Custom Control with Custom Collection Property -

I have an ASPX Custom Control which is supposed to load it's properties into an internal collection (defined with PersistenceMode.InnerProperty). Here's the ASPX
<cc:CustomControl runat="server">
<cc:QueryTypeOne ... />
The problem is, when I use the above code, I get a parser error "Type 'CustomControls.QueryCollection' does not have a public property named 'QueryTypeOne'". (FYI QueryTypeOne inherits a class called Query). I don't want a public property called QueryTypeOne, I want it to load into the QueryCollection property I have waiting for it!
Here's all the relevant code.
CustomControls.CustomControl class has a property called queries
<DefaultValue(CType(Nothing, String)),
PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)> _
Public Property Queries As QueriesContainerTag
And QueriesContainerTag just exists to allow the ASPX engine to get access to the collection (QueryCollection)
<ParseChildren(True, "Queries"),
Serializable()> _
Public Class QueriesContainerTag
Private _Queries As QueryCollection = Nothing
Public ReadOnly Property Queries As QueryCollection
If _Queries Is Nothing Then
_Queries = New QueryCollection()
End If
Return _Queries
End Get
End Property
End Class
Where QueryCollection is a custom class that implements ICollection with this signature:
Public Class QueryCollection
Implements IList(Of Query), ICollection(Of Query), IEnumerable(Of Query)
Also, oddly enough, if I changed QueriesContainerTag to use a built in list class, everything works perfectly!
<ParseChildren(True, "Queries"),
Serializable()> _
Public Class QueriesContainerTag
Private _Queries As List(Of Query) = Nothing
Public ReadOnly Property Queries As List(Of Query)
If _Queries Is Nothing Then
_Queries = New List(Of Query)()
End If
Return _Queries
End Get
End Property
End Class

Microsoft does not implement Generic List support for custom control collection properties! As soon as I added the IList interface, everything started working exactly as expected.
Personally, I don't understand why they did this. Even more, I would have thought an IList(Of T) (IList<T> for you C# guys) should work automatically everywhere an IList is required. After all, T will always inherit from object.


can I pass an aspx page class to a subroutine?

Here's what I'd like to do: Let's say I have a page named "foo.aspx". The class is called "foo". On the page is a checkbox named "bar". I want a subroutine to update that checkbox.
So what I want to write is something like:
In foo.aspx.vb:
partial class foo
... whatever ...
dim util as new MyUtility
In MyUtility
public sub update_checkbox(foo1 as foo)
end sub
But this doesn't work, as Visual Studio doesn't accept "foo" as a class name. Why not? Is there a magic namespace on it, or something else I have to do to identify the class besides say "foo"?
(And yes, I realize that in this trivial example, I could just pass in the checkbox, or move the one line of code into the aspx.vb, etc. My real problem involves setting a number of controls on the form, and I want to be able to do this in a class that has subtypes, so I can create an instance of the proper subtype, then just call one function and set all the controls differently depending on the subtype.)
NDJ's answer works. For anyone else dropping by here, let me add that I was able to do something a little more flexible than his suggestion. I was able to create a property that returns the control itself, rather than some attribute of the control. Namely:
public interface ifoo
readonly property bar_property as literal
end interface
partial class foo
implements ifoo
Public ReadOnly Property bar_property As Literal Implements ITest.bar_roperty
' assuming the aspx page defines a control with id "bar"
Return bar
End Get
End Property
dim util=new MyUtility()
end class
public class MyUtility
public sub do_something(foo as IFoo)
foo.bar_property.text="Hello world!"
end sub
end class
This is a bit of a pain as you have to create an interface, and then create a property for each control that you want to be able to manipulate, but it does appear to work.
If there's a way to make the aspx class itself public, this is all unnecessary baggage in most cases. (It might be valuable if you have multiple pages that have controls that you want to manipulate in the same way.) But I can't figure out how to do that.
You can do this, but there are a few hoops to jump through.
Using your example...
If you create an interface with a Boolean property, then implement it in your page, then you can pass the interface about and changing the property will automatically change the checkbox. i.e.
Public Interface IFoo
Property Bar As Boolean
End Interface
Partial Class _Foo
Inherits Page
Implements IFoo
Public Property Bar As Boolean Implements IFoo.Bar
Return Me.CheckBox1.Checked
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
Me.CheckBox1.Checked = value
End Set
End Property
Then some handler just needs to accept the interface:
Public Module SomeModule
Public Sub SetValues(foo As IFoo)
foo.Bar = True
End Sub
End Module
and the caller from the page passes itself:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
You can expose the checkbox as a public property on the page. I don't write in, but it would look something like this in C#:
Can someone convert this to VB.Net?
public bool MyCheckBoxSetting
get { return mycheckbox.Checked; }
set { mycheckbox.Checked = value; }

