Drupal 6 website is very slow - drupal

I've made this website for someone a while ago, using Drupal 6. The problem is that it's getting incredibly slow... When I optimize the database it seems to go faster for a while and then it's slow again... I tried almost everything that I found on Google, and nothing seems to work. Maybe someone here knows a bit more than Google? :p

One thing I noticed using PageSpeed, is that some of your images on this page (http://heuvelfolies.be/CMS/Producten) are resized using HTML and CSS, rather than displaying thumbnails. Not related to your db issues, but overall it will help with page loading.
Example output:
http://heuvelfolies.be/img/Producten_Netten.jpg is resized in HTML or CSS from 360x360 to 100x100. Serving a scaled image could save 74.7KiB (92% reduction)
Are you using other caching techniques such as Memcached? Drupal caching would be step one, which you mentioned you did, but the next step would be an intermediate caching system. I've had great luck with it.
UPDATE: Doesn't look like your host provides VPS so this would be something to do if you ever moved to a VPS. Having said that, being on a shared server has its limitations. Not knowing what the "other guys" on the server are running that may be slowing the whole thing down, is one of those limitations.

Are you using Drupal's built-in caching?
If not, turn it on -- it can make a big difference.
You may also want to look into a server-based caching solution such as Varnish.
What modules are you using?
It's possible that you're using a module with known issues. Google for speed problems related to the various modules you're using.
Are you displaying any dynamic content on every page?
This can slow things down, as dynamic pages can't be cached. Consider using AHAH or AJAX to load the dynamic parts of the page via Javascript after page load, so they are separated from the main page content, which you can then cache properly.

I can't event ping that server. Maybe you should consider changing a hosting?
Other things worth checking are cache enabled, JS and CSS file merging enabled. If layout consists of many graphics, consider using CSS sprite. Also make sure that connection to your DB is fast.

Before trying to improve anything, check the "Recent Log Entries" on the admin page.
There are so many reasons for a site being slow, first try to make sure that there's no errors.
I've just had a look at your site, it wasn't particularly slow, nor fast. Pages didn't seem to hang but thumbnails were not loading so quickly.
Check your site's health, check your hosting provider, look into caching, for solutions like Varnish, you will need Pressflow or Drupal 7 as well as root access, meaning at least a VPS...


How do I optimize the speed of my Wordpress, Elementor, and WooCommerce website on Litespeed server?

I'm trying to optimize a website (gntac.com) but not sure how to proceed further. It's hosted on Litespeed server and I'm using the Litespeed Cache Plugin for Wordpress. I have enabled webp images, combined and minified javascript, minified css, and enabled quick.cloud CDN. I'm also using Modernizr for webp replacement in css but Insights doesn't seem to recognize the change.
There are also a lot of DOM elements (presumably due to Elementor). Some of the theme elements are hidden with css on mobile. I tried to use Mobile_Detect to only load those elements for desktop but the cache seems to be static and is either generated for mobile OR desktop but not both so the Mobile_Detect code is useless. None of this seems to have made any difference in Pagespeed Insights with tests still at around 11 for mobile and 42 for desktop.
Could anyone please provide some pointers on where to go from here? I know a little web development and SEO/optimization but this is beyond me at the moment.
You can try to deactivate the cache, do the Lighthouse Check again, try to get ride of the unused script and styles and activate the cache tool again.
You should combine your css to, not only js.
The Front Page is well cached, but te product are loading up to 6 secs - which is way to long. Maybe yout server is to slow and you should upgrade.
Webpage speed optimization is an art itself. On advanced levels, we look into every piece of code for optimization.
At the beginner level, I would suggest you to use Cloudflare CDN (Free Subscription) and configure Cache and Speed settings.
Second, instead of using PageSpeed Insights, use Solarwinds Pingdom to check the speed of the website.
Third, make sure that all the unnecessary plugins and themes are deleted. Clean up as much as you can. WordPress themes are the usual culprit of a slow website, use the lightest possible theme which is regularly updated and optimized.
Make sure to address Render Blocking Elements (inline critical elements or deffer) and Server Response Time (better web hosting).

