Makefile: conversion from recursive make calls to a sequential flow - recursion

I have a Makefile that is executed by "gmake -f Makefile foo" and looks like the following.
#set var = 1
#$(MAKE) bar var=1
bar: is included
#echo “success”
ifeq ($(var), 1)
include test\
I'd like to convert this to a sequential flow, like something in the following as it has less overhead and does not need to step back in this Makefile.
$(eval var=1)
define bar
include test\ #this doesn’t work
#echo “success”
I cannot have an include statement inside a function or target, so how should I go around this problem to make this Makefile sequential with no make calls?

Short answer: you can't do this.
You want to make 'foo' and 'bar' with what are in effect different makefiles, which you can't do without a recursive call to Make.
If you can put some restrictions on what can do, you might be able to get this into one pass.


In GNU Make, output of function call is being treated as a separate line to be executed by the shell

I have defined the following function in a GNU Make file:
define comma-seperated
$(shell printf '$(foreach name,$(1),$(name),)' | head -c -1)
And you would use it like this:
names := John Paul George Ringo
.PHONY: test
#echo Hey $(call comma-sepperated, "$(names)")
but It's outputting as:
and generating an error:
/bin/sh: John,Paul,George,Ringo: command not found
make: *** [Makefile: test] Error 127
Why is the output of the function call being moved to a separate line, and why is the shell trying to then execute it as a command?
As I said, I can't reproduce this. Also, your makefile adds spaces after the commas while your example output doesn't have these, so something is clearly different. Please try to ensure that your questions use the exact example code and show the exact output.
However, a define variable is allowed to contain newlines and if it does, those newlines are preserved and interpreted as newlines in any recipe it is expanded in. For example you can create an entire recipe inside a define, including multiple lines, then use it in a rule and it will work as expected.
So, my suspicion is that in your real version there's an initial newline in the expansion.
I don't see any good reason to use such a complex method for this, though: a difficult-to-understand combination of call, shell, printf, head, etc. It's much simpler to do all of this within make.
Here's one way to do it:
COMMA := ,
comma-separated = $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $(1)))
names := John Paul George Ringo
.PHONY: test
#echo Hey $(call comma-separated,$(names))

GNU Make dynamically created variable name

This is my make recipe, I'm passing nonle value *, although bamboo_nonle_password variable is having password, still function is failing
validatevar.%: $(if $(IS_BAMBOO),)
#echo "\n################################################################################"
#echo ">>> validatevar"
#echo ">>> Start: Validate bamboo variables "
ifndef bamboo_$*_password
#echo "Bamboo variable bamboo_$*_password is empty"
exit 1
ifndef bamboo_$*_server
#echo "Bamboo variable bamboo_$*_server is empty"
exit 1
#echo "<<< Done: validatevar"
#echo "################################################################################\n\n"
You crazy person :)
Make will expand the recipe just before it wants to execute it.
At this point make knows what the % corresponds to,
and so can ensure $* is set appropriately.
Unfortunately, the ifndef…endif pair is evaluated as the makefile is read,
not as the recipe is expanded.
This suggests the answer:
use macros.
Maybe $(origin …) or $(flavor …) in something like
$(if $(filter undefined,$(origin bamboo_$*_password)),#echo "Bamboo variable bamboo_$*_password is undefined")
$(if $(filter undefined,$(origin bamboo_$*_password)),exit 1)
Naturally you can tidy this up a bit.
die-if-undefined = $(if $(filter undefined,$(origin $1)),$(error "$1" is undefined))
$(call die-if-undefined,bamboo_$*_password)
$(call die-if-undefined,bamboo_$*_server)
Two things to note:
The whole of the recipe is expanded in one go, before any of the lines are executed.
The upshot of this is that it doesn't matter where you expand the $(error) assertions.
I have put them at the top.
ifndef also detects empty variables, as well as undefined ones. You may wish to adjust die-if-undefined to take account of this (and rename it to die-if-empty).
(This would all be a lot easier if make would only take a --error-undefined-variables parameter,
just to match the existing --warn-undefined-variables parameter.)

GNU make pattern rules with different file base names

I have a data processing job that I would like to automate with Make. Hundreds of files need to be processed, in several steps.
Unfortunately, the base name will change for at least one of the steps, but it would be easy to write these dependencies into a separate file that then is included.
However, I'd like to avoid also writing the build instructions (which are quite complicated) for all these files separately.
I envisage something along these lines:
# automatically generated rules, included into make file
dir1/ dir2/test_other_name.aa
# (many more rules like the above, linking to yyy.aa)
# pattern rule %.aa
# build step using $# $>
What I would like is the pattern rule to provide the rules, and the explicit rule defining the dependencies. Can something like this be achieved?
When make's noddy patterns don't cut the mustard,
just write out the rules explicitly.
(This has the happy side effect of not using pattern rules.)
Let's say you have a function src-to-target which will generate the target filename (i.e., $(call src-to-target,dir2/test_other_name.aa) expands to dir1/
Also, you have a list of sources in ${srcs}, and ${recipe} is a list of shell commands using $#, $< etc.
define src-to-target = ... # $1:source
define recipe =
echo Building $# from $<
define generate-rule = # $1:source
target := $(call src-to-taget,$1)
targets += $${target}
$${target}: $1 ; $${recipe}
$(foreach _,${srcs},$(eval $(call generate-rule,$_)))
.PHONY: all
all: ${targets} ; : $# Success
The $(foreach ...) does all the work here.
So, looking at that in painful detail,
First expand ${srcs}
Set $_ to the first in the list (dir2/test_other_name.aa say)
Expand $(call generate-rule,$_)
Expand $(call generate-rule,dir2/test_other_name.aa)
$1 is set to dir2/test_other_name.aa, and the expansion of $(generate-rule) follows, leading to this block of text
target := dir1/
targets += ${target}
${target}: dir2/test_other_name.aa ; ${recipe}
As a side effect, $(eval) swallows the above text. The expansion of the $(eval) though is empty.
$_ is set to the next source file.
Wash, lather, rinse, repeat
Once the $(foreach) is complete,
${targets} contains the complete list of targets.
Parallel safe too.
What's not to like?

