How to fake a 2D sprite moving on the Z axis? - math

I will precise my question, I have a 2D object moving in a 2D world (X,Y), and I want to fake a movement on the Z axis. So I believe the best is to play with its extent (width,height) and position a bit.
But what would be the equation to determine the new extent for an object of size(w,h) and moving from 1 meter forward the camera (Z axis)? What would be the parameters of such a function?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Use a projection by storing the object's true (X,Y,Z) coordinates and display from a camera K units above the plane by a 2D projection (K*X/(Z+K),K*Y/(Z+K)) where +Z moves away from the camera.
To change the height, width follow a similar pattern with (DX,DY) the true size of the sprite and (K*DX/(Z+K),K*DY/(Z+K)) the apparent (drawn) size.
To do this right you can follow the advice from this FlipCode article.

The main parameters would be the distance to the camera and the aperture angle.
It is simple to determine the new size by new_size = size / distance.
Notice that objects that have no distance would be of infinite size.
To get the effect of the aperture angle you would want to include another factor f:
new_size = f * size / distance
Where f is the distance of unit size.
Distance of unit size is the distance where the image would be drawn at its original size.
Of course, this must not be zero too. By this distance you define impicitly the aperture angle.
When I talk about size I mean width and height so the formula applies on both.
I hope you can follow my explanations.

The width and height will be inversely proportional to the distance from the viewer. If they are twice as far away, the size will be half. So If your "natural" distance from the viewer is A, and the new position is at A+Z, you will want to multiply the original width and height by A/(A+Z). This also works for small negative Z values (object is closer to viewer and will appear larger).


Converting XYZ to XY (world coords to screen coords)

Is there a way to convert that data:
Object position which is a 3D point (X, Y, Z),
Camera position which is a 3D point (X, Y, Z),
Camera yaw, pitch, roll (-180:180, -90:90, 0)
Field of view (-45°:45°)
Screen width & height
into the 2D point on the screen (X, Y)?
I'm looking for proper math calculations according to this exact set of data.
It's difficult, but it's possible to do it for yourself.
There are lots of libraries that do this for you, but it is more satisfying if you do it yourself:
This problem is possible and I have written my own 3D engine to do this for objects in javascript using the HTML5 Canvas. You can see my code here and solve a 3D maze game I wrote here to try and understand what I will talk about below...
The basic idea is to work in steps. To start, you have to forget about camera angle (yaw, pitch and roll) as these come later and just imagine you are looking down the y axis. Then the basic idea is to calculate, using trig, the pitch angle and yaw to your object coordinate. By this I mean imagining that you are looking through a letterbox, the yaw angle would be the angle in degrees left and right to your coordinate (so both positive and negative) from the center/ mid line and the yaw up and down from it. Taking these angles, you can map them to the x and y 2D coordinate system.
The calculations for the angles are:
pitch = atan((coord.x - cam.x) / (coord.y - cam.y))
yaw = atan((coord.z - cam.z) / (coord.y - cam.y))
with coord.x, coord.y and coord.z being the coordinates of the object and the same for the cam (cam.x, cam.y and cam.z). These calculations also assume that you are using a Cartesian coordinate system with the different axis being: z up, y forward and x right.
From here, the next step is to map this angle in the 3D world to a coordinate which you can use in a 2D graphical representation.
To map these angles into your screen, you need to scale them up as distances from the mid line. This means multiplying them by your screen width / fov. Finally, these distances will now be positive or negative (as it is an angle from the mid line) so to actually draw it on a canvas, you need to add it to half of the screen width.
So this would mean your canvas coordinate would be:
x = width / 2 + (pitch * (width / fov)
y = height / 2 + (yaw * (height / fov)
where width and height are the dimensions of you screen, fov is the camera's fov and yaw and pitch are the respective angles of the object from the camera.
You have now achieved the first big step which is mapping a 3D coordinate down to 2D. If you have managed to get this all working, I would suggest trying multiple points and connecting them to form shapes. Also try moving your cameras position to see how the perspective changes as you will soon see how realistic it already looks.
In addition, if this worked fine for you, you can move on to having the camera be able to not only change its position in the 3D world but also change its perspective as in yaw, pitch and roll angles. I will not go into this entirely now, but the basic idea is to use 3D world transformation matrices. You can read up about them here but they do get quite complicated, however I can give you the calculations if you get this far.
It might help to read (old style) OpenGL specs:
See section 2.10
Might help with more concrete examples.
Also, for "proper math" look up 4x4 matrices, projections, and homogeneous coordinates.

