EBNF or BNF for the LOGO programming language - bnf

Does anyone know where I can get the BNF or EBNF for the LOGO programming language?

A BNF grammar might not be too useful in certain circumstances...
Writing a LOGO that's accurately compatible with existing/historical implementation isn't an easy task (I worked on such a project). The problem is that the parser doesn't do the full job, and the evaluator (interpreter) has to work with partial data. Consider this example:
proc1 a b proc2 c
It could mean proc1(a, b, proc2(c)) or proc1(a, b, proc2(), c) according to the number of parameters for proc1 & proc2.
Furthermore the LOGO interpreters I know, for example Berkely LOGO, seem from a cursory glance not to write a traditional parser that additionally has access to each procedure and its arity; instead they run the procedures and the procedures 'eat up' the number of parameters that they need. This makes the parser a little naive and the main role is that of an interpreter, and thus parsing is kind of unusual.

There is no standard LOGO implementation.
Your best call is probably to look at the source of a popular implementation, such as UCBLogo


completely replace the inner syntax in isar?

I am interested in using Isar as a meta language for writing formal proofs about J, an executable math notation and programming language, and I'd like to be able to use J as the inner syntax.
J consists of a large number of primitives, and assigns (multiple!) meanings to every ASCII character, including single and double quotes.
Where can I find documentation or example code for implementing a completely new inner syntax? Or is this even possible? (I've been looking around in the src/ directory, but it's somewhat overwhelming and I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for.)
Answer B: Building on HOL, with an Improvised J Syntax
Clarification is good, but I don't like to do the handshaking necessary to do it.
My first answer below was largely based on your phrase, "a completely new syntax", and I think it's half of an answer to a question like this:
Suppose, hypothetically, that I need syntax that's very close to the the syntax of J. What would that require, with regards to Isabelle/HOL?
My answer:
Most likely, I'd say you would have to undefine much of the syntax for the constants, functions, and type classes of Isabelle/HOL, which would require that you do extensive editing of the standard Isabelle/HOL distribution, to get it back working. And some syntax in Isabelle/HOL, you most likely wouldn't be able to take out.
Or, you would have to start fresh, with an import of Pure as a starting point. Please see my first answer below.
Just Syntax? Now we're back in normal user space
The customization of syntax in Isabelle/HOL makes us all a potential True Artiste.
There are advanced ways to tap into the power of defining syntax, such as parse_translation, with Isabelle/ML, but I don't use advanced methods. I use a few basic keywords to define the syntax: notation, no_notation, syntax, and translations, along with abbreviation, when either I want to rearrange the input arguments of a functions, or I don't want to mess up the notation for a standard HOL function.
notation, no_notation, the easy ones
I don't use no_notation a lot, but you need it in your arsenal. For an example, see Can I overload the notation for operators that are assigned to bool and list?.
The use of notation is easy, once you see a few examples.
For an infix operator, plus :: 'a => 'a => 'a, here are some examples:
notation plus (infixl "[+]" 65)
notation (input) plus (infixl "[+]" 65)
notation (output) plus (infixl "[+]" 65)
With that example, I entered into the realm of possibly messing up the notation for plus, which is an operator for a standard, HOL type class.
The line from above that won't mess up the output display is the line that uses (input).
For notation, to find examples, do greps in THY files or on the src/HOL folder, because there are too many variations to give you lots of examples here.
abbreviation, and not messing other things up
Suppose I want a really tight binding for the standard even predicate. I could do something like this:
notation (input) even ("even _" [1000] 1000)
notation (output) even ("even _" [1000] 999)
I say "could", because I don't know how that will mess up the standard function application of even, so I wouldn't want to do that.
Why the 999? It's just from trial and error, and from experience, where I know that this next line alone messes up declare[[show_brackets]]:
notation even ("even _" [1000] 1000)
That's the way it is with defining syntax. It's a combination of trial and error, finding examples for use as templates, experience, and noticing later on that you messed something up.
I forget all the things that abbreviation helps me out with. An innovative use of abbreviation can keep you from having to use more complicated methods.
You could use it to rearrange arguments, for some notational purpose:
abbreviation list_foo :: "'a list => 'a => 'a list" where
"list_foo xs x == x # xs"
list_foo ("_ +#+ _" [65, 65] 64)
That example is an example of several examples. I was just trying to make a quick example, and I had something like (infixl "_ +#+ _" [65, 65] 64). There's not a lot of variation in how I define notation, so I had to find an example in Set.thy to show me that I needed to take out the infixl, since I wanted to use [65, 65] 64 as a variation on how you can define syntax.
