Sites with up-to-date OpenGL tutorials and examples [closed] - math

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for sites with examples and tutorials for OpenGL. The OpenGL SuperBible seemed to be a must-have so I just got it and it seems a bit too complicated for me at the moment due to my lack of math knowledge. Therefore, I have decided to start out with simple 2D-games which shouldn't be that hard. The tutorials and examples need to be up-to-date which seems hard to find. I'd love a very simple 2D game example like Pong or similar that I could build upon.
Also: what math is necessary for 3D-programming? Would it be possible for me to learn most of it by myself or do I have to wait for college/late high school?

And of course there's Nicol Bolas' site which is much nicer and more up to date than NeHe and the typical sites that deal with 10-15 year old OpenGL.

As mentioned in other posts, NeHe is great. It is getting a bit old though. Lighthouse 3D is pretty helpful as well. For the most up-to-date references, just go straight to OpenGL. It's a great resource. Real-Time Rendering is a great book for computer graphics. The website has tons of resources as well.
Regarding the math that you should know, linear algebra is a must in computer graphics. Many computer graphics books will provide an overview of the math that you should be familiar with. The book I mentioned above (Real-Time Rendering) provides a great overview. Another decent book relating to the math required for computer graphics is Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. There may be better books out there in terms of the math overview that you're looking for, but I've found these two to be helpful. Be aware, though, that neither of these books will have a lot of examples; they cover some of the more theoretical aspects of computer graphics.

I would recommend having a look at Joe's Blog as well.
For math, have a look at this book.


Isabelle/HOL tutorial/documentation needed [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for freely available and good quality tutorials and documentation for Isabelle2013/HOL (aside of the obvious ones after Google-ing and digging a bit). Could you please recommend some?
Some documents that may help get you started:
The previous de-facto tutorial was A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic by Nipkow, Paulson and Wenzel. This document provides an introduction to Isabelle/HOL as a functional programming language as well as a guide as to how to use most of the common proof mechanisms available in Isabelle/HOL. It is a good starting point;
A newer tutorial is Programming and Proving in Isabelle/HOL by Nipkow. It covers some of the same material as the previous document and is not quite as in-depth, but uses more modern techniques of carrying out proofs in Isabelle/HOL. It may be useful as a "quick-start" to Isabelle/HOL.
The freely available book Concrete Semantics by Nipkow and Klein provides an introduction to Isabelle/HOL in the context of performing proofs on programming languages. If your interest in Isabelle/HOL is to do with program verification, this book would be a good start.
Is general, most (but not all) good reference guides are linked to from the Isabelle documentation page itself. watch out, however, as some of the documents there are quite old and unlikely to be relevant any longer, (though such documents have been tagged as such).
There are also a plethora of slides and lecture notes available of the web, such as UNSW or the University of Edinburgh, but these are probably better used as a supplement, as they often lack context and important details which are provided in the lectures.

Visual Programming tools that can be used for practical app development [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've been interested in Visual Programming Languages (VPL) for a while. However I've hardly seen any environments that can be used for practical projects such as Windows apps or web services.
I've heard of the following:
LabVIEW - electronics and instrumentation
Microsoft VPL - robotics
Game Maker - games
Google App Inventor - Android apps
Tersus - web apps
Are there any other VPL environments that generate executable programs and can be used for practical applications?
Probably a bit too late for this answer, but I'm interested in the same thing and for anyone else might read this and find it useful.
Here is a new one just for creating windows applications, it's called Korduene, however beware it is alpha just now.
You may have a look at the WPF based TUM.CMS.VPLControl
I don't know if it is practical enough for you but you can have a look at Thyrd, which was recently featured in the last Emerging Languages conference:
It is not just yet another visual stuff, there is really something there
Yahoo Pipes has a somehow limited scope, but I suppose it is one of the more popular examples of visual programming tools that are really used in practice.
It generates code for compilation or interpretetion, not actual executable.
It it supports visual programming in several programming languages, including Java,, D, C#, C/C++ (with Qt support), Python, Tcl, Javascript, Lua and Erlang.
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Each diagram has one entry and one exit.
More about DRAKON here:
i recomend Outsystems for .net/java , it´s a great app Outsystems

