Help context tagging Qt with slickedit - qt

I am trying to get Slickedit working with the Qt framework so that I can navigate the codebase easily and because of the other features it provides. To context tag the library I go to Tools > Tag Files, then I right click on C/C++ to add tag file. I name it Qt.vtg and then select the following trees:
I get context tagging for something, but I can't get context tagging for some scenarios where I normally get it:
When I try to get the parameters for a second pointer, it shows nothing:
oldAddress = ui->addressText->
When I try to complete specific headers it also gives no help
#include <QtCore/ >
I don't know if I am missing a step for context tagging QT, or the additional steps for context tagging QT.

You have to provide the include directories of QT for your project, either in your project's properties (Menu Project, Project properties, directories' tab), or in your compiler's properties (Menu Tools, Options, search for "Compiler properties"). This will enable your project to find the include files; the tag file alone doesn't really help, since you may have conflicting tags in the many tag files you could have, so the include files are necessary.
Make sure you have activated all the macros QT provides to your build system. It's been ten years since I used Qt, but IIRC there were several macro defines optionally specified on a compiler command line; make sure SlickEdit knows about them. (Menu Project, Project properties, compile/link tab).
If that's not sufficient, please give more details (where the definition is contained, settings for autocomplete, for context tagging, etc).


How to use .ui.qml files from Qt creator version 6

I've been some reading/watching some tutorials here and there about qt quick and qml from last few days. But the user interface of qt creator, the boilerplate that it produces on a new qt quick project in each of the tutorial had been different. there's so much confusion.
I want to make a simple Hello World Qt Quick project, I followed this book from packt. (It has changed from the last time I saw it, but still doesn't work)
I added some a UI file, which added *.ui.qml and *form.qml files. Now if I edit .ui.qml in design, No change is reflected on any other file, but if I open some other file in design, it prompts me to use the .ui.qml file instead. The examples give an error "No Cmake config found". I'm using Qt6.2 on Arch/wayland, downloaded via installer.
How is it supposed to work? I have read this answer, and few others but I'm still confused.
Could you link to a proper tutorial, or a simple example?
The best way to think about it is that *.ui.qml should be used for UI elements and their settings. They should be about the structure, layout and styling of your UI. Doing that also happens to make the files presentable and editable in Creator's Design Mode since it simplifies the structure of the QML to the point where it can reliable present it and modify it.
*.qml files on the other shouldn't have UI elements and should instead primarily contain functions, properties and signal handers.
This pattern is sometimes referred to as "code behind". It sort of follows the same philosophy with HTML and CSS. Modern HTML documents primarily represent the structure of a page while CSS is placed in separate files to govern how they should be styled.
In this case *.ui.qml files contain the structure and styling while *.qml files containing the behavior. Creator will create a pair of them while adding a QML UI resource to your project where the .qml file inherits from the .ui.qml file.
Other than this inheritance and to encourage the code behind pattern, there's no real difference between a .qml and .ui.qml file. Creator will also try to steer you to the .ui.qml version of the pair when you go into designer to help encourage this pattern.
I will note that Qt violates this pattern a bunch all over their documentation and examples....

Qt application not working with qrc prefixes

I think I'm missing some fundamental way of working with various prefixes in the Qt Creator qrc environment.
If I place a qml component in the default prefix, the application builds and runs fine. But if I add a new prefix and then add a new component with this new prefix, the application output tells me it is not a type when I run the app (it builds without error).
Qt Creator recognizes it when it is assigned a different prefix, and I can work with it in the IDE. It shows up in the qrc editor & it becomes a component that I can select within 'Designer'. It also builds without problem... but when I run my application, the application output tells me it is not a type.
If I then open qrc editor and move that component to the default prefix, the application will then run fine.
It seems like I've not given it the direction to find the component at runtime when it is assigned to an alternative prefix.
I'm at a loss as to where I would direct the application to the other prefixes.
I've tried using the "import" in the component that I wish to use it in without success.
I've tried giving it an alias without success.
What needs to happen for this component to be recognized in my app as a type... even though it's already recognized within Qt-Creator?
If it's a prefix, it seems I should add it as a prefix to something I can type in; where would that be?
I was able to solve my problem with a syntax adjustment.
If a qml file wants to use a qml component from a different qml file that is listed in the qrc under a different prefix, it must import the prefix.
I was trying this without success: import "/myOtherPrefix"
However, it needs it to be like this: import "qrc:/myOtherPrefix"
I was not able to find a reference for this in the Qt documentation (it's probably there somewhere)

Xcode 4: How to Add Static Library Target Dependency to Project

I know, this has been asked a few times, but mostly for Xcode 3.x. For the iPad, I have two projects both living in a common workspace
Foo, a view-based application and
Foolib, a static Cocoa-Touch library
the former depending on the latter. I seem unable to work out how to add that dependency. It's not well explained in the documentation, so I tried the following:
Click on the Foo project in the Navigation Area on the left,
Select Build Phases up the top and expand the Target Dependencies section
Click the plus button, but the resulting list is empty.
I have also tried to drag/drop the .a file into that section, with little success. Also, the documentation states
If the build product of one project in a workspace is dependent on the build product of another project in the workspace (for example, if one project builds a library used by the other project), Xcode discovers such implicit dependencies and builds in the correct sequence.
I wonder how Xcode discovers those dependencies. Is Apple saying I don't have to add this target dependency at all? But then how would Xcode discover that one is using the other?
Last but not least, I will need to get the .h files from Foolib across to Foo somehow. What is the recommended way of doing that? Obviously, I don't want to just copy them. With frameworks the header files come included, but what do people generally do when working with static libraries that they themselves develop in parallel.
A nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thank you.
In general Xcode 4 seems to discover the dependencies automatically as the Edit Scheme sheet implies. Other developers have mentioned that the dependencies are not automatically discovered and require explicitly listing them:
So, Edit Scheme -> Build -> add targets from your workspace.
As far as the static library header files go, Xcode 4 seems to have a problem, at least with code completion and syntax highlighting. The only way I can get either to work properly with classes in static libraries to to drag a copy of the header files in question to a location into a group folder in the main project. Note that you should uncheck Add to Target... That takes care of the syntax highlighting and code completion. The rest should be handled by giving it the proper header search path. That would be User Header Search Paths = $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) - depending on how you set up your locations preferences.
See: this link

