplified the code down to make it easier to read:
Dim i As Integer
DBCommand = New SqlCommand()
DBCommand.Connection = DBConnection
DBCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
DBCommand.CommandText = "StoredProcedureName"
For i = 1 To AspectTableLength
Dim ParamFrequencyID As SqlParameter = DBCommand.Parameters.Add("#nFrequencyID", SqlDbType.Int)
ParamFrequencyID.Value = FindControl("FreqList" & Convert.ToString(i))
ParamFrequencyID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
The FindControl("FreqList" & Convert.ToString(i)) variable is incorrect because it does not access the value - and adding .SelectedItem.Value does not work.
I got help from a developer.
Dim MyControls As ControlCollection = Panel.Controls
Dim Number As Integer 'this is the same as "DBReader(0)"
For Each MyControl As Control In MyControls
If MyControl.ID Is Nothing Then
If MyControl.ID.StartsWith("Span") Then
Number = Replace(MyControl.ID, "Span", "")
Dim Freq As DropDownList = PanelMain.FindControl(“FreqList” & Number)
Dim ParamFrequencyID As SqlParameter = DBCommand.Parameters.Add("#nFrequencyID", SqlDbType.Int)
ParamFrequencyID.Value = Freq.SelectedIndex
ParamFrequencyID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
End If
End If

Comparing variables to SQL / Troubleshooting session

I am trying to send some variables, using a session, to the next page "ProcedureSelectionForm.aspx". As you can see, the sessions have been commented out. The code below will work (without sending the variable of course). However, when you remove the comments the .onclick function reloads the page rather than navigating to "ProcedureSelectionForm.aspx". For this reason, I believe this is where my problem is. The first two columns are "Account" and "Password" in the database. I have not misspelled anything. I am new to VB and and would appreciate some explanation as to what is happening and why my desired functionality isn't materializing. Thank you for your help!
If IsValid Then
Dim strSQL = "select * from CreatePatient where Account = #Account and Password = #Password"
Using CCSQL = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CreatePatientConnectionString").ConnectionString)
Using CCUser = New SqlCommand(strSQL, CCSQL)
CCUser.Parameters.Add("#Account", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = PatientAccount.Text
CCUser.Parameters.Add("#Password", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = PatientPass.Text
'Using reader As SqlDataReader = CCUser.ExecuteReader()
'If reader.HasRows Then
'Session("user") = reader("Account")
'Session("pass") = reader("Password")
'End If
'End Using
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Label1.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If
My friend was able to make time to help me out. I am unsure of what he did differently besides closing connections
If IsValid Then
Dim CCSQL As New SqlConnection
Dim CCUser As New SqlCommand
Dim strSQL As String
Dim dtrUser As SqlDataReader
CCSQL.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CreatePatientConnectionString").ConnectionString
strSQL = "Select * from CreatePatient where Account=#user and Password=#pwd"
CCUser.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
CCUser.CommandText = strSQL
CCUser.Parameters.Add("#user", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = PatientAccount.Text
CCUser.Parameters.Add("#pwd", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = PatientPass.Text
CCUser.Connection = CCSQL
dtrUser = CCUser.ExecuteReader()
If dtrUser.HasRows Then
Session("user") = dtrUser("Account")
Session("level") = dtrUser("Password")
Label1.Text = "Please check your user name and password"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Label1.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If
I am on a tight deadline but i will get back to those interested with an answer. Thank you for your effort.
You don't want to do .ExecuteNonQuery() when you are actually doing a query (i.e. a SQL "SELECT" statement. You can just do the .ExecuteReader() to read those two values.
Also, I presume you are trying to validate the Account and Password; otherwise you could just set Session("user") = PatientAccount.Text and set Session("pass") = PatientPass.Text.

