Node.JS: Converting tcp to stdin/stdout - networking

Node.JS seems limited in its ability to live-update code and in its ability to automatically isolate exceptions. Both of which are practically by default in Java.
One very effective way to live-update is to have a listener process that simply echos communication to/from the child process. Then to update, the listener starts up a new child (which reads the updated code automatically) and then starts sending requests to the new child,, ending the old child when all requests are complete.
Is there already a system that provides this http functionality through stdout/stdin.
Is there a system that provides TCP server or UDP server functionaility through stdout/stdin.
By this I mean, providing a module that looks like the http or net module with the exception that it uses stdout/stdin for the underlying I/O.
Similar to This CGI module
some applications will only have to change require('http') to require('cgi')
I intend to do something similar. I hope to re-use code if it is already out there, and also to easily convert a small or single purpose webserver, into this listener layer which runs many webapps. It is important that cleanup occurs properly. Connections that end or error should be freed up and the end/error events/commands should be properly echoed both ways.
(I believe a common way is to have the children listen on ports and the parent communicate with those ports, but I think an stdout/stdin solution will be more efficient)

Use nginx (HttpUpstreamModule) or HAProxy. In both cases you'd run them in front and mark a backend as down and then bring it back up when you need to do a live upgrade.

I'm not certain that this is what you're looking for (indeed, I'm not certain that I understand your question), but Remy Sharp has written a very helpful node module called nodemon. It promises to "monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server." This may help with the issue of live updating code.


Port seems to be shared between to separate grpc channels in same process

My questions concerns gRPC clients using the C core, specifically C++
I've been debugging one of our servers, and I've noticed a certain two-client flow worked when the clients were launched from separate processes (two separate console windows) but not from within an automated test case (which runs within a single process). The flow in question involves two "clients" (channels, basically) which are alive at the same time and concurrently issuing requests to the same server
Digging further, I discovered that in the working flow the server received requests from two different ip:port combinations: and In the failing scenario however, both requests come from the same ip:port.
I create a separate channel for every client, so this behavior confused me. I have a couple of questions
Does gRPC share ports between channels in the same process like this? If not, then I have to imagine there's a bug in my code
If yes to (1), is there any way to avoid this port reuse?
I do see the "grpc.so_reuseport" option in the channel's metadata, and note that it is enabled by default. This seems more related to servers than clients (though perhaps I'm making an arbitrary distinction), but I'll disable it and try things out
EDIT: The so_reuseport option doesn't do anything, but I am on Windows so I should have expected that anyways :/ I also found a related question without any answers here
EDIT 2: The discussion on this question seems promising. Will try it out and report back
This is mentioned/explained in the question I link in edit 2, but the answer is to use
auto metadata = grpc::ChannelArguments();
and pass it to grpc::CreateCustomChannel

uWSGI and Flask: keep objects in memory between requests

My stack is uWSGI, flask and nginx currently. I have a need to store data between requests (basically I receive push notifications from another service about events to the server and I want to store those events in the server memory, so client can just query server every n milliseconds, to receive latest update).
Normally this would not work, because of many reasons. One is a good deployment requires you to have several processes in uwsgi in production (and even maybe several machines to scale this out). But my case is very specific: I'm building a web app for a piece of hardware (You can think of your home router configuration page as a good example). This means no need to scale. I also do not have a database (at least not a traditional one) and probably normally 1-2 clients simultaneously.
if I specify --processes 1 --threads 4 in uwsgi, is this enough to ensure the data is kept in the memory as a single instance? Or do I also need to use --threads 1?
I'm also aware that some web servers clear memory randomly from time to time and restart the hosted app. Does nginx/uwsgi do that and where can I read about the rules?
I'd also welcome advises on how to design all of this, if there are better ways to handle this. Please note that I do not consider using any persistant storage for this - this does not worth the effort and may be even impossible due to hardware limitations.
Just to clarify: When I'm talking about one instance of data, I'm thinking of my executing exactly one time and keeping the instances defined there for as long as the server lives.
If you don't need data to persist past a server restart, why not just build a cache object into you application that can do push and pop operations?
A simple array of objects should suffice, one flask route pushes new data to the array and another can pop the data off the array.

