ASP.NET Maintaining Search History in an application -

Recently i received an interview question.
How to maintain search day to day search history in an application?
Which one of the below would be the right choice?
1)Cookies 2) Sql Server 3) Session State
I guess the correct option could be Cookies.Please kindly share your thought.

SQL Server is the most reliable way of maintaining whatever. Cookies cannot generally be relied upon, and sessions expire and lose all data.
So the question boils down to: if you need to mainain long-term historical records, go with SQL Server. If you want to show what a particular user has searched for, go for session (or cookies, but they're somewhat size-limited).

All 3 options are acceptable in different scenarios for many different reasons - it's a softener question designed to get you thinking and talking:
(1) Cookies - for a per user / browser session provides a client-side solution (provided the user accepts / does not delete them) and you don't care that this can happen. However, this does tie the user to the browser. Useful for anonymous per-user browsing but not if your intention is to keep or query the history.
(2) SQL - guarantees history is saved server side but you would need a mechanism such as a client login to associate the history with the user and the only solution of the 3 presented that would allow you to perform any sort of historical multi-user analysis / analytics.
(3) Session state - not advisable - but arguably similar to cookies but without the caveat that cookie acceptance is required - however you introduce the timeout issue and again tie the user to the browser and limited lifetime of the information.


Several users sharing a single account

Is there any limitation in Tridion that would stop more than one physical user sharing a single Tridion account for logging in?
Tridion as far as I know wouldn't end the other session or log a user out if both logged on at the same time, for instance.
Our client is getting close to their licence limit and is looking several users sharing a single account. From a business perspective they'll lose the ability to really know who changed what - but there's no workflow in place.
Is this in breach of the Tridion licence to do this?
Tridion is a stateless application, so although there is authentication there is no concept of log-in or log-out. You could have problems if different users of the account tried to change the same item at the same time (have seen this in training session where a single account was used).
Yes, it would be a breach of the license conditions - typically this is done on a named-user basis, unless unlimited users were allowed (which would probably mean you wouldn't need to do this anyway).
You're right that it would probably work from the software point of view.
But I think we can guess the answer to your license question. After all, it sounds like they are looking at doing this to avoid paying money to SDL for the actual amount of users that they have.
I'm not a lawyer but that doesn't sound like a good idea...
AFAIK SDL Tridion uses sessions bound to the browser, so it doesn't matter from that point of view how many of those session use the same user account. There is no option of loggin out, or ending a session for that matter either.
So yes multiple users can use the same user account but they pose themselves a risk. If user A checks out an item and starts working with this, user B (using the same SDL Tridion account as user A) can also open that item and will not get it in read-only mode (like you would if you were using a different account). So the versioning and locking of items are now bypassed and rendered useless.
Lastly this is indeed violating the license agreement as specified in the contract (unless there is an unlimited number of users granted in the contract).

Detailed and specific use of Sessions?

Can any one help me in explaining the detailed and proper use of ASP.NET Sessions.
i read many web portals and blogs but i do not understand how to and where to use the sessions.
we create many sessions on page, for login, transfering some values from one page to another. but what is its impact on multiple users like more than 10000 users accessing the website, server transfer rate. memory storage, etc.
This may help many beginners, and also experienced person to properly use sessions in their project.
Any help is appreciated.
This is roughly how it works:
When the user visits your webpage, a session ID is set in a cookie in the user's browser. Each time the browser sends a request to the server, the browser will pass the cookie containing the session ID to the server. This allows the server to recognize the user and associate data with the user across multiple page requests (you can use sessions without cookies if you want to).
The server will by default store this data in memory. However, if multiple webservers are running the application and serving the same user, they will all need to know about the user's session data. Thus, you can configure your application to store session data using the "ASP.NET State Server" Windows service, or you can store the data in a SQL database (or you can write your own Session State Provider and store the data wherever you like). Moreover, storing the session data in memory is obviously a bad choice if you are worried your machine might crash (that obviously should worry you).
As for the "proper and detailed" use of ASP.NET sessions it is hard to say - it depends on what you are trying to achieve.
If you can help it, you should store only small amounts of data in sessions, as the combined sessions of all users visiting your website may take up quite a lot of space. Moreover, if you are using the ASP.NET State Server or the SQL Server session state stores the data you store needs to be serialized and deserialized, which will take a non-trivial amount of time for data of non-trivial size.
If what you are planning to store isn't confidential, an alternative approach might be to store the data in a cookie. That way your server will not have to worry about storing the data at all. This way you are trading memory (or disk space or whatever storage mechanism you choose) for bandwidth, as the cookie will now be part of the payload for every request.