BC30311: Value of Type 'faq' cannot be converted to 'FAQ'

really stuck on this one. The logic doesn't seem to be different from any other Linq to Entity logic I have in the rest of my application. I'm simply writing data into a table called FAQ using Linq to Entity. But I get the message BC30311: Value of Type 'faq' cannot be converted to 'FAQ'. I can't work out what value it means.
Dim objQuestion As TextBox = gvDetails.FooterRow.FindControl("txtFooterQuestion")
Dim objAnswer As TextBox = gvDetails.FooterRow.FindControl("txtFooterAnswer")
Dim objCategory As TextBox = gvDetails.FooterRow.FindControl("txtFooterCategory")
Using DBContext As New fundmatrixEntities
Dim queryFAQ = DBContext.FAQs
Dim oFAQ As New FAQ
oFAQ.FAQId = 5
oFAQ.Question = objQuestion.Text
oFAQ.Answer = objAnswer.Text
oFAQ.Category = objCategory.Text
oFAQ.DateCreated = Date.Now
oFAQ.DateUpdated = Date.Now
lblresult.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
lblresult.Text = "details inserted successfully"
Catch ex As Exception
lblresult.Text = "There was problem inserting the FAQ!"
lblresult.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End Try
End Using

cannot convert string to date

Hello stack overflow residents! this is my first post and i'm hoping to receive some help.
I've searched but because I'm still very new, i was not able to full find/understand my answer.
I keep encountering this error:
Message: Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid. File:
~/reports/pendingshipments.aspx Function: btnExportXls_Click Stack
Trace: at
Value) at reports_default.btnExportXls_Click(Object sender, EventArgs
e) in C:\Users\jet.jones\Documents\ERIRoot\ERITitan\ERITitan.ssa\Web
Application\reports\pendingshipments.aspx.vb:line 75
Here is my code:
on App_code
**Public Function Reports_PendingShipments(ByVal intClientID As Integer, ByVal strMinDate As Date?, ByVal strMaxDate As Date?, ByVal xmlSiteID As String) As DataTable
' Author: Jet Jones
' Create date: 2013.05.28
' Description: Returns a data table with pending shipments for the sites specified
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Titan").ToString)
Dim cmdGet As New SqlCommand("spReports_PendingShipments", objConn)
Dim parClientID As New SqlParameter("#ClientID", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim parMinDate As New SqlParameter("#MaxDate", IIf(Not strMinDate.HasValue, DBNull.Value, strMinDate))
Dim parMaxDate As New SqlParameter("#MaxDate", IIf(Not strMaxDate.HasValue, DBNull.Value, strMaxDate))
Dim parSiteID As New SqlParameter("#Sites", SqlDbType.Xml)
Dim objAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmdGet)
Dim objTable As New DataTable
parClientID.Value = intClientID
parMinDate.Value = strMinDate
parMaxDate.Value = strMaxDate
parSiteID.Value = xmlSiteID
'set up the command object
cmdGet.Connection = objConn
cmdGet.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'add the parameters
'open the connection
'execute the query and fill the data table
'return the data table
Reports_PendingShipments = objTable
'clean up
objConn = Nothing
End Function**
my aspx.vb page calls this function this way (Get the values from the query):
objTable = Reports_PendingShipments(ucClientSearch.Value,
txtMinDate.Text, txtMaxDate.Text, strSites)
I'm passing the variable strSites because the website permissions allow for users to have access to one or more site locations, and if a report is run and the user selects "All Sites" from the dropdown, I only want to send the sites they have permissions to via XML.
If I'm missing any information please let me know!
anyone's prompt response is so greatly appreciated.
The problem is that your code is expecting empty dates to be NULL, it doesn't check for empty strings. You need something like this:
if len(strMinDate)=0 then
strMinDate = "01/01/1980"
Not sure what you want to default the minimum date to, but you need to add code similar to the IF statement above
Be sure to add this code prior to using the variable a few lines later...
First of all, you adding MaxDate parameter twice:
Dim parMinDate As New SqlParameter("#MaxDate", IIf(Not strMinDate.HasValue, DBNull.Value, strMinDate))
Dim parMaxDate As New SqlParameter("#MaxDate", IIf(Not strMaxDate.HasValue, DBNull.Value, strMaxDate))
And moreover, then you setting parameters values wuthout check for HasValue:
parMinDate.Value = strMinDate
parMaxDate.Value = strMaxDate
Remove these lines and fix min date parameter name