Force compile-time linking of all classes in a SWC

Using Flash CS4, I am making a game that has a dozen or so sounds and a couple of music tracks. To cut down on publish/compile time, I have moved the sounds and music into an (external) SWC, which is located in a "Library Path" for the project. This works, but with a caveat...
Until before I externalised the assets, I had been dynamically instantiating the Sound objects of the embedded sound by getting their classes with getDefinitionByName.
// something like...
var soundSubClass:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(soundClassName));
var mySound:Sound = new soundSubClass();
But now that they're located in an external SWC, I need to have "concrete" references to the classes in order to load them like this, otherwise they are not included in the published SWF, and there is a runtime error when getDefinitionByName tries to get a class that doesn't exist.
So, my question: in Flash Professional CS4, is there any way to force a library's assets to be included, regardless of whether they are statically linked?
FlashDevelop has a compiler option "SWC Include Libraries", which is exactly what I want, and is distinct from the "SWC Libraries" option. The description of the "SWC Include Libraries" option is "Links all classes inside a SWC file to the resulting application SWF file, regardless of whether or not they are used."
(Also, it's important to me that all the assets are contained within the one compiled SWF. Linking at runtime isn't what I'm after.)
Unfortunately, I don't think so. I hope this is fixed in CS5, but I wouldn't bet on it...
The current (aggravating) standard is to have a manifest class in your SWC that references all the root classes in the rest of the library:
public class MyLibManifest {
public static function manifest():void {
var class1:Class = Class1;
var class2:Class = Class2;
// etc...
Then, somewhere in your main .fla...
import com.mylibrary.MyLibManifest;
var myLibrary:Class = MyLibManifest;
There's no way to pull in and embed every class in an SWC by default in Flash CS4/CS5, but you may be able to do this with:
As you already know, this program's project properties has compiler options that differentiate between:
SWC Libraries: "Links SWC files to the resultin gapplication SWF file. The compiler only links in those classes for the SWC file that are required."
SWC Include Libraries: "Links ALL classes inside a SWC file to the resulting application SWF file, regardless of whether or not they are used."
That second option "SWC Include Libraries" could be useful, because if you simply compile your FLA as-is into a SWC, then put that SWC and your other SWC into FlashDevelop as SWC Include Libraries, it should compile/merge them into a single SWF that will work like you want.
FlashDevelop could also simply help you build a hard-coded list of Classes in an SWC, because if you link in the SWC as a SWC Library, it will show up in the project explorer, and you can see a list of all the classes in the SWC. You can also right click each class and choose "Insert Into Document", and it will insert the full class name. If you do that, then press semi-colon enter, you will have your first class reference. Keep your mouse over the class list in the project settings and repeat this for every class in the list. It only takes a few minutes to do this for hundreds of classes, which makes creating such a list easier. It would be even faster if the thing would let you insert more than one at once, but it doesn't seem to.
Your only other option, which you said you weren't interested in for no given reason, is Runtime Shared Libraries (RSLs). It's really not that big a deal to load the file in separately, but only if you properly handle the load process and any errors that might occur. It will add some complexity to your project, and may require some extra thought, but I'd seriously consider it as an option. See the "Application Domain Inheritance" section at for more information.
I am probably missing something but isn't it a case of using -include-libraries rather than library-path option of the compiler, this is what the adobe doc says about the option
Links all classes inside a SWC file to the resulting application SWF file, regardless of whether or not they are used.
Contrast this option with the library-path option that includes only those classes that are referenced at compile time.
Adobe Documentation
I am new to all this so be gentle when you shoot me down in flames :)
You can supply the path of your assets.swc file, in ActionScript Properties, and that should work and load assets at runtime.
in flex, and whenever you have access to compiler options, you can use: -include YourClass to force the linking of the class from swc even if its not referenced from the main swf.
but i dont know if you can change compiler options from flash cs4...

Can't find compiled resource bundles

I am using Adobe Flash Builder 4.
I've run into this issue with my latest project, but I was able to re-create it with an almost empty project.
Here is what I've done.
Created a new Flex Project
Created a locale/en_US folder within this project.
Added a class that extends SparkDownloadProgressBar. All this class does is attempt to create a Label.
When I try to debug this application, I get the following error.
Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'.
at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/processInfo()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
at mx.resources::ResourceManager$/getInstance()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
at mx.core::UIComponent()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at spark.components.supportClasses::TextBase()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\supportClasses\]
at spark.components::Label()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\]
at Preloader()[C:\SVN\Games\Social\Test\src\]
at mx.preloaders::Preloader/initialize()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\preloaders\]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/initHandler()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
The Flex Compiler/Additional Compiler Arguments section does contain "-locale en_US", but I do not want to just remove this as I am planning to have this load different property files based on the localization region at run-time and how I understand it, I will need to add each locale that I am planning to use on the compile argument line.
I am at a loss as to how to attack this problem. If you need anymore information from me to help with this, I will be more than happy to provide it. Thanks ahead of time for the help!
This might be caused by the fact, that Preloader loads the actual framework, so you can't use the Flex's classes until it loads. Use standard TextField for it and it should work fine.
