Ways to share a "Top X" list between two Drupal websites? - drupal

I'm trying to come up with some easy methods to share data between two Drupal websites. Here's my situation: Two websites both want a Top X Music listing with images, audio and data. One website is already creating and updating this list, and since they both use the same list the other website wants to straight up "steal" the first list, content, style and all. They want to take advantage of the work done to create the list on the other website. Their websites are structurally similar, and we control both sites. Audio is made playable using SWF tools.
Domain isn't really an appropriate solution here as the two sites share nothing besides the Top X Music list. I am able to create a view on the original site to feed the data in any format I want.
Some solutions I've been considering are:
Feed the data from one site to the other, hard link back to the other
site for audio/images.
iFrame the data on the site that is "stealing"
the list. (easy but seems too crude!)
jQuery AJAX load the data on the "stealing" site.
Basically I'm looking for suggestions of how you might handle this if they were your Drupal websites. I am familiar with Feeds, but would need to write a parser specifically for this feed, which seems like overkill for something so simple. Thanks! :)

You don't mention what version of Drupal you're using on the two sites. Assuming it's Drupal 6, you may want to check out the Web Widgets module and/or the Embed widgets module.

If you're just after a list of content from SiteA you could add a display to a given view and get RSS output. The ViewsRSS module gives you more control over what is returned.
If you're looking for more of a widget approach then I'd start looking at the Web widgets or Embed widgets modules. They're ok for basic functionality, but if you're looking to want more functionality I'd consider either embedding the content in an iframe (quick and dirty) or reviewing the services module(s) - although this may be overkill for your needs.


Example on how to reuses areas in magnolia?

I am a little bit confused. How do we reuse areas from another page? Lets say I created an article in an articles area on my index page. How do I display that same content in another page?
Ive read the following https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS53/Reusing+area+content
Seems kind of complex. I dont understand the pom file.
Cant we acccomplish this purely in light modules? If not, could someone show me an example of a simple content reuse scenario?
Yes you can do it purely w/ light modules. Look at this article. Example there is custom "quotation" app and the quotes you create you can render and reuse in as many different pages/page-types you want.
However it is slightly different than what you ask. In your question you want to reuse content from the page, which is also possible (you just need to address that content and feed it to appropriate cms tag in your page template (you can forget all about maven and so on, just focus on your templates). In the example I point you to, you create custom app for stories, articles or any kind of content and then just refer it from all pages where you want to render it. This allows you not only to share the content, but also separate it's editing from the page structure which makes life of editors easier in long run.

Simple search on dynamic web app content

I'm looking to implement search functionality in an ASP.NET MVC site.
The site is driven by a CMS. The users can add widgets to the page with meetings, documents, etc.
So the whole site is fully dynamic.
As I see it, there are 2 options:
Search all possible content directly, and then figure out what results are coupled to pages. Or the other way around, figure out what the content of a page is.
Load or construct all available pages, and make sure the content can be searched. So, basically crawling and indexing my own content.
Maybe other?
I'm not sure what the best implementation would be, all experiences and directions are welcome!
I'm not really looking for Solr or Lucene based solutions. This needs to be a simple implementation, just running a LIKE on the correct rows of the DB is suffictient.

Techniques in making site easily copyable to MS Word

This is kind of an odd question and I didnt know where to post it, but here it is.
I have an ASP .Net website used by internal company employees. The site pages are pretty basic and has various tables, divs, css and some sprinkles of javascript/jQuery.
Some of the site pages are often used for presentations. And sometimes, the users need to copy the content offline.
I got a request that when trying to copy certain pages off IE/Firefox and onto Word/PowerPoint, it does not carry the layout over correctly. Well, I know obviously why this is a problem but the users dont and are asking to make it possible.
I'm assuming that the easiest way to do this is have a "printable" view. But as some of these pages are still being developed, are there some techniques we could follow that would make these pages somewhat copyable to word/ppt?
There are online guides to doing this like this one.

Drupal search module - rendered pages instead of nodes?

