Change WordPress Permalink for a plugin page - wordpress

I am using Age Verification WordPress plugin. It asks the users to submit their age to enter the website. It does everything fine but the URL of the page is too long and do not look professional.
You can check the page here -
When you open the webpage you will be taken to a page to verify your age. The URL of that page is too long. I want to make it shorter. Is there anybody who can help me?

You could create separate page for this porpuse. When user enters the site redirect user to this page and run the plugin. Url which user is to redirected on you could store in session. It is not necessary to store it as GET-parameter.
I hope it will be helpfull.


Please introduce me a WordPress plugin

I need a page to redirect users. Usually, these pages are used to download free files so that the users has to view advertisements. I would like to make this page with a plugin because I am not a programmer .But I can put codes in the header, footer and body with the help of the WordPress template (Jannah template).
The page should be in such a way that users wait for some time after entering this page, for example 30 seconds. After that, the download button will be displayed for them.
Note: I'm know redirecting users and I'm familiar with plugins like Yost, I need a page, a page that can redirect users.
Please help me friends.
I didn't try anything because no matter what I searched I couldn't find a plugin for this.

WPForo plugin. The login is now wp-adminlogin and I get diferent menues depending on what computer i use?

I use WPForo and all was fine then now al of a sudden the login is to the WordPress-admin page and not to the forum and My restriction is not functioning the forum is visible to anyone and its supposed to be locked and payment, paidmemberpro plugin does not show at all. Can some one help me?
You should go to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page and enabled these three options:
Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL Replace
Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL Replace Reset Password Page
URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL

How to set a login page to see the website in wordpress?

i'm a beginner and I'm trying to set a login page on my website build in wordpress. Searching on google I don't find a solution for my issue. There are a lot of plugins that customize the login page in wp-admin to acces at the backend. What I'm trying to do is different. I'd like to put a login page at my website (home page) and after the user has insered the credentials, he can see everything on the website. I don't know how to start. Every suggests are appreciate. Thank you in advance
If you're ok with using WP users table and auth systems you could put template content inside a conditional to check if users are logged in.
It isn't elegant but it would get you what you want.

Make login form in wordpress

I did a login form with this link
When I login it redirects to the page of the profile, but I wanted to stay on the same page with a user's session! Is it possible?
I have knowledge in PHP, but it is the first time I am using wordpress and I'm not used to.
There are a couple of good login redirect plugins that can be set to return users (based on role, for example) back to the referral page, or to a predetermined page, instead of to the dashboard.
Here's one I've used a few times, it's got some great options

Redirect referring page after login and template the profile page in wordpress

I'm having a wordpress site(still offline) which is basically a news paper site. Users has to registered to comment. My problem is that when users login for commenting on any article, they are redirected to profile page (or to home page if i use some plugins)... but the standard should be redirecting them to the referring page as to comment on that was the reason they logged in. What is the solution for this?
And another thing is the user profile, my site actually don't need a user profile but need option to change the password. By default the profile is same like the wp dashboard, how do i template it? Is it author.php file that i have to work on?
Regarding the redirection. You can simply specify the wp login url, where it should take them after they login..
For example.
Takes you to the current page, after the login.. So place a link after the comment.
for disabling profile page modify wp-admin/profile.php like
define('IS_PROFILE_PAGE', true);
Change to:
define('IS_PROFILE_PAGE', false);
I hope you can find the wp comments login link easily in template files.