Serving two websites written in Google Go within a single VM

I have a VM from Digital Ocean. It currently has two domains linked to the VM.
I do not use any other web server but Golang's built in http module. Performance-wise I like it, and I feel like I have a full control over it.
Currently I am using a single Go program that has multiple websites built in.
http.HandleFunc("", serveTest)
http.HandleFunc("", serve123)
http.HandleFunc("/", serve123)
As they are websites, Go program is using port 80 for that.
And the problem is when I am trying to update only 1 website, I have to recompile whole thing as they are written in the same code.
1) Is there a way to make it hot-swappable only with Golang (without Nginx or Apache)
2) What would be a standard best practice?
Thank you so much!
Well, you can do hotswapping in go, but I really wouldn't want to do that unless really ncecessary as the complexity added isn't negligible (and I'm not talking about code).
You can have something close with a kind of proxy that would sit in front of the program and do a graceful swap whenever your binary change : the principle is to have the binary on one port, the proxy on another. When a new binary is ready, you run it on another port, and make the proxy redirect to the new port, then gracefully shutdown the old one.
There was a tool for that in Go that I can't remember the name of…
EDIT: not the one I had in mind, but close call
Personnal advice: use a reverse proxy for that, its much more simple to do. My personnal setup is to use h2o to terminate SSL, HTTP2, etc, and send the requests to the various websites running on the background. Not only Go ones, though, but also PHP ones, a Gitlab instance, etc. Its much more flexible, and the performance penalty of the proxy is small…

how to send response directly from worker to client

When Nginx is used as a reverse proxy so that the client connects to Nginx and Nginx load balances or otherwise redirects the request to a backend worker via CGI etc... what is it called and how is it implemented when the worker responds directly to the client bypassing Nginx?
The source of my question is from two places. a) erlangonxen uses Nginx and a "spawner" app to launch a huge volume of instant-on workers. However, the response still passes through the spawner (an expensive step); b) I recently scanned an article that described this solution but I can no longer find it.
You got your jargon mixed I believe, so I'm going to ignore the proxy bit and assume this is about CGI. In that case you should be looking for fast CGI solutions. Nginx has support for fast CGI built in.
This spawner as you call it, is meant to provide concurrency, so that multiple CGI requests can be handled in parallel, without having to spawn an interpreter for each request. Instead the workers get spawned and ideally live forever.
If the selection of an available worker really is a performance bottleneck, then the implementation of this fast CGI daemon is severely lacking and you should look for a better solution. Worker selection should be a fraction of the time of the workers job.
I'm not sure if it's a jargon thing. The good news (for me anyway) is that I had read the articles and seen the diagrams... I just could not remember where. So reverse proxy not withstanding... I was looking for a "direct server request" (DSR) and the spawner from the erlangonxen project.
I'm not certain whether ot not these two technologies are going to work together. The DSR seems to have fallen out of favor and I'll probably not use it al all although in the given architecture it would seem to make sense to try. a) limits the total number of trips and sockets; b) really allows for some functions like gzip to be distributed nicely
Anyway, "found it".

Are there any open standards for server failover?

I'm building a client-server application and I am looking at adding failover to the client so that when a server is down it will try to connect to another available server. Are there any standards or specifications covering server failover? I'd rather adopt an existing standard than implement my own mechanism.
I don't there is, or needs to be any. It's pretty straight forward and all depends on how you can connect to your sever, but basically you need to keep sending pings/keepalives/heartbeats whatever you want to call em, and when a fail occurs (or n fails in a row, if you want) change a switch in your config.
Typically, the above would be running as a separate service on the client machine. Altenativly, you could create a method execution handler which handles thr execution of all server calls you make, and on Communication failure, in your 'catch' block, flick your switch in config
You're question is very general. here are some general answers:
Google for Fault Tolerant Computing
Google for High Availability Solutions
This is usually handled at either the load balancer or the server level. This isn't something you normally do in code at the client.
Typically, you multihome the servers each having their own IP + one that is shared between all of them. Further, they communicate with each other over tcp for the heartbeat to know which is the Active node in an Active / Passive cluster.
I can't tell what type of servers you have, but most of the windows servers can do this natively.
You might consider asking the question at serverfault to see how to properly configure your servers to support this.