How to store and access per call data in WCF

I'm trying to set up some WCF services that are connected and pass a custom HTTP header from service to service.
That is my client call ServiceX, which calls ServiceY, which writes to the DB.
They are originally called from a Silverlight 5 client in some cases, other cases from an ASP.NET web app.
I implemented IClientMessageInspector and IDispatchMessageInspector to pass the header from service to service, and in the DispatchMessageInspector I wrote the header to an implementation of IExtension(Of OperationContext) (see below).
However, I wanted this data only to exist for the duration of the call, but it seems to be sticking around in the services under certain circumstances as I keep seeing the same header data repeated in different calls.
Ultimately, I want to be able to pass a custom header to a WCF service, persist it only while that call exists, send it to the next service in the header, and wipe out that service instance. Am I wrong in my thinking that using a PerCall WCF service setup and OperationContext is the right way to do that?
Here is my implementation of IExtension(Of OperationContext). The auditTransactionId is the thing I want to pass in the service. As well, the Current() property is where I keep seeing existing data:
Imports System.ServiceModel
Public Class CustomOperationContextExtension
Implements IExtension(Of OperationContext)
Private ReadOnly m_items As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
Private m_auditTransactionId As String
Private Sub New()
m_items = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)()
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Items() As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
Return m_items
End Get
End Property
Public Property AuditTransactionId() As String
Return m_auditTransactionId
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_auditTransactionId = value
End Set
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Current() As CustomOperationContextExtension
If (OperationContext.Current IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim context As CustomOperationContextExtension = OperationContext.Current.Extensions.Find(Of CustomOperationContextExtension)()
If context Is Nothing Then
context = New CustomOperationContextExtension()
End If
Return context
End If
Return Nothing
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Attach(owner As OperationContext) Implements IExtension(Of System.ServiceModel.OperationContext).Attach
End Sub
Public Sub Detach(owner As OperationContext) Implements IExtension(Of System.ServiceModel.OperationContext).Detach
End Sub
End Class
When I say that data is sticking around, I mean that when I call Current in a new service call I expect the Extensions list to be empty (in the code below in the Current() property), but there is always an existing instance of CustomOperationContextExtension there already that is left over fro a previous call. I'm not sure under which circumstances this happens.

Property binding to web controls in with linq and reflection

I'd like to "bind" properties from a DTO to corresponding controls, for example checkboxlists or textboxes. This is so that I can use a dto (passed through the querystring) to set the initial state of the control, and then have the control set it's value to the dto when it comes time to leave the page. I could do this with two mapping functions (control->DTO, DTO->Control) but instead I'm using Linq and Reflection to maintain a list of property<->control relationships.
I've never done this before and I suspect there may be a better way ... how would you maintain a property<->control relationship?
Here is the code I've used:
Public Class ObjectPropertyMapper
''' <summary>Provides a binding of a control to one or more properties in a DTO.</summary>
Private Class ControlBinding
''' <summary>A reference to the control which will be bound.</summary>
Public Property Control As Control
''' <summary>The property(ies) which the control will be bound to.</summary>
Public Property Props As New List(Of PropertyInfo)
Public Sub New(ctrl As Control, props As IEnumerable(Of PropertyInfo))
Me.Control = ctrl
End Sub
End Class
''' <summary>A list of all the control to dto bindings for this page.</summary>
Private Property ControlBindings As New List(Of ControlBinding)
''' <summary>Returns the property info from a linq expression.</summary>
Private Function GetPropertyFromExpression(Of T)(linqExpression As System.Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of T))) As PropertyInfo
If TypeOf linqExpression.Body Is MemberExpression Then
Return DirectCast(linqExpression.Body, MemberExpression).Member
Dim op = (CType(linqExpression.Body, UnaryExpression).Operand)
Return DirectCast(op, MemberExpression).Member
End If
End Function
''' <summary>Binds a control to a single property of the DTO.
''' Usage: BindControlToProperty(cblFundTypes, Function() Me.SearchParams.FundTypeIDs) ... </summary>
Protected Overloads Sub BindControlToProperty(Of T)(ctrl As Control, linqExpression As System.Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of T)))
' This works by passing through a linq expression, which in turn has a reference to the property.
' We can therefore extract the property from the linq expression, allowing us to store a reference to the property against the reference to the control
Dim prop As PropertyInfo = GetPropertyFromExpression(linqExpression)
ControlBindings.Add(New ControlBinding(ctrl, {prop}))
End Sub
End Class
And the consumer:
Public Class MyPage
Public Sub OnLoad
BindControlToProperty(myCheckBoxList, Function() MyDTO.IntListProperty)
End Sub
End Class
The only alternate method I found was projecting properties onto an anonymous type, as per
An example would be:
Public Class exampleDTO
Public Property MyProp1 As String
Public Property MyProp2 As String
End Class
Public Function GetVariableName(Of T)(obj As t) As String
Dim properties As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo() = obj.GetType.GetProperties
If properties.Length = 1 Then
Return properties(0).Name
Else : Throw New Exception
End If
End Function
Public Sub BindToControl(Of T)(ctrl As Control, prop As T)
End Sub
Public Sub Main
Dim c As New Control
Dim dto As New exampleDTO
BindToControl(c, (New With {dto.MyProp1}))
End Sub
However I have no idea which solution is "better".