Make zsh complete arguments from a file

zsh is great but its completion system is very diverse. And the documentation lacks good examples. Is there a template for completing for a specific application. The completion would get its match data from a file, separated by newlines?
I tried modifying an older example of mine that takes match data "live":
~ % cat .zsh/completers/_jazzup
#compdef jazz_up
_arguments "2: :(`mpc lsplaylists|sed -e 's# #\\\\ #g'`)"
I could supply cat my_file there instead of mpc invocation and so on but would there be a more elegant way to do this simple task? And that completion there is placement-specific: can you provide an example where zsh would attempt to complete at any point after the program name is recognized?
The match data will have whitespaces and so on, the completion should escape the WS. Example of that:
Foo bar
Get it (42)
Now if that completion would be configured for a command Say, we should get this kind of behaviour out of zsh:
$ Say Fo<TAB>
$ Say Foo\ bar
$ Say Ge<TAB>
$ Say Get\ it\ \(42\)
Simple completion needs are better addressed with _describe, it pairs an array holding completion options and a description for them (you can use multiple array/description pairs, check the manual).
(_arguments is great but too complex.)
First create a file
echo "foo\nbar\nbaz\nwith spac e s\noh:noes\noh\:yes" >! ~/simple-complete
Then create a file _simple somewhere in your $fpath:
#compdef simple
# you may wish to modify the expansion options here
# PS: 'f' is the flag making one entry per line
cmds=( ${(uf)"$(< ~/simple-complete)"} )
# main advantage here is that it is easy to understand, see alternative below
_describe 'a description of the completion options' cmds
# this is the equivalent _arguments command... too complex for what it does
## _arguments '*:foo:(${cmds})'
function simple() { echo $* }
autoload _simple # do not forget BEFORE the next cmd!
compdef _simple simple # binds the completion function to a command
simple [TAB]
it works. Just make sure the completion file _simple is placed somewhere in your fpath.
Notice that : in the option list is supposed to be used for separating an option from their (individual) description (oh:noes). So that won't work with _describe unless you quote it (oh\:yes). The commented out _arguments example will not use the : as a separator.
Without changing anything further in .zshrc (I already have autoload -Uz compinit
compinit) I added the following as /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_drush
#compdef drush
_arguments "1: :($(/usr/local/bin/aliases-drush.php))"
Where /usr/local/bin/aliases-drush.php just prints a list of strings, each string being a potential first argument for the command drush. You could use ($(< filename)) to complete from filename.
I based this on -- it's surprising how simple this is at the end of the day.

How to manually call another target from a make target?

I would like to have a makefile like this:
cudaLib :
# Create shared library with nvcc
ocelotLib :
# Create shared library for gpuocelot
build-cuda : cudaLib
make build
build-ocelot : ocelotLib
make build
build :
# build and link with the shared library
I.e. the *Lib tasks create a library that runs cuda directly on the device, or on gpuocelot respectively.
For both build tasks I need to run the same build steps, only creating the library differs.
Is there an alternative to running make directly?
make build
Kind of a post-requisite?
Note: This answer focuses on the aspect of a robust recursive invocation of a different target in a given makefile.
To complement Jack Kelly's helpful answer, here's a GNU makefile snippet that demonstrates the use of $(MAKE) to robustly invoke a different target in the same makefile (ensuring that the same make binary is called, and that the same makefile is targeted):
# Determine this makefile's path.
# Be sure to place this BEFORE `include` directives, if any.
THIS_FILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
#echo $# # print target name
#$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) other-target # invoke other target
#echo $# # print target name
$ make target
Using $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) and -f ... ensures that the $(MAKE) command uses the same makefile, even if that makefile was passed with an explicit path (-f ...) when make was originally invoked.
Note: While GNU make does have features for recursive invocations - for instance, variable $(MAKE) specifically exists to enable them - their focus is on invoking subordinate makefiles, not on calling a different target in the same makefile.
That said, even though the workaround above is somewhat cumbersome and obscure, it does use regular features and should be robust.
Here is the link to the manual section covering recursive invocations ("sub-makes"):
Recursive Use of make
Most versions of make set a variable $(MAKE) that you can use for recursive invocations.
As you have written it, the build target will need to do something different depending on whether you have just done an ocelot or cuda build. That's another way of saying you have to parameterise build in some way. I suggest separate build targets (much like you already have), with associated variables. Something like:
build-cuda: cudaLib
build-ocelot: ocelotLib
build-cuda build-ocelot:
shell commands
which invoke ${opts-$#}
On the command-line you type make build-cuda (say). Make first builds cudaLib, then it carries out the recipe for build-cuda. It expands the macros before calling the shell. $# in this case is build-cuda, thus ${opts-$#} is first expanded to ${opts-build-cuda}. Make now goes on to expand ${opts-build-cuda}. You will have defined opts-build-cuda (and of course its sister opts-build-ocelot) elsewhere in the makefile.
P.S. Since build-cuda et. al. are not real files, you had better tell make this (.PHONY: build-cuda).