Spreadsheets that use a functional-programming language [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'd like to know if there exists a spreadsheet application which uses an existing functional-programming language to define functions.
I've already heard about Resolver One which uses python, but I'm more interested in anything which uses a purely functional language like Haskell.
Spreadsheets are quite a popular application among functional programmers. They have been a recurring theme in papers over the years. Some of the more memorable papers include
Spreadsheet Functional Programming by David Wakeling (2007).
Forms/3 by Margaret Burnett and many others (2001)
Implementing Function Spreadsheets by Peter Sestoft (2008)
You can also read about an effort to make Excel more functional.
For each of these papers I have either read the paper or heard a talk based on the papers. None of the papers is fabulous but all of them are good. I think the one with the most interesting ideas is by Sestoft—and his experimental results are pretty amazing.
If you count JavaScript as a functional programming language you can use Google Web Scripts for Google Spreadsheets :)
There's Scheme In A Grid (, but it's looking kind of out of date.
There's also Haxcel (, which was a thesis project.
If you want to do functional programming in a spreadsheet the best practical choice is probably Resolver One, as you've already noted. (I would say "functional programming" in this context means first-class functions that work with other spreadsheet functions and the sheet itself - i.e. you could write a function that returns a function, call it and have the result go in a cell for yet other cells to call, etc. I don't know if OpenOffice and Google Docs will do that.)
A colleague and I have been working on a little project to do this within Excel, using a syntax very close to Excel formulas. I described it briefly in a comment on Roy MacLeans's VBA Blog:
It's changed some since I posted that, but if you want to call our very-minimal syntax a "language", it's certainly "pure". (And I'm still planning to release it to the vast universe of FP-implemented-in-VBA enthusiasts, but stuff keeps coming up...)
There is
But it seems down currently.
The guide describes a concept I find very interesting:

Common R idioms [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What good resources are there for R idioms, in the same line as there are for Java and Python?
I would primarily recommend the R Inferno. In particular, study section 3 on vectorization, which is probably the key concept in R programming.
Beyond that, I would second Dirk's recommendation of John Chambers book.
Going a step farther: the R language is derived primarily from Scheme. One of the best ways to deeply understand R programming (as compared to a language like Java or C) is by learning about functional programming. For this, the best resource might be SICP (the "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", available free online) which uses Scheme. You can find the relevant video lectures online as well: MIT 6.001 and Berkeley 61a.
There is Rosetta Code which presents many common programming tasks in different programming languages. Then there is a blog post by Stephen Turner that lists several ressources for programmers coming from other languages, for instance you can find slides from Drew Conway who compares Python with R.
Easy: 2200+ packages and counting on CRAN :)
Actually, jokes aside, the best description I have read was in Chambers (2008).
This is a very interesting question -- R is indeed full of idioms, and the situation is made even more difficult by the fact that there are many idioms for data analysis, in addition to the more general programming ones. Combined with R's expressiveness and its penchant for violating the principle of least surprise, this often makes the learning curve a bit steeper than one would like.
Personally, I picked up most of what I know by reading help, reading various tutorials and tip collections, and occasionally looking at source code of built-in functions. R FAQ has useful tidbits to start with. Revolution Computing has links to good resources, particularly for programmers. Also, I found Howard Seltman's collection of tips and links to be useful; I would bet that links on that page would cover most useful R idioms, but I am curious to see what else is out there.
This may or may not help you on your quest to figuring out R. But back when I was getting accustomed to R, I found that matlab to R dictionaries helped quite a bit (i.e. assuming you know how to use matlab). I can't seem to find the one I used, but found this one, which seems to illustrate things nicely.
Nowadays, I'd say the most definite resource on all details of the R language is Hadley Wickham's book.
Reading this, you'll get a very thorough understanding of how R works.
The book covers - among many other things - functional and object-oriented approaches to programming in R. Other chapters are devoted to the basic data structures and to performance issues in R.
Note that this really is a published, high-quality book that is freely accessible online.
There is also Rchaeology: Idioms of R Programming by Paul E. Johnson, which is one of the vignettes for the rockchalk package.
He says 'it includes "deep insights" and programming advice that reflects the customs and mannerisms of the R leaders.'

Generic applet style system for publishing mathematics demonstrations? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Anyone who's tried to study mathematics using online resources will have come across these Java applets that demonstrate a particular mathematical idea. Examples:
I love the idea of this interactive approach because I believe it is very helpful in conveying mathematical principles.
I'd like to create a system for visually designing and publishing these 'mathlets' such that they can be created by teachers with little programming experience.
So in order to create this app, i'll need a GUI and a 'math engine'. I'll probably be working with .NET because thats what I know best and i'd like to start experimenting with F#. Silverlight appeals to me as a presentation framework for this project (im not worried about interoperability right now).
So my questions are:
does anything like this exist already in full form?
are there any GUI frameworks for displaying mathematical objects such as graphs & equations?
are there decent open source libraries that exposes a mathematical framework (Math.NET looks good, just wondering if there is anything else out there)
is there any existing work on taking mathematical models/demos built with maple/matlab/octave/mathematica etc and publishing them to the web?
You might want to look at Wolfram demonstrations, and at the mathematica web player. This lets you take a Mathematica file and run it from a browser, and the demonstrations site already has thousands of demonstrations.
