How can I make images respect their div boundries? - css

Here's the JSFiddle (disregard the differences with picture below):
I'm supposed to have something like this in the white background, but the images in the center and right column seem to expand outside of their domain.
Any suggestions on how to cleanly handle this situation? It needs to be nice and centered, needs to end up like the picture, I feel I'm close but can't quite get there. Thank you, learning quite a lot in this tag area in Stackoverflow.

Use pixel widths, not percentage.


5 col layout image gallery - when image is zooomed part of it is "under" another image

I have a 5 column responsive layout for a gallery page. I did not code it myself, having found the code for exactly what I wanted somewhere on line. My coding skills and understanding of CSS positioning are evolving, to put it nicely.
It works well until I zoom an image. The image zooms properly, but the right edge is showing as "under" the image to the zoomed image's right.
Looking for the answer I found that the container must have a relative position and the image to have an absolute position for z-factor to work (or so I understood what I read). When I set the image position to absolute, each image takes up the entire screen. I tried a "clear:both" on the hover property to no avail.
The problem exists in any screen width from 550px up - below that the display is single column.
Both the code and the on-page css is valid. Link is
Any help appreciated; prefer no java solutions since I barely understand the basic concept of it.
Thanks in advance to all of you who spend so much time helping others get the hang of coding. The last language that I truly understood and used properly was dBase iii so I am kind of struggling here :)

My images look terrible on a image slider- what should I do to make my images look not stretched out?

It is the first time I have ever used image slider on a website, what should I do to make my images not look stretched out?
The problem is not with my slider code, my question is if this is even possible to my images look great with this kind of height/width ratio (I have tried scaling images with Sketch already and this is the best result I have gotten so far)? I also don't want to add more height to the slider since I think slider shouldn't take up that much space.
Here is the website for reference:
People who have worked a lot with sliders- what should I do to make it look great?
So let's make some calculations - as I can see at webpage you're using 2000x600px size images, what's gives us 20/6 scale = 3.(3). So for 4256px width (if you want to use it all) you should have 1276px height (4256 / 3.(3) = 1276px). So if you crop 1276px width from you original image it won't be stretched out.

How to use px and % in the same layout like this

I have searched for this question, but I can't find a good solution, so maybe you guys can help me.
If you look at this site, you can see that in each side (left/right), there is a banner. The width for these two are 160px each. the website is using the WHOLE screen at any givin time, but the ads are still 160px no matter what, and the game in the middle is the one shrinking to fit the screen, both vertically and horisontally.
How can I achieve this, and is it even possible to do in css alone? I've looked their code, but I can't really figure it out.
Banner provided by thirt pars (like AdSense) can't generally be resized for an obvoius reason: the advertiser provides, one or more images for the banner, possibly of different sizes; but that sizes are generally not intended to be "scalable" 'cause in that case the result might suck...
You can scale the container, of course, but you are asking about ADS...

Proportionally responsive centered logo and company name area

I'm building some responsive WP themes with the idea/hope to make it super-easy for an end-user to setup a simple site that looks good. This is my first attempt at learning responsive as well and can't quite get a complicated logo / company name / tagline feature worked out. Proportional, centered, unknown widths, oh my!
You can see a mockup of some of the different situations we'd like to handle at The left shows a rectangle logo, a square logo, then a square logo with some text and a square logo with more text.
The right side shows how we'd like the responsiveness to look, as the screen gets smaller. The image starts reducing from a max-height of 200px-ish to 100px-ish and the font-size starts reducing as well.
Hoping to not have to rely on breakpoints to set the sizes. We've already accepted that were going to have a 'you have JS turned off, its ugly this way' message, so something like to adjust the font-sizes would be quite alright.
Can it be done?? Can get into more javascript to solve if needed, but hoping for as much CSS handling as possible.
Thanks much for any help! Keep getting this piece or that - but can't get them all together.

CSS: How do I get my "send" button to line up (move up) and size up (scale) properly?

If you take a peek at the page I'm trying to create, here, you'll see the issue I'm having pretty quickly. I can't figure out why my send button isn't lined up or sized properly. I've tried changing the height and width of the button, and I've tried adding a bottom margin. The next thing I'm going to try is to change the line height, for the size. I'm more worried about not getting everything aligned, though. As long as everything lines up, it looks nice to me. Can someone help me figure out why it isn't aligned? Also, please ask if you need any additional details.
I've also tried display:inline; and various float settings.
You need to float both the .button_outside_border and the .status_text to the left like in this example. You still have a bit of cleaning up do to get it pixel perfect but this should get you underway.