Best practice for session persistent data to minimise post backs

My question is how to best handle temporary data for an session. The scenario is similar to a shopping cart or like a bet slip. While the user is navigating the site and adding items with unique ID's. I'm only interested in the data collected this way if the user wants to commit it.
I'm developing in ASP .Net 3.5 with jQuery,JSON and a MS SQL DB.
As I see it there are a few possible ways to do this.
Perform a full post back to the server. Store every selections, update page controls accordingly.
Send selections via a Ajax request back to the server and update displaying control.
Build all functionality in JavaScript and store all values in a session cookie. Nothing being sent to server until user choose to commit.
I really want to consider performance here but I don't want to end up with 1000's of lines of JavaScript code..
Any suggestions of the best implementation with pro's and con's?
Storing things in a session cookie is not a good idea, because that will be sent back to the server with every request. If you could find a way to store the state on the client without using a cookie, then you might have a viable client-centric option, but i can't think of anything portable off the top of my head. There are things in HTML5 and Flash that can do it, but you don't want to go there - yet, in the case of the former, and at all, in the case of the latter.
I'd use AJAX to post back to the server (with graceful degradation to a full post for browsers that can't handle that), then store the information in volatile memory there - ie not in the database. Write it to the database only when you need to. This is very easy to do in Java (you can associate information with the session), so i assume has some way to do it too.
All three possibilities look good to me. The question, however, is: how much traffic do you expect?
Each of the options you presented suits better to a given scenario. Let's say you will have A LOT (thousand of thousands) users and not a lot of hardware available then you should probably try to minimize the number of requests to your app and store data in the client as much as possible before sending it to the server.
If it is smaller application then using Session or some other central database storage would be fine.
It all depends on your requirements.