Problems implementing a recursive find extension method

I am attempting to implement a recursive extension method in that will find all objects with a certain property set so I can call it like so...
Dim camp As New CampaignStructure 'Populated with a full structure of course
Dim lstFoundItems As List(Of CategoryStructure) = camp.Categories.FindRecursive((Function(c) c.Found = False), 3)
My VB.Net classess and modules currently look like this
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Namespace MyStructure
Public Class CategoryStructure
Public Property CategoryID As Integer = Nothing
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Rank As Integer
Public Property Found As Boolean = False
Public Property Children As New List(Of CategoryStructure)
End Class
Public Class CampaignStructure
Public Property CampaignID As String = Nothing
Public Property Categories As List(Of CategoryStructure)
End Class
Public Module ControlExtensions
<Extension()> _
Public Function FindRecursive(cs As List(Of CategoryStructure), predicate As Func(Of CategoryStructure, Boolean), depthLimit As Integer) As List(Of CategoryStructure)
If cs Is Nothing OrElse cs.Count = 0 Then
Return New List(Of CategoryStructure)()
End If
If depthLimit = 0 Then
Return cs.OfType(Of CategoryStructure)().Where(predicate).ToList()
Return cs.OfType(Of CategoryStructure)().Where(predicate).ToList().Union(cs.Cast(Of CategoryStructure).Select(Of List(Of CategoryStructure))(Function(c) c.Children.FindRecursive(predicate, depthLimit - 1)).ToList())
End If
End Function
End Module
End Namespace
However I'm having casting problems when I'm unioning the recursive result with the current list at the point in the code marked. I can see why that's happening, just have no idea how to resolve it. Please do not send me C# examples as there is no 'yield' alternative in
That's because both sides of UNION have different signatures.
cs.OfType(Of CategoryStructure)().Where(predicate).ToList()
This returns List(Of CategoryStructure).
cs.Cast(Of CategoryStructure).Select(Of List(Of CategoryStructure))(Function(c) c.Children.FindRecursive(predicate, depthLimit - 1)).ToList()
This one returns List(Of List(Of CategoryStructure))
I think what you're looking for is:
Return cs.OfType(Of CategoryStructure)().Where(predicate).Union(cs.Cast(Of CategoryStructure).SelectMany(Function(c) c.Children.FindRecursive(predicate, depthLimit - 1))).ToList()
SelectMany returns flattened collection typed as IEnumerable(Of CategoryStructure).

