ldap queries in Qt - qt

Thinking of implementing a LDAP-viewer in QML. The first step is obviously to make a Qt back-end that can handle ldap-queries. I've read the rfc1823 (ldap tutorial of sorts), but still can't understand where to begin really.
I would be interested in some Qt code that would get me started on some sample LDAP functions, for instance :
connect to a ldap server
do some simple query of any type
close the connection
Edit: code is not required if you can point me to any tutorials/guides as to how one does this in C++ / Qt

I suggest using libldap. Writing a client from scratch is a lot of work. Take a look here for some examples as a kick-off. You can easily integrate that code with Qt.
The OpenLDAP library also has some c++ example included.


Interacting with OptaPlanner through CLI instead of GUI

I am looking for a way to interact with OptaPlanner directly from the command line interface (CLI) without having to use the graphical user interface (GUI).
More specifically, I am looking to pass an XML file to the Employee Rostering function, and to get the solved XML back. Ultimately, I am looking to interact with OctaPlanner from my PHP application.
Any documentation for this?
Here is some what of an example of what I which to achieve:
The UI is only for the examples. Take a look at CloudBalancingHelloWorld.java which solves without a UI.
Or, if you're looking for a more enterprise approach, use OptaPlanner Execution Server (also ASL), which exposes everything as REST api's.

PowerBuilder Standard-Script Encryption

So this is the situation. Our company has its own standard codes and windows (for commonly used routines and for inheriting) that we use in developing applications. These "standard codes and windows" is saved in its own library (pbl). Normally when we deploy our software to the client we just compile it to pbd's and exe's, but this time our client wants also the source code of the software. The thing is we don't want our standard codes and windows to be visible when we give the source code to the client. So is there a way to encrypt (shield, hide etc...) the codes.
I hope someone can point me to where should I start researching.
The .pbls contain sources, resources and binaries, while the .pbd contain no source.
If you do not want to leak any source code, just give the .pbd and .exe files.
If you do want to give the source code of the application minus the source code of your standard library, give the all .pbl files but your standard library, and give the .pbd of the standard lib. Thus your client will even be able to recompile the app (providing that the standard lib object are called by, but do not call other pbjects from the application).
Please note that like Java, the PowerBuilder objects can be decompiled from binaries with the right tool.
I am not aware of a mean to encrypt PB source code, but there is the possibility to obfuscate the objects through PB-Protect. I never used it and I cannot tell more about it.
If they're actually looking for insurance should you disappear, perhaps a code escrow service might be acceptable? My company escrows our source at customer request as a paid-for contract line item, I think with Iron Mountain.

How can I automatically start application at booting

I'm using Qt.
I could not find the function or class to start application at booting time.
In windows, for example, add register to HKMU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run.
I wanna know the function/class like above example.
You can use QSettings in order to set a value at Windows Registry.
QSettings settings("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",
and then use the setValue function.
However this will work only in Windows so it is better to use an #ifdef before calling it.
The only thing I can think of is the QtService framework. It is available for all the major platforms (look here). It might not be exactly what you were looking for but it may help.
It is also important to mention that a Windows service has no direct access to the graphical interface. This means that if the application is graphical, you'll probably have to redesign it.
There is no such API in Qt, you have to search for 3rdparty library or write whole code on your own.

In Flex, is it posible to identify if the code is runing on Web or AIR?

I'm coding an app that runs both in the web and on AIR, to avoid copying code arround, I figured I should do 3 kinds of projects on flex builder: Library, Web and AIR projects.
So all my code is on the Library project.
I have accessData.as that extends EventDispatcher to fetch web services and return them as an event. I plan on using this class to also fetch SQLite data for the desktop version, but to do so I need it to decide from wich source to get the data depending on if its Web or AIR.
Anyone know how to do this?
Please refer to this link Detect AIR versus Flash Player from an actionscript library Its more detailed.
You really should have two build targets, one for Web and one for AIR. And your code should be designed in a way that the rest of the system doesnt care what the implementing part is doing, only that it conforms to a certain interface. This way, each build simply replaces the implementing code for each desired platform.
You may find something useful under System or Capabilities in the docs.
Create 2 projects Air and Standalone and create 2 conditional compilation variables for example "standalone" and "air". (more here).
Go to Project->Properties->Flex Compiler and add
For air project:
-define=CONFIG::standalone,false -define=CONFIG::air,true
and for stanalone:
-define=CONFIG::debugging,true -define=CONFIG::air,false
In your code set:
CONFIG::standalone {
trace("this code will be compiled only when air=false and standalone=true");
CONFIG::air {
trace("this code will be compiled only when air=true and standalone=false");
umm... I just found out a way
var appName:String = Application.application.name;
this works since the web version is called "" and the desktop version is called " desktop"
but if anyone has a better way please go ahead.

Simple inter-proccess communication in Qt4

I need to make so that my application can have only one instance running at a time. Also when it's launched with a command line parameter ( like when registered to open certain file types ) it should pass the parameter to an existing instance and quit immediately without displaying graphical interface. You all probably know what I mean. The framework used is Qt 4, and it seems like it must have some facilities for that. Any ideas?
There is a Qt Solutions project doing this:
Qt Single Application
There are several ways to do inter process communication. Examples can be found in Qt's examples section.
It's also possible to implement a this sort of class oneself using QSharedMemory
(see QSharedMemory::attach() ). It's capable of being used for both determining whether other instance is already running and communicating/sending messages. Except some pointer magic and memory copying it's quite straightforward.