Formula for calculating camera x,y,z position to force 3D point to appear at left side of the screen and rightmost position on the globe

I'd need a formula to calculate 3D position and direction or orientation of a camera in a following situation:
Camera starting position is looking directly into center of the Earth. Green line goes straight up to the sky
Position that camera needs to move to is looking like this
Starting position probably shouldn't matter, but the question is:
How to calculate camera position and direction given 3D coordinates of any point on the globe. In the camera final position, the distance from Earth is always fixed. From desired camera point of view, the chosen point should appear at the rightmost point of a globe.
I think what you want for camera position is a point on the intersection of a plane parallel to the tangent plane at the location, but somewhat further from the Center, and a sphere representing the fixed distance the camera should be from the center. The intersection will be a circle, so there are infinitely many camera positions that work.
Camera direction will be 1/2 determined by the location and 1/2 determined by how much earth you want in the picture.
Suppose (0,0,0) is the center of the earth, Re is the radius of the earth, and (a,b,c) is the location on the earth you want to look at. If it's in terms of latitude and longitude you should convert to Cartesian coordinates which is straightforward. Your camera should be on a plane perpendicular to the vector (a,b,c) and at a height kRe above the earth where k>1 is some number you can adjust. The equation for the plane is then ax+by+cz=d where d = kRe^2. Note that the plane passes through the point (ka,kb,kc) in space, which is what we wanted.
Since you want the camera to be at a certain height above the earth, say h*Re where 1 < k < h, you need to find points on ax+by+cz=d for which x^2+y^2+z^2 = h^2*Re^2. So we need the intersection of the plane and a sphere. It will be easier to manage if we have a coordinate system on the plane, which we get from an orthonormal system which includes (a,b,c). A good candidate for the second vector in the orthonormal system is the projection of the z-axis (polar axis, I assume). Projecting (0,0,1) onto (a,b,c),
proj_(a,b,c)(0,0,1) = (a,b,c).(0,0,1)/|(a,b,c)|^2 (a,b,c)
= c/Re^2 (a,b,c)
Then the "horizontal component" of (0,0,1) is
u = proj_Plane(0,0,1) = (0,0,1) - c/Re^2 (a,b,c)
= (-ac/Re^2,-bc/Re^2,1-c^2/Re^2)
You can normalize the vector to length 1 if you wish but there's no need. However, you do need to calculate and store the square of the length of the vector, namely
|u|^2 = ((ac)^2 + (bc)^2 + (Re^2-c^2))/Re^4
We could complicate this further by taking the cross product of (0,0,1) and the previous vector to get the third vector in the orthonormal system, then obtain a parametric equation for the intersection of the plane and sphere on which the camera lies, but if you just want the simplest answer we won't do that.
Now we need to solve for t such that
|(ka,kb,kc)+t(-ac/Re^2,-bc/Re^2,1-c^2/Re^2)|^2 = h^2 Re^2
|(ka,kb,kc)|^2 + 2t (a,b,c).u + t^2 |u|^2 = h^2 Re^2
Since (a,b,c) and u are perpendicular, the middle term drops out, and you have
t^2 = (h^2 Re^2 - k^2 Re^2)/|u|^2.
Substituting that value of t into
gives the position of the camera in space.
As for direction, you'll have to experiment with that a bit. Some vector that looks like
(a,b,c) + s(-ac/Re^2,-bc/Re^2,1-c^2/Re^2)
should work. It's hard to say a priori because it depends on the camera magnification, width of the view screen, etc. I'm not sure offhand whether you'll need positive or negative values for s. You may also need to rotate the camera viewport, possibly by 90 degrees, I'm not sure.
If this doesn't work out, it's possible I made an error. Let me know how it works out and I'll check.