Is there a module for Drupal that searches the final versions of the rendered pages (in the same way that Google would, for example) instead of all the nodes? The way I have set up my site involves views that display several nodes depending on what the page is. I don't want to search through each of the little boxes, but the finished version of the page instead.
For clarification, you are searching for a way to index the dynamic view content, and keep the search index out of the individual nodes?
I think your best bet is https://drupal.org/project/search_config
A lot has been added to Drupal 7 core, so that many 'search restrict' modules are now obsolete.
If this is still not what you are looking for, and you feel a bit adventurous, you can find various guides from before this was incorporated, and go the way of custom code. http://www.lullabot.com/articles/hiding-content-drupals-search-system
If it is slick and stable, submit it back to the drupal community. They will be your friends.

Should I use custom taxonomy or custom post type?

I've recently taken on a project from a client of mine, after a lot of persuasion I've managed to finally get the website under some kind of CMS. I'm pretty new to Wordpress I've come from an ExpressionEngine background and fancied trying something new for a change, so excuse the lack of knowledge (I'm trying my best! :D).
Now The issue I'm currently facing is that they have very specific directions regarding how they want their content displayed on their website and more importantly how they would like to manage it. They are a travel agent I'm currently putting together the resort directory that will display all of the resorts they offer.
In regards to the current structure of the directory it will be made up of 4 different sections. To give you a better understanding of how I want things to work take a look at this hierarchy below, (I've used turkey as an example, these would need to be dynamic):
/destinations/ This will be our destinations page that will list
all of the countries they currently
offer. I imagine this to be a static
page with some content about the
countries on offer with a list of the
countries below (These will be our
parent taxonomies).
/destinations/turkey/ This will be our parent taxonomy. This
page will also have to have the
ability to add some static content to
insert information about the country
and its locations. Below this will be
a second list, these will be the
different areas of turkey (These will
be children of the parent
/destinations/turkey/belek/ This will be our child taxonomy, This
page will again need to have the
ability to add some static content.
It will also include our list of
resorts that my client offers within
this location (These will be our
This will be our post/entry page,
here we will have all of the
information on the select resort, the
specifics of this aren't an issue and
I've already got this sorted.
Now, I've done a lot of reading up on custom post types, custom taxonomies and their abilities and uses but I'm hit with a situation at the moment where I can't decide on which route I should take. I've been experimenting over the last few hours with the setup of one custom post type (for resorts) and one hierarchical taxonomy (for locations). Which works some what ok BUT due to the limitations of the taxonomy UI within the admin panel it doesn't allow me to add my static content/images etc. (I'd much prefer to use a WYSIWYG especially from a clients point of view).
So this makes me wonder if it would be worth making two custom post types and scrapping taxonomies all together, making one of the post types resorts and the other locations. With the locations post type I could set it up like the pages module (which would give me hierarchical controls to allow me to organise my locations how I had originally planned) but is this a wise move? I mean from what I've read you shouldn't really organise content this way but I've got a feeling that maybe just a clash of contextual semantics (I could be wrong!). Would there be any limitations for me setting things up this way should I wish to add search functionality in the future? Or anything else for that matter?
I thought I'd mention this before I FINALLY click the submit button (apologies for the great wall of text) but pages... I've read here that they are powerful little gems within Wordpress, how should I be taking advantage of these if I'm using custom taxonomies? How well do they work with listing categories are they what I need?
Right, that about wraps up everything I've got to ask for now - maybe I should have split this into a few posts but hey! I hope this gives you guys enough information about what I'm trying to achieve and please if I am going wrong feel free to point me in the right direction I'm really eager to learn more about Wordpress and it's capabilities.
While this is one approach, it sounds like what you really want to be using (rather than custom post-taxonomies) is simply the Page functionality of WP. Everything you're describing is simply the hierarchical structure of the navigation of your pages. Yes, you can use the custom taxonomies to accomplish this same thing, but since you're describing things that tend to be "one" thing (ie: a single resort) you probably don't need the taxonomies.
You might want to look at another option: PODS CMS http://podscms.com
This will give you a simple structure to add custom features to your posts relatively easily... Things like pricing, amenities, and other "organizable" details can be stored using PODS and then referenced across your site for better usability. It might be worth a look!
