css fix for chrome, and other web browsers - css

I am looking for a fix for styling a webpage that so that a webpage on google chrome, will look the same as it does on firefox, meaning, is there some syntax in css to make all of the web browsers look the same. does this exist (I would also like one for I.E., and any other web browser if it exists if it exists)

Google Chrome uses a different rendering engine than Internet Explorer/Firefox, so may display web pages differently. Apple Safari uses the same rendering engine as Google Chrome (WebKit) and should display pages the same way.
If your site isn't rendering properly in any browser, make sure your HTML and CSS are valid by testing them at http://validator.w3.org/.
If your site doesn't render properly in Google Chrome or Apple Safari, file a bug at webkit.org as described at http://webkit.org/quality/reporting.html.
If your site renders properly in Apple Safari but not in Google Chrome, please file a bug against Google Chrome at http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list.
How can I test my website in Google Chrome?
There are several tools to help you test your website in Google Chrome:
Web Inspector
Right-click on any component on a web page to launch the web inspector. You'll be able to see the elements and resources associated with the component on which you clicked, including a hierarchy view of the DOM and a JavaScript console.
Task Manager
Select the Page menu icon, then Developer > Task Manager (or press Shift+Esc). The task manager shows all running Google Chrome processes, and the resources that they're using (memory, CPU, and network).
JavaScript Debugger
Select the Page menu icon, then Developer > Debug JavaScript. This launches a JavaScript debugger that can be used to attach to existing processes.

I found the Answer. Being that I am using drupal, there is a built in IE fix for the theme that I am using (fusion) that creates separate css files (ie7.css, ie8.css, etc). using these, I can adjust what I need for IE specifically.

Most layout problems with decent browsers are cause by invalid HTML, invalid CSS, or misunderstanding what a particular piece of CSS is actually supposed to do.
In general, when I see a difference between FF and Chrome, it is because Chrome is doing the proper thing and FF just happens to be rendering some invalid CSS fine. 99% of the time, I can fix the CSS and get FF and Chrome to render the same.
The remaining times, I typically browser sniff and use jQuery to fix the problem.


Loading user or custom CSS to a running website. on IE for restyling

I am involved recently in a project to restyle a certain published website. I have no access to the code and the CSS files. what I can to do is to load my custom local CSS as a new "user stylesheet" into firefox or chrome using the extension Web developer toolbar which is available on chrome, opera and firefox.
For a reason, "Web developer toolbar" offer a great feature called [Add User Style Sheet] which enable me to load my local CSS and tweak it using firebug to restyle the page as needed.
but of course some tweaks are necessary to do over IE and there is no tool like "Web developer toolbar" over IE. I know there is a way to load a user style sheet from Internet options > accessibility. but it is very dummy, specially when switching from various IE versions using the built-in IE developer tool. and of course that user style sheet will be active only when restarting IE!! ... so it doesn't make sense doing modification on my CSS and restart to see the affected modification !!
Until the time we decide to eliminate IE forever, I am wondering. if there is a way/tool to load my custom CSS over IE and tweak it from outside IE and just reload it? or by refreshing the page[F5]?
Thank in advance.
It wont be easy or quick but the best solution for you r problem would be to do your css styling with IE code inspector. I know its not as good as Firefox or chrome but you will at least be able to see what works and what doesn't. You can ofcouse copy and paste directly out of IE code inspector into your stylesheet but if you refresh you would have to insert all the new styles again.

Browser issues : How do I check what is being sent to page (IE version 10)

I have an ASP.net website that was working fine with IE9, Mozilla, chrome but with IE 10 users have lot issues. The UI and even the functionality (like clicking on button, login/logout do not work) doesn't work well with IE10.
The IE version I have is 10.0.9200.16519.
I see few differences between the view source from IE10 and google-chrome (or even IE9) but can't understand much of it.
Where actually in the site can I check why pages sent to IE 10 browser is different from others browser or IE9?
Please suggest how can I debug further?
PS: The site works fine with IE9 and below versions of IE.
ASP.NET fails to identify IE10's user-agent string, and as a result can send back broken code. This has been discussed in various places, but probably most notably on Scott Hanselman's blog. See the post titled Bug and Fix: ASP.NET fails to detect IE10 causing _doPostBack is undefined JavaScript error or maintain FF5 scrollbar position.
check if there is any js error, use IE developer toolbar (F12) to debug script

