Changes to Drupal blocks no longer taking effect - drupal

I have a D6 site that I've just stumbled upon the fact that my block positions are no longer being updated. I have a given block (a Views block) that works on older pages but not newer ones. I've tried creating new blocks and they do not show up either. Old blocks are where they should be an data through Views is still being populated correctly. My site is in a state of freeze as I cannot apply some blocks to new pages. For example, the products page does not get certain blocks on creation of new products but the old products work fine. Is there someplace I can view what is going on? I've tried clearing the site cache, turning it on / off to no avail. I did notice an odd appendage to the offending block link (I should note fresh blocks do not work either)
(Doesn't work correctly)
(Newly created block, also not working)

please try to clear the cache first before taking any further steps


What effect does this CSS code have on a wordpress website?

I would like to confirm what effect this CSS code has on the homepage of a wordpress website.
.lazy { display: none !important; }
Many thanks for explanations.
I have noticed images in the homepage are being blocked from being displayed which is why im asking this question.
The CSS code itself, prevent any element which has it from being displayed on the screen.
Due to its name, it may be used to enable something called lazyload (you can read about it here).
lazyload is usually used for several reasons:
Remove the pressure of loading many images at first; sometimes images are placed at the end of the page so the client won't see it at the top of the page, with lazy loading trick it. You can prevent those images from being loaded, and force them to load only the moment your client reach them by scrolling or other events so it cause page loading improvements (because the page is now lighter)
For making some visual effects; almost everywhere you need the image to be hidden and after some juggling or some specific events it is shown (like wp-admin and sub-menus, which will be shown if you hold your mouse on or click them)
Recording to the reasons; I guess your kind of codes (which will be handled in client-side and client browser) does not fit the first reason and may be used for the second one because for the first reason it is better (and I guess it must) implemented on server-side. Why? Because in your code, the image is loaded and be will there and just not shown because of the CSS code
This was all I know but if you want a more specific answer you have to say where you saw it in WordPress, in a plugin, wp-admin, template, etc...
Hope the answer becomes handy for you

Concrete5: Why does my block fail to save the first time?

I am using and using Designer Content to create blocks. I have customised the blocks by adding tabs. Other than that, it's pretty straightforward and everything is functioning well.
My problem is when I try to add and save a new block the first time, it keeps showing me the 'loading' icon but does not save the block. If I refresh the page and try adding the block again, it works. Sometimes it happens randomly and when I refresh the page and save, it works. Is there anything that's causing this and how can I fix this?
I have all cache turned off and am trying this on my localhost. The site does not have any other add-ons installed other than Designer Content. The site is using Bootstrap.
Had same issue, which was caused by tracking pixel code(javascript error).
Changed script to display code only when page is not in edit mode

Installing a new, custom theme has "broke" current Wordpress installation

I've just finished creating a new custom theme based on the underscores framework, and It's ended up breaking my current wordpress installation after applying it.
Although everything is running fine on the front end, the back end is running really weird.
The following issues have presented themselves:
Trying to add a new post (either regular, or one of the new custom post types I've defined) just results in a blank page. Although the post has been created, the admin section gets stuck on the wp-admin/post.php page.
My media library no longer shows up in the media browser. Although all 6,000+ images are still there, none show up.
When logged in, it takes ages for the page to load in the Wordpress admin bar, as it appears it can no longer display the site stats (it just shows the broken image icon after it's finally finished loading in, when the new theme is selected).
I've tried to refresh the permalinks, but this hasn't worked.
Any ideas? I was hoping to re-launch my website today, but it looks like I might have to put it on hold...
Get ahold of the devs for your framework. Your experience is not an uncommon one. It has happened to my sites several times. Unless you want to tweak the php yourself, they will have to help you.
Managed to sort this out. Turns out a function I had written to add a custom field to menu items broke the entire back end. Thanks for the help everyone!

sitecore template standard values layout not updating all items, layout not loading

i'm currently having a nightmarish moment with Sitecore. Basically my issues are two-fold:
1) the first time i added a standard value item to a template, and added a layout setup to it, i was thrilled, since all my items from that template were showing the layout, however now, certain items are now showing no layout at all. I tried doing presentation->layout, reset several times, but to no avail.
2) i added a new sublayout to the standard value layout to another placeholder, did publish on the template (republish everything, publish subitems), then publish on the standard values item again, just in case (should not be needed), i click on all items from the template, and they show the updated layout with the new sublayout (should be good, right?) however, i browse, both live and with preview to the pages and i am still seeing the old layout without my new sublayout.
- I added a breakpoint in the page_load of the new sublayout but it never hits, the others do
- I tried cleaning the cache on sitecore/admin/cache.aspx, but did not help
- tried recycling the app pool, restarting the web site, spreading black rooster' blood over the machine, nothing seems to helps
i am using sitecore 6.2.0 (rev. 100701), visual studio 2008 SP1, IIS7 in integrated mode
Basically the way to do it is set layout on the Standard Values, which should update all items, that haven't had their layout overwritten on the item or by a branch.
This is the key to the issue. If your items that aren't getting updated with the template standard value layout were created using a branch, check to make sure that branch does not also have layout details associated with it. If the branch has layout details in addition to the template, the two will conflict and cause really odd, frustrating behavior.
I encountered the exact same scenario, but after removing the layout details from my branch the issue went away.
Sounds strange... usually this only happens, when you have a "conflict" between layout set on Standard Values, template/branch.
Basically the way to do it is set layout on the Standard Values, which should update all items, that haven't had their layout overwritten on the item or by a branch.
I really dislike branches, so always try to avoid them (the only real use when they were Masters were for building hierarchies of items).
Could you try to look in the __layouts field (View > Raw values) of the items and see if anything is entered there?
And is it only some items or all items based on that template?

Drupal - saving created pages and page edits leads to an incorrect, blank page

Sorry if this is a bit vague...
I have a Drupal install (6.14), and when I now either create or edit a page I'm led to a blank screen once I hit 'save'. It seems to return you to a blank version of .../node/add/page (when creating a page), rather than taking you to the actual created node.
Also, I notice that when editing a page, the url contains extra elements, e.g. /node/151/edit?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode
, whereas I'm pretty sure before it used to be just: /node/151/edit
My other Drupal sites seem to be running fine, and I've attempted to disable recently added modules, run cron, cleared cache etc. to no effect. Incidentally, when I run cron manually it also returns a blank page.
Please, any ideas?
