dataset with bulk changes -

i have an dataset around 1000 records in it. i have made changes around 50 rows in dataset,
i have created an new
dataset dsnew= ds.GetChanges();
now this dsNew would contain all the new 50 rows which we made changes, now i want to update these values to Database,
here i do not want to call 5o times my update command or stored procdure to update my values to table which would really decrease the performance
is there any better way to solve it.
Thanks Prince

This age old request to MS, but still you can try for following options,
ADO.Net batch update.
Note : For insertion you can use SQL Bulk Copy,


Azure Analysis Service - partition to refresh modified rows only?

I have an AS tabular model that contains a fact table with 20 mil rows. I have partitioned this so only the new rows get added to each day... however occasionally, a historical row (from years ago) will be modified. I can identify this modified row in SQL (using the last modified timestamp) however would it be possible for me to refresh the row in SSAS to reflect this change without having to refresh my entire data model? How would I achieve this?
First, 20 million rows is not a lot. I’m expecting that will only take 5-10 minutes to process unless your SQL queries are very inefficient or very wide. So why bother to optimize something which may be fast enough already?
If you do need to optimize it, you will first want to partition the large fact table by some date element. Since you only have 20 million rows I would suggest partitioning by year. Optimal compression will be achieved with around 8 million rows per partition. Over-partitioning (such as creating thousands of daily partitions) is counter-productive.
When a new row is added you could perform a ProcessAdd to insert just the new records to the partitions in question. However I would recommend just doing a ProcessFull on any year partitions which have any inserts, updates or deletes in SQL.
SSAS doesn’t support updating a specific row. Thus you have to follow the ProcessFull advice above.
There are several code examples including this one which may help you.
Again this may be overkill if you only have 20 million rows.

Adding new fields to historical tables in BigQuery

I'm getting daily exports of Google Analytics data into BigQuery and these form the basis for our main reporting dataset.
Over time i need to add new columns for additional things we use to enrich the data - like say a mapping from url to 'reporting category' for example.
This is easy to just add as a new column onto the processed tables (there is about 10 processing steps at the moment for all the enrichment we do).
This issue is if stakeholders then ask - can we add that new column to the historical data?
Currently i then need to rerun all the daily jobs which is very slow and costly.
This is coming up frequently enough that i'm seriously thinking about redesigning my data pipelines to tailor for the fact that i often need to essentially drop and recreate ALL the data from time to time when i need to add a new field or correct old dirty data or something.
I'm just wondering if there is better ways to
Add a new column to an old table in BQ (would be happy to do this by hand for these instances where i can just join the new column based on the ga [hit_key] i have defined which is basically a row key)
(Less common) Update existing tables based on some where condition.
Just wondering what best practices are and if anyone has had similar issues where you basically need to update an historic shema and if there are ways to do it without just dropping and recreating which is essentially what i'm currently doing.
To be clearer on my current approach: I'm taking the [ga_sessions_yyyymmdd] table and making a series of [ga_data_prepN_yyyymmdd] tables where is either add new columns at each step or reduce the data in some way. There is now 11 of these steps and each time i'm taking all the 100 or more columns along for the ride. This is what i'm going to try design away from as currently 90% of the columns at each stage dont even need to be touched as they can just be joined back on at the end maybe based on hit_key or something.
It's a little bit messy though to try and pick apart.
Adding new columns to the schema of the existing historical tables is possible, but the values for newly added columns will be NULLs. If you do need to populate values into these columns, probably the best approach is to use UPDATE DML statement. More details how to try it out is here: Does BigQuery support UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT (SQL DML) statements?

Updating records one by one

I have 5000 records I am calculating salary of one user and update his data in database. So it’s taking quit long to update 5000 records. I want to calculate all users’ salary first and then update to records in db.
Is there any other way we can update db in single click
It really depends on how your are managing your data access layer and what data you need for doing the calculation? Do you have all the data you need in just one table or for each record you need to fetch some other data from another tables?
One way is to retrieve each record and do the calculation in a transaction and then store it on the database. In this way, you can also take advantage of ajax UI to inform the user about the progress of calculation. In this way, you should use SqlDataReader to fetching the data as it is very optimized and has less overhead than using DataSet and DataTables and also you can prevent several type-castings. In addition, you can also make it optimized by taking advantage of TPL or make it configurable for fetching/updating N records each time. This approach works if you have the ID of the records. You also need to have a field for your records to track your calculations in case of any disconnection or crashes or iisreset execution so that you can resume the calculation instead of rerunning it again.

what's the fastest way to fill a table in SQLite?

I'm writing an application which produces a lot of data to store in a database.
The DB schema is very simple: it's a table with just 4 columns, but I must fill it with more than 30000 rows.
I'm using SQLite and QSql as API.
Data is produced very fast (no sleeps) and I'm using QSqlQuery to insert a row at time.
However it seems that it takes 7-8 seconds to store 100 rows (I'm using QTime for time counting).
I tried using QSqlTableModel but I noticed no performance improvements, even calling QSqlTableModel::submitAll every 1000 rows (QTime shows 70-80 seconds for 1000 rows).
Is there any way to store rows faster? What is the fastest way to fill a table with SQLite?
You could try looking at whether you've got transactions set up correctly; they're expensive because they have to sync to disk to commit.
Also bear in mind that SQLite is more heavily optimized for reading anyway.
You might try dropping any indexes at the start and then adding them back after all records have been imported. Results will vary of course if you're emptying the table first or just appending new records.

SQL Server Table Structure, StartDate and EndDate

I have a Tariffs table for international dialing Codes
with StartDate and EndDate
I'm using Application to import excel offers to this table , Each offer contain about 10000 row, so it is a large table (about 3 millions row)
what is the faster scenario in SQL Server 2008 to create a stored-procedure or trigger to change the previous endDate for same tariff same prefix same destination and new rate on insert a new row,
and how to undo saving offer of 10000 rows and get back the table and update records to the previous state
Thank you,
The information in your question seems a bit jumbled, partially because of the ideas within it but also unhelpful grammer/whitespace (sorry to be so blunt but these things are helpful) but I'll try my best to answer.
In general, assume that a trigger is slower than a stored proc. They also add a higher level of complexity than many other things, like procs, so always be sure you really need one before using one.
But, I don't understand why you'd need a trigger if you're only inserting into one table. Triggers are usually used to implement a complex chain of logic. If it's a straight insert or update then keep simple and use a proc.
If it's just an insert, then the quickest way of all is a bulk insert.
Since you want to keep the previous state, my advice would be to create an archive/audit table (basically a duplicate, with possibly some extra fields like WhenInserted etc), on insert move (i.e. insert in the new table and then delete from the original) the existing rows into the archive and then you can do a bulk insert for the new rows.
But you use the word "change", so it's difficult to know what you really want. Hope that helps.