Did I get the priorities right with [65, 65] 64? I have no idea. It's just for a quick example.
syntax and translations
You have to have it in your arsenal, but it will cause you a lot of time-consuming grief. Do greps and find examples. Try this and that. When you stumble on something that works, and you think you need it, then save it somewhere. If you don't, and you make a small change that breaks what you had, and you didn't save what you had that worked, you will regret having to spend a lot of time trying to get back to what worked.
The Isar Reference Manual, isar-ref.pdf#175 has a little info. Also, you can look up the use of notation in that PDF.
The unasked for part of Answer Part B
In your comment, you say this:
I already do have a "logic of programming" that I want to implement (cs.utoronto.ca/~hehner/FMSD) and J is a language that's especially well suited for formal proofs. I'm just trying to figure out how to re-use Isabelle's logic infrastructure rather than writing my own.
A short, unsafe answer, from anybody, for a question like this, even hedged, is like:
You most likely can't do, in Isabelle/HOL, what you're wanting to do with J.
A safer, short answer is like this:
Most likely, you will have major problems trying to do what you're wanting to do with J in Isabelle/HOL.
Those are short, quick answers. How can an answer to a question like this be short, if it actually tries to address the why?
It ends up being a "given everything I know" answer, because many times it's not that it can't be done, but that the right group of people, given a long enough period of time, given the right technology, haven't yet done it.
My headings below become my points. I try to blow through the rest fairly quickly, but still document things.
By you using HOL as your logic, my original answer still applies if slightly modified
The development of Isabelle/HOL into what it is today, starting with Robin Milner, is what I categorize as rocket science logic.
From all of my searches, and from all of my listening, it appears that there's still a lot of rocket science logic that needs to be developed before proof assistants can be used to formally verify any ole program written in any ole imperative programming language.
You have a logic, HOL, but you're implying that you're going to implement something similar to what a whole of lot people want, and have wanted for a long time.
What's below is to support what I say here.
J as a language well suited for formal proofs
There would be the traditional form of algorithm analysis, like Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd, by Cormen & Leiserson.
I'll call program proofs in Isabelle/HOL mechanized proofs and formally verified programs. I also consider certain pencil-and-paper proofs to be formal.
In traditional, non-mechanized proofs, then, yes, I guess J is a language well suited for formal proofs, which I say because you've told me it is. But then, big, popular programming languages, in particular C++ and Java, have textbooks written about them on the subject of formal, algorithm analysis. So, it must be, with traditional, non-mechanized proofs, they can also be reasoned about.
J in the context of mechanized proofs
No, it's not a language well-suited for formal, mechanized proofs. It uses (a better word than uses?) imperative programming, and it appears to be object oriented.
Largely, I'm just repeating things I've read others say. I'll start making statements as my personal conclusions. That will make things shorter.
Functional programming languages are good for formal proofs. Traditional programming involves mutating variables, and supposedly that bumps way up the difficulty of proofs.
I was searching for a statement about object oriented languages on the mailing list, but if you listen, people say they've done this or that special thing, but it's never something like, "Here's a complete development and formalization that easily allows you to verify programs written in general-purpose programming language X".
Formal proof, among other things, is about a set of axioms being enforced, where the selection of the axioms is the result of rocket science logic over a number of years, because the norm is not for a seemingly desirable set of axioms to be logically consistent.
For formal verification, you don't get to bypass the enforcement of the axioms. In textbooks, number constants just show up and get used, and they reason about them.
In formal proof, number constants, in particular the real numbers, are difficult to use. Ask yourself, "What is a natural number, an integer, a rational number, and a real number constant in Isabelle/HOL?" Now, if you answered that question, then ask yourself, "How do I do proofs involving natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and real numbers in Isabelle/HOL?"
Now, contrast those questions with the fact that number constants just show up in most textbooks, and get used. That's not the way it works in formal proof. There's no magical appearance of number systems and constants. There can be a little magic in the automation of proofs involving numbers, but I'm pretty sure I'm doomed if my plan ever becomes dependent on magic like that.
L4.verified (and AutoCorres)
There's the L4.verified project by NICTA. (Update: And at sel4.systems, with co-credit given to General Dynamics C4 Systems. A big-name company like GD being involved supports my thesis that formal verification of imperative programming languages is something that's been highly desired for a long time.)
A quote:
We chose an operating system kernel to demonstrate this: seL4. It is a small, 3rd generation high-performance microkernel with about 8,700 lines of C code.
Why so selective? Why not any ole C program? I guess verifying C is hard. NICTA, they're not a small, inexperienced, unfunded group.
(Update: There's also the related AutoCorres project at NICTA, with its Quickstart Guide PDF. The release version is at v1.0, which was released on 2014-12-16. That must mean that they achieved the primary goal of whatever it was they were supposed to achieve. When I read their overview on the AutoCorres web page, I take it as supporting what I'm saying. It appears to me that they engage in some rocket science logic to get the C into another form, at least a little rocket science logic. I'm no authority on what constitutes rocket science logic. I think I'm safe in saying for sure that they're using PhD level logic to get their results.)
