ASP.NET MVC 3, IIS7, 404 Error, not routing correctly? -

I'm newish to ASP.NET MVC 3, so sorry if I'm my details are slightly murky. I'm trying to publish my web app to a server here. I'm running in IIS 7, set to integrated, and I can get to the home page of the app just fine. However, certain links remove the directory out of the url. Example:
URL of home page:
http://localhost/CMS/ - this will take you to the first screen, with links to "Contract," "Customer," and "Employee." Clicking one of those brings you to...
http://localhost/CMS/Contract (or whichever you choose.) From there, it's broken down into different categories. One of them is "Create Contract." Here's the problem I'm having: that URL points to
http://localhost/Contract/Create - completely omitting the CMS part out and throwing a 404. I can reach it by inserting CMS back inside, and those pages route correctly.
What could be wrong? Let me know if you need more information on any of my code or whatever.

You can define an alternate controller in the route than what you would expect
routes.MapRoute("Contract", "Contract/{action}",
new { controller = "cms", action = "index" }
and you should be constructing your links like this within your pages
<%=Html.ActionLink("Contract", "create", "cms") %>
rather than doing it the old fashioned way like
which side steps routing.
It sounds like you don't need additional routes but need to create ActionLinks propery using the HtmlHelper

When you are using your paths to to the controller actions you need to use #Url.Action("action", "controller"); instead of just using "action\controller".
See an example


nested pages in strapi and nextjs

So we want to create a big website with nextjs and strapi.
We sometimes have deep nested pages like
How is this possible?
I have tried to setup dynamic routing in nextjs which is working fine, but I have a problem.
If I want dynamic routes which are all nested I need to do something like this:
I know it's ugly, I'm sorry.
so now when I go to
I just get the latest word from the URL and take that and put that into my API to get the right data which is working fine! I configured strapi so it finds by slug and not by id. So my API URL looks like this: www.myStrapiInstalation/api/pages/parttime-bijbelschool
but when I go to
It's also working! but that's not good! Because it needed to give me a 404 page because it doesn't exist but now it just takes the latest word and gets the data from strapi. My API URL is still this of course: www.myStrapiInstalation/api/pages/parttime-bijbelschool
So what do I need to do?
Is it just not possible to make everything hardcoded and do I need to make nested folders with real names like: 'onderwijs', 'activiteiten' etc.
Or can I make everything dynamic so that people can make nested routes in nested routes in strapi?
I feel like this is a very stupid question, but I'm really stuck here.
Next JS allows catch-all routes, which is useful for nesting pages and have this format:
In your example, the pages folder structure would be:
However, since you're using Strapi to fetch the content, the routes of these pages should be known in advance so that if the user navigates to an invalid page, the result should be 404.
You can set the valid routes in Next with getStaticPaths. But notice that you will also need to set up a custom controller in your Strapi application to return the content tree of your website the way that getStaticPaths expects.
That way, it's ok to use the last part of the URL to get the content.
One disavantage of using catch-all routes, though, is that you must know the base of each URL. For example, if you have the following URLs
the folder structure in pages would be:
The key factor here is that the paths following the base of the URL should be set statically with the help of a custom controller that returns the tree of the content.

Rebuilt My .ASPX Website But How to Easily Redirect to .NET Core Pages [on Shared Hosting]?

I know this has been asked before but I haven't seen any simple explanations and I should also add I'm on shared hosting (Plesk). I don't see the URLRewriter utility installed on the server.
Anyway, I rebuilt my 2013 website that did use ASP.NET web forms (with .ASPX extensions). I'd like to be able to redirect my old pages to their new equivalents. i.e.
Should now point to:
At the moment the .ASPX pages show this in a red box on a yellow screen:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
Line Number 1, Column 1:
Where does this "come" from?
Incidentally, I'm looking for a quick and easy fix because I don't have too many external links pointing to my site's subpages, but it would be nicer for the user experience to fix it while Google works out I've changed my entire site.
This answer basically works:
How to redirect .ASPX pages to .NET Core Razor page
There's a good link to the URL rewriting regular expressions here:
This is what I've put in Startup.cs:
var options = new RewriteOptions()
.AddRedirect(#"ShowCategories.aspx", "/Home/Categories/")
.AddRedirect(#"Statistics.aspx", "/Home/TopForums/")
.AddRedirect(#"SubmitForum.aspx", "/Home/Submit/")
.AddRedirect(#"Help.aspx", "/Home/HelpAndFAQ/")
.AddRedirect(#"([0-9a-z-A-Z]+)(.aspx)", "/Forums/$1/");
Note: Make sure you put the specific ones at the top, then the generic ones at the bottom.
I also had some URLs like where 'lpsg-com' is a forum name. I added a URL to the home controller to take care of these...
public ActionResult Unknown(string code)
return RedirectToAction(code, "Forums");

