Remove "TRIM" in a column field? - trim

Referring to the question above, I have a problem when I'm trying to display my database in datagridview. I have a field "Items" but when I call it to the grid, the field will be name "TRIM(Items)". The "TRIM" comes from my sql statement :-
SELECT TRIM(Items) FROM others2
I need the TRIM so that there is no space when I called my data to the grid.
Anyway, how to remove the word but still it will trim my data?

Try SELECT TRIM(Items) As Items FROM others2.


create empty row in dbgrid

I wanted to insert several lines to database using DBGrid.
on my query, I selected for example:
select * from cust where id='0';
that code will return no record at all so my dbgrid will not show anything but an empty row. Now I wanted to put in data in empty row with new data. However my data needs 2 lines from dbgrid. I wanted dbgrid creates an empty row right after I fill last column in first row. How do I code that? (without inserting the first row data because later I'll insert everything with a seperated button).
you can add records in your table with NULLin each column.
For example, suppose the table where the DBGrid is binded to has 4 columns, than you can try this code to add empty records
Query1.InsertRecord([null, null, null, null]);
With this code you can add as many empty records as you like in the DBGrid
That is assuming that the query component you are using supports the InsertRecord method...

Insert into table access 2010

How can i copy contents of my whole table in sql access and update one column to the same table.
So basically is selecting the whole table and updating one column and pasting that to the same table. thanks.
To clone an existing table back into the same table, but using a different value for one field, use something like the following (see notes that follow!):
INSERT INTO Table1 ( FldA, FldB, MyDate, StateCode )
SELECT Table1.FldA, Table1.FldB, Table1.MyDate, "FL" AS Expr1
FROM Table1;
You can't easily use the * to select/update all fields because your need to change one field would result in a "duplicate destination" error. If needed, you could use an 'IF' statement to change to different values (i.e. IF(FldA="VA","FL",IF(FldA="MD","TX",Flda))

Chnage table Name and Its Field Name Also Without missing any Data In Sqlite

I have created one table 'Temp1'. with fields "id,pName,pid" etc.
but i want to Replace this table name with 'temp2' and fields name aslo with "no,name,rollno" without any data loss.
and also add one extra column compName in new created table Temp2.
can any one help me how i can achieve this.
Plz Help me.
Thanx in advance.
CREATE TABLE temp2 (no, name, rollno);
INSERT INTO temp2 SELECT id, pname, pid FROM temp1;
I assumed no datatypes or constraints on columns, so you need to adjust if you want some constraints.
Now you can verify that you have all the data in new table. Then, if you no longer need Temp1, you can drop it:
and if you want to shrink database (remove unused parts of the database file):

oracle sql developer table column without quotations

I'm using SQL Developer to create oracle tables. I'm trying to create the columns without quotes, but after creating the table, when I see the DDL, all columns and table names are in quotations. I want all the columns to be case-insensitive.
How do I do that? Please advise.
The context here is, I have my code in PHP. I'm migrating my backend from MySQL to Oracle. While using MySQL, I referenced all my table columns in lower case. But it looks like OCI_FETCH_ARRAY returns the data in Uppercase columns.
So do I have to change my PHP code to use Uppercase or is there any other alternative? I have hell lot of code to change!!
Ahh, finally figured this out. Yes I agree, quotations dont always make an object case-sensitive, but my problem was OCI_FETCH_ALL, OCI_FETCH_ARRAY etc retrieved the table columns in Upper case, whereas I wanted them in lower case. The following statement is a workaround for the issue. it converts the columns into lower case.
$data_upper = oci_fetch_assoc($data_res);
$data = array_change_key_case($data_upper, CASE_LOWER);
Quotation marks don't always make an object case-sensitive. Objects in all upper-case are always case-insensitive, even if they are surrounded by quotation marks.
SQL> create table test1("QUOTES_DONT_DO_ANYTHING_HERE" number);
Table created.
SQL> select quotes_DONT_do_ANYTHING_here from test1;
no rows selected
You normally only see quotation marks because some tools automatically add them to everything.

Can we insert Multiple check box Values in One Column?

i wan to insert multiple selected checkbox values to be inserted in to one column, can we do this. and if we can do it? please let me know how to do it......
thank you..
You could take all of the values and append them to a stringbuilder and then submit that to your db column
Use a Flags-type enum and store the integer value in the column.
If you want to want to have these 'multiple check boxes' values predefined then create a separate table for it. Otherwise if they are random, then there shouldn't be a problem. Just read them, append in a string and pass it to database.
You can use separator (like $,:,#...) to combine check boxes value and make one string and insert in to column. And when you want to retrieve that value just spilt that string.
