Bring Live Drupal site to Local Host - drupal

I've made a local version of my companies live website. My problem is that none of the links work and I can't sign into the admin control panel. I think it has something to do with clean-urls module. Any Ideas? The error I'm getting is url request was not found on this server.

If you made a full copy including the database, you must clear all caches, e.g. directly in the database, or using the Devel-Module. If no other settings have changed in the .htaccess, and there is no fixed url given in the settings.php (the $base_url), it should work.


WordPress site impacted with redirect injection

I have a website that is running on an AWS server using the Bitnami Nginx and WordPress image.
Recently it got all our ads on Google stopped due to malicious content. Oddly this time, its trickier then your standard malware of infected files. When visiting the site incognito, the first and only the first link click gets redirected using the following code:
window.location.replace("");window.location.href = "";
This is being injected on any link, however, upon investigating the loaded code on inspect its not injecting it into the page.
I've tried to hunt down the theme, plugins, core files and found nothing!
I replaced and reinstalled WordPress core files, deactivated all plugins and even swapped the theme - the problem is still there. I can't find any hidden .htaccess file in the entire root directory.
I even used GREP to try to look for anything fishy (any clues here that someone can help with?) nothing so far.
The site is still impacted with this so you can easily load the link ~ i do use malwarebytes to keep myself protected, incase you are opening this directly.
Can anyone help?
The redirection code is implanted to /wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js.
How to confirm:
watch the cookies when clicking internal page, a new cookie is being set for tracking first clicks, named ht_rr
save complete webpage locally and try to load it, and check in Chrome dev tools, you'll see that in Console tab it complains about this Javascript file attempting to set the aforementioned cookie
While a temporary resolution of deleting the file will fix things for some time...
There's no excuse for not setting up a proper server stack. Bitnami or other "great stacks" won't cut it security-wise. They exist for "fast", but no "quality" setup, and of course, it's never going to be secure.
The file got created somehow / had write privileges. This indicates a problem with the setup most of the time. Unless you're using some nulled plugins or plugins from bad sources.
Once again, since the website was essentially "pwned", deleting the Javascript file does not mean complete disinfection. To preserve things in a secure state, I would recommend setting things on a clean server environment with strict PHP-FPM permissions aka "lockdown" chmod, and look for write errors to look for infected PHP files.
Check out some guides on the matter of secure NGINX/PHP-FPM setup:
NGINX and PHP-FPM. What my permissions should be?
Best practice secure NGINX configuration for WordPress
NGINX Security Headers, the right way
Just had the same problem and it was Zend Font Plugin, the same that some people mentioned before.
Installed Wordfence and this came out. Deleted the plugin and now the site is working perfectly.
Disable plugins and check again.
Change the database username and password.
Ask the hosting manager to check the host.

Wordpress Posts URLs default redirection functionality not working with WPEngine

If any user modifies the url on browser then on my local server, it gets redirected to original post but on staging server, no such thing happens. Although full setup is same despite only wp-engine. Does wpengine has anything to do with wordpress default redirection? WPEngine exists on staging server, not on local.
For example
URL : /how-to/format
User inserts a string like /how-to/fgdfg/format
On my local server which is xampp setup, the url gets changed to /how-to/format but on staging server, it remains the same i.e. /how-to/fgdfg/format but shows the same post.
Can anybody help me on the same?
It sounds like you want to disable WP's built-in feature of trying to find the page it thinks you're looking for.
Use extreme caution with this as it can have adverse impact.
This answer should help you get started:

wordpress move to localhost missing css

I'm trying to move a wordpress/buddypress web site to my local pc.
I created a virtual host with the exact same host name, copy the code and DB.
It works but every time I change the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file to see the live original site, chrome miss-behave and get stuck.
So I tried to change the site domain on my local pc - I search&replace the code & db export from the site domain to my local domain (e.g. ->, and I reinstall the DB.
The site is running but it seems to be missing some stuff - specifically design stuff, e.g. css is different, and logo display the site name instead of the logo.
It seems like the new domain name triggers a different configuration of the site, or a different theme.
Can someone please explain how to properly move a wordpress site localy with a local domain name?
I read some posts about this issue and it seems I was doing it right, I actually don't understand why the site looks different if I changed all reference both in the code and DB.
I'd suggest the problem lies with the fact you've performed a search and replace on the database.
WordPress serializes some data and by running a search and replace on it you'll have changed the lengths therefore breaking the serialization. Often things like theme options are stored in that way and will appear to reset when broken.
In order to update the URL you'll need a more advanced tool like:
Further information:
First You must change domain name in database wp-options table
where option_name is suteurl and home
If not help, see in wordpress admin panel theme settings, some
themes have setting and in setting those can have url setting
In browser , in source you can find errors, and in errors you can see
not correct urls
I was able to solve it answer thanks to Nathan Dawson answer, here are the actual steps I did.
I switch back to the original DB (in wp-config.php),
setup the local host of the original domain (NOTE that I didn't delete the settings of the new local host -
In I changed the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to the new domain
click save
After saving this settings the site redirects to the new domain immediately, but since I kept the setting of the new domain it worked, and the problem is solved.
EDIT - a quick and simple solution is simply change "siteurl" and "home" in the database table "wp_options" (through phpMyAdmin or similar)

Wordpress - instance always generates page that switches to external site

I'm getting an issue where WordPress always serves me a page that takes me to an external site.
Whether I try to visit a URL on, page content is always as follows (keyword= varies according to the URL I type in):
<script src="
This happens only on the live site and not on my localhost site (which should be a very close copy of the live site).
I looked through the MySQL database using string search and couldn't find
any matches to
I grep'ed the entire tree of hosted files and no matches either.
Can't see any nefarious looking rules in
Tried to disable all plugins (except W3TC) by renaming directories within wp-content/plugins, which I think has worked.
.htaccess is the standard WordPress bootstrap.
The installation is an individual domain running its own instance of WP.
This effect prevents me accessing wp-admin on the live site.
Any ideas about what layer or setting might cause this to happen?
The site had been hacked. This was causing it to redirect to an external site after most page requests.
Cleanup guide for hacked sites:
Thanks to all who provided help.

moving WordPress over to domain, after working on it locally through MAMP

I've finished the styling changes on WordPress and I'm ready to move it from MAMP to my domain.
Will this involve any changes to the WordPress files or can I just drag it over to my new domain once I purchased it?
The main start you must make is update your wp-config.php
That way wordpress knows what domain it MUST run from.
The reason you do that is because without this you may not be able to access admin, login, etc etc.
When this is working and you have logged in, go to wp-admin and go to your permalink settings.
Make a NOTE of your settings, then change them to default (and woocommerce settings etc).
Go to your home page and a few others, and notice how messed up your urls look :)
Now go back to permalink settings and restore them (the point of this is to make sure your .htaccess file that wordpress depends upon is set correctly)
Finally, have a look at to change your sql etc if needed.
note this method is very handy for developers so you just update your wp-config.php for localhost or development or production (not for testing purposes, don't use your local pc. copy it all up to a subdirectory of your hosting partner e.g. Make sure you use a COPY of the mysql database (never point both to the same database). You now can test on the hosting platform without disturbing the live site or your development causing issues to other people.
It's been a long while for me personally, but you'll want to change the SiteURL via the options menu in wp-admin.
Otherwise, just make sure your MySQL database is exported over, your credentials and user permissions are all setup and those work too.
If you still have problems:
The database has to be updated. What always works for me is that I export the database from phpMyAdmin or MySQL (using mysqldump) and open the exported .sql-file with a text editor, like Sublime Text.
Now you want to find any occurence of your previous URL. Let's say on your dev machine the URL to the index of your Wordpress site is http://localhost:8080/wordpress and you want it to be on a website under you simply do a Find & Replace using that and replace everything with
For older Wordpress versions you have to update the .htaccess files if you have custom URL's.
You have to make a search replace in your database and replace your local domain ( test.lo ) with the live domain ( ).
To do this you can use the script from here:
Add the searchreplacedb2.php file in your route folder and the access test.lo/searchreplacedb2.php and follow the steps there. This will replace your local domain with your live one everywhere in the database.
You can't make a simple search-replace because the local domain might be serialized in some fields in the database, and a simple search-replace will not replace those.