Using Request.Url.AbsoluteUri to construct a breadcrumb link

Inside my _layout view I have added the following link , to refresh the current page as part my breadcrumb bar:
#(aoutput == "Index" ? "Home" : aoutput)
The above is working well on my development environment , but I am not sure If using the Request.Url.AbsoulteUri is the correct way to reference the current page URL ?
AbsoluteUri includes the scheme (such as http), the host, the port, the path, query string data and the fragment. As far as I know the fragment will not be included in the current URL because it is not sent with the request (that is, it's handled by the browser client-side).
This should be fine to use and is unlikely to cause you issues. Just be aware that query string data is included, which means that if you had a (poorly-designed) data manipulation system such as /Users/Index?action=deleteMostRecentUser then the user might accidently delete users because the URI would include the action.
Alternatives are
Absolute Path: /Home/Index
Path & Query: /Home/Index?query=keyword
You can use it as you mentioned.
Better way you make a separate partial view to implement breadcrumb.
And pass wanted model from Controller side. (Or in ViewBag)
The main benefit is you'll get is better control over Logic also flexible for future changes.
Hope helps.

ASP.NET Routing Interference Problems

I'm having a mind shattering problem with ASP .NET routing. I can't tell if this is a bug in Microsoft code or if I'm just using it wrong.
The scenario is basically this:
I have a custom route I want to add. In addition, I'm registering ASP .NET DynamicDataRoutes. If I leave out my custom route, all the ASP .NET DynamicDataRoutes work fine. Once I add this before my DynamicDataRoute:
routes.Add(new Route("IgnoreDirectory/{*pathInfo}"), new StopRoutingHandler()));
all the DynamicHyperlinks generated by DynamicData are generated with the wrong root url, like this one:
which should be (and was until I added my custom route)
What's weird is that I'm adding my DynamicDataRoute for a COMPLETELY different path:
routes.Add(new DynamicDataRoute("MyDynamicData/{{table}}/{{action}}")
Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary(new { action = "List|Details|Edit|Insert" }),
Model = model
Why is adding a route for IgnoreDirectory causing my DynamicData routes to use a base url of IgnoreDirectory????
I can't figure it out.
I'm going out on a limb here, but I think it has to do with two things. The order that the routes are stored in the RouteTable are significant in that the application will use the first route it finds in order to match the URL.
What I think might be happening here is that the DynamicDataRoute is building itself upon the Route that you are inserting before the DynamicDataRoute in the route table.
The first thing I would do is try moving the Route add after the DynamicDataRoute has been added.
Hope this helps... mvc how to manage urls/links and routing centrally (c# + js)

I keep running into problems with URLs and routing.
Couldn't find an answer on SO.
I would like to manage all of my urls/links in a single place.
This is for my C# MVC code and the js/jquery ajax code.
These urls are scattered throughout my application.
Moving to a production server needs some fixes and I don't like the fact that I need to look for all of the occurrences in the application.
I don't mind fixing this once - but I would like to do it only once.
Any ideas how to manage all of these links/urls as a group will be very appreciated.
Be happy ad enjoy life, Julian
Consider using T4MVC
You could use Html.ActionLink or
Html.BuildUrlFromExpression(c => c.ControllerAction())
Depends, if you have application reading off certain urls and those urls changed once in a while. then you might want to consider putting all those urls into a database table/etc and retrieve them using specific key.
that way, when your url changed, all you need to do is to change the url on your database and all your application will still be running fine.
Urls should be managed in a single place: the RegisterRoutes static method in Global.asax. In absolutely every other part of your application you should use Html helpers when dealing/generating urls. This way you will never have problems because helpers take into account your routing system.
So instead of writing:
$('#foo').click(function() {
return false;
you use an HTML helper to generate this foo:
<%: Html.Action("foo", "myaction", "mycontroller") %>
and then:
$('#foo').click(function() {
return false;
Never hardcode a single url in your application except of course in global.asax which is the only centralized place urls should be defined. So basically every time you find yourself writing something of the form /foo/bar in some other part than global.asax you are doing it wrong.