Optimizing website for desktop version and mobile versions

I'm trying to speed up my website built in using Wordpress.
Caching is enabled for most parts of the site, also I'm using cloudflare to speed it up.
When I ran couple of tests, to check optimization and speed of my site, I had some issues showing up in css sections and some font headers, that took a lot of time to load. Theme that I used for wordpress site was ASTRA theme. However, I am having problems now finding those in my main database, to make corrections.
Domain and hostings are from HOSTGATOR, hatchling plan.
Website page is : healthy-paradise.com
I'm still building up this site.
Anyone to try to help me out and tell, where can I locate these files, folders and directories, to make changes, and what needs to be changes?
Link of picture attached shows files in question..
Best regards to everyone.
first of all you need to understand a few thing about website performances. There is no "perfect" website, getting the 100% on google page speed insight or lighthouse is nearly impossible, but you can get close.
Most of the theme available (free or for purchase) are using what we call "libraries" or "framework" made to ease the development process. The downside of those website is that you're loading more content, tools, code than necessary.
For example your website is using jquery (an heavy js library) and bootstrap (css framework). So you're already losing performances on that end. Usually you can't do anything for that beside properly loading scripts (loading them from the function.php file ... etc).
From what I can see you're losing a lot of performances on your image sizing, this you can control, your images should be optimized for web with proper format, size and dimensions.
One other big thing is that you're not using ssl. which also impact performances.
Anyway I think you should get it now, fix all you can fix, and you should be good.

wordpress page speed not working for desktop version

I did all the things Like image optimization, rendering for page speed optimization. I checked my mobile page speed increasing but desktop page speed not increasing it's still 22 again and again. I want to know why I am facing this problem. My website is www.sagorkhan.com. Can anyone please help me?
enter image description here
There are many factors that could affect your page speed and actually I see you've done a good job so far but you may go a litter farther.
I've tested your site with google page speed, pingdom tool, gtmetrix, webpagetest and here is my conclusion:
I guess your problem is about how to reduce server response time. While testing your site, it took more than 3+ seconds (6 on webpagetest) to completely load which may be considered a huge time. Reduce the server response time is not an easy task and could be a real challenge but here is a few tips:
1. Images optimization:
You said that you've done image optimization but still, your site have some huge images, one of them for example, is about 1MB which is can really affect the server response time. These images can be easily optimized, just go to google page speed and after you test your site scroll down and find: Download optimized image, JavaScript, and CSS resources for this page. Download the zip file and try to replace the old images with optimized ones using any FTP client, FileZilla is more then good for that.
Note that you can find the images locations under Optimize images section in case you don't know the location. Repeat that step again to make sure all your images are optimized.
Also I'd recommend some plugins like wp-smushit for optimize and compress all of your images and Regenerate Thumbnails to fix Serve scaled images issue. tinypng is good online alternative too if you like to do it manually.
2. Optimize CSS Delivery
That's not easy actually because it may requires to optimize the code and structure of your theme but you can give Autoptimize or W3 Total cache a try. Both support combining and minifying all enqueued JS, and CSS files.
3. CDNs:
CDN can really accelerate your site and greatly reducing your page loading time. Now, there are tons of good CDNs providers but I would recommend CloudFlare as a start since its free and easy to use and their free plan is enough and does work really great.
4. Caching
WordPress caching is a must if you care about performance, I don't see any sign of caching plugins except your HTML, JavaScript, css files is minified already which is good but not enough. I would recommend W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache.
5. Web Hosting
If you're hosing your site in a shared host, don't hope too much to get perfect page speed even if you done all the required optimization. I'd definitely recommend upgrading to a VPS since its kinda cheap (unmanaged servers can be cheaper then shared host) and not that hard to setup and secure, A small VPS server can have a significant impact on page load speed.
You are resizing massive images using HTML/CSS when you should be resizing them individually using Photoshop or a similar image editing tool. You have a lot of render blocking js, specifically they're the YouTube scripts you're running.
Another big issue is the sheer amount of stylesheet and js files you're loading -- 19 js and 13 css. Try combining your js files together as much as you can, as well as your css files ... you're going to want to minify them as well.
You're loading many components from various sources, adding more http request overhead. If it's possible, you should consider hosting your own copies of some files.
Take a look at the output from https://gtmetrix.com/reports/sagorkhan.com/cBTMzOjD ... that should get you on the road to optimizing. Make sure you take your time reading the pagespeed and yslow tabs.