Problem with GWT hosted mode when doing Ctrl+F5 in Chrome : CSS don't render anymore

I have a weird problem on my GWT app in hosted mode. I did a "CTRL+F5" on my web page and since then, my app css didn't render anymore. Now, I have an ugly app with nothing more than labels and no styling elements even though I have verified that all resources (css, images and so on) are present.
Even weird fact, the app renders normally on Internet Explorer (never thought I would put IE and normally in the same sentence :D) but it's not working on Chrome and Firefox.
Has anybody already experienced this in dev mode ? It's getting me crazy ... please help ...
thanks in advance
"Ugly" page means that your css does not load anymore. IE possibly caches them so page still renders properly.
Use developer console on Chrome or firebug on Firefox to inspect loading of resources.
Chrome: right-click on any element -> Inspect Element -> select Network tab -> reload page

What tools exist for tracking down IE7 javascript problems?

I am trying to debug a large and complex webapp that makes heavy use of DIVs, AJAX, dynamic HTML and server-side code to do its job.
Under normal operation we do not have problems. However, when we put the webapp into an IFRAME, certain functions trigger a crash in IE7 that renders the browser inoperable (all CPU used).
What tools exist to help track down what could be happening? Loading the IE process into the debugger gives me all sorts of fascinating info about the registers, but I think the issue is in javascript.
We have tracked down one problem with the app already that involved incorrect reparenting of an element (something attached itself to window. instead of document.)
I wrote a test IFRAME page that dumps the innerHTML of the iframe into a textarea, so it can be compared during various states, but that only shows me static attributes, I can't tell what sort of javascript events are associated with elements or determine if a handler is firing out of turn.
IE8, Firefox, Chrome etc do not have the same behaviour.
Ideally I'd like something that would let me snapshot the DOM (or the javascript VM?) during a known good state, then "just before it happens" so we can figure out what's added / removed / missing / different. What is out there?
Update: I'm now trying to use the IE Developer Toolbar to track it down.
Update 2: The IE7 crash occurs following this AJAX code:
function Sys$UI$Control$get_element() {
/// <value domElement="true" locid="P:J#Sys.UI.Control.element"></value>
if (arguments.length !== 0) throw Error.parameterCount();
return this._element;
The return this._element; line is the last thing that happens before I lose IE.
IE Developer's Toolbar. Download it here (IEDevToolBarSetup.msi).
For JavaScript debugging refer this blog.
Some guy made a bundle that's called Internet Explorer Collection. It includes some 6 different IE browsers ranging from IE6 to IE8 in different builds. All those include Firebug (really, it sort of works) and Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar.
It was really helpful for me to debug IE7 issues.
see this link.
By placing 'debugger' in the javascript files in places where you'd like to start debugging you can debug the javascript in visual studio as well complete with trace, call stacks, etcetera.
The IE developer toolbar definitely helps alot. Visual Studios's debugger is also very good if you can get a machine with VS and IE7 on it.
DynaTrace is a profiling tool for IE7. However, it provides a great deal of information (including JS stacks), so it can also be very helpful for debugging.
IE 7 and IE 8 has built in debugging tools. Press F12 and you are ready to debug. Also firebug-firefox and chrome's inspect element options are useful/

Why does the following flash not initially load in firefox, but works in chrome and IE

The following flash does not initially load in firefox, but if I click the second tab on the right, and then go back to the first, it loads. This works in Chrome and IE. Here is the webpage.
This is odd, normally things dont work in IE but do in Chrome and Firefox. Upgrade your Flash Player is my advice
Have you ruled out the possibility of it being a browser problem and not related to the site?
Does Firefox do this for any other sites?
Try clearing you cache and upgrading your Flash plugin to rule out the browser.
At a guess, a timing issue. Flash doesn't keep a network stack, it merely passes network calls to the browser, so any kind of logic that is sensitive to the timing or order of loads, load events, etc., can function differently from browser to browser.
But it's impossible to say more without seeing some code.