The book Practical Theory of Programming: where did number constants come from?
I downloaded the PDF for the book A Practical Theory of Programming.
One of the first things I started looking for in that book is "what are numbers and how are they formalized".
Number systems, we take them for granted, but they represent all that which is difficult about formal proof.
In a book, when number constants just show up, and just start getting used, it most likely means that there's no real formalization of the corresponding number systems. Why? Building up number system constants is extraordinarily involved.
If number constants weren't formally built up, there's no real formal proof there. If they do get built up formally, life is still not easy.
Here's something about the difficulty of working with real numbes: Larry Paulson's talk at NASA in 2014.
The book Practical Theory of Programming: while loops
The other thing I immediately started looking for was an example of a traditional loop, where you repeatedly modify a variable.
It starts at Section 5.2.0 While Loop, aPToP.pdf#76. The example is on the following page, Exercise 265:
while ¬ x = y = 0 do
if y > 0 then y := y - 1
else (x := x - 1. var· y := n)
There you go, a classic example of using mutable state (where I did searches on "mutable state" to actually see if I used the phrase correctly, with no clear conclusion).
You have a variable, and you're changing it's contents. That, so I hear, or so I conclude, represents why you're doomed when it comes to wanting to verify programs you write in J.
It's not that I want you to be doomed. When you put up on GitHub "The Formalization of the J Programming Language in Isabelle/HOL - with Many Demonstrations Showing the Ease with which J Programs Can Be Formally Verified", I'll be there.
Coq. What's out there for imperative programming?
I have this hunch that Coq would be better, if my main application was programming.
I keep the requirements minimal, by doing a Google search on coq imperative.
The first link is Ynot.
Does this support your idea that you should be able to take J and implement it in Isabelle/HOL?
Not to me. It supports my idea that if someone, who knows a lot, and gets to make a design decision about the language they're going to use, then they can do formal verification of imperative programs in a proof assistant.
You, on the other hand, first pick the programming language, and then are now going to mold a proof assistant around it.
My interest about J, on a scale from 0 to 10
At this point, my interest in J is basically 0, on a scale from 0 to 10.
Suppose, though, you put up a web site, "How It's Going with That J Thing", and I subscribe to it with a RSS reader.
It's not that I don't want you to formally verify J programs in Isabelle/HOL, it's that I don't think you'll be able to do it, and so there's no reason for me to care about it, since I don't need it.
However, if I saw new activity in my RSS reader for your site, and it told me you succeeded, and you put your code up on GitHub, then my interest goes to 10. Someone doing formalization for a full-blown programming language in Isabelle/HOL, where proofs can be decently implemented, like for functional programming, and not just for a small subset of the language, that's something to be interested in.
Original Answer
Four days have passed, it's the holiday period, and the experts might not show up, so I give you my answer.
I try to get to the short answer as quick as possible, but I say a few things first (actually, a lot of things), to try and give my quick answer some support.
I don't think you're using the Isabelle vocabulary quite right ("inner syntax"), but I take two phrases of yours, with my bold emphasis added:
I am interested in using Isar as a meta language for writing formal proofs about J...
Where can I find documentation or example code for implementing a completely new inner syntax?
I'm not one to want to spend time clarifying, so here's what I take as your requirements, where I add a few details, from having listened to the experts, and figuring out a few things for myself, based on what they've said:
You want a logic which can be used to reason about programs you've written in J, where you use the minimal logic of Isabelle/Pure as your starting point (because you need the complete syntax of J, and want to start fresh).
You want to define syntax, using Isabelle/Isar, which implements (or models?) the complete syntax and functionality of J. (You didn't say that you only wanted to reason about a subset of the syntax and functionality of J.)
Unfortunately, my short answer is not completely set up.
To try to get you to realize what you're asking for, I now quote from the main J web page, where the emphasis is mine:
J is a modern, high-level, general-purpose, high-performance programming language.
I rephrase now general-purpose as full-blown, like C, like Pascal, like many high-level, general-purpose programming languages, and I remind you that you want two things:
A logic in Isabelle, which surely has to be comparable in sophistication, in features, and in power to the logic of Isabelle/HOL.
The syntax and use (or modeling?) of a full-blown programming language, J, in Isabelle, starting with Isabelle/Pure, where your implementation surely has to be
a little comparable in sophistication and power to the code generator of Isabelle/HOL, which can export code for 5 programming languages, SML, OCaml, Haskell, Scala, and Eval (Isabelle/ML),
and comparable in power to the logic engine of Isabelle/HOL, which implements (or models?) high-level, functional programming constructs such as definition, primrec, datatype, and fun, which let a person define functions and new datatypes, along with the standard library of Isabelle/HOL types, such as pairs, lists, etc.