How to pass parameters to SSRS report programmatically

I'm looking for a little help on programmatically passing parameters to a SSRS report via VB.NET and ASP.NET. This seems like it should be a relatively simple thing to do, but I haven't had much luck finding help on this.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go to get help with this, or perhaps even some sample code?
You can do the following,: (it works both on local reports as in Full Blown SSRS reports. but in full mode, use the appropriate class, the parameter part remains the same)
LocalReport myReport = new LocalReport();
myReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/Path/To/Report.rdlc");
ReportParameter myParam = new ReportParameter("ParamName", "ParamValue");
myReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { myParam });
// more code here to render report
If the Report server is directly accessible, you can pass parameters in the Querystring if you are accessing the repoort with a URL:
You can add output formatting by adding the following on the end of the URL:
It's been a while since I did this code, but it may help:
Your web project has to be a Web Site, and not a project of type "ASP.Net Web Application", or you won't be able to add the reference mentioned below.
Right click on the project and add an ASP.Net folder - App_WebReferences. You'll have to specify the server where your SRS is; choose the .asmx.
Once it's added, the folder under that level is called RSService, and under that are 2 things: reportservice.discomap & .wsdl.
In my VB, I do Imports RSService and Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols, then...
Dim MyRS As New ReportingService
The reporting service is on a different server than the webserver the app is on, so I can't do the following: MyRS.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
Instead: MyRS.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(rs1, rs2, rs3),
where the rs1/2/3 are the login to SRS box, password to SRS box, & domain name". (These are encrypted in my web.config.)
Then, a mass-paste:
MyRS.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(rs1, rs2, rs3)
Dim ReportByteArray As Byte() = Nothing
Dim ReportPath As String = "/SRSSiteSubFolder/ReportNameWithoutRDLExtension"
Dim ReportFormat As String = "PDF"
Dim HistoryID As String = Nothing
Dim DevInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>"
'Dim x As ReportParameter - not necessary
Dim ReportParams(0) As ParameterValue
ReportParams(0) = New ParameterValue()
ReportParams(0).Name = "TheParamName"
ReportParams(0).Value = WhateverValue
Dim Credentials As DataSourceCredentials() = Nothing
Dim ShowHideToggle As String = Nothing
Dim Encoding As String
Dim MimeType As String
Dim ReportHistoryParameters As ParameterValue() = Nothing
Dim Warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim StreamIDs As String() = Nothing
'Dim sh As New SessionHeader() - not necessary
''MyRS.SessionHeaderValue = sh - not necessary
ReportByteArray = MyRS.Render(ReportPath, ReportFormat, HistoryID, DevInfo, ReportParams, Credentials, _
ShowHideToggle, Encoding, MimeType, ReportHistoryParameters, Warnings, StreamIDs)
'(Yay! That line was giving "HTTP error 401 - Unauthorized", until I set the credentials
' as above, as explained by
'Write the contents of the report to a PDF file:
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create(FullReportPath, ReportByteArray.Length)
fs.Write(ReportByteArray, 0, ReportByteArray.Length)
Call EmailTheReport(FullReportPath)
If IO.File.Exists(FullReportPath) Then
End If
Label1.Visible = false;
ReportViewer1.Visible = true;
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
dataSet = new ClassBLL().Load_Report_Detail(TextBox1.Text,
ddlType.SelectedValue, levelcode, fields);
ReportDataSource datasource = new ReportDataSource("DataSet_StoreprocedureName",
if (dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
ReportViewer1.Visible = false;
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("") + #"\Report.rdlc";
string fields="name,girish,Z0117";
string[] filedName = fields.Split(',');
ReportParameter[] param = new ReportParameter[2];
//for (int i = 0; i < filedName.Length; i++)
param[0] = new ReportParameter(filedName[0], filedName[0], true);
param[1] = new ReportParameter(filedName[3], filedName[3], true);
// }
