"reserved directory found" error: any way to find out which one? - blackberry-playbook

I've got a project with quite a few JS files, directories etc. The BlackBerry .bar builder says I've got a "reserved directory" in there, and it can't build.
Is there any way to find out the filename it's got a problem with? I've renamed everything called "src". Anything else I should be aware of?
Kind of annoying the guys at RIM could not be bothered to print out the filename too...


Mysterious Qt undefined interface : investigation

I am writing a typical Qt (4.8.2) app with plugins. One of the plugins includes a couple custom interfaces, by calling the Q_INTERFACE macro. Those interfaces are found in .h files visible to the project (via the .pro includes) and they all contain a macro call to Q_DECLARE_INTERFACES.
Yet upon compiling the moc file I get an undefined interface error in the main .h file of the plugin. It doesn't tell me which though, it only specifies the line of the first (I tried changing the order but it makes no difference - unless all interfaces are affected - heck, who knows, that could be the case.)
This plugin works at other people's desks. Some of the stuff in the main app is written with Qt 5 but always with macros to check for the version and include other code for earlier versions like mine. This also works at other people's desks who work with 4.8.2 for their plugins.
Where to look for the cause of that error ?
I don't know why my question got voted down, but here's the answer :
With the copy of the project I also received the moc_*.cpp files and some files called mocinclude.tmp . This was a first git add mistake.
But there is another problem : at least the latter (if not the former) does not get cleaned properly or recreated by Qmake/make clean.
A third problem : In mocinclude.tmp there were absolute file paths from the computer where the project was first created, which wasn't mine. Relative paths would have been less error-prone.
Those wrong absolute paths led to the "undefined interface" error (which is nothing less but a "file not found" error in the case of a needed interface file) when compiling the moc files.
Deleting all mocinclude.tmp (and moc files) solved my problem.
(I also made sure to tell git to not track them anymore.)

Drupal 8 and Patternlab

I am doing a composer install of patternlab with Drupal 8.
I installed the minimal starterkit theme to source/. when i run php core/console --generate i get the message "your styleguide won't render because I cannot find your styleguide files. are you sure they are at .\C:\xampp5.6.28\htdocs\sitename\patternlab\vendor/pattern-lab/styleguidekit-twig-default".
The path is correct but i don't know what styleguide files are? Sounds a bit silly I know. Please help me here, i just need to know what files need to be in that folder. I really have spent many hours Googling, but I just cannot figure it out.
I found the solution. I think the issue is only Windows machine.
styleguideKitPath in config/config.yml must be relative from vendor/.
styleguideKit: pattern-lab/styleguidekit-twig-default
styleguideKitPath: 'vendor/pattern-lab/styleguidekit-twig-default'
When generating the path added is absolute. Although the path is correct, it needs a relative path like above.

Strange behavior of CHM project

Anybody can help me with a strange problem I am having with my CHM based project?
I took an existing CHM file and deconstructed the file using WinCHM. After that I added some new pages and compiled the project. The CHM file was created and everything looked great so far.
After that I put the entire folder (where the original CHM file was deconstructed) into SVN. When I opened the folder the next time I see that all the original formatting from the html pages is lost.
I cant seem to find a reason why. The css files are okay and i have not changed that at all. I know that finding a solution to this (or determining the problem) may not be easy for you guys with so little information.
But can you guys at least tell me what the problem might be?? We are talking possibilities that is all.
Somehow you are in different directories when running, so CHM compiler doesn't get a proper understanding of the CHM root ? E.g. you now run a batchfile via a shortcut instead of changing to the proper dir ? (either by cmd.exe or direct link?)y
If that is not it, try looking at it with some other CHM viewer (easier on non Windows, but e.g. kchmviewer builds for windows exist too). Sometimes they give more error information (but sometimes only in the console window)
Then update your question with what exactly went wrong.
The answer is so simple that I am surprised that it did not occur to me. The directories stylesheets, scripts and images are not in the same folder as the html files. These should be in the same folder.

FDT:Flex and cannot access local file

I am using FDT for Flex development and when I compile, and it tries to access a flv file, I get the error "cannot access local file". This is obviously a security sandbox thing.
Now I tried adding crossdomain.xml to the root and it still makes the same error. I know somehow I need to add to my project use-network=false, but i cant for the life of me work out where the flex compiler additional arguments area is. I know in eclipse how to do it, but with the slightly modified FDT, i havent got a clue
Googling 'FDT Security' throws up a similar discussion here... might be related to your problem?

Flex doesn't build anymore?

I have been working on a project for a long time now and there have been numerous situations in which I cannot seem to build.
I try 'clean', then I try building again.
Whether I do this manually or 'automatically' via saving it doesn't help anything.
This particular time I have no idea what to look for.
Can anyone shed some light on what the heck is happening?
Very frustrating.
The main issue now seems to be the following error:
File not found:
I understand that it can't find the html file, but i can't force it to rebuild it, no matter what i've tried.
What do you mean that it won't build? Is there a build error?
If you have a compiler error, Flex won't build and you'll always be running old code when you debug, so make sure you take care of your source folder errors.
I suspect this is happening because "something" happened to your bin-debug folder.
The fastest fix is to simply nuke the entire folder, then rebuild - FlexBuilder will recreate it for you.
Sometimes a hung instance of FlashPlayer or your testing browser can cause this. Kill them in you task list (or other-OS equivalent)
you just need to do a "clean" before doing a rebuild. it should regenerate the html template file.
I've seen this same thing happen a few times. Everything's okay and then it just stops building. Clean doesn't fix anything and usually anything object I add in the MXML file suddenly isn't visible to the AS code.
There's probably something solveable but after fighting for a while I found it's quicker to just create a new project, copy everything and rebuild.