Now, what I claim, as my personal conclusion, is that what you want to implement is at least as difficult to implement as Isabelle/HOL, which is the result of a large number of people, done over many years.
Please consider what Peter Lammich had to say on the Isabelle user's list in I need a fixed mutable array:
HOL itself does not support mutable arrays.
However, there is Imperative_HOL, which has a heap monad supporting
mutable arrays.
Then there is afp/Collections/Lib/Diff_Array, which provides an
implementation of arrays that behaves purely functional, but is
efficient if only the last version is accessed.
However, if you are not after efficient executability, but only
looking for an abstract model of a memory, it makes no sense using the
above types, as the efficiency comes at the price of additional
formalization overhead.
My point from the quote is that Isabelle/HOL, though powerful enough to be one of the leading competitors as a proof assistant, doesn't implement standard arrays in the main part of its logic, which you get when you import Complex_Main.
Let (L, P) be a pair, where L is the logic and P is the programming language. I want to talk about two pairs, (Isabelle/HOL, Haskell), and what you want, (x, J), where x is your yet determined logic.
There is a very close relationship between Isabelle/HOL and Haskell. For example, the type classes of Isabelle/HOL are advertised as Haskell-like type classes, and also, that Haskell is a pure functional programming language, and Isabelle/HOL is pure. I don't want to go further, because as a non-expert, I'm sure to say something that's not right.
The point I want to make is this:
Haskell is a full-blown programming language,
Isabelle/HOL is a powerful logic,
Haskell is one of the programming languages that can be exported from Isabelle/HOL,
but yet Isabelle/HOL doesn't implement (or model?) much of Haskell.
I don't want to talk as some authority. But from listening, my conclusion is: it's that logic thing. Apparently, it's much easier to implement programming languages than to develop logic to reason about programs.
The short answer is that, in my opinion, the example code that you're looking for is Isabelle/HOL, because though there are some examples in Isabelle2014/src of other logics, what I've quoted you as saying and wanting, and what I'm saying you're saying and wanting, is that you want and need a full blown logic, like Isabelle/HOL.
From here, I try to throw out a few quick ideas.
I like that car, but what I really want is liquid nitrogen for fuel
That's my joke.
You're talking to a senior engineer, who has worked in the industry for years, and has learned the expert knowledge that has accumulated in the automotive industry, over years and years, and you say, "I like that idea of a car, but my idea is to use a nitrogen fuel cell instead of gasoline. How would I do that?"
More logics in the Isabelle2014/src folder
The links under Theory libraries for Isabelle2014, on the distribution web page, match up with folders in the Isabelle2014/src folder.
In the src folder, you will see the folders CCL, Cube, CTT, and others.
I'm sure those are good for learning, though probably still difficult to understand, but those aren't what you've described. You're asking for a full blown implementation of something that models a programming language.
If the use of C/C++ is so big, then why isn't there something like you want for C/C++?
I guess there is, at least, sort of, for C. I found vcc.codeplex.com/. Again, I'm not an expert, so I don't want to be saying exactly what is out there, and what isn't.
My point here is that C and C++ have been around for a long time, and heavily used, and the link above shows that there are professionals which have, for a long time, been interested in verifying C programs, which makes a lot of sense.
But, after all these years, why isn't program verification an integral part of C/C++ programming?
From having listened to those here and there, and on the mailing list, and from listening to people like Martin Odersky, the Scala architect, they forever want to talk about mutable and immutable state, where traditional programming, like C, and I assume J, would be in the category of using mutable state, very much using it. Over time, I have heard a number of times that mutable state makes it difficult to reason about what a program does.
My point again is that it must be a lot easier to design programming languages, than to reason about programs.
Finally, a little source
If there had been some competition for this question, I might have been less verbose, though maybe not, though probably so, as in not even giving an answer.
My final point is a re-emphasis of points above. It pays to know a little history, and I start way before Church and Curry.
I know that Isabelle/HOL is the result of what started at Cambridge, with Robin Milner, the author of ML, then Mike Gordon of the HOL group, then Larry Paulson, the author of using Pure as minimal logic to define other logics, and then Tobias Nipkow teamed up with him to get HOL started as a logic in Isabelle, and then Makarius Wenzel put a higher-level syntax on it all, Isar (it's more than just syntactic sugar; it's fundamental to the feature of structured proofs), along with the PIDE frontend, and all along other people throughout the world have made numerous contributions, many from the big group at TUM, in Germany, but then there's CERN of Australia (update: CERN? that was no joke; I actually do know the difference between CERN and NICTA; the world, it's not an easy thing to talk about), and back to the European area, a certain Swiss establishment, ETH, and still more places spread around Germany and Austria, UIBK, and back over to England? Who did I leave out? Me, of course, and lots of others around the world.