How to eliminate render-blocking javascript and CSS in above-the-fold content in wordpress

How toeliminate render-blocking javascript and CSS in above-the-fold content in wordpress. If any one can please help me.
Looks like there is a wordpress plugin called autoptimize that will do a lot of the work for you. I believe it also enables compression. Once you install the plugin, navigate to settings => autoptimize and check optimize CSS code as well as optimize JavaScript code.
I woudn't use a plugin.
First of all merge CSS files into one file.
Next use https://jonassebastianohlsson.com/criticalpathcssgenerator/ .
You'll get some css code - insert it inline in header.
Then you can load rest of the CSS via JS ( https://github.com/filamentgroup/loadCSS ).
Many ways. The ways to pass over 85/100 are -
You can use Pagespeed module
Use a third party service to deliver optimised frontend. Google had such service which is closed now.
Or follow traditional way of backend optimisation.
Nowadays, good websites pass through another service or another server as reverse proxy which automatically optimises the frontend. Thats it.
Traditional way :
That is one server one website and tweak on main server.
Your server's response time higher is most important. First pass it. Test on webpagetest.org.
Then give priority to visible content.
Then leverage cache.
Render blocking matter is after making them great.
Those optimisations are after you have passed server security, time to first byte, uptime etc. There is no plugin that can make 100% perfect with few clicks for all sites.
You should read (see WordPress doc) and load scripts asynchronously on footer or body via plugins like Header and Footer and ask on WordPress forum when you face difficult. Many times many technology websites discussed it in details. There are really very good old blog websites like CSS Tricks. You should find all articles on the topic and read from old to new. It is impossible to give an easy way. Loading Js is more complicated browser, device matter. Furthermore there is W3TC like cache plugin on normal websites.
Known problems of traditional way :
It is not odd to open up a security flaw with some snippets. With HTTP/2 push, many new things, recent security matters of WordPress during February forcing not to talk about odd plugin and snippets. None really can perform security audit. That is why I talked about it 2 years back about render-blocking javascript and CSS, not later . There I have shown settings of WordPress free Async js and css plugin. That WordPress plugin gives options for CSS, JS getting automatically loaded as inline or load asynchronously. You can try. Inline, Async all has own demerit.
It is technically difficult work than the plugins descriptions will say. Such plugins decrease the manual work but does not eliminate the need of hand coding, trial. It is part of page speed optimisation. You have to slowly learn yourself and plan according to budget.
Do at own risk at dev site with A+ score on SSL labs, add various security headers.
As you possibly a commercial website security is of more importance, followed by page loading speed.
As end tip, you should arrange to host on unmanaged server to optimise the backend. Your site is slower at present which is problem out of host.

Very Slow Wordpress Performance after moving to VPS?

We are struggling with the speed on our wordpress website. Have just moved to a VPS and this hasn't helped the speed at all.
Can anyone offer any recommendations on what needs to be done?
link to the website >> salon99.co.uk
You have some javascript errors, looks like not loading properly. How much ram your vps have, thats other issue might be. Avoid 404 on resources (images, css, js)
Check some tips from here
Provide more information on your setup.
Try install Google PageSpeed and test your site here
Running your site through Pingdom shows a 4 second time to first byte. This suggests you main issue is definitely server side. There's a couple of diagnosis plugins that you can install which will reveal which plugins may be slowing things down*, and which DB queries are expensive:
Query Monitor
Debug Bar
Once you've worked out where the slow downs are coming from, you'll be in a better position to solve them. You might find you have one query in particular that is especially slow.
* I've always found WooCommerce to be on the sluggish side, but them's the breaks.