Maximum Projection FIeld of View

What is the maximum field of view that can be accomplished via a projection matrix with no distortion? There is a hard limit of < 180 degrees before the math completely breaks down, but experimenting with 170-180 degrees leads me to believe that distortion and deviation from reality begins prior to the hard limit. Where does the point at which the projection matrix begins to distort the view lie?
EDIT: Maybe some clarification is in order. As I increased the FOV angle toward 180 with a fixed render size, I observed objects getting smaller much faster than they should in reality. With a fixed render size and the scene/camera being identical, the diameter of objects should be inversely proportionate to the field of view size, if I'm not mistaken. Yet I observed them shrinking exponentially, down to 0 size at 180 degrees. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that X and Y scaling in a projection matrix are proportionate to cot(FOV / 2). What I'm wondering is when exactly this distortion effect begins.
Short answer: There is no deviation from reality and there is always distortion.
Long answer: Common perspective projection matrices project a 3D scene onto a 2D plane with respect to a camera position. If you consider a fixed distance of the plane from the camera, then the field of view defines the plane's size. Larger angles define larger planes. If you fix the size, then the field of view defines the distance. Larger angles define a smaller distance.
Viewed from the camera, the image does not change whether it sees the original scene or the plane with the projected scene (i.e. there is no deviation from reality).
Problems occur when you look at the plane from a different view point. E.g. when the projected plane is displayed on the screen (fixed size), there is only one position of the camera (your eye) from which the image is realistic. For very large field of view angles, you'll need to be very close to the screen to find that position. All other positions will not result in the correct image. For small field of view angles, the resulting distortion is very small and users will mostly consider it a realistic projection. That's because for small angles, the projected image does not change significantly if you change the distance slightly (changing the distance from 1 meter to 1.1 meters (10%) with a small fov is less problematic than changing the distance from 0.1 meters to 0.2 meters (100%) with a large fov). The most extreme case is an orthographic projection with virtually zero fov. Then, the projection does not depend on the distance at all.
And there is always distortion if objects are not at the projection axis (i.e. for any fov greater than zero). This results in spheres not projecting to perfect circles. This effect also happens with small fovs but there it is less obvious.

Relationship between distance in 3D space and its z depth

I have a flat plane of 2D graphics with a camera pointing at them. I want to get the effect so when a user pinches and zooms, it looks like they anchored their fingers on the plane and can pinch zoom realistically. To do this, I need to calculate the the distance between their fingers into distance in 3D space (which I already can do), but then I need to map that 3D distance to a z value.
For example, if a 100 units wide square and shrunk to 50 units (50%), how much further back would the camera need to move to make that 100 unit square shrink by half?
So to put it simply, If I have the distance in 3D space, how do I calculate the distance of the camera needed to shrink that 3D space by a certain amount?
So, I tried it myself and came up with this formula:
So let's say you are 1 unit away from the object.
When you want to shrink it to 50% (zoomfactor) the new distance equals 2 units => 1 / 0.5 = 2. The camera must be twice as far away.
Moving the camera closer to the plane for zooming only works with a perspective projection. The absolute distance depends on the angle of view. Usually you zoom by reducing the angle of view and not moving the camera at all.
If you are using an orthographic projection you can simply adjust the field of view / scale the projection matrix.

In OpenGL, How can I determine the bounds of the view at a given depth

I'm playing around with OpenGL and I've got a question that I haven't been able to find an answer to or at least haven't found the right way to ask search engines. I have a a pretty simple setup. An 800x600 viewport and a projection matrix with a 45 degree field of view and near and far planes of 1.0 and 200.0. For the sake of discussion, the modelview matrix is the identity matrix.
What I'm trying to determine is the bounds of the view at a given depth. For example, (0,0,0) is the center of the screen. And I'm looking in the -Z direction.
I want to know, if I draw geometry on a plane 100 units into the screen (0,0,-100), what are the bounds of the view? How far in the x and y direction can I draw in this plane and the geometry still be visible.
More generically, Given a plane parallel to the near and far plane (and between them), what are the visible bounds of that plane?
Also, if what I'm trying to determine has a common name or is a common operation, what's it called? That way I can track down more reading material
Your view angle is 45 degrees, you have a plane at a distance of a away from the camera, with an unkown height h. The whole thing looks like this:
Note that the angle here is half of your field of view.
Dusting off the highschool maths books, we get:
tan(angle) = h/a
Rearrange for h and subsitute the half field of view:
h = tan(FieldOfView / 2) * a;
This is how much your plane extends upwards along the Y axis.
Since screens aren't square, the width of your plane is different to the height. More exactly, the width is the aspect ratio times the height. I.e. w = h * aspectRatio
I hope this answers your question.