The rambling point? It's that thing of you asking for something that embodies the expertise of an industry. It's not bad to ask for it. It's downright audacious, and I could be completely wrong in what I'm saying, and missed that folder in src, the HOWTO of Implementing Logic for General-Purpose Programming Languages, All in Ten Mostly Easy Steps, Send in Your $9.95 Now, or Euros if That's All You Got, You Do the Conversion, I Trust You, But Wait, There's More, Do a Change Directory to Isabelle2014/medicaldoctor and Learn How to Become a Brain Surgeon, Too.
That's another joke, I claim. Just a space filler, nothing much more.
Anyway, consider here lines 47 to 60 of HOL.thy:
setup {* Axclass.class_axiomatization (#{binding type}, []) *}
default_sort type
setup {* Object_Logic.add_base_sort #{sort type} *}
axiomatization where fun_arity: "OFCLASS('a ⇒ 'b, type_class)"
instance "fun" :: (type, type) type by (rule fun_arity)
axiomatization where itself_arity: "OFCLASS('a itself, type_class)"
instance itself :: (type) type by (rule itself_arity)
typedecl bool
Trueprop :: "bool => prop" ("(_)" 5)
Periodically, I've put in effort at understanding those few lines. For a long time, my starting point was typedecl bool, and I wasn't concerned with trying to understand what what was before that, other than that HOL.thy imports Pure.
Recently, in trying to figure out types and sorts in Isabelle, from having listened to the experts, I finally saw that this line is where we get something like x::'a::type:
setup {* Object_Logic.add_base_sort #{sort type} *}
Another point? I'm back to what I said earlier. Because you want full-blown, your example is Isabelle/HOL, but yet just the first 57 lines of HOL.thy aren't easy to understand. But if you don't start with HOL, where are you going to look? Well, if what you find ends up being easy, there's a good chance it's partly because hundreds of people, over many years, didn't put their effort into the best way to start things out.
Or, it could have just been the 3 people listed as authors, Nipkow, Wenzel, and Paulson. In any case, there's still years of experience and education behind what's in there, even though HOL.thy is not that long, only 2019 lines. Of course, to understand what's in HOL.thy, you have to at least have a vague understanding of what Pure is.
Take a look at the src/Cube folder. It's one of the example logics that I mentioned above.
There are only two files, Cube.thy and Example.thy. It should be easy enough, but then that's the problem, it's too easy. It's not going to reflect the sophistication of Isabelle/HOL.
Your problems aren't my problem. Isabelle/HOL is good for reasoning about mathematics, like its ability to abstract operators with type classes. And it's good for more, like defining functions using functional programming, to be exported for OCaml, Haskell, SML, Haskell, and Eval.
I'm just a beginner, that's all I am. If there's a better answer, then I hope it gets put forth by someone.
A few notes on the original question:
Outer syntax is the theory and proof language of Isar; to change it you define additional commands. You are subject to general types of theory content, like theory, local_theory, Proof.context, but these types are very flexible and can assimilate arbitrary ML data that is specific to your application.
Inner syntax is the type/term language of the logic, i.e. Pure for the framework and HOL for applications (or any other logic that you prefer, although HOL is so advanced today, that you should not ignore it without really good reasons). Ultimately you spell-out simple-typed lambda terms.
Both for outer and inner syntax you are subject to certain notions of tokens (identifiers, quoted strings etc.). Your language needs to conform to that, if it is meant to co-exist directly with the existing syntax framework.
It is nonetheless possible to embed totally different languages into outer and inner syntax of Isabelle, by using quotations. E.g. see the document preparation language that is based on LaTeX and is delimited by funny {* ... *} markers for verbatim text. More basic quotations use " ... " simular to ML string syntax. Inside the inner syntax, '' ... '' (double single quotes) do a similar job.
In Isabelle2014 there is a new syntactic device of text cartouches that makes this work a bit more smoothly. E.g. see the examples in Isabelle2014/src/HOL/ex/Cartouche_Examples.thy which explore a bit some possibilities.
Another current example from Isabelle2014 is the rail language inside Isabelle document source: it may serve as almost stand-alone example of a "domain-specific formal language" defined from scratch. E.g. see Isabelle2014/src/Doc/Isar_Ref/Document_Preparation.thy and look at the various uses of #{rail ...} -- the implementation of that is in Isabelle2014/src/Pure/Tools/rail.ML -- a file of finite size to be studied carefully to learn more.

Are there any Clojure Principles?

Are there any Principles for Clojure ?
a. Like the S.O.L.I.D. Object-Oriented Design Principles for OO languages like Java ?
b. or others more heuristic, like "Tell don't ask", "Favor Composition vs Inheritance", "Talk to Interfaces" ?