Connect reusable ASP.NET WebControl to a method for loading data

I'm trying to create a control that can extend other webcontrols and set some properties like visible and enabled, based on user permissions.
Here's an example where your user role would need to include the "CanSave" permission:
<asp:Button ID="btn1" runat="server" Text="Save"/>
<myControls:PermissionsExtender runat="server" ControlToSet="btn1" Permission="CanSave"/>
I'm trying to keep this reusable, that's why the PermissionExtender is in a separate project that can not have any dependencies to other projects. To make a decision, the control of course needs to get this info from somewhere else (database or something). I made another control and, using events, the above extender will be set by a master control, so only that needs to know where to look up the information.
The master control now needs to be configured to know where the information about roles and permissions will be coming from. My idea was to have an interface inside the reusable project, and implement that somewhere else, then configure my control to go and find the class that implements the method I need and load it through reflection. But I'm unclear how this could work. I would probably place the master control in the masterpage and supply it a class name like PermissionClass="SecurityLibrary.PermissionsClass". Kinda like ObjectDatasource does it, but other suggestions are welcome.
The method signature would be like:
bool HasPermission(string permission)
It would know the current users role and using that combination, looks up if the role includes the permission.
How can I wire up a call from the control to a method inside my main project that can supply the necessary information without making them dependent.
I think I've got something that will work for you (tested fine for me but I may have misunderstood part of what you were looking for). With this implementation the designer code will look like this:
<web:PermissionMasterControl runat="server" ID="masterController" PermissionClass="SecurityLibrary.RandomPermissionClass" />
<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="save" />
<web:PermissionExtender runat="server" ControlToSet="btnSave" Permission="CanSave" MasterControllerID="masterController" />
Now for the SecurityLibrary. Pretty straight forward, I included a simple "RandomPermissionClass" that randomly returns true/false.
Namespace SecurityLibrary
Public MustInherit Class PermissionClass
Public MustOverride Function HasPermission(ByVal permission As String) As Boolean
End Class
Public Class RandomPermissionClass
Inherits PermissionClass
Private rand As New Random()
Public Overrides Function HasPermission(permission As String) As Boolean
Return If(rand.Next(2) = 0, False, True)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Now we have the "myControls" library, which contains no references to SecurityLibrary. I created two controls and a delegate. The controls are "PermissionMasterControl" and "PermissionExtender". The delegate is what is used to actually perform the check against the reflected object.
Namespace myControls
Public Delegate Function HasPermissionDelegate(ByVal permission As String) As Boolean
Public Class PermissionMasterControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.Control
Public Property PermissionClass As String
Return If(ViewState("PermissionClass") Is Nothing, "", ViewState("PermissionClass").ToString())
End Get
Set(value As String)
ViewState("PermissionClass") = value
End Set
End Property
Private ReadOnly Property PermissionDelegate As HasPermissionDelegate
If _permissionDel Is Nothing Then
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(PermissionClass) Then
Dim t = Type.GetType(PermissionClass, False)
If t IsNot Nothing Then
_permissionObj = Activator.CreateInstance(t)
Dim mi As MethodInfo = _
t.GetMethod("HasPermission", BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)
_permissionDel = [Delegate].CreateDelegate(GetType(HasPermissionDelegate), _permissionObj, mi)
End If
End If
End If
Return _permissionDel
End Get
End Property
Private _permissionObj As Object = Nothing
Private _permissionDel As HasPermissionDelegate = Nothing
Public Function HasPermission(ByVal permission As String) As Boolean
If PermissionDelegate Is Nothing Then
Throw New NullReferenceException("The specified permission class (" + PermissionClass + ") could not be loaded/found.")
End If
Return PermissionDelegate(permission)
End Function
End Class
Public Class PermissionExtender
Inherits System.Web.UI.Control
Public Property ControlToSet As String
Return If(ViewState("ControlToSet") Is Nothing, "", ViewState("ControlToSet").ToString())
End Get
Set(value As String)
ViewState("ControlToSet") = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Permission As String
Return If(ViewState("Permission") Is Nothing, "", ViewState("Permission").ToString())
End Get
Set(value As String)
ViewState("Permission") = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property MasterControllerID As String
Return If(ViewState("MasterControllerID") Is Nothing, "", ViewState("MasterControllerID").ToString())
End Get
Set(value As String)
ViewState("MasterControllerID") = value
End Set
End Property
Protected ReadOnly Property MasterController As PermissionMasterControl
If _mastercontroller Is Nothing Then
_mastercontroller = Me.Page.FindControl(MasterControllerID)
End If
Return _mastercontroller
End Get
End Property
Protected ReadOnly Property ManagedControl As Control
If _controlToSet Is Nothing Then
_controlToSet = Me.NamingContainer.FindControl(ControlToSet)
End If
Return _controlToSet
End Get
End Property
Private _controlToSet As Control = Nothing
Private _mastercontroller As PermissionMasterControl = Nothing
Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(e As System.EventArgs)
Dim bResult As Boolean = MasterController.HasPermission(Permission)
ManagedControl.Visible = bResult
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