ASP.NET State Management in appropriate situations

There are 6 techniques to manage states in ASP.NET 3.5 (as far as I know).
(1) View State
(2) Cross Page Posting
(3) Query String
(4) Session State
(5) Application State
(6) Cookies
Can anyone give me some appropriate examples of situations where I should use these techniques?
For example:
(*) Session State: Personalization, Buy Cart, etc.
(*) Cookies: Saving User Credentials, etc.
There's a lot of factors that can influence this, so I won't comment on all of them. But here are a few pointers:
ViewState - This is useful when you'll be posting back to the same page frequently (something you're practically forced into doing by ASP.Net Webforms). How useful it is exactly changes depending on what kind of app you're building. For public internet sites, it should be used very sparingly. You may even want to turn it off by default. For local intranet sites, it's a great tool — especially for the fewer, heavier, webforms pages.
Query String - Use this to store state that you need to allow the user to bookmark a page or process and come back to much later. Even then, you might want to keep it down to some kind of hash that you can use as a key in a database lookup to avoid a really huge url (though hashes have their own problems). Also, a lot of users like to fiddle with your query string directly, so it can be dangerous to put too much here. It's easy to accidentally expose data to users who aren't supposed to see it this way.
Application State - Remember that this is shared by all users, so use appropriately. Things like view counts can go here.
Cookies - Don't use cookies to store user credentials. They're just plain unencrypted text files. Use cookies to store a key into the session (even here you can and should now use cookie-less sessions) and simple personalization settings that will be specific to that user and browser. For example, my monitor size at work is different from home, and so putting display size/layout settings into a cookie is nice because the settings stick for each computer, but it isn't going to compromise my security any if someone else reads that information.
Now I want to highlight this concept from the "Query String" section:
you might want to keep it down to some kind of hash that you can use as a key in a database lookup
Again, hashes have their own problems, but I want to point out that several items on my list talk (including Query String) about uploading data from the client web browser to the web server: ViewState, Query String, Cookie, and Cross-Page Post. You want to minimize the data that you move from client to server. This concept applies to all of these, and for several reasons:
Pulling data from the client is slow for public internet sites. Even broadband connections typically cripple the bandwidth available for upload. 512Kpbs (still a typical broadband upload rate in many areas) is nothing when compared to the Gigabit Ethernet (or faster) connection that likely sits between your database and your web server. As much as you might think of a database query as slow (and it is), it's still likely a much better way to go than waiting for the same data to arrive from the client.
Keeping the data on the server is cheaper, because you don't pay for the bandwidth required to push it to or from the client, and bandwidth often costs as much or more than your server hardware.
It's more secure, because if done right even when a client's computer or connection is compromised all the hacker has access to initially is a hash key that likely expires by the time he can decrypt it. Of course, if done wrong he can use that key directly immediately, so you still need to be careful.
So for most things, what I recommend is to start out by keeping a database key in the Session and then have code to easily pull what you need from a database based on that key. As you experience bottlenecks, profile to find out where they are and start caching those pages or controls, or keep that data/query result in the session directly.
State management option
View state:
Use when you need to store small amounts of information for a page that will post back to itself. Using the ViewState property provides functionality with basic security.
Control state:
Use when you need to store small amounts of state information for a control between round trips to the server.
Hidden fields:
Use when you need to store small amounts of information for a page that will post back to itself or to another page, and when security is not an issue.
You can use a hidden field only on pages that are submitted to the server.
Use when you need to store small amounts of information on the client and security is not an issue.
Query string:
Use when you are transferring small amounts of information from one page to another and security is not an issue.
You can use query strings only if you are requesting the same page, or another page via a link.
Server Side Management Options
Application state
Use when you are storing infrequently changed, global information that is used by many users, and security is not an issue. Do not store large quantities of information in application state.
Session state
Use when you are storing short-lived information that is specific to an individual session and security is an issue. Do not store large quantities of information in session state. Be aware that a session-state object will be created and maintained for the lifetime of every session in your application. In applications hosting many users, this can occupy significant server resources and affect scalability.
Profile properties
Use when you are storing user-specific information that needs to be persisted after the user session is expired and needs to be retrieved again on subsequent visits to your application.
Database support
Use when you are storing large amounts of information, managing transactions, or the information must survive application and session restarts. Data mining is a concern, and security is an issue.
Not sure if you mean the Cache object by Application State.
The Cache object is a great way to manage application wide state, e.g. to record source and count access to your website (to prevent DDOS attacks for example).
(3) Query String
(4) Session State
(5) Application State
(6) Cookies
1. Viewstate
Disclaimer: Use as little as possible. Good point is to always have each state reachable by an url, if possible.
F.e. Paging should use the URL (so /url/?p=2 instead of storing the page in Viewstate)
Use to persist control state between page-cycles.
F.e. Store the selected item in a checkbox, so you can determine whether it has changed.
2. Cross Page Posting
Don't. See the disclaimer for viewstate. Use the URL for this, or store the data in a session / cookie / profile if loads of properties need to be kept around.
Major downside of CPP is that the user cannot use the 'Back' and 'Forward' buttons in it's webbrowser. When a user clicks the back button it wants to undo everything on that page and retry the last one. When using CPP to click them through a wizard; this behavior is not possible without a lot of 'Are you sure you want to resend blablablabl'.
3. Query String
Use alot. Every visible state that a page could reach should be accessible by URL. People with screenreaders will thank you for this. And by using the query string there is no need to use javascript-only solutions.
/url/?page=2 // when doing paging, don't use postback for this
/url/?tab=advanced-search // when having tabs on top of your page
4. Session state
Use this for short-living objects, that only make sense this time the visitor visits your site. For example:
Which step of a certain wizard was reached
Pages a user had visited before
Small objects you want to put in cache, but that are user-bound
Don't use sessions but profiles for things like:
Selected language
Because those things also make sense the next time the user visits your site.
5. Application state
Never. Use ASP.NET cache, or memcached, or any caching framework for this.
6. Cookies
Session ID, Profile ID for authenticated users; user preferences for anonymous users (everything listed in the second list under 4.).

Performance and cookie

Writting an shopping cart. I am leveraging the session for state but I also want to store basic info in a cookie. This info would be the items / qty. I am aware of the cookie size limitations but here the question.
Are there any sources of information on performance cost in terms of writting to a cookie as opposed to sql. In my current use case, I would at most be writting to the cookie on each page post (of course only the pages that had to deal with the shopping cart)
Just trying to determine the negative sides to using a cookie.
There are too many factors at play to be able to answer that question.
How fast is your database? How fast is the network? How fast is the end users network connection?
In general: cookies are reasonably fast enough.
But so is a well constructed database call.
I look at other factors when making this call. Cookies can go away, they timeout, and you generally have no real control over them. Is that a problem? If yes, then do sql. If not, then do a cookie. Is security of the data an issue? If yes then do sql.
BTW: Most shopping carts that I've done use sql for most of that data.
In my experience writing a cookie is a lot less cost than making a database call but how much data do you want to store and does it break the functionality if the client blocks cookies?
If you wish to persist session using a cookie, why not make an identifier cookie once when they arrive first time for the user and store this id on the session data. then when a session ends without saving the basket (i.e. on the session end event) flush the session data to the DB with the cookie identifier. Then when the user returns to the site later offer to restore their last basket from the DB by getting the cookie identifier.