Are there any design patterns (for flexible code) ?
What is the counter part of the basic of functional-programming like encapsulation for object-oriented ?
Know of any resources for these ?
To your first question: no. †
Clojure is here to help you get things done correctly, quickly, and enjoyably. Everything after that is gravy.
And there's a lot of gravy. I don't presume to know the Clojure way, even if there is one, but here are some guidelines I've been told and have discovered while writing in Clojure:
First, get something working. Then you can examine, test, and optimize if necessary. There's a reason that the time macro is in the core language. Correctness before quickness, to be cute.
Abstract. If you are repeating yourself, you're probably not doing it right. Compose, curry and combine functions.
Separate side-effects from your logic. e.g. if you want to format and save a string, format it in one function, then use another function to save it, however you need to.
3a. Don't go too crazy with this. Sometimes it's better to have a a few anonymous functions than a bunch of one-line defns littering your code.
Test. Rich gave you a REPL for a reason; use the hell out of that REPL.
Don't clutter your namespace. We're clean in Clojure-land. Qualify your uses or use :only what you need. Make your code readable.
Know the core library. Not just clojure.core, but clojure.java.io, clojure.string, clojure.set and everything in between. If you think Clojure should have a function to do X, it probably does. You can use apropos (from, yes, another core library: clojure.repl).
Document your code. Docstrings are a beautiful thing. If you have a tendency to be verbose, the doctsring is the place to let loose. But, know too that good code often "documents itself". If the code is self-explanatory, there's no need to be pedantic.
This is a functional language. When you can, use a function. Protocols, macros and records are all great: but when you can get away with it, use a function. You can compose, combine, map, reduce, iterate (the list goes on, and on, and on…) functions. That's really nice.
Above all, break the above rules if it makes sense. But be prepared to rethink and refactor. If you've kept your code modular enough, refactoring your code should be a matter of reorganization and recombination.
Some other tips: read other people's code. If you begin to read code, and become good at reading code, you'll become better at writing your own, and you're likely to learn new things, too: there's more than one way to do just about everything.
Finally, read though the Clojure Library Coding Standards to get an idea of what's expected in production Clojure code.
† At least, not yet.
Hard question.
Clojure is very flexible.
So they are best practices, but they aren't nearly as important as for java.
I write here a few examples of advices from the most general to the most particular families.
There are advices for programming in general:
write a lot of tests, write something correct and nice, profile and optimize when needed
There are advices for functional programming:
write small functions, write pure functions, compose the small functions, factor your code through functions, try to use combinators when possible...
There are advices for LISP:
use macro to factor out repetitive patterns, build your program bottom-up. (See Paul Graham's 'on LISP' for a better explanation than mine)
There are also some advices specifically for Clojure:
follow the careful analysis of state and identity ( http://clojure.org/state , for a very good explanation), try to use seqs and their functions when possible, write doc strings for functions
A good source for more advices are the Clojure Library Coding Standard
But all these advices are just advices, and Clojure can be used by someone that do not want to follow these advices, because, as a Lisp, it is very flexible.
As far as design pattern are concerned, functional programmer rarely think in these terms, as most of them has been designed for OO languages and do not apply in a functional language.
Peter Norvig has interesting slides on Design Pattern and LISP/Dylan:
Hope that helps.
1a) I don't know of something like that but every book about FP will do something like that.
"Favor Composition vs Inheritance" --> is already taken care of because you started with FP
"talk to abstractions" --> more general
"be lazy when you can"
"avoid state"
List item
2.) You can use some of the some same design patterns they are just much easier to implement. Some of them make less sense but normally. FP folks don't make a big deal out of it.
(This is about GoF patterns I only know them)
Look at the observer-pattern for example. In Clojure you can use add-watcher function witch make the observer-pattern obsolete.
3.)You can use encapsulation in name spaces look at defn- or you can hide your function in other functions. In the Joy of Clojure are some examples. You can push it as far as you want.
The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principal applies very well to clojure. The language is very flexible and really promotes composing abstractions in ways that can really reduce the amount of boiler place code very close to zero.
some examples of ways to remove duplicated code are:
only use lazy-cons when generating original data where no variant of map will do. If you find your self writing (lazy-seq (cons (do-something data) (call-myself (rest data))), check to see if map or iterate will do what you want.
use small functions and compose them liberally. if a function needs to format some data, wrap it in XML, and send it over a network. write these in three small functions and then use the (def send-formated-xml (comp send xml format)) this way you can map the format function onto some data later etc.
when the language absolutely can not express you repeated pattern, use a macro. Its better* to use a macro than to repeat your self. and always remember the first rule of macro club is do not use a macro.
This video presents the SOLID principles, and how to apply them in Clojure.
It shows how these principles hold in the Functional world as much as in OOP, because we still need to solve the same underlying problems. Overall, it made me think Functional Programming is better suited for SOLID design.
there is a post in a blog mentioning "thinking in clojure" here and it gives some pointers to the book The Joy Of Clojure, and to some other books (and even links to some videos)
now, i got the book The Joy Of Clojure, read a bit of it, and it promises to teach me "The Way Of Clojure". hope it turns out telling me what i'm looking for, some principles...
this book is work it progress but you can buy an "early access edition" from manning here and get 40% of with code "s140". see info here

Compiled dynamic language

I search for a programming language for which a compiler exists and that supports self modifying code. I’ve heared that Lisp supports these features, but I was wondering if there is a more C/C++/D-Like language with these features.
To clarify what I mean:
I want to be able to have in some way access to the programms code at runtime and apply any kind of changes to it, that is, removing commands, adding commands, changing them.
As if i had the AstTree of my programm. Of course i can’t have that tree in a compiled language, so it must be done different. The compile would need to translate the self-modifying commands into their binary equivalent modifications so they would work in runtime with the compiled code.
I don’t want to be dependent on an VM, thats what i meant with compiled :)
Probably there is a reason Lisp is like it is? Lisp was designed to program other languages and to compute with symbolic representations of code and data. The boundary between code and data is no longer there. This influences the design AND the implementation of a programming language.
Lisp has got its syntactical features to generate new code, translate that code and execute it. Thus pre-parsed code is also using the same data structures (symbols, lists, numbers, characters, ...) that are used for other programs, too.
Lisp knows its data at runtime - you can query everything for its type or class. Classes are objects themselves, as are functions. So these elements of the programming language and the programs also are first-class objects, they can be manipulated as such. Dynamic language has nothing to do with 'dynamic typing'.
'Dynamic language' means that the elements of the programming language (for example via meta classes and the meta-object protocol) and the program (its classes, functions, methods, slots, inheritance, ...) can be looked at runtime and can be modified at runtime.
Probably the more of these features you add to a language, the more it will look like Lisp. Since Lisp is pretty much the local maximum of a simple, dynamic, programmable programming language. If you want some of these features, then you might want to think which features of your other program language you have to give up or are willing to give up. For example for a simple code-as-data language, the whole C syntax model might not be practical.
So C-like and 'dynamic language' might not really be a good fit - the syntax is one part of the whole picture. But even the C syntax model limits us how easy we can work with a dynamic language.
C# has always allowed for self-modifying code.
C# 1 allowed you to essentially create and compile code on the fly.
C# 3 added "expression trees", which offered a limited way to dynamically generate code using an object model and abstract syntax trees.
C# 4 builds on that by incorporating support for the "Dynamic Language Runtime". This is probably as close as you are going to get to LISP-like capabilities on the .NET platform in a compiled language.
You might want to consider using C++ with LLVM for (mostly) portable code generation. You can even pull in clang as well to work in C parse trees (note that clang has incomplete support for C++ currently, but is written in C++ itself)
For example, you could write a self-modification core in C++ to interface with clang and LLVM, and the rest of the program in C. Store the parse tree for the main program alongside the self-modification code, then manipulate it with clang at runtime. Clang will let you directly manipulate the AST tree in any way, then compile it all the way down to machine code.
Keep in mind that manipulating your AST in a compiled language will always mean including a compiler (or interpreter) with your program. LLVM is just an easy option for this.
JavaScirpt + V8 (the Chrome JavaScript compiler)
JavaScript is
self-modifying (self-evaluating) (well, sort of, depending on your definition)
has a C-like syntax (again, sort of, that's the best you will get for dynamic)
And you now can compile it with V8: http://code.google.com/p/v8/
"Dynamic language" is a broad term that covers a wide variety of concepts. Dynamic typing is supported by C# 4.0 which is a compiled language. Objective-C also supports some features of dynamic languages. However, none of them are even close to Lisp in terms of supporting self modifying code.
To support such a degree of dynamism and self-modifying code, you should have a full-featured compiler to call at run time; this is pretty much what an interpreter really is.
Try groovy. It's a dynamic Java-JVM based language that is compiled at runtime. It should be able to execute its own code.
Otherwise, you've always got Perl, PHP, etc... but those are not, as you suggest, C/C++/D- like languages.
I don’t want to be dependent on an VM, thats what i meant with compiled :)
If that's all you're looking for, I'd recommend Python or Ruby. They can both run on their own virtual machines and the JVM and the .Net CLR. Thus, you can choose any runtime you want. Of the two, Ruby seems to have more meta-programming facilities, but Python seems to have more mature implementations on other platforms.

Interactive math proof system

I'm looking for a tool (GUI preferred but CLI would work) that allows me to input math expressions and then perform manipulations of them but restricts me to only mathematically valid operations. Also, the tool must be able to save a session and later prove that the given set of saved operations is valid.
Note: I am Not looking for a system to generate proofs, only that check that the steps I manually specify are valid.
I have used ACL2 for similar operations and it does well for some cases but it is very hard to use for everything else.
This little project is my motivation. It is a D template type that allows for equation solving. Given this equation:
(A * B) = C + D / F;
Any one of the symbols can be set as unknown and evaluating that expression will result an an assignment to that variable. It works by building expression trees into the type and then using rewrite rules to convert it to something that can be eventuated for the unknown type.
What I need is some way to validate the rewrite rule. They can be validated by testing the assertion that given some relation is true, another one is also.
Several American proof assistants were mentioned already (usually with LISP syntax), so here is a Europe-centric list to complement that:
All of them are notorious for TTY interfaces, but Coq and Isabelle provide good support for the Proof General / Emacs interface. Moreover, Coq comes with CoqIDE, which is based on OCaml/GTK an the on-board text widget. Recent Isabelle includes the Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE, which is based on jEdit and augmented by semantic markup provided by the prover in real-time as the user types.
ACL2 is notorious -- we used to say it was an expert system, and so could only be used by experts, who had to learn from Warren Hunt, J Moore, or Bob Boyer. The thing you need to do in ACL2 is really really understand how the proof system itself works; then you can "hint" it in directions that reduce the search space.
There are several other systems that can help with this kind of thing, though, depending on what you're trying to do.
If you want to work with continuous math or number theory, the ideal is Mathematica. Problem is you can buy a used car for the same amount of money (unless you can qualify for an academic license, a far better deal.)
Something similar, and free, is Open Maxima, which is an extension of Macsyma. That page also points to several others like Axiom, that I've got no experience with.
For mathematical logic operations, there's PVS from SRI. They've got some other cool stuff like model-checking in the same framework.
There's ongoing research in this area, it's called "Theorem proving in computer algebra".
People are trying to merge the ease of use and power of computer algebra systems like Mathematica, Maple, ... with the logical rigor of proof systems. The problems are:
Computer algebra systems are not rigorous. They tend to forget side conditions such as that a divisor must not be 0.
The proof systems are hard and tedious to use (as you have discovered).
In addition to what Charlie Martin's links, you may also want to check out Maple. My experience with such software is about 5 years old, but I recall at the time finding Maple to be much more intuitive than Mathematica.
The lean prover is interactive through a JS gui.
An old and unmaintained system is 'Ontic':

What are the main issues in designing an interpreter for a functional language?

Suppose I want to implement an interpreter for a functional language. I would like to understand the issues involved in doing so and suitable literature that is available. This is a new language that is in early design stages, that is why the question is broad in scope.
For the purpose of this discussion we can assume that the purpose of the language is not important and that its functional features can be changed (even drastically) if it makes a significant difference in the ease of writing an interpreter.
The MIT website has an online copy of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs as well as videos of the MIT 6.001 lectures using Scheme, recorded at HP in 1986. These form a great introduction to language design.
I would highly recommend Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) as a starting point. This book will introduce the idea of what it means to write an interpreter (and a compiler), and is generally a must-read for anybody designing languages.
Implementing an interpreter for a functional language isn't likely to be too much different from implementing an interpreter for any other general purpose language. There's lexical analysis, parsing, AST construction, semantic analysis, plus execution (for a pure interpreter) or code generation and optimisation (for a compiler, even compiling to bytecode like Java/Perl/Python). SICP will introduce the difference between "applicative order" and "normal order" evaluation, which may be important for you in a pure functional context.
For just about any language interpreter or compiler, the main issues are the same, I think.
You need to decide certain basic characteristics of the language (semantics, not syntax), and the bulk of the design of the thing follows from that.
For example, does your language have
a type system? If so, what sorts of
types does it have? Is it going to be
statically typed, dynamically typed,
What sort of expressions are you
planning to support? Do you need to
define an order of operations? Will
you even have operators?
What will you use as the run-time
representation of the program? Will
you convert the text to a byte-code
representation, or an AST, or a
tokenized form of the source text?
There are toolkits available to help take some of the tedium out of the actual parsing of text (ANTLR and Bison, to name two), but I don't know of anything that helps with the actual interpretation part of the task. I'm sure somebody will suggest something.
The main issue is having a semantics for the language you're implementing -- with that, the implementation becomes straightforward. Otherwise, this question is incredibly broad and hard to answer.
I'd recommend Essentials of Programming Languages as a good complement to SICP, particularly if you're interested in interpreters: Official EOPL site. You may want to check out the third edition-- the site hasn't been updated for it yet.
Edit: spam prevention is making me choose between links, so the official page is now unheated. It's easily Google-able, though.
